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人教版高中英语 系列优秀课件,appreciation of a clip about future life,life in the past,life at present,what life in the future will be like?,objectives,to learn about life in the future 2. to describe your ideal city for the future,brick,what is it made of/from?,mud,concrete,stone,ice,wood,straw,bamboo,brick concrete mud glass steel stone wood,what materials is your school made of/from?,1. _ is a very light metal. 2. _ is a very strong metal. 3. both _ and _ come from trees.,aluminium,steel,rubber,wood,choose the building material to complete the sentences.,_ is light, strong, very popular, and man-made. 5. _ are often used to build walls. _ is very strong and is used in many modern buildings. 7. _ is wet earth. 8. _ is a natural hard material. 9. _ is used to make windows.,plastic,bricks,concrete,mud,stone,glass,architecture in the future,scientists predict that, with the rapid development of science and technology, people in the future will live in green houses that are both energy-saving and beautiful, and that materials used to build them can be recycled and reused.,住宅智能化主要是以电话、计算机、电视机等连成一体的自主控制、扩展、享用的工作、学习、娱乐家庭综合信息服务平台。实现安全防盗、火灾与煤气泄漏报警、遥控紧急求助等;家居设备管理自动化,如遥控调解空调、热水器、微波炉、音响、电视等, 电源与照度控制等;四表(电表、水表、煤气表、热工表)数据自动采集与传输;电话、电视、电脑的综合通讯和信息交互,实现vod点播几多媒体信息通讯。,1. where is it? 2. what is it made of?/what materials will you use to build your dream house? 3. how big is it? 4. why do you choose this kind of materials?,my dream house,work in groups.,imagine your house of the future. one draws the picture of the future house while others trying to describe it. then present it to all.,in your opinion, what life will be like in the future? use your imagination as much as possible. make predictions for the year 2020.,work in groups,个人 轻轨,transportation in the future,太阳能 风能车,communication in the future,clothing in the future,robots will have replaced people in factories. big companies prefer robots for working 24 hours a day. in factory, schools, offices, hospitals, shops, and homes, we can see them.,artificial intelligence,school on the air,education in the future,school on line,cities in the future,what should we do to be well-prepared for the future?,no matter where the future is going, we should be optimistic about the future life, learning to accept change and appreciate what is new and different and well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store. lets work hard and create a bright fu


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