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Unit 2 Working the land.阅读理解ABritish shoppers buy 2.15 million tonnes of clothing and shoes annually,yet UK citizens have an estimated 30 billion worth of unused clothing gathering dust at the back of the wardrobe (衣柜)But new technology could see the end of that,with the garments themselves giving owners a gentle reminder of their existence.“Smart clothes”could help us clear out our wardrobes by sending messages or tweeting us if they havent been worn for a good while.If these alerts are ignored,the garments will get in touch with a clothing charity and ask to be reused,with an organization automatically sending out donation information.They could also be programmed to put themselves up for auction(拍卖) on eBay.Academics at Birmingham City University are developing the “connected wardrobe” to encourage more suitable clothes consumption. The concept sees garments tagged (给加标签) using washable contactless technology.Mark Brill,senior lecturer at Birmingham City University,said,“Think of the surprise when an owner suddenly receives bids for items that they didnt know were in their wardrobe.”“The connected wardrobe is a practical,pleasant concept to encourage people to think about their clothing consumption.Finally,I hope it will encourage more appropriate fashion consumption,” he added.“Perhaps we can even move away from the idea ofownership of clothing.When weve worn them enough,the items will pass themselves on to their next keeper.”It follows in the footsteps of the “Internet of Things”a concept that sees ordinary household items connecting to the Internet in order to share information.From adjusting your alarm clock to monitoring the temperature of your home,the Internet is changing the way we live.Now,the “Internet of Clothes” will see that neglected garments will tweet and text the owners “asking” to be worn depending on the weather and frequency of wear.Clothes will keep track of other information such as who owned them previously,as well as how much they originally cost,who made them and how much the worker was paid for them.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了新型的“智能衣服”“智能衣柜”,而这一科技发明可以帮助人们更好地管理自己的衣服,树立正确的消费观念。1What does the author say about “smart clothes”?AThey may be donated on eBay.BThey have gained in popularity.CThey give warnings if worn out.DThey may be recycled if long forgotten.解析:推理判断题。综合文章内容尤其是第一段中的“unused clothing gathering dust at the back of the wardrobe (衣柜)”和第二段中的“Smart clothes could help us clear out our.if they havent been worn for a good while”“ask to be reused”可推知,“智能衣服”会在被搁置许久时发信息提醒主人,如果主人不理会这样的提醒,那么“智能衣服”就会和慈善组织联系,要求被重新使用。故选D。答案:D2How does Mark Brill find the “connected wardrobe”?AIt helps people buy cheaper clothes.BIt contributes to right consumption attitudes.CIt changes peoples shopping habits.DIt improves peoples consumer confidence.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“the connected wardrobe to encourage more suitable clothes consumption”及第四段中的“The connected wardrobe is a practical,pleasant concept to encourage people to think about their clothing consumption.Finally,I hope it will encourage more appropriate fashion consumption”可知,Mark Brill认为“智能衣柜”有助于鼓励人们树立正确的消费观。故选B。答案:B3What is indicated in the last paragraph?AClothes can be a source of information.BWeather affects the connected wardrobe.CClothes are sold online at a low price.DThe Internet is a platform to share items.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Clothes will keep track of other information such as who owned them previously,as well as how much they originally cost.”可知,衣服可以成为信息的来源。故选A。答案:A4Whats the authors attitude to the new technology?ACritical.BUninterested.CApproving.DSkeptical.解析:作者态度题。纵观全文可知,作者在文中介绍了一项新的科技发明新型的“智能衣服”“智能衣柜”,重点讲述了该科技发明对人们有什么好处,由此可推知,作者对这种新科技是持赞成的态度的。故选C。答案:CBWhile the world is still debating the safety of selfdriving cars,Dubai is preparing to launch an autonomous flying taxi.Starting in July,the worlds first passenger drone (无人机),the EHANG 184,will be available to passengers.The shuttle,released in Las Vegas in January 2016,weighs 440 pounds and can fly at heights of up to 11,500 feet.The eggshaped vehicle has room for a single passenger weighing up to 220 pounds and a small suitcase.Though the flying taxi can reach speeds of up to 100 mph,it will typically operate at about 62 mph.Passengers can ask for the flying taxi to pick them up from appointed zones using a smartphone app. Passengers strap into the seat,select a destination on the touch screen,and enjoy the flight.To ensure the passengers safety,all flights are monitored remotely by a control room on the ground.In the unlikely event that any of the components malfunction or disconnect,the drone will make an emergency landing to ensure the customers safety.Its also programmed to ensure its route wont affect that of another drone.While having no control over the remotely piloted vehicle may appear scary,the producer,Chinabased EHANG,says,“It is the safest,smartest and ecofriendly low altitude autonomous flying vehicle.”Any drawback?The EHANG 184 has a battery life of 30 minutes and a flight range of just 31 miles.Also unknown is the cost of each ride.Though the flying taxi seems advanced,it is not the first driverless transportation option available to Dubais residents.As part of its goal to have 25% of the public transportation automated by 2030,the authorities have built the worlds longest driverless metro and introduced selfnavigating shuttles.Officials recently also partnered with a US company to build supersonic speed pods to carry passengers between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.语篇解读本文是一篇科普说明文,主要介绍了一种迪拜正准备投入使用的自动驾驶低空飞行器EHANG 184。5What can we learn about the flying taxi?AA passenger can call for a flying taxi online.BIt can carry a weight of 220 pounds at most.CA passenger can touch the screen to control it.DIt usually flies at a speed of 100 miles an hour.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“Passengers can ask for the flying taxi to pick them up from appointed zones using a smartphone app.”可知,乘客可以使用智能手机中的软件在指定地方乘坐EHANG 184。故A项正确。答案:A6How can the shuttle guarantee the passengers safety in an equipment failure?AIt lowers its flying speed.BIt changes to another route.CIt gets help from the control room.DIts programmed to land autonomously.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“the drone will make an emergency landing to ensure the customers safety”可知,当遇到紧急情况时,该飞行器可以自动着陆,以保证乘客的安全。故D项正确。答案:D7What is the drawback of the EHANG 184?AIts too scary to ride in it.BIt costs a lot to take a ride.CIt runs out of power easily.DIt only flies at a low altitude.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The EHANG 184 has a battery life of 30 minutes and a flight range of just 3l miles”可知,EHANG 184只能连续航行30分钟。故C项正确。答案:C干扰项分析根据第二段第一句中的“weighs 440 pounds and can fly at heights of up to 11,500 feet”可知,EHANG 184的飞行高度可达11 500英尺,故D项错误;A、B项文中没有提及。8Which of the following makes the EHANG 184?AA company in Dubai.BA Chinese company.CA company in Abu Dhabi.DAn American company.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第三句中的“the producer,Chinabased EHANG,says”可知,该空中飞行器是由中国的一家公司制造的。故B项正确。答案:B.完形填空A marine biologist placed a shark into a large holding tank and then released several small bait fish into the tank.The result met your 1 ,the shark quickly swam across the tank,attacked and ate the smaller fish.The biologist then 2 a strong piece of fiberglass into the tank,creating two 3 parts.She then put the shark on one side of the 4 fiberglass and a new set of bait fish on the other. 5 ,the shark quickly attacked.But this time,the shark 6 because it knocked hard against the fiberglass 7 .Determined,the shark kept 8 this behavior every few minutes,but 9 .Meanwhile,the bait fish swam around 10 in the second part.Eventually,the shark 11 hope of hunting.This experiment was carried out several times.Each time,the shark got less 12 and made fewer attempts to attack the fish,until it 13 hitting the fiberglass and simply stopped attacking.The biologist then 14 the fiberglass,but the shark didnt attack.The shark was trained to believe a 15 existed between it and the bait fish, 16 the bait fish could swim wherever they wished,free from harm.Many of us,after experiencing setbacks and failures, 17 give up and stop trying.Like the shark in the story,we believe that 18 we were unsuccessful in the past,we will always be unsuccessful. 19 ,even when no “real”obstacle exists between where we are and where we want to go,we 20 see obstacles in our heads.语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一位海洋生物学家做了一个小实验,作者由这个实验发出感慨:我们中的许多人经历过挫折和失败后,会从情感上选择放弃,并停止尝试。1A.demandsBexpectationsCschedulesDrequirements解析:实验结果在你的预料(expectations)之中。demand“要求,需求”;schedule“工作计划,日程安排”;requirement“要求,必要条件”。答案:B2A.changed BaddedCinsertedDcrashed解析:然后这位生物学家把一块坚固的玻璃纤维插入(inserted)这个水箱里,制造出两个分开的部分。add“添加”,常与介词to搭配使用。答案:C3A.separate BoppositeCconnectedDrelevant解析:参见上题解析。separate“分开的”;opposite“对面的,迥然不同的”;connected“相连的”;relevant“紧密相关的”。答案:A4A.delicate BhiddenCtransparentDflexible解析:根据语境可知,这边的鲨鱼可以看到对面的用作诱饵的鱼,因此生物学家插入水箱的玻璃纤维是透明的(transparent)。delicate“易碎的”;hidden“隐藏的”;flexible“可弯曲的,有弹性的”。答案:C5A.Yet BMeanwhileCInsteadDAgain解析:根据第一段中的“attacked”可知,此处应表示再一次(Again),鲨鱼快速对用作诱饵的鱼发起了攻击。答案:D6A.bounced BpausedCwithdrewDleapt解析:但是这一次,鲨鱼被弹了起来,因为它重重地撞上了玻璃纤维分隔板。bounce“(使)弹起,弹跳”,符合语境。pause“停顿”;withdraw“撤回,撤离”;leap“跳跃”。答案:A7A.trapper BcatcherCtesterDdivider解析:参见上题解析。divider“分隔物,分开物”,符合语境。trapper“捕杀动物者”;catcher“捕捉器,接球手”;tester“测试员,测试器,试用品”。答案:D8A.accomplishing BrepeatingCcopyingDstrengthening解析:根据上文中的“Determined”和下文中的“This experiment was carried out several times.Each time,the shark got less 12 and made fewer attempts to attack the fish”可知,一开始,鲨鱼不断重复(repeating)这一行为。accomplish“完成”;copy“复制,模仿”;strengthen“加强”。答案:B9A.in order Bin vainCin secretDin pain解析:尽管鲨鱼不断重复这一行为,但都是白费力气。in vain“徒劳,白费力气”,符合语境。in order“井然有序,适当”;in secret“秘密地,暗中”;in pain“痛苦地”。答案:B10A.unaccustomed BunchallengedCunharmedDunnoticed解析:上文提到鲨鱼攻击用作诱饵的鱼的企图都失败了,因此,此处表示“用作诱饵的鱼毫发无伤地四处游动”。本段最后一句“the bait fish could swim wherever they wished,free from harm”也是提示。unaccustomed“不习惯的,不适应的”;unchallenged“未受到过质疑的,未受到过挑战的”;unnoticed“未被注意到的”。答案:C11A.divorced BdeclinedCraisedDabandoned解析:最终,鲨鱼放弃了(abandoned)捕猎到用作诱饵的鱼的希望。divorce“使脱离”;decline“拒绝”;raise“提高”。答案:D12A.blind BaggressiveCalert Darbitrary解析:每一次,鲨鱼的攻击性都会变得更弱一点。aggressive“侵略的,挑衅的”,符合语境。blind“盲目的”;alert“警觉的”;arbitrary“任意的”。答案:B13A.got occupied with Bgot involved inCgot tired ofDgot used to解析:根据下文中的“and simply stopped attacking.but the shark didnt attack”可知,鲨鱼厌倦了(got tired of)撞击玻璃纤维。get occupied with“忙于”;get involved in“卷入”;get used to“习惯于”。答案:C14A.readjusted BrestoredCreplacedDremoved解析:然后,生物学家移除了(removed)玻璃纤维,但是鲨鱼仍不攻击。readjust“再次调整”;restore“恢复”;replace“替换”。答案:D15A.barrier BdistanceCgapDdistinction解析:鲨鱼被训练得相信它和用作诱饵的鱼之间有障碍物(barrier),因此(玻璃纤维被移除后)小鱼无所顾忌地四处游动,不受攻击。distance“距离”;gap“间隙”;distinction“区别”。答案:A16A.so BbutCasDfor解析:参见上题解析。前后句之间是因果关系,前面是因,后面是果,故选并列连词so。答案:A17A.readily BintentionallyCemotionallyDphysically解析:我们中的许多人,在经历挫折和失败后,会从情感上(emotionally)选择放弃,并停止尝试。readily“快捷地,轻而易举地”;intentionally“有意地”;physically“身体上地”。答案:C18A.because BthoughCunlessDwhile解析:好比这个故事中的鲨鱼,我们认为因为我们过去失败过,所以就永远不会成功。此处应用because引导原因状语从句。答案:A19A.Above all BIn other wordsCAs a resultDIn conclusion解析:换句话说(In other words),我们不断(constantly)在我们的脑中看到障碍,即使我们所在的位置和我们想要达到的位置之间并没有“真正的”障碍。above all“最重要的是”;as a result“结果”;in conclusion“总之”。答案:B20A.abruptly BconstantlyCeventuallyDoccasionally解析:参见上题解析。abrupt


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