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Module7 Unit4 Words & Phrases Sentences,1.地铁 2.遥远的 3.运输,运送vt. & n. 4.车厢,四轮马车 5.比较而言地,相对地 6.窄的,狭窄的 7.地区,行政区 8.高级的,先进的 9.不方便的 10.部长,大臣,1.underground/subway 2.distant 3.transport 4.carriage 5.comparatively 6.narrow 7.district 8.advanced 9.inconvenient 10.minister,11.effectively 12.horrible 13.damp/wet 14.gas 15.official 16.increase 17.coast 18.modest 19.airline 20.timetable,11.有效地 12.可怕的,恐怖的 13.潮湿的 14.汽油,天然气,气体 15.官员 16.增加 17.海岸,海滨 18.谦虚的 19.航线 20.时间表,21.港口 22.起因,事业,原因 23.行人,步行者 24.卡车 25.不耐烦的 26.自行车 27.人行道 28.轮胎 29.诱因,请帖 30.罚款vt. & n,21.port/harbour 22.cause 23.pedestrian 24.lorry 25.impatient 26.bicycle 27.pavement 28.tyre 29.invitation 30.fine,31.assumption 32.irresponsible 33.overtake 34.overload 35.flyover 36.reliable 37.punctual 38.assignment 39.release 40.anniversary,31.假定,意想 32.不负责任的 33.超过,赶上 34.使超载 35.立交桥,高架公路 36.可靠的,可信赖的 37.准时的,准点的 38.分派的任务,布置的作业 39.释放排放,发行发表 40.周年纪念日,41.annoy 42.undertake 43.album 44.acquisition 45.distinction 46.vehicle 47.beneath 48.shuttle 49.boundary 50.departure,41.使生气 42.承担,着手做 43.相册,集邮册 44.取得,获得,学到 45.区别,声誉,名声 46.车辆,交通工具 47.在下 48.梭子,航天飞机 49.边界,分界线 50.离开,启程,51.aggressive 52.alcoholic 53.orderly 54.dismiss 55.adminstration 56.sacrifice,51.好斗的,侵略性的,咄咄逼人的,52.酒精的,含酒精的 53.秩序井然的,有条理的 54.解散、打发 55.行政部门、管理 56.牺牲、奉献,1.choke off 2.steam engine 3.in the middle of 4.go sightseeing 5.at a discount 6.in the hope that 7.take no notice of 8.make better use of 9.make up for 10.news flash,1.阻塞 2.蒸汽机 3.在的中间 4.观光,游览 5.打折 6.希望 7.没注意到 8.更好地利用 9.弥补,补偿 10.简明,新闻快讯,11.加速 12.冲掉,冲垮 13.正在修理中 14.乘轮渡 15.除之外,包括 16.由引起,起源于 17.目的是,旨在 18.交通拥堵,塞车 19.两三个 20.上下客,11.speed up 12.wash away 13.under repair 14.by ferry 15.in addition to 16.arise from 17.be aimed at 18.traffic jam 19.a couple of 20.pick up and drop off people,21.有的声誉 22.交通问题 23.不断增加了车辆 24.伦敦市中心 25.连接起来 26.一位富裕的美国商人 27.对负责 28.在使用中 29.提高人们对问题的认识 30.乘地铁旅游,21.have the distinction of 22.the problem with traffic 23.the increased number of vehicles 24.the center of London 25.link up,26.a wealthy American businessman 27.be responsible for,28.be in use,29.increase peoples awareness of the problem,30.travel on the underground,31.在二战期间 32.加快的步伐 33.紧贴地表以下 34.为了纪念 35.收费公路 36.学生月票 37.海关官员 38.产生破坏 39.相对狭窄的隧道 40.超乎某人保守估计,31.during World War II 32.accelerate the pace of 33.beneath the surface of the ground 34.in honour of 35. toll road 36.student ticket 37.customs officer 38. cause damage to 39.comparatively narrow tunnels 40.beyond ones modest expectations,41.在旅游旺季 42.公告 43.首相,总理 44.一个已关闭的地铁站 45.一个反空袭中心 46.起到作用 47.在控制之下 48.环线 49. 防空洞 50.五一节,41.at (during) peak travel seasons 42.a public notice 43.Prime Minister 44.a closed station 45.an anti-aircraft center 46.function as 47.under the authority of 48.circle line 49.bomb shelter 50.May Day holiday,51.交通事故 52.注意周围的车辆 53.状态良好 54.利用Tb129 55公共交通Tb129 56贡献一份力量Tb129 57撞到一个行人Tb133 58违反交通规则Tb133 59包饺子Tb133,52.pay attention to surrounding traffic,51.traffic accidents,53.keep /be in good condition,54. take the advantage of 55.public transport 56.do ones part 57.run into a pedestrian 58.violate the traffic accidents 59.make dumplings,Translation;,All roads lead to Rome.,1.条条大路通罗马。,2.由于不知道该乘哪趟公交车,她向我求助。,Not knowing which bus to take, she turned to me for help.,3.交通事故使汽车损坏的很厉害,The traffic accident did a lot of damage to the car.,4.两个学校联合举行了期末考试,The two schools linked up to hold the final examination.,5这次会议加快了教育改革的步伐。,The conference accelerated the pace of educational reforms.,6. 男孩做完作业后就出去踢足球了。,Having finished his homework, the boy went out to play football.,7.这个大房子在二战时期被用作会议室。,The big room functioned as a meeting room during World War II.,8.一般说来,人们比较喜欢购买各种各样打折的东西。,Generally speaking, people like to buy all kinds of things at a discount.,Generation gap usually arises from the lack of communication.,9.代沟常常是因为缺乏交流而引起。,10.这部纪录片的目的在于提高人们的环保意识。,The documentary is aimed at increasing peoples awareness of the environmental protection.,11.我们是否逛街完全取决于你。,Its all up to you whether we will go shopping.,12.研究表明,教室中太多的装饰物会造成年幼学生上课走神。,According to some research, too many decoration in a classroom will take young students attention from the lessons.,13.The shop is closed temporarily because the roof is under repair.,该店由于正在修理屋顶,所以暂停营业。,14.大连在中国的东北海岸。,Dalian is a beautiful city on the north-east coast of China.,16.The glow of the setting


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