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必修二 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained检测评价A卷.单项填空1(2019苏州模拟)From 650 BC to 323 BC the Greek civilization made advances in various fields that _ the world ever since and will continue to do so.Ainfluenced Bhave influencedChad influenced Dare influencing解析:选B句意:从公元前650年至公元前323年希腊文明在众多领域都取得了进步。从那时起,这些进步就已经影响了世界,并将继续影响世界。ever since“从那时起(到现在)”,常常与现在完成时连用。2Schools in our city provide a variety of optional classes to _ students of different levels.Acater to Bswitch toCobject to Dsubmit to解析:选A句意:我们城市的学校提供了各种各样的选修课来迎合不同水平的学生。cater to意为“迎合”;switch to意为“切换到,转到”;object to意为“反对”;submit to意为“向呈交;顺从,服从”。根据句意可知选A项。3We dont dismiss the possibility _ more cases of this kind will come up in the future in carrying out the plan.Awhere BwhetherCwhy Dthat解析:选D句意:我们不能排除这种可能性,在今后实施计划过程中会有更多这样的案例出现。此处that引导的是同位语从句,修饰the possibility。4Sorry, Sir. These seats are _ for special guests. Would you change to another place?Apreserved BreservedCreversed Doccupied解析:选B句意:不好意思,先生,这些座位是为特别来宾预留的。你能换个地方吗?reserve“保留;预订”,符合句意。preserve强调“收藏,保存”,其目的是使之完好无损、质量不变;reverse“(使)反转;(使)颠倒”;occupy“占领;使用”。5Many Chinese companies are now _ about African tourism while others are interested in local agriculture products.Apuzzled Benthusiastic Cnervous Dcertain解析:选B句意:现在很多中国公司热衷于非洲旅游,但其他的则对当地农产品感兴趣。be enthusiastic about“热衷于,对热情”和be interested in 意思接近,故B项正确。6(2019无锡调研)Sugar _ naturally in fruits such as pears, melons and grapes, as well as foods such as mushrooms, wine and cheese.Ahappens BoccursCcontains Dconsists解析:选B句意:一些水果含有天然糖分,如梨、甜瓜、葡萄等,还有一些食物也含有糖分,如蘑菇、葡萄酒和奶酪。occur in“存在于,出现在”,符合句意。happen“发生”;contain“包含”;consist in“取决于,在于”。7Caroline doesnt have a gift for music, but she _ it with hard work.Agoes back on Btakes away fromCmakes up for Dcatches up with解析:选C考查动词短语辨析。句意:卡罗琳虽然没有音乐方面的天赋,但是她通过刻苦努力来弥补。go back on“背叛,背弃”;take away from“拿走,带走”;make up for“弥补”;catch up with“赶上,追上”。由句中的关键信息doesnt have a gift for music以及并列连词but可知,她是通过刻苦努力来“弥补(make up for)”没有音乐天赋这件事。8Never before _ the first prize in my hands, but through sweat and determination the achievement was mine at last.Ahad I held BI had heldCdid I hold Dheld I解析:选A句意:以前我从来没有得过一等奖,但是通过汗水和决心,成就最终是我的了。根据Never before和was可知此处描述的是发生在“过去的过去的”事情,应用过去完成时;never是表示否定意义的副词,置于句首时,句子需部分倒装。故选A。9Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter_ physical and mental health.Aof; at Bby; inCof; on Don; at解析:选C句意:科学家们坚信笑对身心健康有积极影响。be convinced of“坚信,深信”;effect常与on连用,意为“对的影响”。以上两个均属于固定搭配。所以选C。10You didnt lose the train ticket, did you?_.I know its not easy to get another one now.AI am afraid not BI think noCI hope so DI hope not解析:选D答语提到现在再得到一张火车票不容易,由此可知答话人不希望这样。I hope not表示“我希望不是这样”。11AIDS is said _ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.Athat it is Bto beCthat it has here Dto have been解析:选DIt is said that从句可转为Sb./Sth.be said to do/to be doing/to have done的形式。由此可排除A、C两项;由句子中的时间状语over the past few years可知要用完成时,所以排除B项。答案选D。12_, his mother will wait for him to have dinner together.AHowever late is he BHowever he is lateCHowever is he late DHowever late he is解析:选D句意:无论他回家多晚,他妈妈都会等他吃晚饭。修饰的形容词要紧跟however,语序用陈述语序。13_ on this report, the English government decided to ask Captain James Cook to go and look for this new continent.AHaving based BBasingCBased DTo be based解析:选C句意:基于这份报告,英国政府决定让詹姆斯库克船长去寻找这个新大陆。be based on“基于”,空处在句中作状语,所以选择C。14The moment _ I learned the results of the competition was one of the happiest times in my life.Awhich BwhenCwhere Dwhy解析:选B句意:我得知比赛结果的那一刻是我一生中最快乐的时刻之一。分析句子结构可知这是一个定语从句,先行词 moment在从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when来引导从句。故选B项。15A stranger gave me an umbrella when I was caught in the rain._.AFirst impression is half the battleBA friend without faults will never be foundCThere is kindness to be found everywhereDTwo heads are better than one解析:选C句意:“当我遇到大雨时,一位陌生人给我一把伞。”“善举无处不在。”由语境可知选C项。.完形填空(2019南京高三调研)Trevor knew flowers and chocolates wouldnt impress his mom. _1_, the university senior woke up early on the day and handscrubbed (用手擦洗) a fountain in the wee hours of the morning. It wasnt just _2_ fountain that motivated the 22yearold it was one that had a special significance to his family.His grandmother was a(n) _3_ learning disabilities specialist and instructor. After her death, her coworkers had a large, cement angel fountain set up in her _4_._5_ Trevors mom, Sarene, cherished it, she lived six hours away and didnt have the opportunity to visit. So when he decided what to get his mom for Mothers Day, the fountain came to his mind. Sarene has a(n) _6_ of homemade gifts. Her home is filled with handthrown pottery she made herself. Whatever Trevor was going to do for her, it would have to be _7_.When he arrived at the fountain, it was _8_ with dirt and covered with leaves, in _9_ shape than he expected. He started to scrub, motivated by memories of his late grandmother. He got the same feeling he imagined his mom gets at her pottery wheel being in the moment doing an act of _10_ for someone you love.There was one _11_: the fountains water was turned off. Without water, the chance of a shiny site was _12_, so Trevor purchased a bottle from a vending machine. “I was out there pouring water on a(n) _13_ fountain. People were looking at me all crazy,” Trevor _14_ the water bottle many times. It took him about two hours to _15_ the best he could, removing the first few layers of dust and being careful _16_ the fragile pieces. He set up his camera, checked the lighting and took a before and after _17_. He sent his mom two _18_ emails, containing the before and after photo of the fountain respectively. When Sarene opened the photos, she burst into tears._19_ was a key component of Trevors gift. Over the years he paid attention to his moms everyday mentions of the fountain. She said, “He honored me, but he also honored my mom.” Mothers, like _20_ supply our needs: to drink water, to try to connect us to previous generations.语篇解读:特里沃打算在母亲节这天送给母亲一件印象深刻而又独一无二的礼物,他想到了外祖母的同事为了纪念她而建造的一座大型水泥的天使喷泉。虽然特里沃的母亲很珍惜这座喷泉,但是她距离这里有六小时的路程,并没有机会来参观。于是特里沃从凌晨开始用手擦洗喷泉并拍照发邮件给母亲,以此来感谢母亲为家庭的付出。1A.InsteadBHoweverCMoreover DMeanwhile解析:选A特里沃知道鲜花和巧克力不会给他的母亲留下深刻的印象。这位大四学生在母亲节这天早早地在凌晨醒来,转而用手擦洗着喷泉。instead意为“转而,反而”;however意为“然而,但是”;moreover意为“而且,此外”;meanwhile意为“同时,其间”。2A.some BanotherCany Devery解析:选C不是任何喷泉都能激励这位22岁的年轻人这是一个对他的家庭有着特殊意义的喷泉。any意为“任何”;some意为“一些”;another意为“又一个”;every意为“每个”。3A.academic BseniorCqualified Drespected解析:选D他的外祖母是一位受人尊敬的学习障碍专家和导师。respected意为“受尊敬的,受敬重的”;academic意为“学术的;学院的”;senior意为“资深的;年长的”;qualified意为“胜任的;有资格的”。4A.favor BdefenseCpresence Dhonor解析:选D在她去世之后,她的同事为了纪念她而造了一座大型水泥的天使喷泉。in ones honor意为“向表示敬意,纪念”。honor意为“尊敬,荣誉”;favor意为“恩惠,帮助”;defense意为“防御;辩护”;presence意为“出席,到场”。5A.Since BThoughCUnless DAs解析:选B虽然特里沃的母亲萨琳很珍惜这座喷泉,但是她距离这里有六小时的路程,并没有机会来参观。though意为“尽管,虽然”;since意为“自从;既然”;unless意为“除非;如果不”;as意为“因为;当时候”。6A.distinction BappreciationCimagination Dinvention解析:选B萨琳很欣赏自制的礼物,她家里到处都是她亲手制作的陶器。appreciation意为“欣赏,鉴赏;感激,感谢”;distinction意为“区别,差别;杰出,优秀”;imagination意为“想象,想象力”;invention意为“发明,创造”。7A.unique BspecificCsimple Dpractical解析:选A无论特里沃打算为她做什么,那都是独一无二的。unique意为“独特的,独一无二的”;specific意为“特定的,具体的”;simple意为“简单的”;practical意为“实际的”。8A.circled BlinedCcaked Ddotted解析:选C当他到达喷泉的时候,喷泉上黏着泥土,覆盖着树叶。cake意为“结块”;circle意为“画圈;包围”;line意为“排列”;dot意为“遍布,散布于”。9A.darker BworseCbetter Dbrighter解析:选B喷泉的状况比他预料的更糟糕。worse意为“更糟糕的”;darker意为“更黑的”;better意为“更好的”;brighter意为“更明亮的”。10A.generosity BsacrificeCforgiveness Dservice解析:选D他想象他母亲在制陶轮上和他有同感在这个为你爱的人做事的时刻。service意为“服务,帮助,效劳”;generosity意为“慷慨,大方”;sacrifice意为“牺牲,奉献”;forgiveness意为“原谅,宽恕”。11A.pressure BpossibilityCproblem Dpuzzle解析:选C有一个问题:喷泉的水被关掉了。problem意为“问题”;pressure意为“压力”;possibility意为“可能”;puzzle意为“迷;难题”。12A.fine BslimCequal Dpure解析:选B没有水,成为一个闪亮的地点的机会很渺茫。slim意为“微小的”;fine意为“美好的,精致的”;equal意为“平等的”;pure意为“纯粹的”。13A.polished BunfinishedCdecorated Dabandoned解析:选D我在那里往废弃的喷泉上倒水。abandoned意为“抛弃的,遗弃的”;polished意为“磨光的,擦亮的”;unfinished意为“未完成的”;decorated意为“装饰的,装潢的”。14A.refilled BrearrangedCrecycled Dreplaced解析:选A特里沃多次向瓶子里重新装水。refill意为“重新装满,再次填满”;rearrange意为“重新安排”;recycle意为“回收”;replace意为“取代,代替”。15A.make up Bclean upCfix up Dpick up解析:选B这花了他大约两小时来尽全力清理。clean up意为“打扫,清扫”;make up意为“组成,构成”;fix up意为“修理,安排”;pick up意为“捡起;接”。16A.around BinCunder Dabove解析:选A他除去最上面的几层灰,在易碎的部分周围格外小心。around意为“在周围”;in意为“在里面”;under意为“在下面”;above意为“在上面”。17A.note BlookCshot Dbreak解析:选C他设置好照相机,检查摄影用光,拍了喷泉前部和后部的照片。shot意为“照片,镜头”;note意为“笔记;音符”;look意为“看;样子;表情”;break意为“休息”。18A.urgent BusualCseparate Dsimilar解析:选C他给他母亲发了两份单独的电子邮件,其中分别包含了喷泉前部和后部的照片。separate意为“分开的,单独的”;urgent意为“紧急的,急迫的”;usual意为“通常的,惯常的”;similar意为“相似的,类似的”。19A.Pioneering BRecallingCTrusting DListening解析:选D倾听是特里沃的礼物的一个重要的组成部分。listen意为“倾听”;pioneer意为“首创”;recall意为“回忆”;trust意为“信任”。20A.fountains BflowersCsculptors Dinstructors解析:选A母亲就像喷泉一样满足我们的需求。sculptor意为“雕塑家”;instructor意为“教练;导师”。.任务型阅读(2019南京、盐城、连云港模拟)Acid rain is a very serious environmental threat faced by our planet today. Millions of people get affected by it on a daily basis. This problem is more serious in the northern hemisphere (半球) where theres a huge growth in the number of industries. Winds absorb more and more quantities of harmful gases produced by various kinds of industries. Acid rain occurs when high levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide enter in the atmosphere and start chemical transformation. These harmful gases are absorbed by water droplets in the clouds and they fall on the earth during rains. They can damage the natural soil by increasing the acidity levels and pollute rivers and lakes. Dead and weakened trees are a very common sign of acid rain, while in cities worn off or scarred buildings are also a result of acid rain.Acid rain is actually a broad term which is used to describe different types of acid that fall from the atmosphere on earth. Its mainly divided into wet and dry. Parts of the world which experience wet weather have acid rain, acid snow and fog. Other parts which experience dry weather for most of the year experience acid gas and acid dust.One of the main causes of acid rain is a sudden drop in the pH levels of water and that happens because of absorption of harmful gases by the atmosphere. The best way to bring back the pH balance of water is to limit the use of items which run on petrol. Instead, use products which run on electricity.Another great thing that all people can do is to learn how to drive cars efficiently. To reduce smoke emission from cars, drivers should ease up as soon as the yellow light rather than slamming on the brakes and they shouldnt rush away as soon as the lights turn green. These small practices help reduce the wastage of petrol.Limit the use of buses or cars for small things, people can also make use of cycles or walk to cover small distances.Another great tip which almost all of us can practice is to always keep the vehicle tyres full of air, which will provide users with a better fuel economy.Turn off your lights, computers and other appliances when not in use.Learn about the different sources of energy besides fossil (化石) fuels and try to use them in daily life. Many nations like France and Germany are using electrical, nuclear, wind and solar energy on large basis.Title: Acid RainProblemAcid rain (1)_ millions of people and becomes a serious environmental threat to our planet today.OccurrenceHarmful gases (2)_ industries go into the atmosphere and chemical transformation happens.Water droplets in the clouds that have taken in the harmful gases come to the (3)_ when it rains.ResultsIt damages the soil and causes water (4)_ as well.It can weaken and even (5)_ trees, and will damage buildings in cities.(6)_Wet in the form of acid rain, acid snow and fog.Dry in the form of acid gas and acid dust.PreventionUse more electricity than petrol.Drive vehicles in an (7)_ way.Go to places (8)_ on foot or by bike.Keep the vehicle tyres full of air all the time.Turn off any electrical device the moment you stop (9)_ it.Try to (10)_ fossil fuels with other forms of energy, such as those produced from wind and the sun.答案:1.affects/influences2.from3.earth/ground4pollution5.kill/ruin/destroy6.Types/Kinds/Sorts/Categories7efficient8.nearby9.using10.replace检测评价B卷阅读理解AOUR PRODUCT RANGESKINCARERoyal Nectar is the amazing skincare product that has taken the world by storm. It uses Bee Venom to stimulate natural collagen production in your skin making it look smoother and more radiant.View ProductsHEALTHNectar Ease uses Manuka Honey and Bee Venom to create a food rich in added benefits. Also known as the Aches and Pains Honey, it is ideal for people with joint problems.View productsNUTRITIONYou probably already knew that we produce some of the purest Manuka Honey in the world, but did you know our other varieties may offer added benefits too?View ProductsWELCOME TO NELSON HONEY & MARKETINGFor over 100 years the Cropp family have worked with nature, extracting the honey delicately, to bring you the finest quality New Zealand Honey. In 1973 third generation beekeeper Philip Cropp, after learning all there is to know about bees and beekeeping from his parents and grandparents before them, established Nelson Honey & Marketing. His passion for bees, the many wonderful products they produce and amazing health benefits they may provide, have seen Nelson Honey grow from humble beginnings to a hugely successful company with a growing range of honey products sought after worldwide.Philips “Honey will fix it” approach is legendary among friends, neighbors and customers and has been the driver behind some of the revolutionary products he developed over the years like Nectar Ease and Royal Nectar.You will find our products fit into 1 (or more) of 3 categories, each of which has a different colour to make it easier for you to navigate to the information youre after.Nutrition is all about our honeys. Manuka Honey, sourced from the Marlborough Sounds, West Coast Honey, a delicious multifloral honey also described as the fruit bowl of honeys comes from the rugged (崎岖的) and pristine (原始状态的) West Coast of the South Island; and finally Honeydew Honey which comes from the Beech forests of the Nelson Lakes areas. All our honeys are great as a food and may offer added benefits.Health covers a range of different products, all of which are aimed at helping you feel great and stay healthy. Nectar Ease is our sought after Manuka Honey with added Bee Venom range.Finally our Skincare range is where you will find a range of Manuka Honey soaps as well as our worldfamous Royal Nectar products; anything from the Original Face Mask to the new gift packs.To read more about how it all started, check out the About Us section, or go straight to Products to order your own goodies.语篇解读:本文是一则广告,主要介绍来自Nelson Honey & Marketing产品的用途。1If I had a backache and meanwhile wanted to improve my skin, what honey products from Nelson Honey & Marketing would you recommend?AWest Coast Honey and Royal Nectar.BBee Venom Range and Honeydew Honey.CRoyal Nectar and Manuka Honey.DManuka Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar.解析:选C推理判断题。根据SKINCARE部分的第一句可知,Royal Nectar是神奇的护肤品,名震四海;根据HEALTH部分的第二句可知Manuka Honey作为“止痛蜜”而闻名,对关节有问题的人来说,这是理想之选。因此Royal Nectar可以改善皮肤,而Manuka Honey可止痛。故选C项。2What is the main purpose of this article?ATo promote honey products from Nelson Honey & Marketing.BTo introduce a family enterprise Nelson Honey & Marketing.CTo attract readers to pay a visit to New Zealand and buy honey products.DTo analyze the benefits of honey and honey products.解析:选A写作意图题。纵观全文可知,本文是一则广告,主要推销来自Nelson Honey & Marketing的产品。故选A项。B(2019盐城高三模拟)The idea of exploring the past through the human history of a single crop has been around for a while. What is striking about James Walvins new book is that, while focusing only on sugar, it does not restrict itself to the past. Rather, the book takes the story of perhaps the most popular crop of all time and brings it disturbingly into the present day.Walvin begins his research where most of us begin our relationship with the stuff: the sweet shops of childhood memory. If sugar is a guilty pleasure then it is one with which almost every one of us is drunk on a daily basis. The unstoppable march of sugar raises the question: why? After all, sugar cane (甘蔗) is difficult to grow and the processes of refinement and clarification required to produce eatable sugar are timeconsuming and expensive. Yet, as Walvin explains, sugar has one enormous temptation: it satisfies our seemingly born desire for sweet tastes, but the satisfaction that sugar provides comes at a terrible cost, both to those who produce it and those who consume it.Sugar changed world history more profoundly than any other crop. It fuelled the Atlantic slave trade and the African wars. Were familiar with the story of how millions of enslaved Africans were transported to the Caribbean, the US and Brazil, but the growing global demand for sugar also led to the migrations of other groups. The profitability of sugar production also inspired American producers to ship thousands of poor Indians from their homeland to the Caribbean, South America and Fiji as well as Japanese peasants to plan


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