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专题限时检测(七)三大从句 (共3组,限时20分钟)1(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三一模)There are still many problems to be solved _we are ready for a long stay on the Moon. AbeforeBonceCafter Duntil解析:选A句意:在我们准备长期待在月球之前,还有很多问题要解决。before“在之前”,符合语境。2(2017盐城市高三一模) _you have a vision for the future, your future is threatened to be a repeat of the past. AIf BWhileCUnless DOnce解析:选C句意:如果对未来没有远景,那么你的未来恐怕只会是对过去的重复。unless相当于if not。3(2017南通、泰州、扬州高三一模) You can use this room for your club activities tomorrow _you keep it tidy and clean. Afor fear that Bin caseCon condition that Deven if解析:选C句意:只要你保持房间整齐和干净,你是可以把它用来做你明天的俱乐部活动的。on condition that“只要,以为条件”,符合语境。for fear that“担心”;in case“以防万一”; even if“即使”。4(2017常州高三一模) Do you know anything about the intellectual property law?Well, _you produce pirated goods, _you are against it. Awhen; so Bunless; otherwiseCif; then Dalthough; yet解析:选C句意:“你了解知识产权法吗?”“是的。如果你生产盗版产品,那么你就违反了知识产权法。”第一空用when或者if都可以,引导状语从句;第二空不能用并列连词so,可以用副词then,所以选C。5(2017通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿高三一模) How come every kid today is meant to be a champion for something _we know every kid cant be a star? Ain case Bas ifCwhen Dunless解析:选C句意:既然我们知道不是每一个孩子都能成为明星的,那为什么现在的每个孩子必须得是某个方面的佼佼者呢? when在本句中意为“既然”,符合语境。6(2017南京、盐城高三一模) Ive come to learn that the best time to debate with family members is _they have food in their mouths. Ahow BthatCwhether Dwhen解析:选D句意:我渐渐意识到和家庭成员辩论的最好时间就是当他们嘴里满是食物的时候。when“当时候”,符合语境。7(2017无锡高三一模) I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument, including all those who put aside party differences to speak in _they believe was the national interest. Athat BwhatCwhere Dwhich解析:选B句意:我想感谢所有参加了竞选活动并站在我这一边的人,包括所有那些抛开党派差异,为他们所坚信的国家利益而发声的人。what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语;they believe是插入语。8(2017南京、盐城、连云港高三一模)With private groups, there is a false sense_ everybody in the groups knows each other and has the same interests in mind. Awhere BthatCwhat Dwhy解析:选B句意:关于私人团体存在一种错误的观念:群体中的每个人彼此认识并有共同的利益。从句中不缺少任何成分,且为陈述语气,解释说明了抽象名词sense 的具体内容,故用that引导同位语从句。9(2017南通、泰州高三一模)What do you think it is that has contributed to his huge success?_ he keeps focused on what he is doing. ABecause BHowCWhether DThat解析:选D句意:“你认为究竟是什么导致了他巨大的成功?”“他一直专注于他正在做的事情。”该句是省略的答句,补充完整为:That he keeps focused on what he is doing has contributed to his huge success。分析句子结构可知,主语从句中不缺少任何成分,故用that引导。10(2017通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿高三一模) The prize winner described to the class _he had managed to achieve excellence in his studies. Aif BhowCwhat Dthat解析:选B句意:获奖者向全班介绍了他是如何成功地在他的学业中取得卓越成就的。how引导宾语从句,作动词described的宾语。11(2017无锡高三一模)While the house prices in Wuxi keep rising, a lot of houses have been sold out, _most were sold to buyers from Shanghai and Suzhou. Ain which Bamong themCof which Dof them解析:选C句意:尽管无锡的房价不停地在上涨,但许多房子都已经被卖完了。大多数都卖给了来自上海和苏州的买家。of which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词houses。12(2017南京、盐城高三一模) Hes a very good actor, _ a lot of comedians are not, and hes a good director and a good writer as well. Awho BwhereCwhom Dwhich解析:选D句意:他是一个很好的演员,而很多喜剧演员都不是。并且他也是一个好导演、好作家。此处先行词“a good actor”,指的是一种职业,而不是一个人,所以用which引导。13(2017苏北四市高三一模)Vancouvers appeal consists of comfort and security, making it what Andy Yan calls a “hedge city”, _feature is social and political stability. Aof which Bof whomCwhich Dwhose解析:选D句意:温哥华的吸引力在于城市的舒适和安全,以致安迪严称它为“对冲城市”。对冲城市的特点是社会和政治的稳定。从句子结构来看,先行词a hedge city与feature之间存在从属关系,故用关系代词whose。14(2017常州高三一模) “Prehistorical powers” is one of the 10 most popular phrases used by Chinese people, _many are frequently employed in online chats. Aof whom Bto whomCthrough which Damong which解析:选D句意:“洪荒之力”是中国十大流行词语之一,其中许多在网聊中被频繁地使用。根据句子结构及句意可知,先行词为the 10 most popular phrases,定语从句的句意应为“这些流行语当中的许多经常被用于网聊中”,故选among which。15(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三一模) Its strongly advised that smokers not be allowed to smoke in any room _babies currently occupies. Awhere BwhoseCthat Das解析:选C句意:强烈建议不允许吸烟者在有婴儿的房间里吸烟。room是先行词,前面有any修饰,从句中的occupy是及物动词,故选关系代词that引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语。1(2017南京、盐城、连云港高三二模)We are committed to creating a world free from the homeless and the hopeless, a world _each and every corner is a true paradise. Athat BwhichCof which Dfrom where解析:选C句意:我们致力于创建一个世界:在这个世界里,人们不会无家可归、丧失希望;在这个世界里,每个角落都是真正的天堂。each and every corner of the world“这个世界的每个角落”。of which 等同于whose。2(2017南通市高三三模)There is no simple answer to such a question, _is often the case in science. Aone BthatCas Dwhat解析:选C句意:这样的问题没有简单的答案,这在科学上是常有的事。as引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语,指代前面整个主句的内容。3(2017南京、淮安高三三模) Keeping a regular sleep schedule is important for setting a babys body clock, _researchers note should be in place by about 4 months of age. Awhose BwhichCwhen Dwhere解析:选B句意:保持一个有规律的睡眠计划对于婴儿形成生物钟是很重要的。研究者指出生物钟应该在大约四个月大的时候形成。从句中缺少主语,故用which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词body clock。4(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三三模)In my opinion, ones individual income does not wholly reflect the extent _ones selfvalue and social value are realized. Aof which Bwith whichCon which Dto which解析:选D句意:我认为一个人的个人收入不完全反映这个人的自我价值和社会价值被认可的程度。to some extent“在某种程度上”,是固定搭配。5(2017连云港、宿迁、徐州高三三模)We sell a lot of products offshore and the opportunity to open up markets in regions _we dont currently sell a lot to is a great one. Awhere BthatCwhat Dwhen解析:选B句意:我们向海外销售大量的商品,并且在我们当前没有销售商品的地方开拓市场是一个非常大的机遇。先行词regions做to的宾语,所以用which或者that引导定语从句。6(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三二模)Hard work, along with dedicated revolutionary spirit is the fundamental guarantee to success, which is _we should learn from the pioneers participating in the Long March. Athat BwhereCwhat Dhow解析:选C句意:努力,外加奉献自我的革命精神是成功的基本保证,是我们应该从参加长征的前辈那里学到的。what引导表语从句,并在从句中作learn的宾语。7(2017常州高三三模)When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, and remember thats _ my fingers fit perfectly. Awhat BwhereCwhy Dhow解析:选B句意:当你觉得孤单的时候,看看指缝间的空隙,记住那是我的手指安然停留的位置。where引导表语从句,并在从句中作状语。8(2017扬州高三三模) How I envy Jones! She can eat super big hamburgers without fear _she will put on much weight. Athat BwhichCwhether Dwhere解析:选A句意:我真羡慕琼斯!她可以吃超大的汉堡而不用担心体重会增加。分析句子结构可知,从句中不缺少任何成分,结合句意可知是由that引导的同位语从句,具体解释fear 的内容。9(2017苏北四市高三二模)Many antipiracy experts are able to determine _an item has been pirated or not, based on the makers style and qualifications. Athat BwhetherCwhat Dwhy解析:选B句意:根据制造商的风格和资质,许多反盗版专家就能够断定商品是否是盗版的。根据宾语从句中or not可知选连接词whether。10(2017连云港、宿迁、徐州高三三模)It is estimated that China has over 770 million 4G users, which doubles _it was in 2015. Athat BwhichCwhat Dhow解析:选C句意:据估计中国已经有超过7.7亿的4G用户,是2015年的两倍。what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作表语。11(2017南通、泰州、扬州高三三模) The rent of our flat will see a 20% rise this year?Yes. Thats _I have compromised with the flat owner. Awhat BwhereChow Dwhen解析:选B句意:“今年我们的房租将会涨百分之二十吗?”“是的,这就是我和房东妥协的结果。”where 引导表语从句,并在从句中作地点状语。12(2017南京、盐城、连云港高三二模)The number of stayathome fathers reached a record high last year, new figures show, _families saw a rise in female breadwinners. Aif BasCbecause Dthough解析:选B句意:新数据显示,伴随着养家糊口的女性增多,去年居家父亲的数量又创新高。as 引导时间状语从句,意为“随着,一边,一边”。new figures show是插入语。13(2017扬州高三三模) _the arguments, its necessary to consider the contributions Hong Kong Disneyland has made in lifting the number of tourists. AWhatever BWhicheverCHowever DWhenever解析:选A句意:无论如何,都有必要考虑香港迪士尼乐园在提升游客人数方面所做的贡献。分析句子结构可知,该状语从句省略了谓语动词are,从句缺表语,故用whatever引导让步状语从句。14(2017南京、淮安高三三模)_ cycling is a fantastic way to burn a few calories and save some money, there still exist risks.ASince BWhileCAs DWhen解析:选B句意:尽管骑车是一种奇妙的燃烧卡路里和省钱的方法,但它仍存在风险。since“自从”;while“尽管”;as“因为;随着”;when“当时候”。前后分句之间为转折关系。故选B项。15(2017镇江高三二模) Memories from childhood stay with us forever, taking us _we have been and will go. Awhat BhowCwhere Dthat解析:选C句意:儿时的记忆会一直存在,把我们带往已经去过和将要去的地方。where引导地点状语从句。1I will go to Paris to attend an exhibition _ many worldfamous companies will present their latest products.Awhen BwhichCwhere Dwhose解析:选C句意:我将去巴黎参加一个展览会,在展览会上许多世界著名的公司将展出他们的最新产品。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导定语从句,先行词为an exhibition,关系词在从句中作地点状语,故应用where来引导该定语从句。2Our government is encouraging more couples to have a second child, but it will take some time _ we see the effect.Asince BafterCwhen Dbefore解析:选D句意:我们的政府在鼓励更多的夫妇生二孩,但过一段时间以后我们才能看到效果。It will be/take一段时间before .“多久之后才”为固定句型。3_ they would name the two new roads “Emoji Street” and “Meme Street” was being discussed in a town in Southern Finland.AWhether BWhatCWhich DHow解析:选A句意:在南芬兰省的一个小镇里,他们正在讨论是否要将这两条新路命名为“Emoji Street”和“Meme Street”。空处在此引导主语从句,并且表示“是否”,故选A项。4Locke says college is a difficult time _ students want to make friends, find their identity and succeed academically.Awhat BwhichCwhere Dwhen解析:选Da difficult time是先行词,表示时间,后面是定语从句,定语从句中缺少时间状语,所以用when。5Learning must bring joy, for we never forget _ we learn with pleasure.Awhen BwhatChow Dwhere解析:选B句意:一定要带着快乐学习,因为我们决不会忘记我们抱着愉悦的心态所学到的东西。根据句子的结构来判断,forget后面接的是一个宾语从句,且从句中缺少宾语,所以要用what引导该宾语从句。6The problem _ he will be sent abroad remains untouched.Ahow BwhetherCthat Dwhen解析:选B句意:他是否被派往国外这个问题仍然未被提及。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导同位语从句,解释说明The problem的具体内容,且表示“是否,是(还是)”,故选whether。7What do you think makes the TV show Letters Alive a big hit?_ the kind of humanity behind every letter to


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