



中考语法状语从句1.定义和类型:用来修饰动词,副词和形容词的从句叫状语从句。状语从句分类较多,中考常考的状语从句可分为1、时间状语从句 2、让步状语从句 3、原因状语从句 4、目的状语从句 5、结果状语从句 6、条件状语从句 7、 比较状语从句(比较级已讲)2.具体分类:连词时间状语从句while, when, before, after, as, till, until, since, as soon as, whenever(9AU4)原因状语从句because/since/as目的状语从句 so that结果状语从句so that/sothat/suchthat条件状语从句 if/unless让步状语从句though/although & even if/even though比较状语从句asas & not so/asasthe sameas/suchasthan3. 考点:时间状语从句最常考的是until,常常和非延续性动词组合。其次是结合进行时考察when/while/as,再次是结合主将从现考察as soon as/whenever.原因状语从句,主要考察since作为既然的意思。目的状语从句,考察较少。结果状语从句常常考察so.that与such.that的辨析,so+many/few/much/little+名词结构用用的是so而不是such是一个重要考点。条件状语从句最常考的是unless,相当于ifnot,意为“除非,如果不”。其次结合主将从现考察if的用法让步状语从句,主要考察句子的让步关系2016年一模真题组前瞻:2016年的一模试卷中考察了4个unless,1个though,1个since和1个before共7题。首先,基本上每个区都有一题是关于连词使用的题目,由此可以看出状语从句的重要性。其次,大部分区的题目都是考察了unless的用法,平常的复习中需要多加关注unless表达的两句之间的关系。【2016溧水一模】1.I dont think the rest of the work can be finished within a week _we carefully plan it.A. ifB. tillC. unlessD. Before考点:连词 C【2016高淳一模】2. There are fewer and fewer tigers in India. The situation will continue _ humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones. A. ifB. unlessC. becauseD. Since考点:连词(状语从句) B【2016建邺一模】3. _ explorers have known a lot about Mars, there is much that we dont know. A. UnlessB. AsC. ThoughD. Until考点:状语从句,连词 C【2016联合体一模】4. You cant play computer games you finish your homework. A. becauseB. unlessC. ifD. since考点:状语从句(连词) B【2016六合一模】5. You cant spread some news on the Internet freely you are sure about it.A. sinceB. before C. when D. unless考点:时间状语从句D【2016秦淮一模】6. You should do some housework _ you have grown up. OK, dad, I will. A. unlessB. until C. sinceD. although考点:状语从句引导词&连词辨析 C【2016玄武一模】7You must read the instructions carefully_ you take the medicine.AasBafterCwhileDbefore考点:连词 D2017年一模真题组前瞻:2017年的一模试卷中考察了3个though,2个until,和1个unless共6题。大部分区的题目考察了though的用法,平常的复习中需要多加关注though表达的两句之间的转折关系。有两道题考察了until的用法,一道题是not.until的否定句式,另一道题是until加肯定句式。【2017年 玄武一模】1. Is your QQ account safe? Yes, nobody can use it _ they have the password.A. unless B. when C. since D. if答案 A 连词、状语从句【2017年 建邺一模】2. I joined in the 2017 Nanjing Marathon (马拉松) race, I couldnt run as fast as a real athlete.Thats really great! You are my hero!A. thoughB. untilC. unlessD. if答案 A 连词、状语从句【2017年 江宁一模】3. Zhang Huas parents love him very much, _ they hardly say “I love you” to him.A. unless B. becauseC. untilD. though答案 D 连词、状语从句 【2017年 鼓楼一模】4. -Mum, Im dying for food. Can we have dinner now? -Dear, lets wait _ your dad comes back. A. when B. after C. until D. while【答案】:C【2017年 秦淮一模】5. Life is like climbing a mountain. _ you feel tired, you will enjoy the beautiful view at the top of the mountain. A. Since B. Unless C. Though D. Because【答案】C【2017年 溧水一模】6. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners curiosity(好奇心)_he reaches the end of the story. A. if B. unless C. after D. until 答案 D 状语从句2018年一模真题组前瞻:2018年的一模试卷中考察了3个unless,和1个since共4题。大部分区的题目仍然考察了unless的用法,平常的复习中需要多加关注unless表达的两句之间的关系。【2018年 鼓楼一模】1. Mike used to be a top student, but he has fallen behind _ he lost himself in playing computer games.A. afterB. sinceC. whenD. until答案 B 连词【2018年 建邺一模】2. Well visit the Green Expo Garden there is a heavy rain tomorrow.OK! Flying kites there must be great fun.A. unlessB. sinceC. untilD. if答案 A【2018年 联合体一模】3. Giant pandas are in danger now.Yes. And there will be fewer and fewer _ we take action to protect them.A. ifB. unlessC. afterD. until 答案 B 【2018年 玄武一模】 4. This flat is large enough for a family of three _ you plan to have a second child. A. if B. because C. until D. unless答案 D连词分为并列连词和从属连词,状语从句的连词是从属连词,也有考察并列连词的,不是很多,所以不再单独分类,放在状语从句这一章节。【2016高淳一模】2. You are wanted on the phone. _ nobody knows Im here. A. And B. But C. So D. Or考点:连词 B【2017年 秦淮二模】2. Cindy, you look worried. Do you need a hand? You are so kind, I want to do it on my own.A. andB. orC. soD. but答案 D【2017年 联合体二模】2. Always believe that smile


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