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Unit 7 Its raining!Section Au 基础题一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Its _(rain)outside. Youd better take an umbrella with you.2. The weather is _(wind)in winter here.3. Janes father works as a _(cook)in a restaurant.4. Do you like going _(skate)?5. Jeff is studying in a _(Europe)country.6. There are a lot of _ in the sky. Its _(cloud). 7. Everyone _(be)having a good time. 8. This country has 5 thousand(千)_(year)of history. 9. Its a beautiful _(sun)day. 10. Thank you for _(join)our show. u 能力题一、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1.记得到北京之后给我回电话。Remember to _ me _ after arriving in Beijing. 2.此刻,劳拉和她的家人在一起。Laura is with her family _ _. 3.你能给我们的英语老师捎个口信吗?Could you please _ _ _ _ our English teacher? 4.迈克总是和我们玩儿得很愉快。Mike always _ _ _ _ with us. 5.过度使用手机对健康有害。Using mobile phones too much _ _ _ your health.二、单项选择。( )1. Hello, this is Tina speakingIs that Sam?Sorry, he isnt here at this moment_? ACan I take a message BWhat are you saying to TinaCMay I speak to SamDWhos that speaking( )2. Look! Who _ there in the river. A. swim B. swims C. is swimming D. are swimming( )3. Everyone in our class _ having a good time now. A. are B. is C. be D. am( )4. Its _ outside now. You had better put on your coat. A. warm B. hot C. rainy D. cold( )5. _ a cold morning, he went to France. A. In B. On C. At D. Ofu 提升题一、阅读理解Many people want to go to Qingdao because it is a beautiful cityIts not too cold or too hot in the twelve months of the yearIn March,April and May,the weather is warmYou can see green trees and beautiful flowers everywhere in the streetIn June,July and August,the sun is hotPeople go to the sea(大海)to swim and playIn September,October and November,people feel coolThe tree leaves are yellowThey fall(落下)from the treesIn December,January and February,the weather is cold and many people are at homeIn snowy days,people go out to watch the white snow1What color are the trees in May?AThey are yellow BThey are green CThey are red DThey are white2When can you see snow in Qingdao?AIn March BIn June CIn September DIn December3Whats the weather like in August in Qingdao?AIts warm BIts hot CIts cool DIts cold4When are the tree leaves yellow in Qingdao?AIn March and AprilBIn June and JulyCIn September and OctoberDIn December and January5Why do people go to Qingdao?ABecause the weather is hot in AugustBBecause the weather in March is warmCBecause it is a beautiful cityDBecause the weather in September is cool二、书面表达。 根据下表内容,写一篇文章,介绍一下每一个人的情况。文章的开头已经给出。PersonPlaceWeatherWearingActivities(活动)JackLondonfoggyshirt/pantseat in the restaurantAndrewSydneyhotT-shirt/shortsplay beach volleyballLisaMoscowsnowycoats/scarfread at homeJeffShanghaicoldsweater/pantsplay soccerIts foggy (多雾的)in London. Jack is wearing a shirt and pants. Hes eating in the restaurant. _答案和解析u 基础题一、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1. raining 2. windy 3. cook 4. skating 5. European6. clouds; cloudy7. is 8. years9. sunny 10. joining u 能力题一、句型转换。1.call; back 2.right now 3.take a message for 4.has a good time 5.is bad for二、单项选择。1. A。本题考查打电话的交际用语,打电话时当要找的人不在时,接电话的人通常会问对方是否要捎口信。“捎口信”英语用“take a message”。故本题选A。 2. C。从look可以判断是现在进行时,who作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 3. B。不定代词作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 4. D。从后面的句子情景可以判断是外面非常冷。 5. B。表示具体某一天的早上用介词on。u 提升题1B。 由“In March,April and May,the weather is warmYou can see green trees and beautiful flowers everywhere in the street”可知应选B。2D。 由“In December,January and February,the weather is cold and many people are at homeIn snowy days,people go out to watch the white snow”可知应选D。3B。由“In June,July and August,the sun is hot”可知应选B。4C。 由“In September,October and November,people feel coolThe tree leaves are yellow”可知应选C。5C。 根据短文开头提到的“Many people want to go to Qingdao because it is a beautiful city” 可知应选C。二、书面表达参考范文Its foggy (多雾的)in London. Jack is wearing a shirt and pants. Hes eating in the restaurant.Its hot in Sydney, so Andrew is wearing a T-shirt and shorts. He is playing beach volleyball w


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