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必修四 Unit 1 Advertising检测评价A卷.单项填空1Anything to say about the latest talk between the two countries?_ I know nothing about it.ANo comment! BNothing to say.CI beg your pardon? DGo ahead.解析:选A句意:“对两国之间最近的会谈有要说的吗?”“无可奉告!我什么也不知道。”No comment!“无可奉告!”;Nothing to say.“没有东西要说。”;I beg your pardon?“请再说一遍?”;Go ahead.“用吧;请自便。”由know nothing about可知选A。2The hat that you are wearing is bigger than _ my father bought for me yesterday.Aone BitCthat Dthis解析:选Cit 特指同一事物;that 特指同类事物;one 泛指同类事物。结合语境可知选that。3The exam wasnt difficult at all, was it?No, but I dont believe_ could pass it.Asomebody BanybodyCeverybody Dnobody解析:选C答句句意:是的,但是我认为并不是每一个人都能通过考试。not .everybody是部分否定。所以选择C。4Diplomatic communication is ongoing between Beijing and Tokyo _ at avoiding a major conflict _ the islands, said Shen Shishun, an expert on AsiaPacific studies at Haikou College of Economics.Aaimed; regarding Baiming; consideringCmeant; concerning Daiming; given解析:选A第一空aimed at .“旨在”作状语;第二空regardingconcerning prep.“关于”,修饰conflict。 5Once upon a time there was a poor old fisherman, in front of whose house _.Aa river lay Bdid a river lieCa river did lie Dlay a river解析:选D句意:从前有一位贫穷的老渔夫,他的房子前面有一条河。当句首状语为表示地点的介词短语,且主语为名词时,句子用全部倒装语序。6(2019南通、泰州模拟)Why has the bus not arrived? Im really sick of waiting for a bus.Yeah.Especially when you have something _ to do.Aprivate BpotentialCurgent Davailable解析:选C考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“公共汽车为什么还没有来?我真的很讨厌等车。”“是的。尤其是当你有急事要做的时候。”根据语境尤其是答语中的“Especially”可知,应选 urgent“紧急的,急迫的”。7Will Mr Black allow us to bring mobile phones to school?He is _ and I dont think hell give us permission.Aa tough nut Bour great rockCthe best fish Dan early bird解析:选A句意:“布莱克先生会允许我们带手机去学校吗?”“他很难应付,我认为他不会允许的。”a tough nut“难对付的人,棘手的问题”;an early bird “早起的人,早到者”。8If Katie had known what was _ for her, she would not have married Tom.Ain response Bin returnCin reaction Din store解析:选D句意:如果凯蒂能预知未来,她就不会嫁给汤姆了。what be in store是习惯表达,意为“即将发生什么”。9Smith was overweight, so the doctor urged that not only _ have less fat and meat, but also he_.Ashould he; take exerciseBought he; take exerciseChe should; takes exerciseDhe ought; takes exercise解析:选A句意:史密斯太胖,因此医生敦促他不仅要少食脂肪和肉, 而且要进行锻炼。 urge后跟宾语从句时,从句的谓语动词用(should) do,且not only位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。10Since the matter was extremely _, two policemen were sent to deal with it on the scene immediately.Atough BtenseCurgent Dinstant解析:选C句意:由于事情非常紧急,两名警察被派去现场立即进行了处理。urgent“紧急的”,符合句意。tough“硬的”;tense“紧张的”;instant“立即的”。11(2019苏州模拟) If you put a stone in the way of an ant, it will go around, over, under or on top, without stopping, until it finds a way to get _ it needs to be.Awhat BhowCwhich Dwhere解析:选D句意:如果你用一块石头挡住蚂蚁的去路,它就会围着石头转圈,从石块上翻过去,钻到石块底下或者爬到石块顶上,无休无止,直到找到它要去的路。where引导宾语从句,并在从句中充当be 的表语。12I came to know that knowledge _ only from practice after I _ school.Ahas come; has leftBcomes; leftCwould come; was leavingDhad come; had left解析:选B“知识来源于实践”是客观真理,故用一般现在时,“我毕业了”用一般过去时。13Being a Chinese, I feel proud of my country and the contributions _ have been made to the world culture.Athat BwhatCit Done解析:选A句意:作为一个中国人,我为我的国家和它对世界文化做出的贡献感到自豪。这句话是定语从句,先行词是the contributions,定语从句中缺少主语,用that或which引导定语从句,what 不能引导定语从句,it 和one是代词,不能引导定语从句,选A项。14(2019常熟质检)_ to give up smoking, my father threw away his _ cigarettes.ADetermined; remained BDetermined; remainingCDetermining; remained DDecided; remaining解析:选B句意:决心戒烟,爸爸扔掉了他剩余的香烟。根据句意,第一空用determined,构成be determined to do sth.意为“决心做某事”;第二空用remaining,表示“剩余的”。所以选择B。15I lost five pounds just after a month on this new diet. Its definitely worth a try. Right, _. I badly need to get in shape for my school reunion.Ait beats me BI dont buy itCjust cant help it Dyouve sold it to me解析:选D句意:“在节食一个月后,我瘦了五磅。这绝对值得一试。”“好吧,我相信你。为了同学聚会我需要减肥。”it beats me“这难住我了”; I dont buy it“我不相信”; just cant help it“我忍不住了”; youve sold it to me“我相信你”。故选D。.完形填空(2019常州模拟)Last year, I heard about the Himalayas and the melting of the ice because of climate change.I decided to do a _1_ swim underneath Mt.Everest, the highest mountain on this earth.When we got up to the small lake underneath the summit of Mt.Everest, I prepared myself in _2_ ways, for this swim would be so difficult.I put on my iPod, listened to some music, got myself as _3_ as possible and then I _4_ myself into that water.I swam as _5_ as I could for the first hundred meters.Afterwards I _6_ the huge problem on my hands.My fingers were _7_ the size of sausages because you know, were made partially of water when water freezes it _8_.I then could barely breathe, began to _9_ and even threw up in the water.It all happened so quickly.I dont know why, but I went _10_.Luckily, the water was quite shallow, and I was able to push myself _11_ the bottom of the lake.Ive heard it said that drowning is the most _12_ death you can have.I have never, ever heard such nonsense.In our camp, I _13_ about what had gone wrong there on Mt.Everest with my crew.My team just gave it to me _14_. “Lewis, you need to have a complete _15_ if you want to _16_ it.Every single thing youve learned in the past 23 years of swimming, you must _17_.And also the every single thing you learned when you were _18_ in the British army, about speed and aggression.This is the time to swim with real _19_.”I cant tell how good and _20_ I felt when I swam to the other side two days later.But I learned a very, very important lesson there on Mt.Everest: just because something worked in the past so well, it doesnt mean its going to work in the future.语篇解读:本文作者通过在珠穆朗玛峰下面的湖泊游泳的经历学到了一个重要的道理:要转变心态,过去有用的东西并不意味着将来也有用。1A.passionate BsymbolicCcreative Dremarkable解析:选B句意:我决定在地球的最高峰珠穆朗玛峰下面的湖泊来一次具有象征意义的游泳。symbolic意为“象征性的”,符合语境。2A.different BsimpleCcommon Dusual解析:选D根据最后一段的“just because something worked in the past so well, it doesnt mean its going to work in the future”可知,当我们到达珠穆朗玛峰下面的那个小湖时,“我”和往常一样为自己做准备,因为这次游泳将会十分艰难。usual意为“通常的,平常的”,符合语境。3A.aggressive BoptimisticCprotective Denergetic解析:选A根据倒数第二段的“about speed and aggression”可知,“我”尽可能地让自己变得激奋(aggressive)。4A.put BthrewCwalked Dtried解析:选B然后“我”投身于湖水里。根据空后的“into that water”可知,四个选项只有B项符合。5A.carefully BquicklyCslowly Ddeeply解析:选B由上段作者作了充足准备可知,此处指作者尽力游快一些。6A.realized BtouchedCsolved Dcaused解析:选A句意:然后,我意识到我面临着一个巨大的问题。realize意为“认识到,意识到”,符合语境。7A.hardly BexactlyCmostly Dlikely解析:选B句意:我的手指真的像香肠一样肿。exactly意为“精确地,确切地;正好,恰恰”,符合语境。8A.freezes BswellsCexpands Dsqueezes解析:选C根据常识并结合四个选项可知当水结冰时会膨胀,故选C。9A.choke BweepCswallow Ddrink解析:选A由空后的“threw up in the water”可知此处指开始呛水(choke)。10A.underwater BfloatingCahead Dslower解析:选A句意:这一切发生得如此之快,我不知道为什么,但是我沉入了水底(underwater)。11A.towards BatCoff Dfrom解析:选C句意:幸运的是,这片水域相当浅,我能够从湖底跳起来。off意为“移开,脱离”,符合语境。12A.regretful BhelpfulCmerciful Dpeaceful解析:选D句意:我听说溺水是人死亡最安详的(peaceful)方式,但我自己从来没有遇到过这样的胡说八道。13A.debated BcomplainedCworried Dtalked解析:选D作者游泳失败了,因此和队友讨论(talked)失败原因。14A.fast BstraightCdirect Dforward解析:选B根据下文的“Lewis, you need to”可知,“我”的队友直截了当地(straight)告诉“我”。15A.learning BshiftCpreparation Dunderstanding解析:选B句意:刘易斯,你需要有一个彻底的改变(shift)。16A.use BtakeCmake Dkeep解析:选C如果你想要成功的话。make it为固定短语,意为“成功”。17A.remember BinsistCexploit Dforget解析:选D句意:你必须忘掉在过去23年里你所学到的每一项游泳技能。forget意为“忘记,遗忘”,符合语境。18A.swimming BservingCtraining Dfighting解析:选B由空后的“in the British army”可知,此处指在部队服役。19A.respect BintelligenceCimagination Dambition解析:选A句意:是时候心存敬意地去游泳了。respect意为“尊重,尊敬”,符合语境。20A.hopeful BskillfulCpainful Dthankful解析:选D句意:两天后当我游到湖的另一边时,我说不清我感觉有多好、有多么感激。thankful意为“感激的,感谢的”,符合语境。.任务型阅读Optimism and pessimism represent your general attitude toward certain situations or to life in general. And your attitude about life may be more important to living than you think.A new study suggests that your level of optimism may affect your health. People who are optimistic may live longer than those who are pessimistic.Researchers at Harvard Universitys School of Public Health did the study. They compared women with “a general expectation that good things will happen” to women who were less optimistic. They found that the optimists had a much lower risk of getting several deadly diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory (呼吸的) disease and certain types of infection.Eric Kim is one of the study leaders. He says optimism is connected with healthier behaviors and healthier ways of dealing with difficulty. Optimists tend to take better care of themselves by exercising, eating healthy foods and getting enough sleep.However, the researchers say that healthy behaviors of optimistic people only partly explain the connection with reduced risk of disease.For the study, researchers looked at information gathered on 70,000 women in the Nurses Health Study. It collects health information on those involved in the study every two years. They found the most optimistic women had nearly a 30 percent lower risk of dying from disease. When compared to the least optimistic women in the study, the optimistic women had an almost forty percent lower risk of dying from heart disease, stroke and respiratory disease, a fifty percent lower risk of dying from infection, and a sixteen percent lower risk of dying from cancer.Kaitlin Hagan, another study leader, says earlier studies show that a person can use simple, lowcost methods to increase optimism. For example, she says people can think about and write down the best possible outcomes for areas of their lives, like their careers or relationships.Leslie Ralph is a clinical psychologist and counselor at the University of Arizona in Tucson. She also blogs about stress management. Ralph has several ideas about how to increase optimism.She says each night plan to do two or three simple, enjoyable activities the next day. These activities might include watching the sun rise, visiting a friend, dancing to a favorite song or reading a story with your child.She also suggests that if your day starts badly, simply close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. When you open your eyes, imagine your day has started over. Its like having your own restart button. And the counselor adds offering praise or support to someone can also improve your own outlook. A smile and “thank you” from another person may help you feel more optimistic.TitleTo be (1)_(2)_ of a new studyPeople who are optimistic may live longer than those who are pessimistic.(3)_ of optimism for the body healthOptimists are less (4)_ to get several deadly diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease and certain types of infection.Optimists tend to better (5)_ for themselves by exercising, eating healthy foods and getting enough sleep.Researchers gathered information on 70,000 women in the Nurses Health Study every (6)_ year. They found the most optimistic women had nearly a 30 percent lower risk of dying from disease.(7)_ to keep optimisticPeople can think about and write down the best possible outcomes for areas of their lives, like their careers or relationships.Each night plan to do two or three simple, enjoyable activities the next day, (8)_ watching the sun rise, visiting a friend, dancing to a favorite song or reading a story with your child.If your day starts badly, simply close your eyes for a moment and (9)_ deeply.Offering praise or support to someone can also improve your own outlook. A smile and “thank you” from another person may (10)_ you more optimistic.答案:1.optimistic2.Result/Consequence3Effects/Influences4.likely5.care6.other7Ways8.including9.breathe10.make检测评价B卷阅读理解A(2019徐州高三调研考试)Dive and glide between the Eurasian and American continents with visibility (能见度) that can reach more than 100 meters.This journey is a onceinalifetime opportunity that you will remember for a long time.The clear water at this UNESCO World Heritage Site in Thingvellir National Park will leave you speechless.The Silfra crack is one of the highest rated dive sites in the world.During this journey, you will experience truly amazing views of the colorful underwater landscape, marine life, and geological formations.This trip is for anyone who knows how to swim and is up for a unique adventure.We offer daily trips, including pickup and dropoff in Reykjavik.The total trip time is approximately five hours, including a dive in the water lasting around 30 minutes.Availability: All yearIncluded:All needed dive equipmentHot beverages and snacksSilfra entrance fee of 1,000 ISKRequirements:Participants need to complete the Silfra medical statement prior to the tour.Divers must:Be at least 18 years old (Minors under 18 years old need a signature from their legal guardian)Maximum age is 65;Be able to communicate in English or have a translator;Be physically fit;Not be pregnant;Not be under the influence of alcohol.1What can we learn about this trip?AIt is unavailable to teenagers.BIt lasts for five and a half hours.CIt is a crosscontinental adventure.DIts admission includes no dive equipment.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Dive and glide between the Eurasian and American continents”及第三段中的“This trip is for anyone who knows how to swim and is up for a unique adventure”可知,这个旅行是跨越大陆的冒险之旅。故选C。2Which of the following is required of the divers?AHaving no plan to become pregnant.BFilling in a medical form in advance.CHaving a good knowledge of English.DTaking a brief physical examination there.解析:选B细节理解题。根据Requirements部分中的“Participants need to complete the Silfra medical statement prior to the tour”可知,潜水者需要提前填写关于健康状况的表格。故选B。BI have received many Christmas gifts over the years. The best gift I ever received was presented to me by a stranger. I never even knew his name and I only had contact with him for less than 60 seconds. His Christmas present to me changed the way I think about people and about Christmas.I hate Black Friday sales. Its often a gathering of people who are there for many different reasons. Some are looking for a deal on that one item for their loved one, or perhaps themselves. Their intentions are completely unrelated to the festive time of year, and can merely be summed up with one word, “Cheap!”It was several years ago when my wife asked me to meet her at the local department store on Black Friday morning. They had advertised a childs bike that she wanted to purchase for our son. We stood with a very large crowd, waiting for the manager to blow the whistle. After a while the whistle blew. It was like throwing a bucket of chum into a tank of sharks. I told my wife that if we obtained a bike, fine, but if we did not, I was OK with that too.As the pallet of bikes began to gradually decrease in size, I saw my polite opportunity to wrap my hands around the corner of one of the boxes. I lifted it off the crate and suddenly felt some mild resistance. I looked up to see one of the largest gentlemen I had ever seen in my life. Fearsome was not the word to describe his presence. He was adorned with numerous straps of metal spiked leather around both arms and even his neck. Tattoos (文身) were an obvious passion of his.I started to relinquish (放手) the box but he gently pushed it back in my direction and back into my hands. He then directed it into my shopping cart. He looked at me, smiled, and said, “Merry Christmas.” My wife and I went to the checkout, paid for the bike and went home. All the way home I was thinking that this moment was by far the best Christmas gift I had ever received. The kindness of a stranger broke all preconceived (事先形成的) notions I may have had of stereotypes and prejudices. I will never forget it.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要描述了作者几年前在“黑五”购物节那天和妻子一起购物,一个陌生人的善良打破了作者之前所有的成见和偏见。这是这些年作者收到过的最好的一份圣诞礼物。3What do you know about Black Friday according to the passage?AIt is a day after the Christmas.BMost major retailers offer promotional sales.CIt is a gathering of people.DIt is unrelated to Christmas.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句可知,大部分人是因为东西便宜才来购物的,因此可推出零售商们在进行促销,故选B项。4What did the author think of the man at first?AFrightening.BUncommon.CPolite. DFunny.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第四段第三、四句可知,作者起初看到那个男人的时候觉得他很吓人。故选A项。5All of the statements are TRUE except _.Ahis wife wanted to buy a bike for their sonBthey couldnt choose the goods until the manager blew a whistleCthe author put the bike in their shopping cartDthe moment was the best Christmas gift the author had ever received解析:选C细节理解题。根据第五段第二句可知,是那个男的把自行车放进作者的购物车的,而不是作者自己,故选项C项。CMany fruits and vegetables would disappear from grocery store shelves if it werent for honeybees.Almonds (扁桃仁), for example, are a 2.5 billion industry in California, and almond growers depend on honeybees to pollinate (授粉) the crop.No honeybees would mean no almonds.Many berries (like blackberries and strawberries) need bees, as do vegetables like cucumbers and squash.And dont forget tree crops like apples, oranges and peaches.Watermelon and cantaloupes depend on bees, too.In fact, approximately 15 percent of the food Americans eat comes directly from honeybee pollination.Another 15 percent comes from animals that eat foods that bees pollinate.In other words, close to a third of the food that Americans eat currently requires honeybee pollination.Honeybee pollination is so important that bee farmers actually truck their bees


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