


预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图
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关 键 词:
11张CAD图纸和说明书 麦田免耕施肥播种机设计 麦田免耕施肥播种机设计 CAD图纸和 及CAD设计



小麦免耕播种机采用的是“动力圆盘断草、与动力圆盘贴合的夹持式开沟器同位分层播种” 在已覆有秸杆的地中能一次性完成行方向秸杆切断、同位分层播种和中后镇压等多项作业的保护性耕作机具。




“Ecological environment protection and sustainable development” become the basic policy of our country which now in the economy fast developing process must be followed. Facing the land desertification area's rapid expansion and the sand storm, the country not only implement the large-scale against sand to control the sands the project but also take back from agriculture grass's major step comprehensively, positively has been initiating and promotes the application protection culivation technique in the agricultural aspect.

The wheat exempts plows the seeder to use is “the power disc breaks the grass and with power disc fitting clamp type furrow opener isotopic lamination sowing seeds” after duplicate had in the straw place can disposable form a line the direction straw cut-off, isotopic lamination sowing seeds and the suppression and so on many work protection tillage implements.

I designed a new exempts in the wheat field work. Using the no power double circular disc type furrow opener, the structure is simple and easy to be operated, which broke earth strongly and does not entangle the grass, as well as has the sowing depth precision to be high, sowing seeds is even, The catcher no-tillage planter can complete 6 sowing seeds, the seed can grows better.

Keywords: Protection tillage machine; Furrow opener; Exempts plows the seeder

目       录

1 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 背景及原理介绍 1

1.3 论文的主要工作和意义 2

1.4 总体方案的确定 3

2 动力性能的设计与校核 4

2.1 丰收180型拖拉机的配套适应性计算 4

2.2 拖拉机液压提升能力计算 6

2.3 机组操向稳定性计算 7

2.4 坡道极限倾翻角计算 8

3 主要部件的设计 9

3.1 轴的设计 9

3.1.1 传动轴的设计 9

3.1.2 轴的计算与校核 10

3.1.3 键的选择与校核 16

3.2 链轮的设计 18

3.2.1 链轮的计算 18

3.2.2 链轮的材料 25

3.3链的选择 25

3.4 开沟器的设计 25

3.5 侧传动箱的设计 26

3.5.1 链轮材料的选择 28

3.6 播种部分的传动设计 28

3.6.1 传动方式的选择 28

3.6.2 链传动比 29

3.7 播种施肥器总成 29

4 总结 30

致  谢 31

参考文献 32

附录 33

附录1 33

附录2 40


1 绪论

1.1 引言




1. 播种机对于大多数农田和拖拉机来说还是太大,大多数小地块上的拖拉机只有10KW至18KW。

2. 播种机为三点悬挂式,但与大多数中国产拖拉机悬挂装置不配套。

3. 开沟器无法沿不平整的土地行走,造成播种深度和随后的出苗差异太大。由于圆盘的材料问题圆盘式开沟器在中国还很难生产。

4. 分开的镇压装置使镇压和回土的土壤不平,还有种深不一致的问题。

5. 播种机的设计对中国生产商来说比较复杂和昂贵。亚马逊牌种肥并施机构难以保养,价格较高。


1.2 背景及原理介绍




毕业设计(论文)任务书 学院 专业设计(论文)题目 麦田免耕施肥播种机设计 学 生 姓 名 班 级 起 止 日 期 指 导 教 师 教研室主任 发任务书日期 20 年 月 日1.毕业设计的背景: “保护生态环境,实现可持续发展”现在已经成为我们国家在谋求经济快速发展过程中所要遵循的基本方针。面对土地沙漠化面积的迅速扩大和沙尘暴的肆虐一年更盛一年,国家除了实施大规模的防沙工程和全面退耕还草的重大举措之外,在农业方面则一直在积极倡导和推广应用保护性耕作技术。2.毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求: 一动力性能计算 180型拖拉机配套适应性计算。 液压提升能力计算,机组操向稳定性计算,坡道极限翻角计算二主要工作部件的计算 开沟器的计算 播种器的设计计算 传动的设计要求播种机装配图 A0 一张链轮零件图 A4 四张播种机的开沟器部件图 A0一张播种器部件图 A1 一张轴的零件图 A4 二张3.主要参考文献: 画法几何及机械制图 机械制造基础课程设计 材料力学 机械制造技术基础 机械设计课程设计手册4.毕业设计(论文)进度计划(以周为单位):起 止 日 期工 作 内 容备 注第一、 二周搜集播种机各类资料,确定设计所需资料的范围,大致了解本设计的内容。第三、四周查阅资料,确定本设计的最佳方案。第五、六周对播种进行设计计算,确定其基本参数,根据播种机的设计确定大概机构的尺寸。第七、八周运用CAD绘制出本设计的零件图。第九、十周运用CAD绘制装配图第十一、十二周撰写设计说明书第十三、十四周审核设计内容并进行相应修改。第十五、十六周再次翻阅本设计所用到的所有全部资料,准备答辩教研室审查意见: 室主任 年 月 日学院审查意见: 教学院长 年 月 日基本设计参数:配套拖拉机 丰收180型轮式拖拉机 (13.2KW/18PS)动力圆盘直径回转速度 (mmr/min) 400234行距行数 (cm行) 206播种深度 (cm) 35施肥深度 (cm) 与小麦同位分层,较种种深56作业速度 (kmh) 36机具重量 (kg) 3201毕业设计(论文)开题报告课 题 名 称: 麦田免耕施肥播种机设计 学 生 姓 名: 学号: 指 导 教 师: 职称: 所 在 学 院: 专 业 名 称: 20 年 月 日说 明1根据徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)管理规定,学生必须撰写毕业设计(论文)开题报告,由指导教师签署意见、教研室审查,学院教学院长批准后实施。2开题报告是毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。学生应当在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,开题报告不合格者不得参加答辩。3毕业设计开题报告各项内容要实事求是,逐条认真填写。其中的文字表达要明确、严谨,语言通顺,外来语要同时用原文和中文表达。第一次出现缩写词,须注出全称。4本报告中,由学生本人撰写的对课题和研究工作的分析及描述,没有经过整理归纳,缺乏个人见解仅仅从网上下载材料拼凑而成的开题报告按不合格论。5. 课题类型填:工程设计类;理论研究类;应用(实验)研究类;软件设计类;其它。6、课题来源填:教师科研;社会生产实践;教学;其它课题名称麦田免耕施肥播种机设计课题来源模拟生产实际课题课题类型工程应用选题的背景及意义“保护生态环境,实现可持续发展”现在已经成为我们国家在谋求经济快速发展过程中所要遵循的基本方针。面对土地沙漠化面积的迅速扩大和沙尘暴的肆虐一年更盛一年,国家除了实施大规模的防沙治沙工程和全面退耕还草的重大举措之外,在农业方面则一直在积极倡导和推广应用保护性耕作技术。李立科研究员作为我国著名的旱地农业专家,在长期的科研实践中,结合我省渭北塬区具体的种植制度,提出了“高留茬,秸杆覆盖,少免耕种植”这一被誉为“可缓解旱灾危害和防治沙尘暴发生”的治本之策,引起了国家领导的高度重视,为此我们的毕业设计任务是设计与之相适应的小麦免耕地施肥播种机,设计出为上述种植模式相配套服务的一种保护性种植机具。研究内容拟解决的主要问题一、 动力性能计算 1.1 丰收180型拖拉机的配套适应性计算 1.2 拖拉机液压提升能力计算 1.3 机组操向稳定性计算 1.4 坡道极限倾翻角 二、 主要工作部件的设计计算 2.1 切割圆盘刀辊 2.2 开沟器的设计 2.3 侧传动箱的设计 2.4 播种施肥传动部分的设计 研究方法技术路线首先通过查找播种机的相关资料对播种机的种类和播种机的结构做了解。后来网上查找什么样的间距最适合种子的生长810cm,通过种子的最佳生长距离大概固定出播种的播种器轴的设计,在后来就播种器的类型,最后确定一次作业选择完成6行播种。下一步根据开始的估计数据做校核计算。最后完善细节的问题 。研究的总体安排和进度计划1.调研,针对课题,到相关企业了解工程机械的特点.2.查阅资料,了解隔振器的结构特点和基本工作原理3.设计方案选择4.设计方案的选择,确定实现功能的基本方案.逐步完善5.实现系统功能的具体设计6.圆锥齿轮传动设计计算键的选择和校核7.链传动的设计和计算8.轴的设计和计算9.刀盘和刀片的设计10.绘制系统整体结构装配图11.撰写毕业设计说明书12.准备答辩13.答辩主要参考文献1范思冲主编,画法几何及机械制图,机械工业出版社, 2003.82机械制造基础课程设计,机械工业出版社 2003.83沈敏德主编,机械制图与AutoCAD2000习题集,机械工业出版社 2001 .84机械设计手册编委会,机械设计手册单行本,滚动轴承,机械工业出版社 2007.35刘鸿文主编,材料力学,高等教育出版社,2005.46周宏莆主编,机械制造技术基础,高等教育出版社, 2006.127单丽云 强颖怀 张亚非 编,工程材料,中国矿业大学出版社, 2000.88邱宣怀主编,机械设计第四版,高等教育出版社, 19979孙桓 陈作模 主编,机械原理,高等教育出版社, 200010机械工程手册编辑委员会,机械工程手册(拖拉机),机械工业出版社 197811北京轴承研究所,简明滚动轴承手册,中国农业机械出版社, 198212吴宗泽,机械设计课程设计手册,高等教育出版社, 1999指导教师意 见 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 教研室意见学院意见教研室主任签名:年 月 日 教学院长签名: 年 月 日I 摘要 “保护生态环境,实现可持续发展”现在已经成为我们国家在谋求经济快速发展过 程中所要遵循的基本方针。面对土地沙漠化面积的迅速扩大和沙尘暴的肆虐一年更盛一 年,国家除了实施大规模的防沙治沙工程和全面退耕还草的重大举措之外,在农业方面 则一直在积极倡导和推广应用保护性耕作技术。 小麦免耕播种机采用的是“动力圆盘断草、与动力圆盘贴合的夹持式开沟器同位分 层播种” 在已覆有秸杆的地中能一次性完成行方向秸杆切断、同位分层播种和中后镇压 等多项作业的保护性耕作机具。 本文设计了一种新型免耕播种机,采用无动力双圆盘式开沟器,机具结构简单,使 用方便,具有碎土作用强,不缠草以及具有播种深度精度高,播种均匀,一次作业能完 成 6 行播种,利于种子的生长,满足在免耕播种后,对麦田行向杂草予于锄除。 关键词:关键词:保护性耕作机具;开沟器;免耕播种机 II Abstract “Ecological environment protection and sustainable development” become the basic policy of our country which now in the economy fast developing process must be followed. Facing the land desertification areas rapid expansion and the sand storm, the country not only implement the large-scale against sand to control the sands the project but also take back from agriculture grasss major step comprehensively, positively has been initiating and promotes the application protection culivation technique in the agricultural aspect. The wheat exempts plows the seeder to use is “the power disc breaks the grass and with power disc fitting clamp type furrow opener isotopic lamination sowing seeds” after duplicate had in the straw place can disposable form a line the direction straw cut-off, isotopic lamination sowing seeds and the suppression and so on many work protection tillage implements. I designed a new exempts in the wheat field work. Using the no power double circular disc type furrow opener, the structure is simple and easy to be operated, which broke earth strongly and does not entangle the grass, as well as has the sowing depth precision to be high, sowing seeds is even, The catcher no-tillage planter can complete 6 sowing seeds, the seed can grows better. Keywords: Protection tillage machine; Furrow opener; Exempts plows the seeder 3 目目 录录 1 绪论.1 1.1 引言 .1 1.2 背景及原理介绍 .1 1.3 论文的主要工作和意义 .2 1.4 总体方案的确定 .3 2 动力性能的设计与校核.4 2.1 丰收 180 型拖拉机的配套适应性计算 .4 2.2 拖拉机液压提升能力计算 .6 2.3 机组操向稳定性计算 .7 2.4 坡道极限倾翻角计算 .8 3 主要部件的设计.9 3.1 轴的设计 .9 3.1.1 传动轴的设计 9 3.1.2 轴的计算与校核 .10 3.1.3 键的选择与校核 .16 3.2 链轮的设计 18 3.2.1 链轮的计算 .18 3.2.2 链轮的材料 .25 3.3 链的选择.25 3.4 开沟器的设计 25 3.5 侧传动箱的设计 26 3.5.1 链轮材料的选择 .28 3.6 播种部分的传动设计 28 3.6.1 传动方式的选择 .28 3.6.2 链传动比 .29 3.7 播种施肥器总成 29 4 总结30 致 谢31 参考文献 .32 附录 .33 附录 1 33 附录 2 40 附录附录1Chapter III of planting machinery Section I outlined Plants machine mainly composed by to sow seeds and transplants two broad heading machineries The former including each type surface planter, seed drill and selection and broadcast (bunch planting) machine; The latter is mainly refers to the arid land to transplant the machinery.According to use, may divide into the seeder the general seeder and the special-purpose seeder. The general seeders adaptation scope is broad, it can be broadcasted many kinds of crops seeds; The special-purpose seeder is designed by some crops the special request, it can only meet one crops sowing seeds need.With the development of sciences and technologys and the cultivation methods unceasing change, which designs with the new principle of work, like the fine quantity seeder and is suitable in the reduced cultivation union seeder (one time completes loose earth, sowing seeds, to apply fertilizer and spraying) widely has also used in producing.一, sowing seeds The commonly used sowing seeds method may divide into four broad headings such as the broadcast sowing, the drilling, the bunch planting and sows seeds precisely 1. Broadcast sowing scatters the seed in the ground, uses the sowing seeds method which other tools fill to be called the broadcast sowing again. The broadcast sowing seed distributes non-uniform, fills in the depth not to be inconsistent, the sowing seeds quality is bad. This method uses in sowing seeds artificially originally, after using machinery sowing seeds, although has presented some surface planters, but already very little used now. In recent years, the broadcast sowing law uses in aviation sowing seeds. Because the air seeding speed quick, sows evenly, may sow in good time and improve the sowing seeds quality, therefore with the airplane big product broadcast sowing certain crops like paddy rice, the forage grass and so on has become one of current sowing seeds technology development directions.2. The drilling Sowing the seed in rows to be buried the method to be called the drilling. When drilling fills in the depth to be consistent, emerges neatly even, the sowing seeds quality is good. The drilling law application is very broad, may use in broadcasting many kinds of crops, the corresponding seeder is called the seed drill. 3. Bunch planting (also said that selection and broadcast) Put seeds concentrate in a hole is called the bunch planting. The bunch planting law is suitable for to sow seeds the tilled crop, may guarantee that the row spacing and the distance between hills are accurate, compare to the drilling law to save the seed and to reduce the thinning work load. Broadcasts when the cotton may also enhance the cotton seed to emerge ability. Control of the breeding holed position, causes to plant the holed longitudinal with crosswise to be able to form a line, is called the square planting. The square planting may longitudinal and the crosswise intertillage, enhances mechanized degree which the intertillage removes weeds. The square planting law was once quick in the overseas development, but along with chemistry herbicides development, already tends the elimination at present. 4. Precise sowing The characteristic of precise sowing seeds is the sowing seeds quantity is precise, the distance between plants precise and broadcasts deeply precise. The grain drilling and tilled crop sowing seeds may use the precise sowing seeds law.The characteristic of precise drillings is the distance between plants is precise, compares with the ordinary drilling, distributed the seeds very even, thus is good at the crops growth, can raise the output.The tilled crop precise sowing seeds characteristic is each hole only broadcasts a seed, with guaranteed that each Chinese acre number guarantees the output. Its merit is may save the seed and save the thinning working procedure, thus may the labor saving. But must guarantee that under the seed-germination percentage and the sowing seeds condition emerges ability, and prevents sickness Chinese caterpillar fungus evil, guarantees the full stand. Is low to certain germination percentages, the field emergence ability bad seed (for example beet and so on), uses when precise sowing seeds may reduce the distance between plants to increase broadcasts the quantity, uses again mechanical or auxiliary guarantees each Chinese acre number by the artificial thinning. 5. Membrane sowing seeds Sowing seeds in plants the bed surface to spread out the plastic film, after the seed emerges, seedling long outside membrane one sowing seeds way. This way may broadcasts the seed first, afterward spreads the membrane, after treating the seedling unearthed, puts the seedling again by the artificial broken membrane; May also spreads out the membrane first, drills immediately on the membrane sows seeds. Membrane sowing seeds has the following merit:(1) Enhances and maintains a ground temperature. As a result of sunlight permeable thin film for soil quantity of heat, but the thin film may separate the air transport and the soil by the long wave form the quantity of heat which disappears to the air radiation, when is advantageous is somewhat low in the ground temperature the seed germinates with the seedling growth. (2) Reduces the soil moisture evaporation. The thin film was cut off in the soil evaporation water vapor inflow atmosphere to disappear, therefore the water vapor gathered under the mulching plastic in the small and narrow space, caused the air humidity to be very high, reduced the moisture evaporation; Congealment water vapor, but may also return to the soil, thus enables the topsoil soil to have high and the stable moisture content. (3) Improves the adult plant illumination condition. The thin film itself and under the membrane slight droplet has certain reflective power to the light, improved the adult plant lower level leaf blades illumination condition, is advantageous in enhances the crops the photosynthesis.(4) Improves the soil physics character and the fertility. Because the moisture content gaseous state and the liquid state cyclic change makes under the membrane the soil to contract unceasingly and to inflate, the irrigation water or the rain water through the crosswise osmosis infiltration membrane under the soil, cause it quite loose not to harden. Moreover the temperature is high, retention ability, is advantageous in the edaphon activity, can speed up the organic matter to decompose, strengthen the soil fertility. (5) Can suppress the weed growth. Around crops seedling is the thin film cover seal, the weed is unable to grow. The mulching plastic cultivation has many merits, but the cost is high, the consumption labor force to be many, the specification is also high. After crops harvest, the remnant membrane recycling question has not solved completely. Therefore mainly uses at present in the peanut, the cotton, the vegetables and so on the economic value high plant culture.6. Exempted plows sowing Since the mid-20th century US exempts plows the planter technology to obtain is successful, the world to exempts plows the technology to give the enormous value. Many countries are positived to experiment and promotion. Exempts plows technical the basic content is after the stubble crops harvest, the land does not carry on plows, lets the original manuscript stalk, the remnant stubble or the covers the ground; When treats stubble crops sowing seeds, exempts with the hand tailor plows the seeder to carry on partial loose earth sowing seeds directly in the stub land; And after sowing seeds or sowing seeds sprays the weed killer and the agricultural chemicals. According to climatic environment and land situation difference, some areas in execution zero tillage process, also uses the disc harrow either the loose earth weed before the harvest or sowing seeds carries on the surface soil cultivation to replace plows; Some places, every other 2-3 years also use the plow share type plow or chisel type plow deep plowing one time. Therefore exempts plows the technology to have the different name in the different area, like zero tillage, reduced cultivation, cover cultivation law, direct seeding law and so on. This method and the conventional cultivation law compares, may reduce the machines and tools investment expenses and the soil cultivation number of times, thus may reduce the production cost, the reduced energy consumption, to reduce to the soil compaction and the destruction, and may reduce the wind erosion, the water erosion and the soil moisture evaporation and the outflow. But uses the zero tillage to have the condition, must coordinate closely with the plant culture technology. Because does not carry on the soil plough, the harmful insect weed are many. Therefore is big to the herbicide and the pesticide required quantity, the quality requirement is also high. , because this has the possibility to counter-balance the cost which little plows saves. Exempts plows sowing seeds to hold the important position in the zero tillage. present, certain crops (for example soybean) uses the method which the precise selection and broadcast and the narrow good close planting do evenly, the exemption intertillage work, may the great scope enhance the crops the output and reduces the cost of operation, is one new planter method.Second, the planting of agricultural technical requirements (A) Of planting agricultural technical requirements Sowing the agricultural technical requirements, including broadcast of, spaced, distance between plants (or from the point), the uniformity of sowing, planting depth, soil depth and extent of pressure. The planting of various crops require different, with a crop from region to region, the different farming systems will be very different. Table 3-1 to Chinas north, northwest, northeast and northern Jiangsu, Henan and other places of several major agricultural crop sowing the technical requirements. Seeding should be according to the local agricultural technical requirements. (B) The requirements of the planter Drilling on the requirements for the machine: the planting of agricultural technical requirements, spacing consistent, uniform sowing seed sowing in the wet soil, and covered with Wet soil, sowing deep consistent and in line with requirements of small seed injury. Hole of the requirements for the machine: Each hole seed grains agreement (Each hole seed grains to n 1粒qualified, n Each hole average for grains such as corn requirements Hole 3 1 tablets of not less than 85 points a few %), But in hole seeds of scattered, and in accordance with the same deep-sowing, seeds injury rate is low. Precision Drill also called for a Each hole , Distance between plants Precision (Distance between plants to t 0.5t qualified, t for the average Distance between plants ). Planter on the quality of performance indicators no one, Here are some specific data for reference; 1. Chinas grain seeder series of joint design of the provisions of tank rounds metering device indoor metering test the quality indicators for: (1) The total emission stability of the average deviation c 2%; limit deviations 4% (2) The head office of consistency seed average deviation C 4%; limit deviations 10% (3)Of the small seed crushing seeds 0.5%; large seeds 1% C and an average deviation limits of deviation formula for - Determination of the number of n - X-per-emission, X-average emissions.Third, the seeds of the mechanical properties Crop seeds and the nature of the mechanical planter is closely related to the design and use. And the seed planter features are: geometric seed size, seed density, seed grain weight, the seeds of friction between the features, such as seed flow characteristics. In the design of air-metering device when needed to understand the aerodynamics of the seed. General seed of the geometric shapes can be used length, width and thickness of three sizes marked, with a length of maximum size, thickness of minimum size. 一, the type of planter By planting methods can be divided into sow machines, Drilling Machine, Hole and a precision seeder. Hole can be further divided into ordinary machine, precision Drilling Machine, tilled precision seeder, and other crops. The planting of different crops can be divided into grain planter, corn planter, cotton planter, grass seeder and vegetables planter, and so on. In fact, many have a better GM seeder, a variety of crops could be planted, some ordinary Hole Drilling machine can also be used for cereal or precision seeding. Therefore, the planter can be divided into Drilling machines and tilled cereal crop seeder two categories. Domestic cereal Drilling machines, with most of fertilization devices, also known as fertilization planter or joint planter. Some Tilled crop planter installed in the working parts, can be used to Tilled , topdressing, the ridge, and other operations, also known as the planting of GM or GM Tilled rack planter. In addition, the driving force can be divided into human, animal and machine of the planter, of the planter can be divided into machine-Reply, suspension and semi-hanging three. Second, the crop-seeder for the structure and work process Ping used for the planting methods used by the planter collectively referred to as a crop-seeder, mainly divided into wheat and soybean Drilling Machine-made sophisticated jukebox. (A) Drilling of wheat during the work and the general structure The completion of ditching the main planter, planting, fertilizing, soil and repression, and so on. Figure 3-2 for the fertilization process diagram of the planter. Drill work, ditching the ground for a kind of groove, seeds were inside the seeds from the metering device. Through the loser of the fall of Canal. In addition, fertilizer box of fertilizer, manure from the Pai-loser into a separate species or the row of fertilizer, and seed together or separately fall of Canal, reuse soil with soil, repression and suppression for completion of planting. Now 2 BSW-4.2C fertilization of wheat sowing of GM as an example to illustrate Drilling of the general structure. Drilling for the construction of two most general (3-3): working parts and ancillary components, including the work of the main components of slot wheeled seed, fertilizer row of slot wheel, corrugated-losers and losers of the Fat pipe, double-disc ditching and casing-linked ring. It is mainly applied to Drilling wheat crop, after adjustment, may also Drilling millet, flax and rapeseed crops such as the small. At the same time can be sown in the application of urea, ammonium sulfate, nitrate and the SSP, such as powdered or granular fertilizer. Planter ancillary components include rack, walking devices, transmission and ditching deep-conditioning devices. Rack by the U-shaped steel through the folder from the closure of a fixed rectangular frame structure, has sufficient rigidity to prevent deformation. Rack in front by three points hoisted bodies connected with the tractor. When walking round support for sowing planter and transmission parts work, the domestic use of rubber tire planter most of the past instead of steel wheels, to reduce the work into the rolling resistance. Transmission device used chain drive (3-4), by walking through two rounds of chain drive shaft drive row of fat, then passed to a metering sprocket shaft, and by adjusting the metering row of fat shaft axis and the effective To regulate the length of the work of planting and sowing of fat, the greater the scope of regulation bodies adjust and adjust and reliable than in the past by changing the speed to regulate the planting and sowing quantity of fertilizer has been enhanced. Because of the extensive high-powered tractors, planter commonly used suspension and power machinery to access, omitted the landing gear and power from agencies to simplify the structure of the planter. (B) Of soybean-seeder for the work process and the general structure With the improvement of crop cultivation techniques, especially for soybean-ping, close planting the extensive application of technology so that the corresponding supporting sowing machinery also have been greatly improved, 2 BD series of multi-functional precision seeder and the cultivation technology is a combination of planting fertilization institutions. Sowing the structure of the machinery shown in Figure 3-5, the main components include rack, seed boxes, seed, fertilizer sliding knife-ditching, ditching two-disc seed, double disc chain Soil and transmission. Work to fly with the power machinery in the form of connection, the first by sliding a knife-ditching for a fat groove, through the trough row fertilizer Implementation of the base fertilizer and manure application to eat and slip knife-ditching work for Waterloo Performance-cut, the resistance of small, small trailers pushed phenomenon. When planting from two-disc ditching out of uniform depth ditch by the Waterloo eye-metering device to achieve precision planting, the final completion of soil-casing work. As the ridge without sowing machinery, and a dual disc ditching and casing, making the total working hours decreased resistance, reduced fuel consumption and operating costs, but also simplify the structure of the planting machinery, increased use of reliable mechanical seeding Sexual. At the same time sowing the mechanical assembly on the ridge planting devices and change the spacing of fertilizer, maize to be completed on the ridge precision planting, improve the general machinery and reduce the cost of the mechanical inputs. Table 3-3 2BD-4-type precision seeder the main technical specifications 3. Tilled crop seeder process and the general structure Chinese current production of the crop seeder Tilled most common intertillage seeder sowing machine. Its a wide-spaced, soil compaction and the requirements on the ground will require a higher imitation. At the same time, in order to increase the planting machinery GM, Wheat Ridge planter and a GM crop planter rack (3-6), in accordance with the planting of different crops to replace the work of different components. To high-powered tractor (160 hp or more) supporting sowing machinery, there are also many lines operating in 10, 12 or even 16 lines, and other large dedicated Ridge crop seeder has been widely used for the main planting crops of corn and soybeans. As shown in Figure 3-7. The aircraft are the main components of Waterloo eye-seed, fertilizer row of slot wheel, sliding knife-ditching, and the scraper-type casing for the suppression round. Ancillary components for the rack, single-seed boxes, gear, walking devices, transmission and hydraulic control system. Work, every line from a single seed boxes, metering and ditching for the formation of a single group planting, sowing single group by profiling four parallel institutions connected with the main beam, seed and ditching me for a fixed link , Thus ditching large-entering soil, entering soil and strong, copying good performance. Metering device for dual or four ranked Waterloo round eyes, planting a low position, sowing of uniform, sowing accurate, were not injured and can adapt to the higher operating speed, high operating efficiency. At the same time sowing single group can be installed in accordance with the need to change the location to adjust the spacing. Walking round installed in the main beam in the work place, used to support the body weight, limit the location of the main beam and through the transmission mechanism to drive the various components, commonly used crop seeder Tilled the main technical specifications in Table 3-4 . 4, sow Machinery dealers In some cases (such as ranch in grass seed broadcast on the large area, not in the rice harvest, green manure in the fields sow seeds, in the area of forest trees sow seeds, etc.) than other methods more rapid and convenient And more. Sow machine can be dynamic, sow the device, the hoisting of the tractor and hopper means the capacity to classify. Exterior structure in Figure 3-8 (a) - (e) below. - Sow the construction, are generally relatively simple, with the exception of a seed box and a metering device, is mainly composed of the rotating impeller-sow. Figure 3-9 metering agencies said. Work, the kind of box of seeds, use of body vibration and the role of agitator, not cause and take on arch of dignity came from seed at the bottom of the door fell on the spreading round of high-speed rotation, spreading round fell on the Seeds, spreading by the centrifugal force to the surface. In-rocking, swaying around with the slide instead of spreading round of spreading seeds. Figure 3-11 Rice said that using helicopters for air sowing spreading device Legend. Box capacity of about 0.15 m3. This device installed on both sides of the body. Sowing the highest volume of approximately 6 kg / s, spreading round speed of about 1000 r / min, all of DC motor driver. Machine operation is to use the switch control of the relay box on the relay. A speed of about 14 m / s, a high degree of 5-30 m, effectively spreading width of 18-20 m, wind speed at 5 m / s following operations can be carried out. In addition to the operator practices, the need to carry seeds on the ground, as well as planting instructions to return to starting point and the point of the standard-bearer. In addition, in the workplace need a helicopter near the airport. As the planting of rice irrigation aviation issues, formed after sowing due to wind waves, so that rice moved to near the ridge. As a prevention measure is to control Chao field after the date of planting, use of water management adjustment of soil conditions, have a certain effect. 5, Membrane seeder Basically from Planter Membrane and a seeder composition. At present there are already many varieties of Membrane including a single machine, membrane machine, Rotary sowing membrane machine machines and membrane planter, virtually the same as its membrane process.附录2第三章 种植机械第一节 概述种植机械主要由播种和移栽两大类机械组成。前者包括各种类型的撒播机、条播机和点播(穴播)机;后者主要是指旱地移栽机械。根据用途,又可将播种机分为通用播种机和专用播种机。通用播种机的适应范围较广,能播多种作物的种子;专用播种机是根据某种作物的特殊要求设计的,只能适应一种作物播种的需要。随着科学技术的发展及栽培方法的不断变化,用新的工作原理设计成的播种机,如精量播种机及适用于少耕法的联合播种机(即一次完成松土、播种、施肥及喷药)也已广泛用于生产。一、播种方法常用播种方法可分为撒播、条播、穴播及精密播种四大类。1撒播 将种子撒于地面,再用其他工具覆土的播种方法称为撒播。撒播的种子分布不均匀、覆土深度不一致,播种质量较差。这种方法原来用于人工播种,在用机械播种后虽出现过一些撒播机,但现在已经很少采用。近年来,撒播法被用于航空播种。由于飞机播种速度快、撒种均匀,可以适时播种和改善播种质量,所以用飞机大积撒播某些作物如水稻、牧草等已成为当前播种技术的发展方向之一。2条播 将种子成行播入土中的方法称为条播。条播时覆土深度一致,出苗整齐均匀,播种质量较好。条播法应用很广,可用于播多种作物,相应的播种机则称为条播机。3穴播(也称点播) 在播种行内使几粒种子集中于一穴称为穴播。穴播法适于播种中耕作物,可保证行距及穴距准确,较条播法节省种子并减少间苗工作量。播棉花时还可提高棉籽的出苗能力。控制种穴位置,使种穴纵向与横向均能成行,则称为方形穴播。方形穴播可纵向及横向中耕,提高中耕除草的机械化程度。方形穴播法一度在国外发展较快,但随着化学除莠剂的发展,目前已趋于淘汰。4精密播种 精密播种的特点是播种量精确、株距精确和播深精确。谷物条播和中耕作物播种均可采用精密播种法。精密条播的特点是株距精确,与普通条播相比,种子在行内分布很均匀,因而有利于作物植株的生长发育,可提高产量。中耕作物精密播种的特点是每穴只播一粒种子,用保证每亩株数来保证产量。它的优点是可以节省种子和省掉间苗工序,因而可省工。但必须保证种子发芽率和播种条件下的出苗能力,并防止病虫草害,以保证全苗。对某些发芽率低、田间出苗能力差的种子(如甜菜等),采用精密播种时可减少株距以增加播量,再用机械或辅以人工间苗来保证每亩株数。5铺膜播种 播种时在种床表面铺上塑料薄膜,种子出苗后,幼苗长在膜外的一种播种方式。这种方式可以是先播下籽种,随后铺膜,待幼苗出土后再由人工破膜放苗;也可以是先铺上膜,随即在膜上打孔下种。铺膜播种有以下优点:(1)提高并保持地温。由于阳光可透过薄膜给土壤热量,而薄膜可隔断空气流动和土壤以长波形式向空气辐射所散失的热量,因而有利于地温偏低时的种子发芽和幼苗生长。(2)减少土壤水分蒸发。薄膜阻隔了土壤蒸发的水汽流入大气中散失,于是水汽聚集在地膜下窄小的空间内,使空气湿度很高,减少了水分蒸发;凝结的水汽,还可返回土壤,因而使耕层土壤有较高而稳定的水分。(3)改善植株光照条件。薄膜本身及膜下的细微雾滴对光有一定的反射能力,改善了植株下层叶片的光照条件,有利于提高作物的光合作用。(4)改善土壤物理性状和肥力。由于水分的气态和液态循环变化使膜下土壤不断收缩和膨胀,灌溉水或雨水通过横向渗透作用浸润膜下土壤,使其比较疏松而不板结。而且温度较高、持水力强,有利于土壤微生物活动,可加快有机质分解,增强了土壤肥力。(5)可抑制杂草生长。作物苗株周围均为薄膜覆盖封闭,杂草无法生长起来。地膜栽培有许多优点,但成本较高、消耗劳力较多,技术要求也较高。作物收获后,残膜回收问题也未完全解决。所以目前主要用在花生、棉花、蔬菜等经济价值较高的作物栽培上。6免耕播种 自从20世纪中期美国开发免耕种植技术获得成功以来,世界各地对免耕技术给予了极大的重视。许多国家都在积极的试验和推广。免耕技术的基本内容是在前茬作物收获后,土地不进行耕翻,让原有的稿秆、残茬或枯草覆盖地面;待下茬作物播种时,用特制的免耕播种机直接在茬地上进行局部的松土播种;并在播种前或播种后喷洒除草剂及农药。根据气候环境和土地情况的不同,有些地区在施行免耕法的过程中,也用圆盘耙或松土除草机在收获后或播种前进行表土耕作以代替犁耕;有些地方,每隔两三年也用铧式犁或凿式犁深耕一次。因此免耕技术在不同地区有不同的名称,如免耕法、少耕法、覆盖耕作法、直接播种法等。这种方法与常规耕作法相比,可以减少机具投资费用和土壤耕作次数,因而可降低生产成本、减少能耗、减轻对土壤的压实和破坏,并可减轻风蚀、水蚀和土壤水分的蒸发与流失。但是采用免耕法是有条件的,必须与作物栽培技术密切配合。由于不进行土壤翻耕,害虫杂草较多。故对灭草剂和杀虫剂的需要量较大,质量要求也较高。这就有可能抵消掉因少耕而节约下来的成本。免耕播种在免耕法中占有重要地位。目前,某些作物(如大豆)采用精密点播和窄行密植平作的方法,免去中耕作业,可以较大幅度提高作物的产量和降低作业成本,是一种新型的种植方法。二、播种的农业技术要求(一)播种的农业技术要求 播种的农业技术要求包括播量、行距、株距(或穴距)、播种均匀度、播种深度、覆土深度及压密程度等。各种作物的播种要求不同,同一种作物因地区、耕作制度的不同也会有很大差异。表31为我国华北、西北、东北、苏北、河南等地几种主要作物播种的农业技术要求。播种时应根据当地的农业技术要求。(
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