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1,英语教学课件,七年级上册,Unit 1 Making New Friends,3,Topic 2 Where are you from?,4,Section D,5,A: Whats your name? B: My name is A: Where are you from? B: Im from A: Whats your telephone number? B: It is ,Revision,6,A: Who is she? B: She is . A: Where is she from? B: She is from . A: Whats her telephone number? B: It is .,7,Please introduce yourself.,Hello. Nice to meet you. My name is I am from My telephone number is ,8,人称代词(Subject Pronoun),9,动词王国中的小精灵 be,be,am,is,are,am not,is not,isnt,are not,arent,10,我 (I) 用 am,你 (you) 用 are; 两个以上 (we, they)也用 are; 留下 is 给他 (he),她 (she),它 (it); 熟能生巧不用怕。,助记口诀,11,动词be,在句中它可以帮助构成否定句和疑句。,表否定,很简单,not加在 be 后边; 若要变为疑问句,be 应移到主语前; 还有一点须注意,句尾问号别忘记。,助记口诀,12,1. -_she from Canada? -Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. 2. -_he Li Ming? -Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. 3. -_you from Canada, too? -Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 4. -_they from England? -Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 5. -Who are they? -_Maria and Jane. 6. -Whos she/he? -_is Deng Yaping. / -_is Stephen Hawking.,They are,Grammar,Is,Is,Are,Are,She,He,13,Useful expressions,Who are they? Theyre Maria and Jane. Are you from Japan? Yes, we are. / No, we arent. Where are you from? Im from Canada.,14,Is she Jane? Yes, she is. Is he Li Ming? No, he isnt. Is Tom from America? Yes, he is.,找找be动词,这里的be动词 为什么是is?,15,用am, is, are填空。 1.Who _they? 2. I_ John Brown. 3. What_ his name, Peter? 4.You _ Tom. 5. Maria and Jane _from Class 1. 6. Her name _Kate. 7. It _my English book.,are,am,is,are,are,is,is,小试牛刀,16,1. -Excuse me, are you Jane? -Yes, I am. / No,_ . 2.-Whats your name, please? _is Sally. 3.-Whats your telephone number? 4.-It is_. 5.-_? -Im from Canada. 6.-Where is he/she from? -_.,Functions,6807-5335,Where are you from,Im not,My name,He/She is from Japan,17,从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。,A: _ Are you Li Ming? B: Yes, I am. A: _ B: Yes, I am. _ A: I am Lucy. B: _ A: I am from the USA.,Where are you from? B. Whats your name? C. Excuse me. D. Are you from Beijing?,A,B,C,D,18,Match the numbers with the right pictures.,C,A,B,D,E,19,Yukio Kangkang Jane Linda Michael,4,Listen and match.,6,7,9,10,20,Complete the passage.,A: Excuse me,_ Kangkang? B: Yes, I am. I _ Number 4._ from China. A: _ Number 6 Bob? B: _,_. He is Yukio. He _ Japan. A: Who is Number 7? B: Aha! He is Michael. A: Where _ from? B: He is from America. A: Oh, Number _ is Jane. Is she from_? B: _,_.And Number 10 is Linda. She is from England.,Are you,am,Im,Is,No he isnt,is from,is he,Canada,Yes she is,9,21,Make your name card and introduce yourself.,Project,Name: Family name: Given name: From: Tel:,Name: Family name: Given name: From: Tel:,Hello! My name is /Im My family name is and my given name is ,22,Summary,音标:,2.词汇:,3.语法:,在这个单元里,你学到了什么? 你能帮我总结吗?,4.重点句子:,23,书面表达: 假如你是李小华,请逐步回答“Whats your name? Where are you from? Whats


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