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Unit 1 School life(一)课前自主学习.阅读单词知其意1literature n纵联1文学2Spanish n& adj. 西班牙语(的);西班牙人(的)3sculpture n. 雕像,雕塑4dessert n. 甜点5academic adj. 学业的,学术的6former adj. 以前的7title n. (书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名8dynasty n. 朝代,王朝9somehow adv.纵联2 不知为什么;不知怎么地10literary adj. 文学的.重点单词写其形1experience n& vt. 经历,体验2earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得3average adj.纵联3 一般的,普通的;平均的4struggle n. 难事;斗争;努力vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎5extra adj. 额外的,外加的6exchange n& vt. 交换;交流7donate vt. 捐赠8splendid adj. 极佳的,非常好的9independent adj. 独立的10inform vt. 通知,告知11run vt. 管理;操作12host n. 主持人;主人,东道主13charge n. 负责,掌管 vt. 使承担责任;收费14event n纵联4 (重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目15outing n. 短途旅行,远足16generation n. 一代,一代人17select vt. 选择,挑选18enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的19cooking n. 做饭;烹饪,烹调20schoolmate n. 同学,校友.拓展单词通其变1respect n& vt.尊敬,敬重respectful adj.表示敬意的,尊敬的respectable adj.值得尊敬的;体面的2devote vt.致力于;献身devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的devotion n奉献;挚爱3challenging adj.具有挑战性的challenge vt.& n向挑战;挑战4encouragement n鼓励encourage vt.鼓励encouraged adj.鼓舞的encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的5satisfaction n满意satisfy vt.使满意satisfied adj.满意的satisfying/satisfactory adj.令人满意的6graduate vi.毕业 n毕业生graduation n毕业7fluent adj.流利的fluently adv.流利地fluency n流利8painting n绘画,绘画作品paint vt.油漆;绘画painter n画家;油漆匠9approve vt.& vi.批准,通过;赞成,同意approval n批准,赞成approving adj.赞成的,满意的10preparation n准备,筹备prepare vt.准备,筹备prepared adj.有准备的纵联1.“文学”内容知多少?literature/drama/poetry 文学/戏剧/诗歌classic literature 古典文学childrens literature 儿童文学the Nobel Prize for Literature诺贝尔文学奖纵联2.阅读中不可小觑的单词somehow adv. 不知怎么地;不知为什么anyhow adv. 无论如何anyway adv. 无论如何;不管怎样somewhat adv. 有点儿;有几分;颇为纵联3.“普通/一般/正常”表达种种average user 一般用户ordinary family 普通家庭common sense 常识normal life 正常生活纵联4.各种“事件”event n. 重大事件;比赛项目;社交活动sports event 体育赛事incident n. (不平常的)事件;事变the July 7th Incident 七七事变accident n. 事故traffic accident 交通事故单元话题校园生活子话题1学习过程与评估presentation n演示;呈现diploma n. 毕业文凭;学位证书the College Entrance Examination高考academic performance 学习成绩make up the exam 补考子话题2教学管理与课程routine n. 常规ask for leave 请假skip the class 逃课psychology n. 心理学arts courses 文科课程science courses 理科课程子话题3学校设施与员工multimedia classroom 多媒体教室lecture theatre 阶梯教室staff n. 全体员工subject representative 课代表tutor n. 家庭教师,私人教师,导师子话题4学校活动与收获parentteacher conference 家长会social practice 社会实践shape ones character 塑造某人的性格widen/expand/broaden ones horizons开阔某人的视野学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1(2018全国卷阅读B)Good Morning Britains Susanna Reid is used to grilling guests on the sofa every morning, but she is cooking up a storm in her latest role showing families how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budget .In tonights Easter special they come to the aid of a family in need of some delicious inspiration on a budget.The team transforms the familys long weekend of celebration with less expensive but still tasty recipes.加黑词块在此处意为:在烹饪上露一手,大显身手;类似短语还有:dance up a storm“舞姿翩翩”,talk up a storm“侃侃而谈”,此类短语含有“以非凡的能力和技能做某事”的意思。加黑词在本单元的同根名词是:preparation,“为做准备”的表达形式有prepare_for或make_preparations_for。写出加黑词在本单元的近义词:encouragement用本单元所学词汇搭配替换加黑词:exchange_.for2(2018浙江高考完形)One day I met a former classmate of mine who was making a lot of money running a sideline (副业)Since his regular job was boring, I asked him why he just didnt do his sideline fulltime.He said without the job, he would simply have too much time and would just do what I did back in college.He said that if he quit the job, he would lose his _ to work and succeed.So, try filling up your time with other work.加黑词在此处意为:以前的, the former .表示“(两者中)前者的”。make money表示“挣钱”,同义短语为:earn_money选择加黑词在句中的意思:_B_A跑步B经营C传播D操作写出加黑词在本单元的反义词:enjoyable加黑部分可翻译为:把他的全部时间用于他的副业;用本单元词汇devote改写加黑词块:devote_his_full_time_to_doing_his_sideline选词填空:_A_Adrive Bstruggle Cenergy Dpower高考采撷(二)写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)1(2018全国卷书面表达)每个被通知这个活动的人,都可以通过这部短片来体验我们学校的变化。(inform, experience)Everyone_who_is_informed_of_this_activity_can_experience_our_schools_changes_through_the_movie.2(2018天津高考书面表达)相应地,我们将有机会通过这种有挑战性的竞赛来提高我们的技能,与困难作斗争。(challenging, struggle)Accordingly,_we_will_be_given_an_opportunity_to_improve_our_skills_and_struggle_with_many_difficulties_through_the_challenging_competition. (二)课堂重点释疑1experience vt.经历,体验 nU经验;C经历辨清写出下列句中experience的词性和含义Id like to invite you to experience the newlyrun highspeed train to Donghu, which is about 500 kilometers away from here.vt.体验Without his wartime experience, Hemingway wouldnt have written his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.n.C经历First of all, volunteering can help us to learn more about society and gain valuable experience.n.U经验记牢(1)be a(n) . experience for sb.对某人来说是一种的经历have experience in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面有经验/在行(2)experienced adj. 有经验的;熟练的be experienced in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面有经验/在行inexperienced adj. 缺乏经验的练通片段语法填空If you are an experienced (experience) traveler wanting to explore China fully, it is recommended that you should travel to Dunhuang, Zhangye, Jiayuguan, Turpan, Kashi and Urumqi to follow the footprint of Marco Polo and feel the experiences (experience) of Marco Polo on the journey.This route will be an unforgettable experience for you and it will be fit for you.I believe you can gain lots of experience (experience) and knowledge of traveling from this journey.一句多译看起来他似乎并没有训练足球运动员的经验。It seems as if he has_no_experience_in_training football players.It seems as if he isnt_experienced_in_training football players.It seems as if he is_inexperienced_in_training football players.写美(2018天津高考书面表达)我知道你在参加机器人技能竞赛 (robotics competition) 方面经验很丰富。I_know_you_have_much_experience_in_taking_part_in_the_robotics_competition.2respect vt.尊敬;尊重 n细节,方面;尊重;敬意,问候辨清写出下列句中 respect的含义A person might fully disagree with others on any issue, while at the same time respecting those with different opinions and treating them with dignity.尊重This proposal given by our tutor is really excellent in all respects. 方面,细节Im sorry I cant come up to your apartment. Give my respects to your parents.问候记牢(1)respect sb.for .因而尊重某人(2)have/show respect for . 对表示敬意in all/many respects 在各个/许多方面with respect to 关于;就而言(3)respectful adj. 恭敬的,有礼貌的be respectful of . 对尊重练通单句语法填空Whether youre declining an invitation to a party or turning down a new project at work, you can say no while still being respectful (respect)The following five years will be a crucial period for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects (respect)My English teacher is modest, so all of us show respect for him.单句改错I deeply respect him his courage, which has helped him overcome so much difficulty.his前加for写美(2018浙江高考书面表达)关于英语口语,我曾在学校口语大赛中获得一等奖。With_respect_to_spoken_English,_I_once_won_the_first_prize_in_the_spoken_English_contest_in_our_school.3devote vt.致力于;献身记牢(1)devote . to .把奉献于/专注于devote oneself to (doing) . 献身于;致力于(做)(2)devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的be devoted to (doing).奉献于(做);专心于(做)(3)devotion n. 关爱;关照;奉献;忠诚练通单句语法填空Officer Patrick Daugherty entered the home and found Gary and his devoted (devote) cat, Tommy.Society even praises “burning the candle at both ends” as a sign of our devotion (devote) to work and family.(2016四川高考)But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself.单句改错We teenagers should be devoted to read what we are interested in.readreading句型转换Devoted to teaching the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.Devoting herself to teaching the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.写美(2018全国卷书面表达)我经常在空闲的时候和我的同学在学校体育馆打羽毛球。I_often_devote_my_free_time_to_playing_badminton_with_my_classmates_in_the_school_stadium.4average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的 n平均,平均数 v算出的平均数;平均为辨清写出下列句中average的词性和含义The average temperature here ranges between 23 and 39 and 51% of the island is covered with forests.adj.平均的(2017全国卷)Freddy was an average student,but not an average person.adj.普通的A survey shows parents spend an average of 220 a year on toys in Shanghai.n.平均数Drivers in London can expect to average about 12 miles per hour.v.平均为记牢on (the) average平均起来above/below average 平均水平以上/以下an average of 平均有练通完成句子There were 90 students getting full marks in the exam, on_average 18 students in each class. Toms score was above_average while Johns was below_average.在这次考试中有90个同学得到了满分,每个班级平均有18人。汤姆的成绩在平均水平以上,而约翰的(成绩)在平均水平以下。写美(2018天津高考书面表达)在上一次机器人竞赛中,你的测试成绩高于所有参与者的平均水平。In_the_last_robotics_competition,_your_test_scores_were_above_average_in_all_participants.5struggle n难事;斗争;努力 vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎记牢struggle for .为而奋斗struggle with/against . 与作斗争struggle to do sth. 挣扎着做某事struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来练通完成句子The two boxers struggled_with/against_each_other and the referee separated them.两位拳击手扭打在了一起,裁判把他们分开了。Bravely, Mary struggled_to_her_feet,_and fought against the wind and rain beating against her.玛丽勇敢地挣扎着站起来,同扑向她的暴风雨搏斗着。We should help those who are still struggling_for_liberation.我们应当帮助那些仍在为解放而斗争的人们。India had to struggle_to_beat defending champions South Korea 20.印度队苦战之下才以20击败卫冕冠军韩国队。写美(2018北京高考书面表达)从现在起,你应该为你的未来做准备。为你的梦想而奋斗,你就会获得北京语言大学的录取通知书。From_now_on,_you_should_prepare_yourself_for_your_future.Struggle_for_your_dream_and_you_will_get_the_offer_from_Beijing_Language_and_Culture_University.6exchange n& vt.交换;交流;兑换记牢(1)exchange student交换生 in exchange (for .) 作为交换()(2)exchange sth. for sth. 用某物交换某物exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物练通单句语法填空Last summer I attended an English summer camp for SinoUS cultural exchanges (exchange), which I have long been dreaming about.No money with him, the poor fellow had to be a dustman in exchange for a weeks accommodation.The Internet enables us to exchange ideas with many others to check our claims and to judge our actions.Their daughter is to go to USA for further education next month and the Browns will like to exchange some pounds for dollars.写美(2016天津高考书面表达)通过一些活动,我们彼此交流在学习方法方面的观点,分享一些特别的课程。Through_some_activities,_we_exchanged_ideas_on_ways_of_study_and_shared_some_special_classes_with_each_other.(2014天津高考书面表达)我是李津,高二(一)班班长,很高兴听到你以交换生的身份来到我们学校。Im_Li_Jin,_monitor_of_Class_One,_Grade_Eleven.Im_glad_to_hear_that_you_will_come_to_our_school_as_an_exchange_student.7donate vt.捐赠记牢(1)donate . to . 把捐献给 (2)donation n. 捐赠,捐赠物donator n. 捐赠者,赠送者练通单句语法填空After the earthquake happened, many actors donated much money to the disaster area.To help more people in India, the IMA Blood Bank has also developed a team to educate the public about blood donation (donate). Doctors are searching a blood donator (donate) to the patient whose blood type is rare.写美(2015全国卷书面表达)在那之后,我们将做一些其他有意义的活动,包括捐赠一些零花钱或书籍给那儿的老人们。After_that,_we_will_do_some_other_meaningful_activities,_including_donating_some_pocket_money_or_books_to_the_old_there.8inform vt.通知,告知记牢(1)inform sb. that .通知/告知某人inform sb. of . 通知/告知某人keep sb. informed of . 使某人随时了解(2)information nU 信息练通单句语法填空(2015福建高考)It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.(2018北京高考)I didnt do either well.He later informed me that I was “not athletic”The old man reads newspapers every day to keep himself informed (inform) about whats going on in the world.单句改错(2017全国卷)Besides, they often get some useful informations from the Irmationsinformation用准inform后不能直接跟双宾语,而需借助于介词of,构成inform sb.of sth.结构。写美(2017全国卷书面表达)我给你写信是想告知你我们下一次上课的时间和地点。Im_writing_to_inform_you_of_the_time_and_place_of_our_next_class.联想与inform sb.of sth.类似的结构还有哪些?warn sb.of sth.警告某人当心某事cure sb.of sth. 治愈某人的疾病remind sb.of sth. 提醒某人某事convince sb.of sth. 使某人确信某事accuse sb.of sth. 控告某人某事9approve vt.& vi.批准,通过;赞成,同意记牢(1)approve sth. 批准/同意某事approve of sb./sth. 赞成/批准approve of ones doing sth. 同意某人做某事(2)approval n. 赞成;同意;批准,认可give ones approval to sth. 批准/同意某事练通单句语法填空Her parents did not approve of her decision to move to the countryside. I would appreciate it if you could give your approval (approve) to my application.句型转换The mother didnt gave her approval to her daughter going out at night.The mother didnt approve of her daughter going out at night.用准“同意某人做某事”不可用approve sb.to do sth., 应该用approve of ones doing sth.,其中of是介词,后跟动名词的复合结构。写美(2017北京高考书面表达)经过热烈的讨论,我们一致赞同制作一个视频来记录我们在学校的经历。After_a_heated_discussion,_we_all_approved_of_our_making_a_video_to_record_our_experiences_at_school.10charge n负责,掌管;费用 vt.使承担责任;收费,要价;控告记牢(1)in charge of负责,掌管in the charge of . 由负责/掌管free of charge 免费take charge of 负责,掌管(2)charge sb./sth. for . 为向某人/某物要价charge sb. with sth. 控告某人某事练通介词填空They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee.As the Community Manager in KidPass, youll be in charge of a vivid community for parents.The man wearing a blue hat was charged with theft in the supermarket.These courses are online, free of charge, and open to anyone in the world who has a laptop and an Internet connection.句型转换The house has been in the charge of Mr.Bell for more than a year.Mr.Bell has been in charge of the house for more than a year.用准in charge of 多以人作主语,指“某人负责/主管某事”;in the charge of 多以物作主语,指“某物由某人掌管”。类似的还有:in possession of, in the possession of; in control of, in the control of。写美一句多译(2016天津高考书面表达)在两周的时间里,我们举办了一系列关于学习和运动的活动,其中一些是由英国学生负责的。During_the_period_of_two_weeks,_we_held_a_series_of_activities_on_study_and_sports_and_a_few_of_them_were_in_the_charge_of_English_students.(并列句)During_the_period_of_two_weeks,_we_held_a_series_of_activities_on_study_and_sports,_a_few_of_which_were_in_the_charge_of_English_students.(复合句)词汇过关综合训练.单词拼写1It retells some of the key events (事件) of the mid20th century, a song of happy memories of the past and wanting to return to those better times.2Ask your teacher for extra (额外的) credit assignments, particularly if you receive a disappointing grade in a subject.3Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation (一代)4To earn (赚取) enough money to support a large family, Thomas had to work really hard.5(2018全国卷)Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate (捐赠) a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness.6I am pleased to inform (通知) you that you have won the first prize in this months competition.7The customers could select (挑选) the appropriate product from this full list.8Today I become known as Mrs.Greenthumbs, teaching gardening and hosting (主办) a gardening show, which makes my parents feel very proud.9Going for a trip to the famous town was an enjoyable (令人愉快的) experience for me and impressed me a lot.10(2018浙江高考)Let them know that you are there to help in any way that is acceptable, while still respecting (尊重) the privacy of your neighbor.单句语法填空1A survey of over 74,000 people found 35 percent slept less than seven hours daily on average.2The young editor enjoys writing and is highly experienced (experience) in blogging and social media.3To her surprise, the firms director quickly gave his approval (approve) to her new plan.4Its very kind of you to keep me well informed (inform) of whats going on there.5You may exchange it for a brown one if your husband doesnt like the color.6The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle to_be_heard (hear)7In an analysis of 225 academic studies, researchers found strong evidence of causeandeffect relationship between life satisfaction (satisfy) and successful business outcomes.8(2015全国卷)Id skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River which are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings (painting).单句改错1The experiencing mountain climber gained a lot of experience from his adventure.experiencingexperienced2We should show respect to the old people, which are part of our traditional culture.tofor3Despite his terrible injuries, he wouldnt give up the struggle to life.tofor4It is reported that the businessman has donated a lot of money for the school.forto5The manager was satisfying to see many new products developed after hard working.satisfyingsatisfied.完成句子1We should keep_ourselves_informed_of the latest development of science and technology.我们应该了解科学技术的最新进展。2Completely devoted_to_the_people,_the doctor gave all his life in saving his patients.那位医生忠于人民,把毕生精力用于拯救患者。3My mother was left in_charge_of_the_company while my father was away.我的爸爸不在时,妈妈负责这个公司。4We students should often exchange_ideas_with our parents, who are_rich_in_experience,_and above all, love us most in the world.我们学生应该经常和父母交换意见,他们经验丰富,而且最重要的是,在这个世界上他们是最爱我们的人。5After leaving the stage, the actor Zhao Liang earned/made_a_living by feedi


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