



Module 2 Spring FestivalUnit 1 Were getting ready for Spring Festival.一、教学目标:1、掌握重点单词:Festival, ready, cook, meal, learn, dragon, lantern, sweep, floor, happen, help, tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, everyone, haircut, give, dumpling, sweet, pudding, fireworks, few, want, week, round, bring, colour, something, cut, Christmas, long2、重点短语:Spring Festival, get ready for, dragon dance, Lantern Festival, sweep away, at work, paper cut, New Year, New Years Eve, sweet pudding, a few, all the year round.3、掌握现在进行时的问与答。4、掌握节日的表达与询问;描述准备的过程。二、语言技能听:能听懂有关为“节日”做准备的句子;能听辩动词词组。说:能就正在做或正在发生的事情进行简单的问答练习。流利的说出含有本模块生词的短语。读:能读懂有关节日描述的短文,并且能将段落与图片,段落与问题搭配。写:学会写要点,句子以及段落;用and连接句子。演示与表达:能向人们介绍春节或其他中外节日。三、情感态度:乐于接触并了解世界不同地方人们的节假日,乐于参加相关英语实践活动,提高对英语的学习兴趣,培养对异国文化,生活习俗的兴趣,提高对本国文化的认识。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立准确的语言学习观。四、文化意识:1、中外对比2、了解英语国家重要节假日及其主要庆祝方式,鼓励学生了解世界,加强交流。五、教学重点和难点: 重点:掌握描述节假日的基本词汇; 读懂含有现在进行时的句子; 掌握现在进行时的结构和用法。 难点:现在进行时和一般现在时的结构和用法的比较。六、教学过程:1、课前疯狂齐读单词2、让学生进行头脑风暴,迅速想出中西方节日:中方节日: Spring Festival , Lantern Festival, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, May Day, Childrens Day ,Teachers Day, Mid-autumn Day ,National Day西方节日:New Year ,Valentines Day, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, April Fools Day ,Childrens Day Halloween, Thanks-giving Day ,Christmas3、问学生中国最盛大的传统节日是什么?What is the greatest festival in China?从而导入Spring Festival。What are people doing before the Spring Festival?导入课本短语:make lanterns,learn a dragon dance,sweep the floor,cook the meal,clean the house(疯狂最快速、最清晰、最大声地读这些短语)然后展示图片:Is the woman cleaning the house? Yes, she is.Is she cooking the meal? Yes, she is.Are they sweeping the floor? Yes, they are.Are they buying things? Yes, they are.采用结对活动,进行练习。四、小听力:listen and check 很简单,一遍即可。然后进行听后说:训练学生说的能力。五、大听力:接下来进行大听力训练,依据“总分总”的原则,让学生不看课文,做课本活动3,完成后让学生小组内交流答案。此活动训练一般疑问句及其问答。 1. Are they getting ready for the Spring Festival? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.2. Are the boys making lanterns? Yes, theyre./ No, They arent.3. Is Linglings mother sweeping the floor? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.4. Is her aunt cooking the meal? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.5. Is Linglings grandmother cooking the meal? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.6. Is Linglings father working? Yes, he is./ No, he isnt.注意放录音时,教师不要中途中断,妨碍听力的连续性。可以根据情况编以下两个问题:再听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案.(要求学生对细节进行捕捉。)Listen again and answer:1、How many people are talking in the dialogue?2、How many people are there in Linglings family?六、 默读对话,小组合作释疑,弄清对话意思。 七、突破重难点(先自主后合作)(一)对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。 1、Whats happening?的汉语意思_。拓展:happen to do sth.翻译:我碰巧遇见了他。_。2.get 的现在分词是_,用get ready for 造句_ 。拓展:乐于做某事:_。他总是乐意帮助别人。_。3.help的用法:帮助某人做某事:_;_;_.随便吃些东西:_.help的形容词:_;_ 4.He is at work.的同义句:_.(二)自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。(三)学生朗读巩固以上重点知识。八、 归纳短语通过对对话的学习,让学生归纳本课的短语,可以小组合作交流,然后通过展示呈现出一个小组的成果,然后其他小组补充完善。get ready for,learn a dragon dance,make lanterns,clean the house,sweep the floor, cook the meal,at work九、 诵读积累(一)跟录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。(二)读熟对话(三)读烂下列重点句子(四)默写,组长交叉监督,各组统计好分数,评出优胜小组。疯狂朗读以下句子:1.We are getting ready for Spring Festival.2.Whats happening?3.What are boys doing? 4.The boys are learning a dragon dance. 5. Im making lanterns.6.Shes sweeping the floor.7.Shes cooking the meal. 8.Hes at work./Hes working. 十、当堂检测题(主要检测重难点)(一)英汉词组互译:1.Clean the house 6. 春节2.Cook the meal 7.为准备好3.Sweep the floor 8.学舞龙4.At work 9.做灯笼5.Learn English 10. 玲玲的妈妈当堂检测题(二)翻译下列句子:1、在做什么呢?(发生了什么事?)2、你们正在为春节做准备吗?3、这些男孩正在做什么?4、他们正在学舞龙。5、她正在做饭。当堂检测(三)1.They are playing games over there. (就划线部分提问)_2. What is Betty doing? (用make lanterns作答)_3. They are cleaning the house for the Spring


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