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词汇一默26个英语字母(大小写),并圈出元音字母。_二想一想,你一定能填上。1. buy (同音词) _2. sun (同音词) _3. right (同音词) _4. cool (反义词) _5. cold (反义词) _6. long (反义词) _7. small (反义词) _8. expensive (反义词) _9. here (对应词) _10. this (对应词) _11. these (对应词) _12. baby (复数) _13. foot (复数) _14. sheep (复数) _15. tomato (复数) _三 你知道哪个发音不同吗?( ) 1. A. cake B. face C. cat( ) 2. A. apple B. snake C. hat( ) 3. A. egg B. we C. he( ) 4. A. desk B. she C. pen ( ) 5. A. bike B. milk C. rice( ) 6. A. fish B. window C. kite( ) 7. A. home B. box C. fox( ) 8. A. nose B. orange C. rose( ) 9. A. music B. bus C. umbrella( ) 10. A student B. cute C. cup四 选择不同类别的项。( ) 1. A. library B. garden C. bus( ) 2. A. is B. this C. that( ) 3. A. lunch B. class C. dinner( ) 4. A. gym B. music C. Chinese( ) 5. A. jacket B. sweater C. white( ) 6. A. colour B. jeans C. pants( ) 7. A. warm B. cool C. weather( ) 8. A. rainy B. sun C. snowy( ) 9. A. sixty B. how much C. seventy ( ) 10. A. sheep B. goat C. onion五 英汉互译。1. 踢足球 _2. 英语课 _3. 回家 _4. 多少 _5. 多少钱 _6. a pair of _7. very much _8. put on _9. go to the playground _10. have to _句子一 你知道填哪一个更准确吗?1. Its _(on, in) the first floor.2. Do you have lunch _(at, in) school.3. Its time _(to, for) watch TV.4. Its time _(to, for) breakfast.5. These are _(he, his) pants.6. Let _(me, I) close the door.7. Its _(snow, snowy) here.8. Whats the matter _ (with, for) you?9. How many _(sheep, sheeps) do you have?10. Its cool _(in, at) Lhasa.二 金睛火眼,选一选。( ) 1.Where_the canteen?A. isB. amC. are( )2.Welcome_our school.A.tooB.toC. two( ) 3._ time is it?A.Who B.WhatC. Where( )4.Its time_ go to school.A.to B.atC. for( ) 5. I like the white sweater _ the green skirt. A. have B. for C. with( )6.Please pass_my shirt.A.I B.me C.am( ) 7.Where _ my socks? A. is B. are C. am ( ) 8. Our neighbour _ a new baby. A. has B. have C. /( ) 9. -_ is it? Its Johns. A. whose B. Who C. Whose ( ) 10. _ a story-book. A. Watch B. Read C. Look( ) 11. Let me _ a shower. A. wash B. take C. water( ) 12. Whats the weather _ in Harbin? A. like B. likes C. /( ) 13.Lets _ s snowman. A. make B. do C. /( ) 14. How much _ those pens? A. am B. are C. is( ) 15. I want a pair _ socks. A. at B. for C. of( ) 16. This dress is _ you. A. of B. help C. for( ) 17. How many _ do you have? A. babies B. baby C. babys( ) 18. Are those _? A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos( ) 19. _ the hens. A. Ride B. Milk C. Feed( ) 20. Amy is _ the farm. A. at B. for C. with三 选择正确的译文。( ) 1. Hand in the homework.( ) 2. Where is the art room?( ) 3. Its time to go to bed.( ) 4. Take off your jacket.( ) 5. What colour is it? ( ) 6. Open up your umbrella.( ) 7. Lets make a snowman.( ) 8. It fits me well.( ) 9. I want a pair of slippers.( ) 10. Milk a cow.A. 它是什么颜色的?B. 我想要一双拖鞋。C. 它很适合我。D. 交家庭作业。E. 脱掉你的夹克衫。F. 挤牛奶。G. 让我们堆雪人吧。H. 到睡觉时间了。I. 绘画教室在哪里?J. 打开你的雨伞。四找错。(按顺序ABC)( ) 1. Where are the library?( ) 2. Do you has a canteen?( ) 3. Its time to math class.( ) 4. Lets go to home.( ) 5. Where are my sweater?( ) 6. Can I put in my new dress?( ) 7. They are on your foot.( ) 8. This shirt is colour.( ) 9. Well take they.( ) 10. How many sheeps are there?五单词排队组句子。1. thank, for, new, books, you, the (.)_2. hens, many, do, have, how, you (?)_3. your, are, these, pants, baby (.)_4. much, this, T-shirt, how, is (?)_5. the, is, like, what, weather, today (?)_六 看答句,写问句。1. _? Its a cat.2. _? They are goats.3. _? There are five sheep.4. _? Its sunny today.5. _? Its 5 yuan.6. _? Its red.7. _? Its nine oclock.8. _? Yes, it is. Its my skirt.9. _? They are twenty yuan.10. _? No, they arent. They are ducks.11. _? They are blue.12. _?I can see seven tomatoes.13. _? I have thirteen books.Unit 2一听录音,根据内容在横线上填入所缺的单词。1. Its _ oclock. Its time to go to school.2. What _ is it? Its _ oclock.3. Its _ oclock. Its time for _ class.4. Its _ oclock. Its time for _ class.5. I like _. Tom likes _.二 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。( ) 1. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( ) 2. A. playground B. garden C. library( ) 3. A. three B. five C. nine( ) 4. A. English class B. P.E. class C. music class( ) 5. A. get up B. go home C. go to bed三. 听录音,排序。( ) Its on the second floor.( ) What time is it now?( ) Is this your classroom? Yes, it is.( ) Its eight oclock.( ) Where is your classroom?四听录音,写下相应的时间。ActivitiesTimeActivitiesTimeGet upLunchBreakfastGo homeGo to schoolDinnerEnglish classWatch TVMusic classGo to bed五根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. Mike: Oh, its 630. Its time to _.(起床) Mom: _(早饭) is ready.2. Mom: Hurry. Its 7:10. Its _(时间)to go to _.(学校)3. Teacher: Is it 8 oclock? Mike: No, its 8:30. Its time for _(英语) class.4. 那是我的图画。_ is my picture.5. 到上语文课的时间啦。Its time _ _class.6. 这是一个讲台吗?是,它是。_ this a _ _? Yes, _ is.7. 几点了?9点了。_ _ is it? Its _ oclock.A. Its 9:07.B. There are six.C. Miss White.D. Its on the second floor.E. Yes, it is.六选择正确的选项。( ) 1. Is this your schoolbag? ( ) 2. Where is your classroom?( ) 3. What time is it?( ) 4. Whos your English teacher?( ) 5. How many lights are there in your classroom?七选择正确的答语。( )1. Lets go home. A. No, thanks. B. OK. C. Oops.( ) 2. What time is it? A. Its 6:08. B. At 12:00. C. At 6:00pm.( ) 3. Is it nine now? A. No, it doesnt. B. Yes, it does. C. No, it isnt.( ) 4. Breakfast is ready. A. Thank you. B. Lets go. C. I am ready.( ) 5. Can I have a try? A. No, you cant. B. Sure. C. Yes, you can.八 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。Mike has a busy day. At 7 oclock, he puts on his jeans and purple jacket. At 7:30, he goes to school. At 9:00, he has an English class. At 10 oclock, Mike reads books in the library. At 12 oclock, he has lunch in the canteen. At 3:15p.m., he takes white shoes to P. E. class. ( ) 1. Mike goes to school at 7 oclock.( ) 2. Mikes jacket is green.( ) 3. Mike is in the library at 10 oclock.( ) 4. Mike has lunch on the playground.( ) 5. Mike has white shoes.Unit 3F. Its nice.G. What colour is it?H. May I have look?一 听录音,在横线上写出你所听到的单词。1. Is your shirt _? Yes, it is.2. Where is my _? Look! Its on the bed.3. This is my baby sisters _.4. Pass me the _ shoes, please.5. I like the white _.6. Mike: Is this your skirt?Amy: No, _ _. My shirt is _.Mike: Whose shirt is it? John: What _ is it?Mike: Its _.John: Oh, its mine.二 选出听到的短语或句子。( ) 1. A. red jeans B. brown jeans C. yellow jeans( ) 2. A. small shoes B. big shoes C. new shoes( ) 3. A. my sisters shorts B. my fathers shorts C. my brothers shorts( ) 4. A. Pass me the red T-shirt. B. Pass me the purple T-shirt. C. Pass me the pink T-shirt.( ) 5. A. Whose socks are they? B. Whose shirt it is? C. Whose pants are they?三 归类shirt, fan, light, red, apple, dress, orange, computer, sandals, blue, black, yellow, watermelon, pants, chair, white, pear, pink, sneakers, desk1. shirt:_2. red: _3. fan: _4. apple: _四咱们来对话吧。A: I have a new dress.B: Really? (1)_A: Its blue. B: (2)_A: SureB: Oh! (3)_A: Thank you.A. You are welcome.B. Its Amys.C. Yes, it is.D. Its on the floor.E. Its green.五你知道它们的答语吗?( )1. Where is my skirt?( )2. What colour is your dress?( )3. Is this your jacket?( )4. Whose sweater is it?( )5. Thank you.六想一想,填一填。1. I have a _ _.(白色衬衫)2. Where are _ _?(我的鞋)3. Amy is in the _ _?(教师办公室)4. We have a _ _.(音乐课)5. The _(图书馆) is on the second floor.6. Is that _(你的) computer?7. Lets _ _.(回家)8. I like _ _.(语文课)9. He has _ _.(七支钢笔)10. _ _ (什么颜色) are your shorts?A. Its 7 oclock.B. No, its not.C. Its your fathers.D. They are on the bed.E. Its brown.七连线1. Where are my shoes?2. What colour is the jacket?3. What time is it?4. Is this your ruler?5. Whose T-shirt is this?Unit 4一 听录音,在正确的空格打“”。sunnycloudywindyrainysnowyBeijingHong KongLondonSydneySingapore二 听录音,摘写下面的天气报告。PlacesWeatherPlacesWeatherDongguanHangzhouGuangzhouSuzhouHainanShanghaiJiangxiTianjin三 选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. shirt B. skirt C. weather( ) 2. A. shorts B. snowy C. sunny( ) 3. A. hot B. cold C. snow( ) 4. A. pink B. purple C. pants( ) 5. A. those B. these C. jacket四 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 今天阳光明媚。Its _ today.2. 让我们一起踢足球。 Lets play _.3. 今天天气怎样?Whats the _ _ today?4. 这是你的T恤衫吗?不,它不是。_ _ your T-shirt? No, _ _.5. 我的连衣裙是蓝黄条的。My dress is _ and _.五 选词填空。rainy sunny snowy windy1. Its _. Lets fly a kite.2. Its _. I want to play football.3. Its _. Lets make a snowman.4. Its _. Lets stay at home.六 连线。F. Put on your sweater.G. Put on your sunglasses.H. Open up your umbrella.I. Hold on your hat.J. Take your raincoat.1. Its rainy. 2. Its windy.3. Its sunny.4. Its snowy.5. Its cloudy.七 咱们来对话。A. Thats all right.B. Are these your shoes?C. Lets play football.D. They are on your feet.E. My shoes are white.F. Where are they?A; Its warm today. (1)_B: Great!A: Where are my shoes?B: (2)_A: No, they arent. (3)_B: Oh, (4)_.A: (5)_B: Sorry.A: (6) _.八 阅读理解,判读正误。对的打,错的打。My name is Mike. Im 10 years old. Its 6:30. Its time to get up. But where is my shirt? My shirt is blue. Oh, its on the chair. Its 7:00. Where are my black shoes? Are they under the bed? No, they arent. Theyre behind the door.( ) 1. Mike is 10 years old.( ) 2. Mikes shirt is green.( ) 3.Its 7:05 now.( ) 4. Mikes shoes are black.( ) 5. The shoes are behind the door.Unit 5一. 听录音,在横线上写出你所听到的单词。1. My new shirt is good. But its too _.2. I want six _, please.3. How much are the _? 15 yuan.4. Look! The dress is nice. But its too _.5. Are the pants too _? No, theyre all right.6. The skirt is _. Ill take it.7. The shirt is _. It fits me well.8. I like this _ box.9. Sarah likes _ very much.10. I would like some _ for dessert.二听录音,填出每个水果的数量和价格。FruitsapplepearorangebananawatermelonHow manyHow much三听录音,选择正确的答语。( ) 1. A. Yes, it is. B. Its pretty.( ) 2. A. Its 5 yuan. B. They are 5 yuan.( ) 3. A. No, you cant. B. No, thanks.( ) 4. A. Its 20 yuan. B. They are 20 yuan.( ) 5. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they do.四给下列句子排序。( ) How much is it?( ) Can I help you?( ) Oh, its too expensive.( ) Its ninety-nine yuan.( ) Yes. I want that dress.五你知道那个发音不同吗?( ) 1. A. student B. music C. bus( ) 2. A. cup B. cute C. umbrella( ) 3. A. tube B. use C. up( ) 4. A. duck B. study C. computerA. Its 15 yuan.B. They are 45 yuan.C. Size 6.D. Its sunny.E. E. Yes, I want a bag.六选择相应的答语。( ) 1. How much are they?( ) 2. How much is it?( ) 3. Can I help you?( ) 4. What size?( ) 5. Whats the weather like?七. 根据表格回答问题。dresssandalsbootsshirtskirt90yuan40yuan56yuan38yuan85yuan1. How much is this dress? _2. How much are these sandals? _3. How much are these boots? _4. How much is this shirt? _5. How much is this skirt? _八选择不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. pear B. snowy C. apple( ) 2. A. short B.boots C. slippers( ) 3. A. big B. small C. shirt( ) 4. A. first B. ten C. twenty( ) 5. A. yellow B. black C. colourfulUnit 6一 选出听到的单词或词组。( ) 1. A. colourful B. colour C. pretty( ) 2. A. sneakers B. slippers C. sandals( ) 3. A. monkey B. lamb C. donkey( ) 4. A. mutton B. chicken C. milk( )5.A.juicy and tasty B.yummy and tender C. yellow and white二 听录音,补全对话。A: Can I help you? B: Oh, yes. The _ are _. How _ are they?A: They are one yuan a kilo.B: I want ten _.A: Ok, its _ yuan.三 听录音,在横线上写出你所听到的单词。 This is my uncles farm. Look! Its big. You can see _ cucumbers, _ onions. You can see ten _, eighteen _ and thirty _, too.四 听录音,在空格中写出你听到的数字。goatssheeprabbitsdogscatslambshorseshensA. Its a rabbit.B. Theyre lambs.C. No, they arent.D. I can see five cows.E. One hundred.五 连线。1. What are they?2. Are they sheep?3. How many hor


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