



Module 4 Unit 1I.根据句意和首字母提示写单词。1.There are lots of people in the supermarket. Its too crowded.2.She lives far away from school, so she has to get up early.3.What do you like best, English, maths, or PE?4.My home is the closest to school of all, so I walk to school.5.All the buildings are excellent except this one.II.选词填空(注意适当形式)。a bitthe same aswhat happenedfar fromclose to1.He lives far from the work place, so he has to get up very early every morning.2.Dereks room is a bit bigger than Bennys.3.What happened last night?4.Your bookcase is exactly the same as mine.5.Dont stand too close to the customers. It seems that you force them to buy the products.III.适当形式填空。1. Jack is the tallest (tall) in our class.2.Tom lives closest (close) to school of all my classmates.3.I dont want his help. It will make our job even more difficult (difficult).4.Who is the best (good), Tony, Betty or Daming?5.Betty lives farthest (far) of us.IV.单项选择。A.1. Who listens _, Tom, Jack or Bill?A. the most carefullyB. more carefullyC. the most carefulD. more carefulC. 2. _ do you go home?I often go home by train.A. WhereB. WhenC. HowD. WhyD. 3. Which month has _days in a year?February.A. fewB. littleC. the leastD. the fewestC. 4. Ive got quite a few dictionaries. Among them, this English dictionary is _.A. much usefulB. more usefulC. the most useful D. a little usefulD. 5. _ does your uncle live from here?About 20 miles.A. How longB. How oftenC. WhereD. How farB. 6. Betty usually goes to school _ her fathers car while I like go to school_ my bike.A. by; inB. in; onC. with; byD. on; atC. 7. Im in a hurry. Whats the_ way to get there?A. cheapestB. most comfortableC. fastestD. longestB. 8. Everybody went to the party _ Mary. Mary stayed at home and looked after her sister.A. includingB. exceptC. besidesD. overD. 9. It takes _ more than two hours _ her homework every day.A. she; finishesB. her; finishesC. she; to finishD. her; to finishD. 10. The tower is _ highest building in our city.A. twoB. the twoC. thirdD. the thirdV.句型转换。1. He sometimes takes the train to Shanghai. (改为同义句)He sometimes goes to Shanghai by train.2.Toms home is close to mine. (改为同义句)Tom doesnt live far from my home.3.Mrs. Wang goes to work by car every day. The car is her husbands (合并句子)Mrs. Wang goes to work in her husbands car.4.Mary runs more slowly than any other student in her class. (改为同义句)Mary runs the most slowly in her class. .完成句子。1.一只流浪猫孤独的躺在路边。A homeless cat was lying lonely by the side of the road.2.你的同学中谁是你最好的朋友?Among your classmates, who is your best friend?3.北京地铁一直人满为患。The subways in Beijing are all the time crowded with passengers.4.这会儿正是高峰期,坐地铁到那里是最快的方式。Taking the subway is the fastest way for you to get there since its rush hour.5.工厂通常建在远离城市的地方以防危害当地居民的健康。Factories are u


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