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第2册 Lesson Nine纲要*Texts I. 我只是在电视上看看II. 树木*Functions: 谈运动喜好*Key to the exercises of this lesson*Additional exercises(附加习题)*课文I. 我只是在电视上看看贝蒂:汤姆,你的确很健壮。你锻炼得多吗?汤姆:是的。我喜欢锻炼。我几乎总是起床很早,并举重半小时。贝蒂:你开玩笑!汤姆:不是。还有我经常去跑步。贝蒂:哇!你那样锻炼,多久才一次?汤姆:大约一周六次。你呢?贝蒂:我很喜欢在院子里浇浇花、种种树。我们常能闻到花园里散发出的清新芳香的气息。汤姆:哦,那倒是挺有意思的。贝蒂:是的,不过我最喜欢的还是篮球、排球和足球。汤姆:啊,太好了!你真是个优秀运动员。贝蒂:哦,不。我不是。我喜欢观看球赛。我并不参加这些运动。我只是在电视上看看。II. 树木树木有益于人类,表现在三个方面:它为人类提供木材和其他产品,它给人们以阴凉,它帮助人类预防干旱和洪水。不幸的是,在世界上许多地方,人们并没有意识到树木的第三种贡献是最重要的。人们为了能很快地从树上取得利润,大量砍伐森林。结果,人类就失去了他们曾经有过的忠实朋友。2000年前,有一个富裕而强大的国家把树木都砍掉,用来制作军舰,企图用一个军舰来赢得一个帝国。虽然它成了帝国,但是树木砍光了,土地变得坚硬贫瘠。帝国瓦解时,他们发现自己的家园面临洪水和饥荒。即使一个政府认识到树木的重要性,要说服村民也能理解和接受,是很不容易的。村民需要木材烧饭和取暖,并把木材卖给城里人来赚钱。他们对植树护林通常是漫不经心的。所以,除非政府有一套很好的管理制度,或者能够有成效地教育人民,否则,森林就会慢慢地消失掉。这不仅仅意味着村民的子孙后代会几乎没有树木。其后果甚至更为严重。因为有树木的地方,树根能把土壤弄碎,让雨水渗透进去;树根还能把土壤凝聚起来,防止土壤轻易地被水冲走。但是,在没有树木的地方雨水降落在坚硬的土地上,沿着地表流掉了,从而导致洪水泛滥,并冲走了庄稼赖以茁壮成长的肥沃的表层土。表层土流失殆尽后,除了毫无价值的不毛之地外,就什么都没有了。*语言功能谈运动喜好1. 甲:嗨,汤姆,你看起来挺棒!你锻炼得多吗? 乙:是的,我喜欢锻炼。我每天举重和跑步。你呢?每个人都有他喜欢和不喜欢的东西。甲:我也爱好运动。但我兄弟不喜欢。他喜欢上网,有时玩电脑游戏。 乙:真的吗? 网球吗?2.你喜欢 / 喜爱 打网球吗? 是的,我喜欢。我打网球,不过打得不是很好。不,我不喜欢。但我喜欢看别人打网球。 现代舞吗? 现代舞3.你喜欢园艺吗? 或:你对园艺 感兴趣吗? 栽树吗? 栽树 是的,我非常喜欢。 不,我对这些不感兴趣。我更喜欢旅游。4.你(通常)多久锻炼一次? 每天早上。每天一次。每周两次。 经常。 锻炼得很多。5. 你最喜欢哪种运动? 我以前喜欢打高尔夫球,但是现在我不想玩。 我喜欢跑步 游泳,但我最喜欢踢足球。足球是我最喜爱的运动。 航海*Key to ExercisesI. Reading Comprehension.1. 根据课文II回答下列问题: (1) Its that they help to prevent drought and floods. (2) It gained the empire but lost its trees; the soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvation. (3) He wants wood for cooking and heating, and he can earn money by selling wood to townsmen. (4) The rain will flow away easily and will carry away all the rich top soil. In the end the land will be worthless desert. (5) The roots of the trees can break the soil up, allow the rain to sink in, and bind the soil to preserve it from being washed away easily. (6) Trees are very useful to us, and protecting trees is protecting our hometown.2. 判断正误: (1)(5): TFFTTII. Vocabulary and Structure3. 在下列句中的定语从句下面划线,并将整句译成汉语:(1) with whom you worked yesterday 昨天你与其一道劳动的那位村民在森林里砍伐了一些树。 (2) in which plants grow地球表面有一层薄薄的土壤,植物就在这层土壤中生长。 (3) who wants you on the telephone 有你的电话。 (4) which was about the invention of the spaceship昨晚我看了一部关于发明宇宙飞船的好电影。 (5) where there are plenty of trees 那是一个富裕而强大的国家,那儿有很多树木。 (6) why he didnt come to the meeting 你知道为什么他没有来开会吗? (7) who have had no chance to receive further education before 许多年轻人以前没有机会接受进一步的教育,现在(他们)想要(学习)科学知识。4. 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空:(1) that / which (2) who (3) why (4) which (5) where (6) when (7) who / whom5. 多项选择: (1)(5):DDABA (6)(8):BBC6. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:(1) caused (2) will disappear (3) gain(4) persuaded / has persuaded (5) prevented (6) provided(7) remained (8) realize (9) declared7. 用所给的介词或副词填空:(1) down (2) to (3) too (4) after (5) into (6) up (7) really (8) often8. 完型填空: (1)(5):BDBBA (6)(10):CBACDIII. Translation9. 将下列词组译成英语:(1) be useful to man (2) a good system of control(3) fall to pieces (4) earn money (5) as a result (6) a rich and powerful country (7) in several important (8) cause floods and starvation (9) provide people with new products (10) persuade him to see a doctor(11) water flowers (12) (have/take) exercise every day10. 将下列句子译成英语:(1) We must protect forests. It can help to prevent drought and floods. (2) If the forests disappear slowly, the soil will become poor. (3) Although he earned a lot of money, he lost the best friend he had. (4) He found himself in a big empty room. (5) Crops can not grow well in the soil whose rich top soil has been washed away by the flood. (6) The villagers who cut down trees in large numbers were punished by the government.(7) Every day, he gets up early and lifts weight, so that he is stronger than ever.(8) Playing volleyball is one of our favorite sports on Sundays.11. 将下列谚语译成汉语:(1) 患难朋友才是真朋友。 (2) 拥有之时无所谓,失去才知其可贵。 (3) 良机失,空悲切。 (4) 不劳动者不得食。 (5) 少壮不努力吗,老大徒伤悲。 (6) 谁笑在最后,谁才笑得最好。IV. Guided Writing12. 用关系代词或关系副词将下列个对句子连接起来:(1) The school has a laboratory in which there are a lot of new instruments. (2) I will never forget the day when I saw Tian An Men for the first time. (3) These are the warships about which I spoke just now.(4) I cant remember the name of the person to whom I gave the money. (5) Mr Chen from whom I learned computer science, is an expert in this field. (6) The earth on which we live is a ball.13. 改正那个下列商务信函: (Omitted)V. Extra Reading14. 判断正误: (1)(5):TTTFT (6):T*Additional exercises(附加习题):1. Whenever I met him, _ was fairly frequent, _ I liked his sweet and hopeful smile.A. which .不填 B that . thatC. it . that D. what . 不填2. I dont know what illness he suffered from, but I do remember he mentioned _ in hospital last year.A. to have been B . to be C. having been D. being3. Entering the room, I found my father _ at the desk and _ something .A. seat. writeB. seated . wrote C. seated . writingD. seating . writing4. _ they will send us an invitation is not yet known, _we hope they sill.A. If. writeB. That soC. When . yet D. Whether . but5. Nancy isnt here. Its my mistake. I forgot all about_ her.A. telephoningB. to telephone C. to telephone toD. the telephone to6. She paid her $900 annual rent.A. yearly B. monthly C. weekly D. daily7. James Taylor was surprised that the two boys were twins.A. pleased B. satisfied C. disappointed D. amazed


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