



Section Writing如何写调查报告写作技法指导写调查报告要写明调查的原因、调查过程、调查结果以及你得出的结论。一般而言,写调查报告时要从以下几个方面进行分析和写作:首先,根据题目中所给的现象和问题做一些客观的介绍,通常使用的时态是一般现在时。这类题目一般会给出一个图表、列举一些数据或一些事实。我们首先要描述这个图表中的信息。常见的写作方法有:1按调查的先后顺序逐次写;2按事物发展的阶段来写;3将两种事物进行对比,以显示其是非、优劣,找出其差异来写;4按调查对象的特点分门别类来写。其次,分析这些数据或事实反映出的问题。这部分不是调查报告的主体,通常用一两句话阐述就可以。但要做到“一针见血”,即观点提炼准确、鲜明。最后,通常在文章的最后一段阐述作者个人的看法和建议。1According to a survey.2Ive made a survey and find that.3A recent study shows that.4No one could have failed to notice the fact that.5As far as I know.6Some.while some.7I think.8In my opinion.9I hope.10I advise that.满分佳作构建假设你是李军,你在9月6日给当地环保局写了一份报告,报告你们家乡的北湖(North Lake)的现状,内容应包括以下要点:1北湖曾经是旅游景点,水清鱼多;2现在由于工农业污染和当地渔民的过度捕捞,湖水受到污染,鱼类资源几近枯竭;3你的建议注意:1介绍上述所有内容,并适当发挥;2词数100左右;报告的开头已为你写好。参考词汇:环保局The Bureau of Environmental ProtectionTo:The Bureau of Environmental ProtectionFrom:Li JunDate:6th SeptemberSubject:The Situation of North Lake 体裁调查报告时态一般现在时为主主题北湖状况人称第三人称为主结构首段:北湖今昔对比;第二段:提出问题;第三段:合理建议。.对接单元词汇1a place of interest一处名胜2various 各种各样的3in conclusion 总之4strengthen the awareness of environmental protection 加强环境保护意识.巧用单元句式、语法(一)完成句子1由于工业和农业废物,水已经被污染了。Due to the industrial and agricultural waste,the water has been polluted.2应该教育当地人提高环境保护意识。It should educate the local people to raise the awareness of environmental protection(二)句式升级3North Lakes water was very clear.North Lake used to be a place of interest and there were various fish in it.(用定语从句合并句子)North Lake,whose water was very clear,used to be a place of interest and there were various fish in it.4A certain department needs to do something to handle the problem.The fish in it will altogether disappear.(用适当的连词合并句子)A certain department needs to do something to handle the problem,or the fish in it will altogether disappear. 【参考范文】To:The Bureau of Environmental ProtectionFrom:Li JunDate:6th SeptemberSubject:The Situation of North LakeNorth Lake used to be a place of interest,whose water was very clear,and there were various fish in it.Every year many visitors come to North Lake.But now the situation is becoming worse.Due to the industrial and agricultural waste,the water has been polluted.The fish are becoming fewer and fewer because of the pollution and overfishing.In conclusion,a certain department needs to do something to handle the problem,or the fish in it will altogether disappear.First,it should educate the local people


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