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必修四 Unit 2 Sports events检测评价A卷.单项填空1I guess I must leave now.See you tomorrow._! I have some important information for you.AHang on BNever mindCAll right DTake care解析:选A后句句意:等一下,我有重要的事要告诉你。hang on“稍等,别挂断”,符合句意。2Sharon, many experts believe that the two pictures are roughly _.I dont quite agree. The painting styles may look very similar but their painters were born in quite different dynasties.Aconventional BcontradictoryCcontemporary Dconservative解析:选C句意:“莎伦,很多专家相信,这两幅画几乎是同时代的。”“我不太同意。绘画风格可能看起来很相似,但是两位画家完全属于不同的朝代。”conventional“传统的”;contradictory“矛盾的”;contemporary“同时代的”;conservative“保守的”。根据句意可知选C。3Mike has been preparing carefully for his Chinese examination so that he could be sure of passing it at his first _.Apurpose BattemptCdesire Dintention解析:选B句意:迈克一直在认真准备中文考试,以便保证第一次尝试就通过。attempt“尝试”,符合句意。4(2019扬州模拟)No wonder some people dont show sympathy for the victim of the accident. She _ have observed the traffic rules.Amust BshouldCneed Dwould解析:选B句意:难怪一些人并不同情这次意外的受害者。她本应该遵守交通规则。should have done“本应做而实际上未做”。5How about buying Tim a mobile phone? After all, he isnt a boy any more.I think its necessary, for we sometimes want to make sure if he _ home for dinner.Awill come BcomesChas come Dwould come解析:选A句意:“给Tim买个手机怎么样啊?毕竟,他不再是一个孩子了。”“我认为很有必要,我们有时候想确认他是否会回家吃饭。”if在此引导宾语从句,从句中所说的事在说话时间看来是将要发生的事,所以用将来时。6_, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.AStrange as might it soundBAs it might sound strangeCAs strange it might soundDStrange as it might sound解析:选D考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管他的主意听起来很奇怪,但是在会议上被采纳了。as引导让步状语时,须倒装,即将表语提前,其他使用正常的陈述语序。7Do you know _ they got to know each other?It was last year _ they both taught Chinese in Scotland.Awhen it was that; whenBwhen was it that; whenCwhen it was that; thatDwhen was it that; that解析:选A句意:“你知道他们是什么时候认识的吗?”“是去年他们在苏格兰教汉语的时候(认识的)。”分析句子结构可知know后面是宾语从句,从句要用陈述语序;根据语境可知答语是省略了that they got to know each other部分的强调句型,last year 后是定语从句,从句主干完整,故last year在从句中作状语,使用关系副词。8Having a brother or sister protects adolescents against negative feelings such as loneliness and guilt, but they also have to learn to _ and to control their emotions.Acompete BcompensateCcomprehend Dcompromise解析:选Dcompete“竞争,比赛,对抗”;compensate“补偿,赔偿”;comprehend“理解,包含”。compromise“妥协,让步”,指相互之间的谦让,与语境相符。9Poets, schools, publishers, booksellers and libraries will hold readings, competitions, book displays, educational events and other activities _ National Poetry Month.Ain honour of Bin place ofCin spite of Din terms of解析:选A句意:诗人、学校、出版社、图书商和图书馆将举办阅读、竞赛、书展、教育项目及其他活动来纪念“全民诗歌月”。in honour of“为了纪念,向表示敬意”,符合语境。10Parents should guide their children, not direct them. Observe _ your childs talent and interests lie, and then encourage them in those directions.Awhat BwhereCwhen Dthat解析:选B根据题干中的lie可知此处要用连接副词where引导宾语从句。where在从句中作地点状语。11_ not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.AIt were BWere itCIt was DWas it解析:选B虚拟语气中,be动词统一用were; 虚拟语气的省略形式是把if省略,同时把were/should/had提前,即Were/Should/Had I .,故选B。12We really appreciate our learning environment, _ we can have direct communication.Awhom BwhichCwhere Dwhen解析:选C考查非限制性定语从句。句意:我们非常感激我们的学习环境,在那里我们可以直接交流。learning environment是先行词,指物,排除A和D;先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,用关系副词where引导,排除B,故选C。13After five days of the fantastic space trip, the two astronauts walked out of the spaceship, _.Atired but happy Btiredly but happilyCtiredly and happily Dtired and happy解析:选A句意:五天美妙的太空旅行之后,两个宇航员走出宇宙飞船,疲劳但非常幸福。根据题意可知,tired but happy修饰、说明主语当时所处的一种状态,符合题意。14Journalists are evenly split on whether or not they should interview their personal heroes: some say you shouldnt because youll find your idol has _, while others argue the opportunity is too good to miss.Abutterflies in his stomachBgreen fingersCfeet of clayDa wet blanket解析:选C句意:在记者是否应该采访他们个人的偶像(这个问题)上,记者们平均地分为了两派:一些人说你不应该,因为你会发现你的偶像有品格上的弱点,而另一些人则认为这个机会太好了而不容错过。butterflies in his stomach“紧张”;green fingers“园艺技能”;feet of clay“品格上的弱点”;a wet blanket“扫兴的人”。根据语境可知选C项。15(2019苏州模拟)At the age of 33, Zhang Ning was much older than the other players.Yet, she _ to win the gold medal in the final match.Ahung about Bhung backChung down Dhung on解析:选D句意:作为33岁的运动员,张宁比其他运动员年龄大得多。但是,她坚持比赛并在决赛中拿到了金牌。hang about“闲逛”;hang back“退缩,犹豫”;hang down“垂下来”;hang on“不泄气,坚持下去”。根据句意可知选D。.完形填空(2019连云港模拟)Music plays an important role in the development of children from the time they are born. Some argue that music can have a _1_ effect on a child even before birth. Music _2_ children in their development and communication. Music also enables children to learn faster in other _3_ of development, such as language and memorization.First, music can aid the _4_ development of a child in a number of ways. It helps them to _5_ things. For example, most children learn the _6_ and commit it to memory by learning the alphabet song. Since music is _7_ on a series of patterns, _8_ exposure to music enables children to recognize patterns. This ability helps children develop their math, science and reading skills. Second, _9_ children to music from different parts of the _10_ will help them to learn about other cultures and recognize differences _11_ cultures. This can also help children _12_ an appreciation for different cultures and traditions. Besides, getting _13_ moving their bodies to music is a fun and simple form of _14_, which is a good way to fight child obesity. _15_ and dances can also help children identify their different body parts and learn their _16_ side from their left side._17_, listening to music, learning songs, learning to _18_ a musical instrument and learning to dance all require children to listen _19_ to instructions, words and melodies. This _20_ focus on something the children enjoy doing will help them to develop strong listening skills, which will aid them later in life.语篇解读:音乐对孩子的发展是非常重要的。它不仅能够促进孩子的智力发展,还是一种很好的锻炼方式。1A.harmfulBpositiveCslight Ddangerous解析:选B第一句提到从孩子出生起,音乐就对他们的发展起着重要作用。该空所在句紧承上文,点明有些人认为甚至在孩子出生前音乐就对他们有“积极的”影响。2A.aids BoccursCexists Dhides解析:选A该空前后的内容讲的都是音乐的益处,故此处是说音乐有助于孩子的发展和交流。aid sb. in sth.意为“在某方面帮助某人”。3A.designs BquestionsCareas Ddeals解析:选C后面所举的语言和记忆是孩子发展的其他“方面/领域”。4A.emotional BspiritualCphysical Dintellectual解析:选D该空所在句是本段的主旨句。本段中提到的开发记忆力和识别模式都是孩子的“智力”发展方面。5A.imagine BincreaseCjudge Dremember解析:选D根据下一句所举例子中的“commit it to memory”可知,音乐可以帮助孩子“记住”一些东西。6A.number BalphabetCspelling Dreading解析:选B通过字母歌来学习的应当是“字母表”。7A.spent BtaughtClisted Dbased解析:选D因为音乐是以不同模式为基础的,所以学习音乐可以帮助孩子识别不同的模式。be based on 意为“以为基础”。8A.early BofficialCsimple Drecent解析:选A联系第一段前两句可知,此处应表示“早期”接触音乐对孩子的影响。9A.returning BforcingCexposing Dexpressing解析:选C只有让孩子接触音乐才会帮助他们了解与音乐有关的文化。expose sb. to sth. 意为“让某人接触某物”。10A.book BvideoCworld Dfield解析:选C最能帮助孩子们学习其他文化的应当是来自“世界”不同地区的音乐。11A.after BbetweenCover Dabout解析:选B联系该句中的“different parts”可知,此处应表示让孩子了解不同文化“之间”的差异。12A.surround BrequireCorder Ddevelop解析:选D在了解不同的文化以及它们之间的差异后,孩子们可以“形成”一种对不同文化和传统的鉴赏力。13A.adults BchildrenCfriends Delders解析:选B因为本文主要论述的是音乐对孩子们的影响,所以此处应表示音乐会让“孩子们”动起来。14A.exercise BmannerCbehavior Dfeeling解析:选A让孩子们随着音乐运动身体是一种可以帮助孩子们对抗肥胖问题的“锻炼”方式。15A.Films BSongsCTexts DOperas解析:选B上一句讲了让孩子们随着音乐舞动身体的益处。该空所在句继续谈论“歌曲”和舞蹈的作用。16A.both BleftCright Deither解析:选C分析本句的结构和内容可知,此处应选与该空后的left相对的right(右侧的)。17A.Finally BTotallyCFrankly DLuckily解析:选A根据前面两段开头的First和Second可知,此处应选Finally,以引出对最后一点的论述。18A.play BrepairCmake Dsell解析:选A本文旨在论述音乐的益处,故此处应指“演奏”一种乐器。19A.frequently BfluentlyCcarefully Dcarelessly解析:选C根据下一句中的“focus on something”可知,此处指孩子要“认真”听从各种指令、词语和旋律。20A.ignored BadvancedClost Dneeded解析:选D当孩子们在做他们喜欢做的事情时,他们“需要”专注,而这种专注有助于孩子们以后的发展。.任务型阅读(2018泰州模拟)One of many important things for the whole family to do is to have dinner together. Researchers began reporting the advantages of family dinner about a decade ago, focusing mainly on how it affected children. Studies show that those families who eat dinner together at least 3 or 4 times a week benefit in many ways.First of all, eating together helps families achieve open communication and build stronger and healthier relationships. Children have better performance at school. For many families, eating dinner together proves to be a good and effective way to reduce the rates of drug addiction, lessen depression, and help to raise healthier children.During dinner time, parents have a better chance to know their children. Sitting at the same table to share meals is when and where parents can find out more about their childrens tastes, their everyday life in general, what they like and what they dislike. When parents have all this information, they can better direct their kids towards good and positive things in their life, such as useful activities and behavior.The study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University has discovered all kinds of interesting educational patterns. For example, parents with less than a college education or with no education at all eat more frequently with their children than parents with college or university degrees. Children who eat with their parents on a regular basis mainly get As and Bs at school. Researchers have also found that compared with teens who have more than 5 family dinners on a weekly basis, those who have two or less are 2.5 times more likely to smoke cigarettes and 3 times more likely to try drugs.However, family researchers say that the advantages of family dinner by no means can be considered as the only important rule. Parents can sit down to dine with their kids every day and achieve nothing. No families can benefit if there are too many arguments, if there is no meaningful conversation or, what is even worse, if there is just complete silence at family gatherings.The important part of regular family dinners together is to exchange ideas and find out what is going on. It is a great way for mom and dad to set and discuss certain rules, such as monitoring kids friends. The advantages of eating together can last much longer than many people might think, especially if your family mealtimes become a regular activity.Title: About having family dinner togetherThemeHaving dinner together is of great importance.The (1)_ of family dinnerFamily members can (2)_ openly and healthier relationships can be built.It can help children do well in exams.It has a good (3)_ on reducing the rates of drug addiction and lessen depression.Parents have a(n) (4)_ to understand their children and direct them.The (5)_ of the study by CASAParents with little education are more (6)_ to dine with their children.Children eating with parents (7)_ get mainly As and Bs at school.Teens having two or less family dinners probably try smoking or drugs.The (8)_ from family researchersParents should (9)_ to their children and avoid quarrels and silence during family dinner.Exchange ideas and find out what is going on.Make it a regular (10)_ to have family meals.答案:1.advantages/municate3.effect/influence4.chance/opportunity5.results6.likely7regularly8.suggestions/advice9.talk10.activity检测评价B卷阅读理解ABridges House HotelBridges House Hotel is a hotel in the centre of Delft and has shops and museums next door.There are many restaurants in the area where you can eat a lovely dinner in the evening.The market square is within easy walking distance.The comfortable rooms are all uniquely decorated and have a splendid bathroom.Air conditioning and free WiFi are available.There are extra long beds for your convenience.Breakfast is served in the hotel lounge.In the evenings, guests can have a drink here as well.Hotel JulianaJust a 5minute walk from the centre of Delft, this friendly family hotel is close to everything and offers comfortable rooms at an affordable price.The main priority (优先权) is to provide you with quality service through personal attention and by creating a pleasant atmosphere.This hotel is also conveniently located near the Technical University of Delft.Other cultural spots and a series of bars and restaurants are just a stroll away.Shanghai HotelThis unique hotel features Chinesestyle decoration and an elegant bar.Shanghai Hotel is located next to the A13 highway, only a 10minute drive from Delft city centre.It offers free onsite parking.Each of the rooms at Shanghai Hotel includes flatscreen cable TV, a desk and tea/coffee making facilities plus a refrigerator.The comfortable modern bathrooms have a shower, a hairdryer and free makeup.Hotel De KoophandelLocated on the central Beesten Market, Hotel De Koophandel is surrounded by cafes and restaurants in the heart of Delft.In the breakfast room, you can enjoy various breads, toasts, cereals, eggs and fruits in the morning.The comfortable and uniquely decorated rooms are equipped with a private bathroom and free WiFi.Coffee and tea facilities are available.Because of the perfect location, you can easily walk around the city centre and visit the main places of interest.For more detailed information, please click here /hotel/nl.1What do all the hotels in the passage have in common?AThey offer free WiFi.BThey are at Delft city centre.CThey offer free onsite parking.DThey offer comfortable rooms.解析:选D根据Bridges House Hotel中的“The comfortable rooms are all uniquely decorated and have a splendid bathroom.”及Hotel Juliana中的“.offers comfortable rooms at an affordable price.”及Shanghai Hotel中的“The comfortable modern bathrooms have a shower, a hairdryer and free makeup.”及Hotel De Koophandel中的“The comfortable and uniquely decorated rooms are equipped with a private bathroom and free WiFi.”可知,这四个酒店的共同点就是提供舒适的房间。故选D。2Where can you probably see the passage?AIn a magazine.BIn a newspaper.COn the Internet. DIn a TV program.解析:选C文章出处题。根据文章最后一段的“please click here /hotel/nl”可知,这篇文章是在网络上出现的。故选C。B(2019南通、泰州高三联考)To understand one of the secrets of creativity, just peek (窥视) into an art classroom in Denver, Colorado.The teacher asks her pupils to imitate the style of Vassily Kandinsky.The students copy Kandinskys art style, mastering brushwork and learning colour theory.If that was all there were to the lesson, it would be a handson class in art history.But the art teacher asks the students to cut up their paintings and build 3D sculptures out of the pieces.They have all started with the same source, but their works all end up looking extremely different: some rise straight up in a column, while others are a jigsaw (相互交错) of different forms and angles.The students learn to treat the past not as a landing point, but as a launching pad.Creativity doesnt come out_of_the_blue.No idea is ever wholly original; there is always a link from the known to the new.We rely on culture to provide us with a storehouse of raw materials which we then transform.Each generation adds another layer to the cliffside of history.One of the keys to developing inventiveness is not to treat the past as sacred.Beethoven didnt write symphonies because he thought there was anything wrong with Mozarts.Picasso didnt paint variations on canvases by Velsquez and Manet because he rejected the old masters, but rather because he admired them.While we sometimes tinker (修补) with the imperfect, we also remake what we love, showing our admiration for the past by passing down its DNA.Sometimes inventors attempt to cover their tracks.Stravinsky denied that The Rite of Spring, his revolutionary ballet, included any actual folk tunes, but scholars found a volume of them in his library after his death.Creative minds always start from a precedent (先例) and move from there, but how far should they go? The challenge is that staying too close to the familiar can dissatisfy, while wandering too far can fail to find followers.Thomas Edison made small changes to the telephone, dramatically improved the lightbulb and at the far end imagined underwater cities powered by solar energy.The designer Norman Bel Geddes designed a host of practical products, such as cocktail shakers and furniture but he also ranged much further, sketching flying cars and houses in which the walls rose up into the ceiling like garage doors.The DNA of the original is still there, but by the end it has evolved to something new.Each of us is creating our own variations on themes passed down to us.Were at our most inventive when we dont allow history to limit our imaginations, but to launch them.Thats a lesson that can start young and that never ages.语篇解读:作者通过科罗拉多州丹佛的一位美术老师的做法告诉我们,已知与新生之间总是有联系的,创造力不是凭空而来的,而是意料之中的。创造力的秘诀就是要把聪明的想法建立在过去的基础之上。3The art teacher in Colorado intends to tell the students that the secret of creativity is _.Ato copy the masters works without effortBto completely reject the masters stylesCto build their brilliant ideas on the pastDto compare their works with the masters解析:选C细节理解题。根据第二段可知,科罗拉多州的美术老师打算告诉学生创造力的秘诀是要把他们聪明的想法建立在过去的基础之上。故选项C符合题意。4The underlined phrase “out of the blue” in Paragraph 3 means “_”Aunfortunately BgraduallyCfrequently Dunexpectedly解析:选D词义猜测题。根据画线短语后的“No idea is ever wholly original; there is always a link from the known to the new.”可知,已知与新生之间总是有联系的,所以创造力不是凭空而来的,而是意料之中的。故选项D符合题意。out of the blue意为“出乎意料,出其不意”。5Which of the following isnt the product of creat


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