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Section,Topic 2 I can dance and play the guitar.,Unit 7 The Birthday Party,A,Yang Mei 七(4),GameChant Clap your hands. Nod your head. Flap your arms. Shake your body. Stamp your feet.,Were having a good time/having fun/ playing happily.,(玩得快乐。),Can you+V? Yes,I can./ No,I cant.,I can,but I cant.What can you do?,Pairwork-Talk about yourself.,What can he/she/they do? He/She /They can 。,sing Chinese songs,sing English songs,play the piano pinu,perform ballet pf:mblei,dance to disco disku,Pairwork:,take photos,GameChant Songs ,songs,I can sing Chinese songs. Disco ,disco.He can dance to disco. Ballet, ballet.She can perform ballet. Piano,piano.They can play the piano. What else can you/he/she/ they do? I can also walk.He can also run. She can also sing.They can also dance. Im sure we have a good time every day.,els 别的其它的,我确信,sing Chinese songs sing English songs dance to disco perform ballet play the guitar play the piano,Listen to 1a and match.,Jane,Maria,录音,Kangkangs birthday is coming.What can Jane do?What can Maria do?,I can sing English songs. I cant sing Chinese songs. Can you do it,too? Yes,I can,/No,I cant. What can you do? Can 用法口诀: Can 表会和能 , 后加动原形; 变疑问can提前,句尾问号记心间; 变否定也不难,not 加在can 后边; Can的本领大有大,各种人称都用它。,肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,肯定/否定回答,draw,draw,cook,cook,drive,can,What,can,do,一、选词填空 1.I can_,but he cant _(draw / to draw). 2.He can_,but she cant_(cooking/cook). 3.-Can they_(drive/driving)cars? -Yes,they_.(can/cant/do/dont) 二、划线部分提问 1.We can speak English. _ _ you _? 2.We can speak English. _ _you_?,What,can,speak,挑战吧,Riddle(谜语):,It cant walk. It cant run. What can it do? It can swim. What is it?,Group workMake up a riddle,It cant _. It cant _. What can it do? It can _. What is it?,Learn the new phrases: have a good time, dance to disco, be sure, perform ballet,play the piano Learn the usage of “can ” and “cant” for ability and inability. Example: (1)I can swim, but I cant play basketball. (2)A: Can you sing Chinese songs or English songs? B: English songs. (3)What else can you do?,Summary,Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs?你想唱中文歌还是英文歌?,选择疑问句:一般疑问句+or?,选择疑问句的口诀: 选择问句真奇妙,一般问句加上or, Or的前后要对称,前升后降是语调。 不用Yes、No 回答。,- Can you + v. or + v. ? -I can + v ,dance to disco,or,perform ballet,Pair work,选择疑问句的口诀: 选择问句真奇妙,一般问句加上or, Or的前后要对称,前升后降是语调。 不用Yes、No 回答。,Can you sing?,A:Can you sing Chinese songs or English songs?,B:Chinese songs.,x,sing,dance,Pair Work,Learn some new words or phrases, then ask and answer.,I can. , but I cant.,cook,draw pictures,take photos,What can you do?,Learn some new words or phrases, then ask and answer.,I can. , but I cant.,dance to disco,perform ballet,play the piano,What can you do?,Group Work,A:I can swim, but I cant play basketball. What can you do? B:I can cook, but I cant draw pictures. What about you? C:I can.,Talk about what you can or cant do?,( )1.Mr.Monkey cant see the bread at all. ( )2.Mr.Monkey can see the rice. ( )3.Mr.Monkey cant see the apple. ( )4.Mr.Monkey wants to eat the bananas.,Listen to the conversation and write T(True) or F(False).,T,F,F,T,Listen and read the sounds and w


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