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,考点复习之 形容词、副词,t,学习目标,1.了解形容词在句中的作用。 2.掌握形容词的比较等级变化规律及其句式。 3.掌握形容词和其他词性之间的相互转换。 4. 能正确使用形容词及其相关结构进行日常交际。,一、形容词在句中的作用,作定语:如 Its an interesting book. 作表语:如 He looks young. 作宾语的补足语:如 We should keep the classroom clean. I think it important to learn English well. 其他用法: 1、the +形容词可转化为名词 The young should help the old . 年轻人应该帮助老人。 2、形容词与不定代词连用; 3、形容词与enough连用。,表语形容词 通常只作表语的形容词有:well ,alone ,ashamed ,glad ,sure , unable ,ill asleep ,awake , alive ,alike , afraid等。 上述形容词不能作前置定语,但alive , asleep可作后置定语。如: He is the greatest poet alive .,注意: 1、形容词 修饰不定代词时放在后面. Eg: I didnt get anything useful from the speech. If you listen carefully, you will find something new. 2、enough修饰形容词时放在形容词的后面。(enough修饰名词时放在名词的前面) He is old enough to go to school. There is enough time to have a rest.,常用系动词: 表判断或状态的:be look seem sound smell taste feel appear 表变化的:become turn get grow go come 常接形容词做宾补的词 make / Keep/ Leave/ find/feel/consider/think ( it) +adj Eg: make me happy / make the room dirty Eg: keep the desk tidy Eg: leave the door open Eg: I consider him honest. He thinks it unnecessary to learn English.,但在选词时一定要注意到句子的内涵,切勿被表面现象所迷惑 He is _ (real) happy. The man was _ (terrible) ill. Luckily, my sister wasnt _ (badly) hurt in the accident. (注意形容词副词的变化规律) (这些副词可是用来表示程度的噢!),really,terribly,badly,二、形容词的比较等级,变化规律以及不规则变化(重点记忆并灵活运用) 比较等级所用的句式(重点掌握) 注意:比较时一定在同类事物之间进行。 如: His hair is longer than I.() His hair is longer than mine/my hair.(),比较等级的构成,不规则变化,“比较等级轻松用”口诀,形副比较级,学好很容易。 句式有五种,听我讲详细。 单独说一方,形副用原级。 甲方比乙方,er别忘记, 如遇多音节,more词加原级。 所用修饰词,当然有差异。 Very、too,so ,quite,其后加原级, much、a little,still,far,修饰比较级。 甲乙双方同,双as夹原级。 甲方不如乙,not记心里, 甲乙位置别乱换,换位就反义。,形副最高级,一样不费力。 单音节形副词,末尾加上-est. 如遇多音节,most加原级。 定冠词the要注意,最高级前别忘记。 物代所有格若在前,千万不可再加the. 后常加of/in短语,比较范围要注意。 若在选择疑问句,供选三方不缺一。 练习英语the more, the better 你的成绩定better and better.,一、同级比较。 肯定句:as+原级+as (和一样), 否定句:not as/so +原级+as (和不一样/ 不如) 例:Im as old as he.我和他一样大。 Im not as/so strong as he.我不如他强壮。 表示倍数的句型:be+倍数+as+原级+as 例:The tree is twice as tall as that one. 这棵树有那棵树两倍高。,二、两个事物相比用比较级,表示 “更” 句型:A +be +比较级+than +B 例:The sun is bigger than the earth. 太阳比地球大。 比较级可用一些词来修饰:even,much, a little ,a bit, far 等。表示“得多”或“一点”。 例:Your room is a little bigger than mine. 你的房间比我的大一点。 I feel even worse today. 我今天感觉更糟了。,表示一方不如另一方时,用“.less+形容词原级 +than.”; 例:English is less difficult than math. 英语不如数学难。 He is less nervous than you.他没有你那么紧张。 三、比较级的一些特殊用法 1、 the +比较级,the +比较级 (越,越) The more trees we plant, the less pollution there will be.我们种越多的树,污染就越少。 The harder he works, the happier he feels. 他工作越努力,就越感到高兴。,2、比较级+and+比较级(越来越) The baby cried harder and harder. 那个婴儿哭得越来越厉害。 Our country is becoming more and more beautiful and richer and richer. 3、be+倍数+比较级+than The building is twice higher than our classroom. 那个建筑物比我们教室高两倍。,4、be +数词+名词+比较级+than He is two years older than I.他比我大两岁。 四、三个或三个以上的事物进行比较用最高级句型 1、be+the 最高级+of/in短语(比较范围) Li Lei is the best student of all / in our school. 李雷是所有学生中/我们学校最好的学生。 2、one of the+最高级+名词复数 Miss Li is one of the most popular teachers in our school. 李老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。 注:最高级前可有叙述词来修饰,表示其排列顺序。 Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二大河。,3、Which/What/Who is the +最高级,A,B or C? 例: Which is the biggest,the sun, the earth or the moon? 哪个最大,太阳,地球还是? 五、比较级和最高级的句型互换 be +比较级+than any other +名词的单数 (同一范围内进行比较) 例: Jim is the tallest boy in his class.(同义句) 吉姆是他班最高的男孩。 Jim is taller than any other boy in his class. 吉姆比他班上其他男孩都高。 be+比较级+than+any +名词单数(不同范围内比较) 例:Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan. 上海比日本的任何城市都大。,2.多个形容词作定语时的排列顺序(适当了解) 如果两个以上的形容词修饰一个名词时,与被修饰的名词关系较密切的形容词靠近名词;如果几个形容词的密切程度差不多,则音节少的形容词在前,音节多的在后。如:a small beautiful room。 常用的顺序为: 限定词(those) + 数量形容词(three) + 描绘性形容词(beautiful) + 大小、长短、高低等形体性形容词(large) + 新旧(old) + 颜色(brown) + 国籍 + 材料(wood) + 被修饰名词(table),形容词和其他词性间的相互转换,注意: 1.名词+ly形容词;形容词+ly副词 friendly, lovely, lively, homely (形容词) friendlily, livelily, happily (副词) 2.fast,early,straight,late ,hard既是形容词又是副词,不加ly.(hardly表示“几乎不”) He runs fast. My watch is fast.,名词+y 形容词 sun sunny health healthy 名词 +al 形容词 nation national music musical 名词+ful 形容词 color colorful peace peaceful a+动词形容词 sleep asleep 动词+ing/ ed 形容词 relax relaxing/ relaxed tire tired/tiring 名词+able 形容词 enjoy enjoyable knowledge knowledgable 名词+en 形容词 wool woolen 还有一些特殊变化:die dead please pleased /pleasant,练习一、选出正确答案,1.-Have you ever seen “Tom and Jerry”? -Sure.Its one of _ cartoons I have ever seen. A. wonderful B. more wonderful C. the most wonderful 2. Its _ cheaper and _ enjoyable to travel by train than by plane. A. much; far more B. very; very much C. More; much more 3. Chongqing is bigger than _ in India. A. any other city B. any city C. the other cities,C,A,B,4.We should spend _ time doing _ work. A. more; less B. less ;more C. less; fewer 5.Who left the windows _ ? A. open; B. opened C. opening 6.If you like the chicken ,you may have as_ as you can. A. much B. many C. more 7. The question is _ more difficult than that one. A.quite B. very C. a little 8.The population of China is _ than that of Japan. A.more B. larger C. less,B,A,A,C,B,_,9. -Jill,where would you like to go on vacation? -Wed like to _ . A. somewhere warm B. warm somewhere C. anywhere warm 10. Mum, could I have a CD player like this? -Certainly, we can buy a _ one ,but as good as this one. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest 11.He is fourteen, I am sixteen.So Im_ him. A. as old as B. two years younger than C. not so young as,A,B,C,12.The garden is _ that one. A. three times as long as B.three times longer as C. as long as three times 13. The _ person is talking with the doctor. A. ill B. sick C. illness 14. -The TV play was _ . -Yes, Ive never seen _. A. such great; a better one B. so great; a better one C. very good; the best one 15.-I think English is _ French. - I dont agree with you. A. so popular as B. less popular than C. as more popular as,A,B,B,B,练习二、用所给词的适当形式填空:,1.The teacher was_ (happy),because the classroom was _ (noise). 2.My dog has been_ (die) for 2 weeks. 3.Its _(possible) for me to finish it today, Im too busy. 4.If you want to be thinner and _ (health),you should eat _ (little)food. 5.He felt very _ (sleep) and fell _ (sleep) soon. 6.The work is _ (tire),and we are_ (tire).,unhappy,noisy,dead,impossible,healthier,less,sleepy,asleep,tiring,tired,7.The people there are _ (friend) to us. 8.He knows a lot, he is _ (know). 9.Jack wants to be a _ (nation) player. 10. Dont feel _ (worry) about your son. 11. Its a _ (please) trip for us all. 12. The _ (finally) exam is coming. 13. We all had a very _ (enjoy) time last Sunday. 14.The _ (beauty) girl was _ (love) and _ (live). 15.I think the movie is_ (education),friendly,knowledgeable,national,worried,pleasant,final,enjoyable,beautiful,lively,lovely,educational,练习三,一、改正以下各句。 1. Shanghai is bigger than any other city


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