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八年级英语(上)Unit 8 How was your school trip? 导学案责任学校 _ 责任教师 _Period 1 Section A 1a - 2c (p.47P.48)一、学习目标1能力目标:学习一些公共地点的名称并会用英语正确礼貌地问路和指路;学习there be 句型并掌握描述地点的介词和介词短语的用法。2知识目标:重点单词(会读词汇) :post office police hotel restaurant bank hospital street pay near across front behind 重点短语:post office police station pay phone near here on Bridge Street across from next to between .and in front of in town around here far from no problem重点句型:1) Is there a post office near here? -Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.2) The pay phone is across from/in front of/behind/ the library.3) The pay phone is between the post office and the library.4) Where is the hospital? Its next to the police station.5) Thanks so much! No problem.3.情感目标:学会在实际生活中正确有礼貌地问路和指路,培养礼貌且乐于助人的品质。2、掌握一般过去时be动词、行为动词以及there be 结构的用法 学习重点难点:掌握一般过去时be动词、行为动词以及there be 结构的用法二、课前预习1. 单词:听录音跟读P47-P48单词。2. 短语: (p.47-p.48)( 1 ) 去海滩_ ( 2)吃冰淇淋 (3)去动物园_ ( 4 ) 去水族馆 _ (5)拍照 _ (6)和朋友闲逛 ( 7 ) 别的什么_ ( 8 ) 一名名演员_ ( 9 ) 得到签名_ (10 ) 获奖 _3. 试朗读P47-48的句子,结合Grammar Focus (P.48),将正确的英文句子写在横线上。(1)你去了动物园吗?_ 不,我去了水族馆。_ (2)有鲨鱼吗?_没有,但有一些很聪明的海豹。_三、课堂探究1. Listening-1b (p.47) 2a(P48)。2. Listening 2a, 2b(P48)。3. 根据要求填空。(1)go(过去式) (2) eat(过去式) (3)see(过去式) (4)buy(过去式) (5)win(过去式) (6)get(过去式) (7)meet(过去式) (8)take(过去式) 4. 语法聚焦。观察下列句子。A: Did you see sharks? No, I saw a dolphin.B: Were there any trees? Yes, there were.一般过去时主要用来表示过去发生的动作或状,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday, last week, three years ago, in 1978, a moment ago, just now等。(1) be动词的过去式。否定句是在 / 后面加 ,即wasnt/ werent, 一般疑问句是把was/ were放在 。(2) 实义动词过去式的肯定句:主语+ +其它如:他们昨天玩得很高兴。They yesterday.否定句:主语+ + +其它一般疑问句:Did +主语+ +其它?肯定回答:Yes, 主语+ ,否定回答:No, 主语+ 。如:两天前他们开会了吗?是的/不,没有。 they two days ago?Yes, they ./ , they .特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句+did+主+动词原形+其它?如:你几点完成你的作业?What time you your homework?(3) 我来学运用。 Maria has a stomach, she (eat) too much ice cream just now. The Greens (not take) photos yesterday. (are) there any sharks in the aquarium last year? I (see) some seals on the beach when I (go) there with my parents last Wednesday.四、达标测评Exercise 1: 选择填空。(1)In the zoo, we many photos yesterday. A. take B. had C. took D. went(2) he visit Chicago Last Sunday? A. Was B. Were C. Does D. Did(3) “ Were there any sharks?” “ ”A. Yes, there are B. Yes, there were C. No, there were D. No, there werent(4) What did you do? A. also B. other C. else D. still(5) There a pen and two books on the desk yesterday? A. was B. were C. is D. are2. 句型转换(1)Her friend Grace bought a souvenir.(提问) ?(2)What other things did you do?(同义句) ?(3) They _ on the Great Wall when they were in Beijing last year. (拍了照片)(4) She _ with her friends yesterday morning. (闲荡) (5) Who _ ? (获奖)四、课堂评价与反馈同学互批互改评价签名时间组长、科代表复查评价签名时间科任教师抽查评价签名时间自主反思与升华(教训、知识、情商、思路、方法)存在问题改进措施Period 2 Section A 3a - Section B 2c (p.49P50)一、学习目标1.会读词汇:visitor, outdoor, octopus, end, monitor, have a great time, at the end of2.使学生学会描述过去的旅行。学习重点难点:感知、理解、掌握3a课文内容,完成每个层次的阅读任务,尝试用自己的话复述课文。 二、课前预习Step 1: Before reading: 1. 课前自学生词表中以下生词:( P103-P104)课堂上请在小组中相互检查生词学习情况。shark seal octopus aquarium gift visitor outdoor end monitor.2. 自学P49 3a 课文,并找出下列短语: 1.) 玩得高兴 2) 学校郊游 3) 蓝色水族馆 4) 游客中心 5) 看海豚展 6) 礼品店 7) 科学老师 8) 很多礼物 9) 乘坐地铁 10) 打扫公共汽车 三、课堂探究Step 2: While reading 1、 Skimming(略读):请同学们快速阅读section A 3a课文,自主完成下列的练习。( ) 1. What is the article about ? It is about _. A. a party B. a school trip C. a vacation plan. ( ) 2. Where did class 9 go on the school trip ? They went to _ . A. the zoo B. the park C. Blue Water Aquarium 2、Scanning(寻读): 认真阅读课文,改正下列句子中的错误,并圈出句中的动词过去式( P49 Section A 3a )3、 Reading up(细读):在小组中合作探究,完成各组的相应任务。 Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. 在学校郊游中 . 造句: At the end of the day, the Science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip. 在结束时_ 造句: 找出课文中的六个表示顺序的词语, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 用first then finally等词连成几句话。_找出文中的四个表示场所名称的词语并造句。1. 2. 3. 4、 造句、填空。1. the Visitors Center 造句: 2. Tomorrow is ( teacher ) Day. Lets buy some gifts for our teachers. Step 3 : After reading task 1: 结合下面的图片,试着复述课文,并在小组内交流。Class 9 Blue Water AquariumFirst VisitorsCenterand Then After that Outdoor PoolAfter lunch the Gift Shop Finally At the end of the day school四、达标测评Step 4 Summary 观察与思考:1)通过合作探究,还有未能解决的疑难问题吗?_2)这篇文章的文体是什么?这种文体需要注意什么?3) Did you have fun camping? 一句是什么意思? . have fun的同义词是_。观察划线部分,have fun后跟动词的什么形式? 你会运用这种结构造句吗? _ 4)模仿秀:听录音跟读,注意语音、语调。Step 5 故事接龙。小组内同学故事接龙 ,每个同学加 1 个句子,把故事编完整,并要求发挥想象力,使故事更有趣. S1: Last weekend , I went to S2: I went there by S3: I saw S4: The weather was.S5: I .同学互批互改评价签名时间组长、科代表复查评价签名时间科任教师抽查评价签名时间自主反思与升华(教训、知识、情商、思路、方法)存在问题改进措施Period3 Section B 1a 2c (50- 51)一、学习目标引导学生用英语描述自己或他人的休息日情况学习重点难点:一般过去时的运用二、课前预习1. 单词:听录音跟读p.47-50单词。2. 尝试朗读P49的句子,写出正确的英文。1)和朋友看电视_ 2) 上课_ 3) 睡过头_ 4) 开车兜风_5) 雨中宿营_ 6)在我的下一个休息日_7) 听起来像一个繁忙的休息日_三、课堂探究(一)看课本1a, 小组合作讨论,完成1a练习。(二) 听一听,写一写, 读一读。1.听录音,独立完成2a 练习, 2.听录音,完成2b 练习并在组内展示答案.3.脱口秀:根据2a & 2b表格提供的信息,仿照2c对话,进行小组会话训练(Pairwork)(三)想一想,议一议四人小组讨论,写出行为动词过去式的几种构成方法并举例(1) (2) (3) 四、达标测评Exercise 1: 用所给词的适当形式填空(1) Although the weather was bad, we (go) for a drive.(2) Anna likes (buy) souvenirs when she is on a trip.(3) Going camping in the rain (sound) fun.Exercise 2: 句型转换(1) What was the weather like the day before yesterday? (同义句) the weather the day before yesterday?(2) Tom did his homework yesterday evening. (否定句)Tom his homework yesterday evening.(3) We enjoyed ourselves at the party last Sunday. (同义句)We at the party last Sunday.(4)We went camping in the park last week. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ camping in the park last week ?(5) My weekend was awful. (划线部分提问)_ _ your weekend ? 同学互批互改评价签名时间组长、科代表复查评价签名时间科任教师抽查评价签名时间自主反思与升华(教训、知识、情商、思路、方法)存在问题改进措施Period4 Section B 3a Self check (p.53-p.54)一、学习目标1.使学生学会写关于过去的旅行的小短文。2.熟练掌握动词的一般过去时。学习重点难点:一般过去时的运用二、课前预习1. 单词:听录音跟读p.51-p.52单词。2.短语:(1)你的休息日 (2)野营玩得高兴 (3)整天下雨 (4)在院子里 (5)庭院售货 (6)弄湿 (7)在昨天的唱歌比赛中 (8)在未来 (9)著名的篮球运动员 (10)依我之见 3.尝试朗读P51-52句子,将正确的英文句子写上。(1)你野营玩得高兴吗? (2)幸运的是,我们带了雨伞和雨衣。 (3)没有人在海水里。 三、课堂探究(一)读一读, 议一议。四人小组讨论,回答下列问题。1.Who wrote the letter?2.How was the weather?3. What did Tom do on his day off?4.What did Uncle Martin do in the afternoon?5.Did he sell anything? Why or why not?6. Why did nobody come to the sale?7.Did they get wet? Why or why not?(二)再读, 完成3a(P51)练习。(三) 课堂点拨(1) have fun _ sth 做某事很开心(2) have fun= _ = _(3) None of them were in the seanone (没有人) 完全否定,谓语动词可用单/复数如:None of us likes running. 翻译_None of the girls wear skirts in ou


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