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三年级英语第二学期教案 小学三年级英语教案(第二学期)1 Hello, Gogo!一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: Whats this? Its a butterfly. I like chicken. What do you like? I like steak.Sounds and words: / /2. VocabularyKey: notebook, pencil case, snake, butterfly, soup, steak, pink, graySounds and words: this, these, that, those, mother, father 3. Materials: Picture cards1-8,large sheet/cardboard, colored chalk二、Procedure:The first period1、Conversation:1) Getting readyA) Put picture Cards of Gogo, Tony, Jenny and other characters on the board.B) T: What his name? /Whats her name?C) Generate responses. Model complete sentences.D) Point to various items in the Do you know? Picture.E) T: Whats this? What do you like?F) Again, generate responses and model correct responses.2) Using the bookA Before opening the book, put the picture Card of Gogo in front of your face.B T: Hello, (S1s name) Im Gogo. How are you? S1: Im fine, thanks.C Help S1 respond appropriately.D Point to the picture of Peter on the page.E Play the tape one time and ask Ss again who they think Peter is. Accept any answers at this stage.F T: Now open your books. Lets listen again.GHave Ss follow along .If necessary, help Ss answer who Peter is .Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence and letting Ss repeat.2、Vocabulary1)Getting readyE) Point to the pictures.F) T: Look at the pictures. Repeat. Notebook. Ss: Notebook.G) Continue with all eight words.H) T: I can draw the vocabulary words: notebook, pencil case, snake, butterfly, soup and steak and elicit responses from Ss. Model complete sentences, e.g. Its a butterfly.I) For pink and gray, point to objects in the room that are pink and gray and elicit responses from Ss.2) Using the bookA) T: Listen and repeat. Point to each picture as you say the word.B) Have Ss listen, repeat and point to each picture.2 Practice 11) Getting readya) Point to the picture one at a time.b) T: Whos she? Whos he? What is this?c) Have Ss guess what the dialogs are going to be.d) Accept all responses.2) Using the booka) Play the tape for number1, then pause.b) While Ss are responding, gradually move your hand to picture Dc) Continue, pausing after each question to allow Ss to answer on their own.The second period1 Target 1) Getting readyUsing the picture cards of previously learned vocabulary and real objects in the classroom, approach Ss randomly. T: Whats this? Ss: Its a (pen). Elicit responses from Ss and continue around the class to several Ss. T: What do you like? Again, generate responses from Ss and model if necessary.2) Using the bookd) Point to the picture and model the dialog. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence so Ss can repeat.2 Practice 23) Getting readya) Write “How are you?” on the board. T: How are you? (Point to the sentence written on the board.)b) Elicit responses such as Good. And Fine. And encourage Ss to ask you this question.c) Then proceed to ask Ss about various classroom items they are familiar with. T: Whats this?d) Have Ss respond. Model correct responses and complete sentences.4) Using the booka) Play the tape and have Ss answer.b) After listening and answering questions, encourage Ss to ask each other these three questions in pairs or small groups. 3 Song5) Getting readya) Point to the pictures on the page. Then ask Ss Who the characters are. T: Whos he? Whos she?b) Elicit responses. 6) Using the bookPlay the tape and point to each word and sentence as it sung.Divide class into two teams .One team sings “Hello! How are you?” part and the second team sings the “Fine, thanks.” part. Encourage Ss to join in the singing when they are ready.3 Activity 21) Getting readya) Draw an outline of a balloon on the board.b) Ask a volunteer to come up to the board.c) Show the student the colored chalk (or markers).T: Green balloon!d) Help the student get a piece of green chalk to color in the balloon. Do this with two more items and colors.2) Using the booka) Have Ss work in small groups or pairs. T: Color the balloon. Color the rabbit. Use any color you want. After Ss have finished coloring the pictured items, teach Ss how to play Slap! Call out an item and a color. T: Purple umbrella.b) Hopefully, at least one student has colored his/her umbrella purple. Ss who has purple umbrellas on their pages should slap the picture and say Purple umbrella.c) Continue until all items have been called out with a couple of different colors each.The third period1 Activity 11) Getting readyA. Draw simple sketches of previously learned vocabulary on the board.B. Using colored chalk (or markers), color in the sketches.T: Whats this? What color is it? (Ask Ss these questions while drawing and coloring them on the board.)C. Elicit responses and model responses, e.g. Its a (ball).and Its (pink).2) Using the bookD. Have Ss look at the pictures in this activity.T: Look and repeat. Duck. Yellow duck. Continue with the rest of the items.E. Point out the speech bubbles above Gogos, Tonys and Jennys heads.F. Encourage Ss to quiz one another using these questions.2 Sounds and words1) Getting readya) T: Lets practice the sound .Look at my mouth and repeat. Put your tongue out like this. (Model putting your tongue at the front of your mouth and making the sound.) b) T: . Ss: .Teach the word in the book. Have the Ss repeat. 2) Using the bookc) Look at the picture and say the words.d) Listen to the tape and have Ss repeat.3) Chant in the book.3 Finish the exercises in Workbook and Writing book.三、板书设计 四、教学后记2 Theyre big.一、Objectives and Requirements:1 LanguageTarget: Were happy! Theyre cold.Additional: Look! Thank you.Sounds and words: / /2 VocabularyKey: happy, sad, heavy, light, hot, cold, big, smallAdditional; I, you, he, she, it, we, theySounds and words: thin, thick, bathroom, math, thumb, thanks3 materials; ,Picture cards9-16,colored chalk, tape二、Procedure:The first period1 Conversation:1) Getting readya) Smile and look happy. T: Im happy. Repeat. Ss: Im sad.b) Look sad. T: Im sad. Repeat. Ss: Im small.c) Crouch down so you are barely visible to the Ss. T: Im small. Repeat. Ss: I m small.d) Stand as tall as you can/stand on a chair and hold your arms out to your sides. T: Im big. Repeat. Ss; Im big.e) T (point to various Ss). Is (S1s name) happy or sad? Is (S2s name) big or small?f) As you ask the class questions, continue making clear gestures. Continue with various Ss until you have introduced the new words to Ss.2) Using the booki. Open your books. (Point to the big Gogo in the first picture.) Is Gogo small? /Is Gogo big?ii. T: Lets listen together with your books closed.iii. Play the tape one time and ask Ss comprehension questions such as Who is small?iv. Open the books and listen again.v. Have Ss follow along.vi. Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence and letting Ss repeat.2 Vocabulary1) Getting readya) Put picture cards of happy, sad, heavy, light, hot, cold, big and small on the walls around the room.b) T: Look at the pictures and say Im happy.c) Model point if necessary.d) Continue with other words and gestures. 2) Using the book A Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word. B Hold up the book and point to pictures and have Ss say the words.3 Practice 11) Getting readyi. Point to the pictures one at a time .and ask Ss questions about it.ii. Elicit responses and do the same for the other three pictures.iii. Have Ss guess what the dialogs are going to be.2) Using the booki. Play the tape for number1, then pause.ii. While Ss are responding, gradually move your hand to picture Ciii. Continue, pausing after each question to allow Ss to answer on their own.4 Practice21) Getting readyi. Walk around the room asking Ss questions. Move around the room and ask questions quickly to keep Ss focused.ii. T:Are you cold? Are you sad?iii. Elicit responses and encourage Ss to ask you this question with the units vocabulary words.2) Using the booka) Play the tape and have Ss answer.b) Model complete sentences. C) Put Ss in pairs to ask and answer these questions.The second period1 Target 1) Getting readya. Ask for several volunteers to come to the front of the room. b. Arrange them so that there is at least one boy standing alone, one girl standing alone and at least two Ss standing together. c. Hand out picture cards to the Ss and ask them to hold them up to the class. T: Hes big.(point to the boy standing alone)d. Point to the other volunteers and ask Ss in the class to make sentences about them and the picture cards.2) Using the booki. Point to the picture and model the dialog.ii. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence so Ss can repeat. 2 Chant1) Getting readyiii. Point to the pictures on the page12. Ask Ss if the characters are happy or sad.iv. Elicit responses. 2) Using the bookA. Play the tape and point to each word and sentences as it is chanted.B. Divide class into two teams .All Ss chant the Im happy. Hey! Hey! Im happy. part.C. Encourage Ss to join in the chanting when they are ready. One group chants the question while the other chants the answer .Then switch roles.3 Activity11) Getting readyv. Draw a bingo grid on the board. Write BINGO in the center square.vi. Write the vocabulary words in the eight remaining squares. vii. Demonstrate how to play Bingo.2) Using the bookb) Have Ss look at the pictures in this activity.c) Every student will put the words in different boxes. Make a statement, e.g. Theyre heavy. And have Ss check off that word from their bingo grid in pencil. Continue until someone gets three words in a row and calls out Bingo! After playing as a class, have Ss play in small groups.d) One student in each group can be the announcer. Have the announcers rotate regularly.4 Activity21) Getting readyi. Draw two happy faces on the left side of the board and one sad face on the right side.ii. Write Theyre and Shes at the top of the board and get a piece of chalk.iii. Help the student connect Shes at the top of the board to the illustrated sad face and then on down to the written word sad.iv. Bring up another student to complete the other picture word match for the sentence Theyre happy.2) Using the bookv. T: Look at the pictures. What are they saying?vi. Point to different pictures and ask various Ss what they think is being said .Accept all responses.vii. T: OK. Lets match the words with their pictures .Point to the picture of hot.viii. Point to Im at the top and trance the blue line to the picture and to hot. Circulate around the classroom and check how Ss are doing. Have Ss work in pairs to check each others work.The third period 1、Free talk2、Sounds and wordsA Getting readya) Practice the sound (Model putting your tongue at the front of your mouth and making the sound.).Then the sound b) Teach the word in the book. Have the Ss repeat. B Using the bookix. Look at the picture and say the words.x. Listen to the tape and have Ss repeat. C Chant in the book.三、板书设计四、教学后记3 Do you like baseball?一、Objectives and Requirements:1、LanguageTarget: Do you like tennis No, I dont. I like badminton. Hey, Tony! Do you like soccer? Yes, I do.Sounds and words: / e i /2、VocabularyKey: soccer, basketball, baseball, dodge ball, badminton, volleyball, tennis, ping-pongSounds and words: baseball, rain, play, cake, game, airplane 3、Materials:Picture cards17-24, magazine pictures of sports and sport equipment.二、Procedure:The first period1、Conversation:1) Getting readye) T: (point to various magazine pictures.)What kind of ball is that? What sport is it?f) When Ss say the name of the ball and /or the sport in Chinese, write the English words on the board.g) T: As you write various sports) Do you like (volleyball)? Me, too. I like it a lot.h) Continue with various Ss until you have covered as many sports as possible.2) Using the booki. Bring in a soccer ball.ii. T: (Show the soccer ball.)This is a soccer ball. (S1s name), do you like soccer? S1: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.iii. Model if necessary.iv. Play the tape one time and ask Ss some comprehension questions.v. T: What sport does (Gogo) like? Ss: He likes soccer and baseball.vi. Listen again .Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.2、Vocabulary ( soccer, baseball, badminton, tennis)1) Getting readyA Bring in the following realia or pictures: soccer ball, baseball, badminton birdie and /or racquet, tennis ball. B T: Look at the balls and other things. Do you like badminton?C Model playing badminton.D Continue with other words.2) Using the bookE T: Listen and repeat. Point to each picture as you say the word.F Have Ss listen, repeat and point to each picture.3、Target 1) Getting readyA. Write Do you like soccer? on the board . T: Repeat. point to the word soccer ?Ss: Soccer? T: Like soccer? (point to the words ) Ss repeat. T: You like soccer? Ss repeat. T: Do you like soccer? Ss repeat. B. Then practice with the natural speed.2) Using the bookA. Point to the picture and model the dialog. B. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence so Ss can repeat.The second period1、Vocabulary (basketball, ping-pong, dodge ball, volleyball)1) Getting readyA Bring in the following realia or pictures: basketball, ping-pong, dodge ball, volleyball. B T: Look at the balls and other things. Do you like ping-pong?C Model playing ping-pong.D Continue with other words.2) Using the bookE T: Listen and repeat. Point to each picture as you say the word.F Have Ss listen, repeat and point to each picture.2、Practice 11) Getting readyA. Point to the picture A.B. What sport is this? Ss: badminton. Yes, badminton. Do you think she likes badminton? Generate responses and do the same for the other three pictures.B. Have Ss guess what the dialogs are going to be.2) Using the booki. Play the tape for number1, then pause.ii. While Ss are responding, gradually move your hand to picture Ciii. Continue, pausing after each question to allow Ss to answer on their own.3、Practice 21) Getting readyiv. T: Open your books. Look at Gogo. (point to Gogo.)v. T: Gogo is asking you a question .What is he saying?vi. Walk around the classroom, eliciting responses.2) Using the booka) Play the tape and have Ss answer.b) After listening and answering questions, encourage Ss to ask each other these three questions in pairs or small groups. 4、Song1) Getting readyA Point to the pictures of Gogo and Tony. Then ask Ss questions.B Elicit responses. 2) Using the bookPlay the tape and point to each word and sentences it sung.Divide class into two teams. One team sings the questions and the second team sings the responses in the first verse .Both groups sing the second verse.Have Ss hold up realia or pictures of the vocabulary as they sing. Model like by nodding and dislike by shaking your head.5、Activity 21)Getting readyA Point to the pictures and have the Ss identify each one. T:(S1s name ),do you like ice cream?(point to ice cream)B Elicit the response and continue with other items and Ss.C Hold up a button or coin .Toss it on the page .Ask a student if he /she likes the item in the space where the button lands.D Ask a volunteer to come up to the front, follow the previous procedure and then ask you if you like the item on which she /he landsd.2) Using the bookA Pass buttons or coins around to Ss. Have Ss work in small groups or pairs.B TELL Ss that one person drops the button on the page and asks another student a question based on the picture where the button lands. Demonstrate.C Circulate around the room and check how Ss are doing.Make sure Ss asking and answering in complete sentences.6. Activity1Make a survey after school.The third period1、Report: Activity11) Getting readyA Draw a chart on the board and put up the picture cards like the survey grid on the page.B Write your name in the top row. T: I like baseball. (Put a “mark”.) I dont like soccer. (Put a mark.) Ask a volunteer to come up and make a model.C Continue until Ss understand the survey style.2) Using the bookE T: First, you can answer the questions and then ask three other Ss the same questions.F When Ss have finished surveying, ask them questions about their findings.G Encourage Ss to quiz one another using these questions.2、Sounds and words1) Getting readya) Write the alphabet letter A on the board. Practice the sound e i (Which is the same sound as the letter A) b) Teach the word in the book. Have the Ss repeat. 2) Using the booki. Look at the picture and say the words.ii. Listen to the tape and have Ss repeat.3) Chant in the book.三、板书设计四、教学后记4 Review 1一、Objectives and Requirements:1 LanguageTarget: Whats this? Its a butterfly. I like chicken. What do you like? I like steak.Were happy! Theyre cold.Do you like tennis? No, I dont I like badminton. Hey, Tony! Do you like soccer? Yes, I do.Sounds and words: / /, / /, / /2 VocabularyKey: notebook ,pencil case, snake ,butterfly ,soup, steak, pink ,gray, happy, sad, heavy, light, hot, cold, big ,small, soccer, basketball, baseball, dodge ball, badminton, volleyball


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