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初中英语写作教学策略与方法,闫殿鹏 电话邮箱: QQ:1300487719,“书面表达”是中考英语试卷的压轴戏, 是中考英语试卷中难度较大的题型之一。,写作教学,“书面表达”试题,近5年河北省中考英语“书面表达”试题 (2011-2016年),河北省近5年中考英语“书面表达”试题一览,近5年河北省中考英语“书面表达”试题分值变化,2016 2015 2014 2013 2012,河北省近5年中考英语“书面表达”试题分值变化,今年我省中考英语的“书面表达”保持2015的分值,为15分,鉴于此,科学、系统地进行书面表达(写作)训练刻不容缓!,英语课程标准中“写” 的分级目标,七年级:达到三级目标。 八年级:达到四级目标。 九年级:达到五级目标。,英语课程标准中“写” 的三级目标 (七年级),1. 能正确使用常用的标点符号。 2. 能使用简单的图表和海报等形式传达信息。 3. 能参照范例写出或回复简单的问候和邀请 。 4. 能用短语或句子描述系列图片,编写简单的 故事。,英语课程标准中“写” 的四级目标 (八年级),1. 能正确使用标点符号。 2. 能用词组或简单句为自己创作的图片 写出说明。 3. 能写出简短的文段,如简单的指令、规则。 4. 能在教师的帮助下或以小组讨论的方式起草 和修改作文。,英语课程标准中“写” 的五级目标 (九年级),1. 能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材。 2. 能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改。 3. 能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。 4. 能简单描述人物或事件。 5. 能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。,英语课程标准中“写” 的三四五级目标对比,英文规范书写,英文规范书写,1书写字母时,要注意区分大小写,同时,要注意不同的占格。七年级应该从“四线三格”起步,逐步向“横线”上书写过渡,七年级上学期结束时,务必过渡完毕。 2. 书写单词时,字母与字母之间的间隔要均匀、适当,不要凑得过紧,也不要离得太远。 3.书写词组时,单词之间的间隔一般为1.5个小写字母a的宽度,不要凑得过紧,也不要离得太远。,英文规范书写,4. 书写句子时,首字母要大写,单词之间的间隔一般为1.5个小写字母a的宽度,同时,要使用正确的标点符号。 5书写语篇时,要合理分段,每段开头为 0、3、5、7个空格。 6合理处理错词、错句,切勿乱勾乱涂乱划,保持卷面整洁、悦目。 7.建议大家选择人教版英文写法。,人教版英文写法,人教版英文写法,人教版英文写法,井陉县“英文规范书写”活动启动及达标验收检测 实施方案,学校“英文规范书写”实施方案,秀林镇中2015上学期七年级英语 书写比赛活动方案 一、活动组织者:仇海书 窦晓娟 杜喜梅 二、活动目的 为使七年级学生形成良好的英语学习习惯,激发学生的练字兴趣,在学习中享受书写的快乐,进一步普及规范英文书写,特举办本次英语书写比赛。通过比赛检阅学生英语书写的基本功,使他们重视英语的学习,重视英文书写的质量,更有效地改善书写欠佳的状况。同时通过此项活动给学生一个展示自我的舞台,取长补短,营造良好的班级文化氛围。 三、活动内容 英文字母、句子及语篇的书写 四、活动时间: 2015年10月30 下午第四节课,五、活动地点 七年级各班级 六、参赛人员 七年级各班全员参与海选,从所有学生中每班选取5人,11月3日交备课组长。 七、参赛方式 在规定时间内完成书写,要求书写正确、规范。参赛用纸统一发放,不得做记号,姓名和班级必须书写在规定的位置上。否则以弃权处理。 书写时间:25分钟 评选方式: 1、公平合理,公开透明。 2、顺序打乱,密封打分。 3、所有作品编号,评委打分互不见面。,优秀作品展示: 每个班级选出5份优秀作品,进行再选,被选出的优秀作品在学校展示牌进行展出。教学处赵永清老师负责。 八、比赛工作安排 (一)参赛稿纸及书写内容: 许静 监 考 : 高翠珍 高海文 王一鸣 马秀秀 阅 卷 : 许静 许丽 (二)评分标准: 1、卷面整洁,书写工整,无涂改痕迹,结构严谨,通篇整体感强。10分 2、字体美观、大方,标点正确,间距适中,无错别字;字母书写规范,单词、句子书写合乎格式及手写体要求。 90分 (三)负责组织比赛和赛场布置:许静 许丽 高翠珍 高海文 秀林镇中 2015年11月9日,活动图片,“四线三格”规范书写,“横线”上规范书写,“横线”上规范书写,英文规范书写(四线三格+横线),英文规范书写,英文规范书写,井陉县“英文规范书写”达标验收检测实施方案,英语中标点符号,, . ? ! ; - ( ) “ ” . :,近5年河北中考英语试题 标点符号的使用,近5年河北中考英语试题 标点符号的使用,2016 2015 2014 2013 2012,近5年河北中考英语试题 标点符号的使用,2012年河北省中考英语书面表达,Dear Miss Li, I think youd better use English in class. When you speak English, well have a good chance to improve our listening skills. It is also helpful for our reading, speaking and writing. We can copy what you say all the time. The more chances we have, the more progress we will make! So I hope you can teach in English. But please use simple English as much as possible and speak clearly and slowly. This way, we can learn English better and better. Hopefully you can think about it. Best wishes!,2013年河北省中考英语书面表达,I think talking about hobbies is better than talking about lucky money. It is easy and interesting. Everyone has his own hobby, like playing ball games, listening to music, drawing and so on. It can bring us pleasure and make us relaxed. We have a lot to say when we talk about it. Lucky money, however, isnt a proper topic for us, because its too personal. Whats more, not all of us can get lucky money. Some may feel unhappy if we talk about it. So talking about hobbies is really good choice.,2014年河北省中考英语书面表达,Hi, Tony, Good to hear from you! Its amazing that youre learning Chinese cooking. Why are you interested in it? How are you learning? And what can you cook? Hope to enjoy your dishes next time! Yes, we really have Mid-Autumn Festivals in China. All the family members get together for a big dinner that day. We usually eat moon cakes while watching the moon at night. We believe the full moon is the symbol of reunion. Bye for now, Li Hua,2015年河北省中考英语书面表达,Hi, everyone! Heres my plan for the weekend. On Saturday morning, Im going to watch TV to relax myself after a long weeks study. I like watching comedies and cartoons. On Saturday afternoon, Im going to the bookstore to buy some books. Reading is one of my hobbies. On Sunday, Im going to visit my grandparents because I miss them very much. Ill help them to do housework. After I come back, Ill do my homework to get ready for the next week. Thats my weekend, like it? Thank you!,2016年河北省中考英语书面表达,Im Miss Wang. Your English is poor because you dont speak English. English, like any other language, is a tool of communicationthe more you speak it, the better your English will became. So you should try to speak every day, as much as possible. And dont be shy or afraid of making a mistake. Your teacher and classmates are always ready to help you. The most important is that you must believe in yourself and never give it up! Always remember: practice makes perfect!,Possible version 1:,2016年河北省中考英语书面表达,Im Li Hua. I dont speak English because my English is poor. I find it hard to speak English. Im a little shy and afraid of making a mistake. I always feel nervous when I stand up speaking English in class. Im afraid that my classmates may laugh at me when I speak English. To tell you the truth, I dont believe in myself. The less I speak, the worse my English is. When my English improves, I will enjoy speaking it.,Possible version 2:,“英文中的标点符号的用法” 以及“学生使用标点符号常见错误例析”,(作为专题,另行解读),2016年河北省中考英语 “书面表达”试题评分标准,河北省近5年中考英语“书面表达”试题一览,高分作文的标准,要点全面:不能丢落要点 书写工整:规范书写,勿随意涂抹乱划 适当拓展:不能局限于回答问题或逐句翻译 结构清晰:表达有层次 逻辑合理:符合逻辑 语言准确:杜绝小错误 行文流畅:正确使用连接词和过渡句,Levels for Good Articles (高分作文的标准),= awesome (完美),aspects (要点全面),writing (书写工整),extension (适当拓展),structure (结构清晰),logicality (逻辑合理),grammar (语言准确),fluency (行文流畅),1. 认真审题(英文提示),确定文章体裁,人称,时态和主题。 2. 在草稿纸上根据题目要求简要列出规定的要点, 然后列出每个要点所需短语或句型(最大限度使用参考词汇),并适当 拓展。 3. 将所列语言材料组合成为连贯通顺的文章。 注意使用合适的连词以及承上启下的句子。 注意开头点题,结尾要有合适的结束语。 4. 仔细读一遍草稿,挑出错误,对拿不准的句子或词语进行修改或删减。 注意控制词数(已经出的开头或结尾不计入总词数)。 5. 将修改无误的短文工整地誊抄在卷面上。,“书面表达”解题五步骤,1.句型训练。写作训练从词法、句法知识入手,结合课本里的重点单词、短语,进行六种基本句型的造句练习。 2.加强“一句多译”,要注意平时积累(背诵好词好句),避难就简巧换词,用英语思维,写英语日记,尽多使用英语。 3.拓展词汇量,让学生关注生身边生活,积累与各种话题相关的短语及句型。 4.培养学生的审题能力,这是写好作文的基础。严抓卷面,包括优秀生的卷面。学生限时写作与教师点评指导相结合。 5.关注几种写作文体:记叙文、应用文、议论文、说明文。 6.关注文章整体结构,过渡句,连接词的正确使用等。,书面表达训练策略,常用的连接词,表列举: first, then/next, after that, finally, first(ly), second(ly), third(ly), on (the) one handon the other hand, whats more. 表时间顺序: now, at present, recently, after a while, at first, later, soon, suddenly, as soon as, from now on, till, before. 表解释说明: in fact, actually. 表转折关系: but, however, while, though, or, instead, after all.,表并列关系: or, and, also, too, not only,but also, as well as, bothand, eitheror, neithernor 表因果关系: because, since, because of, thanks to, sothat, suchthat 表条件关系: if, unless, as long as 表让步关系: although, even if, no matter what, what ever,表举例: for example, such as 表比较: just like, the same as 表目的: for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to 表强调: in fact, above all, certainly 表概括: in a word, in short, on the whole, generally speaking, in my opinion,1. 主语+系动词+表语 2. 主语+不及物动词 3. 主语+及物动词+宾语 4. 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 5. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 6. There be 句型,简单句的基本句型,“英文写作”绝非一日之功,在九年级搞突击训练注定是“欲速则不达”。我们要依据课标要求,在七、八、九年级分级开展写作训练,开展科学、系统、有效的英文写作教学。,Writing Training for Grade Seven,1. 能正确使用常用的标点符号。 2. 能使用简单的图表和海报等形式传达信息。 3. 能参照范例写出或回复简单的问候和邀请。 4. 能用短语或句子描述系列图片,编写简单的故事。,Writing Training for Grade Eight,1. 能正确使用标点符号。 2. 能用词组或简单句为自己创作的图片写出说明。 3. 能写出简短的文段,如简单的指令、规则。 4. 能在教师的帮助下或以小组讨论的方式起草和修改作文。,Writing Training for Grade Nine,1、背诵精品范文 2、狠抓规范书写 3、课上限时写作 4、教师批改与学生自评互评相结合,中考“书面表达”冲刺,套用中考“真真”“横格”线,七年级写作训练案例 案例:A way to write about a person 顺序:列词组句成文,Years Events 1979 1996 1999 2004 2008 2069,Years Events 1979 born be born in 1996 school senior high school 1999 university go to university work begin to work 2004 marry get married 2008 son have a son now life happy life,列 词,(1979 born be born in ) Lisa was born in Baoding in 1979. (1996 school senior high school) She went to senior high school in 1996. (1999 university go to university) She went to Hebei University in 1999. (2003 work begin to work ) In 2003, she began to work in a company.,组 句,(2004 marry get married) She got married in 2004. (2008 son have a son ) In 2008, She had a beloved son. (now life happy life) Now,she lives a happy life.,组 句,Lisa was born in Baoding in 1979. She went to senior high school in 1996. She went to Hebei University in 1999. In 2003, she began to work in a company. She got married in 2004. In 2008, She had a beloved son. Now,she lives a happy life.,成 文(败笔),Lisa was born in Baoding in 1979.She went to No. 3 Baoding Senior High School in 1996. She went to Hebei University in 1999. After graduation, in 2003, she began to work in Baoding Guanghua Technology Company. One year later, in 2004,She got married. In 2008, She had a beloved son, named Liu Chang. Now she lives a happy life.,成 文(段落式、过渡语、连接词等),八年级写作教学课例,Unit 2 How often do you exercise? (Section B 3a-3c) (人教版八年级上册),exercise (100%),eat fruit(40%),read books(80%),use the Internet(20%),listen to music(5%),go to the dentist(0%) ,3.I often eat fruit.,1.I always exercise.,2.I usually read books.,4.I sometimes use the Internet.,6.I never go to the dentist.,5.I hardly ever listen to music.,7.I stay up late every day.,8. I do the housework three times a week.,Good habits or Bad habits,G,G,G,G,B,B,B,G,Good habits result in good health! 好习惯带来健康!,usually,sometimes,always,Read together as fast as you can.(1mt全体快读),never,often,hardly ever,once a week,twice a week,three times a week,every day,usually,sometimes,always,Competition: Talk about your good habits. (3mts好习惯大比拼,A、B两组),never,often,hardly ever,once a week,twice a week,three times a week,every day,r,Read and complete the report. (4mts读报告填空),Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits. Jane has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads books _ . Also, she _ drinks juice and she _ stays up late. However, she has some bad habits, too. She _ watches TV for more than 2 hours a day, and she _ eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very happy because she hardly ever helps with housework and she _ goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid!,Jane,every day,often,hardly ever,usually,sometimes,never,r,Discuss to analyze the structure. (4mts讨论分析这篇报告的结构特点),Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits. Jane has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads books every day. Also, she often drinks juice and she hardly ever stays up late. However, she has some bad habits, too. She usually watches TV for more than 2 hours a day, and she sometimes eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very happy because she hardly ever helps with housework and she never goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid!,Jane,Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits.,开头点题,主体部分,Jane has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads books every day. Also, she often drinks juice and she hardly ever stays up late. However, she has some bad habits, too. She usually watches TV for more than 2 hours a day, and she sometimes eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very happy because she hardly ever helps with housework and she never goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid!,How to write a report ?,开头,主体部分,How to write a report ?,Topic sentence 主题句,Details: (However ),Her good habits (also),Her bad habits,主要内容: 两方面 (过渡语),开头点题,Good habits rest with perseverance! 好习惯在于坚持! Good habits lead to a good life! 好习惯成就好人生!,Homework,To-do homework(必做): Finish your report and exchange it with your partner. Selective homework(选做): Search for some differences between Chinese and Americans in daily life habits. (查找欧美人士与我们之间的生活习惯差异方面的信息),英语中标点符号的用法,, . ! ? - ; : ( ) “ ” .,学生常见标点符号错误例析,“阅读与写作课”课型设计案例,人教版七年级下册 Unit 7 Its raining!,一、教学内容:Section B 2a-2c 二、教学目标: (一)能力目标 在本节课结束时,学生能够: 1.通过进一步的听说活动,用目标语言谈论不同 季节的天气 2.运用快速阅读、细读和精读等阅读方法,完成 各项任务 3.学会在真实的情境中运用目标语言给英语老师 写一张明信片。,(二)、知识目标 1、重点词汇和短语 visit, sit, summer, Canada, juice, soon, on (a) vacation ,hard, Europe, mountain, country 2、重点句型 How is the weather? Its raining./Its sunny. How is it going? Its great. Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada,三、教学步骤 步骤一:创设情境,兴趣导入 1、热身活动: 播放一首和天气有关的小英文歌曲 2、两人小组活动:展示春夏秋冬四季的天气图片 spring-sunny and warm summer-sunny and hot autumn-windy and cool winter -snowy and cold 教师做示范:T: How is the weather? S: Its sunny and warm. T: Which season is it? S: Its spring. 学生两人一组谈论图片,3.猜一猜 让学生猜一猜六幅被色块蒙着的图片的不同天气, 可将男女生分组,以抢答的形式猜出天气,猜对 的赢得一个太阳。六幅图的天气涵盖了本单元所 学的全部天气词汇:Its raining./Its dry./Its cool and windy./Its sunny and hot./Its snowy and cold./Its sunny and warm.,步骤二:读前情境和语言准备 1.教师通过图片展示呈现两篇阅读材料里的新词。 visit Canada, be on a vacation, visit their friends in Canada, be happy to see them, go to summer school , study hard, learn a lot, 2.学生朗读,读的洪亮的、准确的学生为男女两队各自 阵营继续赢得太阳。,步骤三:快速阅读、整体感知-细读课文、 突破难点-精读课文、综合运用 1.快速阅读,整体感知 让学生将明信片与2a图片搭配,并让他们说出 出文章中哪些关键词与图片匹配。 2.细读课文、突破难点 (1)再次读明信片获取所需信息,完成2c的 表格。,2c: Fill the chart with information from the postcards in 2b,(2)关注明信片文体 把学生分成四人一组的小组,让学生根据2b的 两张明信片


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