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Unit 5 Travelling abroad (时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Being_occupied/To_be_occupied (occupy) with work should not be the reason for treating ones neighbours as strangers.2It is recommended that you (should)_set (set) aside a few minutes every day to communicate with your family.3To our great surprise,the disabled person made a requirement that he (should)_be_received (receive) as a volunteer.4It was dark and little Anne couldnt find her way home.She really didnt know what to_do(do)5It is the second time that I have_visited(visit) the small village.6Id like to go on a journey to Africa because I can see a lot of wild animals there.Yes,its a region abundant (abundance) in wildlife.7Tom,it is time that you washed/should_wash(wash) your own clothes.Id rather you did that for me just like before.8As far as Im concerned,she has all the right qualifications(qualify) for the job.9It is_acknowledged (acknowledge) that wealth doesnt necessarily mean happiness.10There were a lot of people at the party,many of whom I had known for years.单句改错1I was feeling a bit nervous because it was the first time that I have given a speech on my own.havehad2There are so many applicants,so it is out of question that they will offer me the chance.question前加the3In trouble,good company helps to keep up with your spirits.去掉with4“You cant judge a book by its cover,” which the old saying goes.whichas5He has got used to live in the remote mountainous village without any modern conveniences.liveliving6It is recommended that we must be prepared for the possible trouble.mustshould或去掉must.阅读理解Family movie night gets a bit more complicated when your child enters her teen years.As a parent,you want to engage your teen while still exposing her to ageappropriate content.This can be a hard line to walk,but there are some classic films which are sure to be a hit with both you and your teen.Watching them together may even spark some conversations between you.Stand by MeThis 1986 film was an instant classic.Following the friendship of a group of young boys in search of a missing teenager,Stand by Me is told in the narrative of an adult author looking back.It should help spark a conversation with your teen about death,and how far they would go for their friends.Now and ThenReleased in 1995,Now and Then is a great movie to watch with your teen daughter.Showing the lifelong friendship between 4 girls,this film cuts back and forth between the summer when they were 12 and the present day,when they are now all adults.First crushes are explored,as well as parents divorcing and learning how to rely on both yourself and your friends.Teen girls are sure to relate to this movie,as well as the music.The SandlotThis 1983 movie about a group of boys enamored (爱好) with the sport of baseball is sweet enough to be appropriate viewing for your teen.With themes surrounding conquering fears and pursuing dreams,it is sure to get your teen thinking.The friendships also run strong in this film.Dirty DancingA true classic,Dirty Dancing has been a favorite among teen girls since its release in 1987.Following the budding romance between the good girl Baby and the bad boy Johnny,there is more to this movieand its charactersthan to meet the eye.Growing up and finding yourself is a theme which remains throughout Dirty Dancing,as Baby struggles to figure out what it is that she wants and what she needs to do to achieve it.From beginning to end,her transformation will be a good conversation starter for you and your daughter as she struggles to gain her own independence.1. The film about a group of young boys in search of a missing teenager was released in_.A1983B1986C1987D1995B细节理解题。根据文章Stand by Me部分的内容可知这部电影是1986年发行的。2. Which film will help parents encourage their teens to follow their dreams?AStand by MeBNow and ThenCThe Sandlot DDirty DancingC细节理解题。由文章The Sandlot部分的内容可知这部电影是有关追逐梦想的。3. What the four films have in common is that they are all about teenage_.AlifeBfriendshipCsportsDloveA推理判断题。由文章对四部电影的介绍可以推断出这四部电影的共同之处都是有关青少年生活的,友谊、运动和爱都只是其中的一部分。4. Teenage girls would prefer to watch_.AStand by Me and Now and ThenBThe Sandlot and Dirty DancingCStand by Me and The SandlotDNow and Then and Dirty DancingD细节理解题。由文章Now and Then部分和Dirty Dancing部分可知这两部电影是有关青春期女孩子的故事,女孩子更愿意观看,所以D项是答案。.完形填空I love a good murder mystery.It is so _1_ to watch or read an exciting and interesting detective story and try to solve the _2_ yourself.Agatha Christie is undoubtedly queen of the detective story considering she _3_ over eighty books.Many people have fallen in love with her _4_Hercule Poirot,a famous Belgian detective and Miss Marple,an old lady who is also an amateur _5_.As I am a big _6_ of Agatha Christie,I was excited to _7_ her house in Devon called Greenway.I travelled to her _8_ by steam train.We went through a dark tunnel and there was lots of smoke.It was a _9_ setting for a murder like in her famous novel Murder on the Orient Express._10_ ,all the passengers arrived safely!After a pleasant walk through the woods,I _11_ the splendid house.I did a tour and I loved seeing where she wrote her _12_ .Many first editions were on display in a revolving (旋转的) bookcase.However,my _13_ part of the estate (庄园) was the boathouse.There was a lovely view of the river _14_ the boathouse also served a more special purposeinspiration for a crime _15_ .In Christies novel,Dead Mans Folly,a girls body is _16_ in the boathouse.They even _17_ the TV adaptation of the book at Greenway.I really _18_ my visit to Greenway.It was such a _19_ place and I was interested in seeing where Agatha Christie was _20_ to write so many exciting stories.语篇解读本文讲述了作者酷爱英国著名侦探小说家阿加莎克里斯蒂的作品及参观她故居时的感受。1. AupsetBseriousCsuccessfulDfun D根据语境“I love a good murder mystery”“an exciting and interesting detective story”可知,作者认为阅读侦探小说是很有趣的(fun)事情,故选D。2. AdoubtBproblem Cmurder DmethodC根据“a good murder mystery”“detective”可知,此处指“尽力自己破案”,故选C。3. AreadBwroteCsaw DcontributedB根据“Agatha Christie is undoubtedly queen of the detective story”可知,这是对Agatha极高的赞誉,考虑到她写(wrote)了超过80本书。故选B。4. Acreations BinventionsCdiscussionsDreasonsA根据语境可推知,很多人都非常喜欢Agatha的作品 (creations)。故选A。5A.guardBdetectiveCcreator DspyB根据“Hercule Poirot,a famous Belgian detective”可推断出,Miss Marple也是一位业余侦探(detective)。故选B。6. AguideBfellowCfanDgiftC根据前文内容可知,作者十分喜欢侦探小说和Agatha这个人。故可推断,作者是她的一个粉丝(fan)。7. AwatchBrebuildCexplodeDvisitD 根据后文的“I travelled to her _8_ ”可推知,作者对要去参观(visit)Agatha的故居兴奋不已。故选D。8. Ahouse BfamilyChometown DsiteA根据前文的“ _7_ her house”可知本空答案为house,故选A。9. Aperfect Bcentral CcolorfulDdirectA根据前文的“We went through a dark tunnel and there was lots of smoke”及后文的“for a murder like in her famous novel”可推知,这个地方是谋杀案的完美的(perfect)背景。故选A。10. ASadlyBFortunatelyCHopefully DSurprisinglyB根据语境可知,此处表示“幸运的是,所有乘客安全到达”。故选B。11. Afetched Bgot Creached DmentionedC根据前文的“After a pleasant walk through the woods”可知,在穿过树林后,作者到达(reached)了Agatha的故居。故选C。12. Aposts Bpoems ClettersDbooksD此处表示作者喜欢参观Agatha写书(books)的地方。 故选D。文末的“to write so many exciting stories”是提示。13. ApersonalBusefulCrewardingDfavouriteD根据语境可知,此处指“作者最喜欢的(favourite)地方是船屋”。故选D。14. AorBandCbutDforC分析句子可知,前后表示转折关系,故用转折连词but。故选C。15. Ascenery Bsight CviewDsceneD根据前文的“the boathouse also served a more special purposeinspiration for a crime”可知,此处指这个船屋有一个更特殊的用途,它提供了犯罪场景(scene)的灵感。故选D。16. Adissolved Btended CfoundDburiedC根据前文的内容可知,在这部小说中,一个女孩的尸体在船屋中被找到(found)。故选C。17. Adeveloped Bfilmed Cadapted DaffectedB根据后文的“the TV adaptation of the book at Greenway”可知,他们甚至在Greenway拍了书改编的电影。故选B。film“拍摄(影片)”。18. AenjoyedBtreasured CexploitedDfocusedA根据语境可知,对于这次的参观作者真的很喜欢。故选A。19. Ashocking BbeautifulCskilful DhelpfulB根据上文中的“the splendid house”和“There was a lovely view of the river”以及空格后的“I was interested in seeing”可知,这里的风景很美(beautiful)。故选B。20. Ainspired Bdisappointed Cmarked DhonoredA根据最后一段的内容可知,正是这样一个地方使Agatha富有灵感,创作出了这么多令人兴奋的小说。故选A。上文中的“inspiration for”是提示。.短文改错Last year,we went on exchange programme to England to make our English improved.The plane took off on time but we arrived smoothly.Before I went,I was quite proud of their English,but everyone in England spoke very fast that I couldnt make out what they were saying.I wasnt even sure of whether the pla


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