



第一课时教学目标1学会问路以达到购物或办事的目的。2学会为他人指明方位以达到帮助他人的目的。教学过程一、导入:教师可以使用学生熟悉的生活用品图片。上课时,教师先问:Whats this? Whatre they? 让学生快速回答。我们可以选择下列图片shampoo,magazines,dictionary,writing paper,some stamps等等。 教师要对一些新单词进行解释。接着问学生:Where can you do the following things? 例如:buy shampoo,get some magazines,make a telephone call,get a dictionary,get some information about the town, buy some writing paper,buy some stamps,save money等,让学生举手回答,说明:可能学生会有多种多样的答案,我们要鼓励学生踊跃发言。让学生在轻松的气氛中进入最佳的学习状态。二、介绍:介绍目标语言:Can you tell me where the main office? Could you tell me how to get to the library?(一) Ask students to pretend they are new to this schoolSay,you need to ask teachers and other students where to fine places like the libraryLets practice some polite ways to ask for the libraryLets practice some polite ways to ask for informationTeacherStudentYoure new to this schoolYou need to know where the main office is:How can you ask where the main office is?Wheres the main office?Thats one way to askBut there is a more polite way to askYou can say“Can you tell me where the main office is?”Thats correctNow lets say you want to know where the library isHow can you ask?Can you tell me where the library is?Good! Theres another polite way you can ask, Could you tell me how to get to the library?”板书: Can you tell me where the main office is? Could you tell me how to get to the library?(二)Ask students what other places they might need to findWrite the names of these places on the board用对话的方式引出更多的问路表达。(三)Ask different students to ask politely how to find these placesPractice both the “Can you tell me whereand the“Could you tell me how to get to”forms三、教学利用其中素材或者利用农远工程教学网中学资源0607上学期中的学习指导中学英语人教课标版9年级Unit11的多媒体课件中的图片、动画和人机交互自测程序进行以下教学活动。(一)学生看SectionA-1a的内容,让学生说出每一个地方的名称,老师问一个学生:“what kind of places is this? What do they sell there? Do we have one in our community?”学生按照1a的要求进行练习,学生练习时,老师巡视课室,检查学生的进展,帮助有需要的学生。(二)1b首先帮助学生明确本题的要求。接着,听力练习,学生根据听到的内容,完成插图中的句子。全班学生朗读图中的对话。(三)lc两人小组活动。教师提供一张街区地图,让学生运用刚刚学习的目标语言,两人一组进行对话。可以先让一组学生做示范,同时老师对活动作具体的说明。老师可以将例句写在黑板上,供学生借鉴。板书:A:Excuse meCan you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? B:SureTheres a bookstore on River Road(四)2a&2b听力训练。这个练习训练学生使用目标语言。首先显示课本插图,利用课本的图片介绍新单词。例如:escalator,elevator,shoe store等等。再使用FLASH动画,让学生读一遍方框中的句子,理解每句话的意思。听录音,根据录音内容,按照2a的要求,让学生把听到的句子按顺序写出来,并检查学生的答案。学生再听录音,完成2b的任务,把录音中男孩要去药房走的方向用线画出来。四、教学巩固任务:比一比,谁画的商业区最好。教师首先布置任务,让学生四人小组合作设计一个商业区图,看看哪一个小组设计得最好,布局最合理,用实物投影展示同学们的作品,评出最好的作品和最差的作品。学生会用到下面的句型:The drugstore is between the furniture store and the bookstoreThe bank is next to the bookstoreTh


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