



(六)连词.单项选择。(C)1.Michael tried his best,_ he caught up with the others at last.Abut BorCand Dbecause(B)2.The worlds population will still increase _ we do something to control it.Aor BunlessCbut Dand(B)3.Yesterday I was just about to have lunch _ Lily telephoned me.Awhile BwhenCas Dbefore(B)4.Youd better wake up Tom at 6:30,_ he will be late for the match.Aif BorCand Dbut(A)5.Michael was playing basketball with his friends _ his brother was listening to music.Awhile BafterCuntil Dbecause(B)6.What do you think of this skirt?Its beautiful and it fits me well,_ I like it very much.Asince BsoCbut Dor(C)7.More than five million people have visited Disneyland parks around the world_ American Disneyland opened in July,1955.Aafter BbeforeCsince Dthough(B)8.It is _ a beautiful garden _ we like to play in it.Aso;that Bsuch;thatCtoo;to Dvery;that(B)9._ the soldiers are very tired,_ they keep on working.They are great.We must learn from them.ABecause;/ BThough;/CBecause;so DThough;but(D)10.Where will Tom wait for her,at home _ at the library?At the library.Aalso BasCand Dor(C)11.Mr Smith has a habit of taking a shower _ he has breakfast.Abecause BwhenCbefore Dsince(D)12.You will be late _ you dont hurry up.Dont worry.Ill go to school as quickly as possible.Aafter BwhenCunless Dif(A)13.I have only two tickets for the concert._ you _ she can go with me.AEither;or BEither;norCBoth;and DNot only;but also(B)14.It is raining hard,_ the farmers are still working in the field.So they are.Anor BbutCso Dor(B)15.What do you think of the movie?It is not _ interesting _ I expected.Aas;so Bso;asCso;that Dso;than(B)16.A Spring Morning is my favourite poem _ its words are beautiful and I can feel the sense of spring in it.Auntil BbecauseCthough Dif(A)17.The teacher speaks very loudly _ all the students can hear her.Aso that BbecauseCsince Dwhen(A)18.We dont understand the passage,_ there are few new words in it.Athough BifCbecause Duntil(D)19.Mom,shall we have supper now?Oh,we wont have it _ your dad comes back.Aafter BsinceCwhile Duntil.单词拼写。根据括号内所给的中文提示,正确拼写单词。20Youll never know unless(除非) you try.21Mr Smith didnt give us a lecture because(因为) he was ill.22The students didnt go home until(直到为止) they finishe


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