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1,新编英汉翻译教程 A NEW COURSEBOOK ON ENGLISH-CHINESE TRANSLATION,第六章 翻译技巧之 词义的选择、引伸和褒贬,2,Diction in translation (词义的选择),Diction means the proper choice of words and phrases in the target language on the basis of accurate comprehension of the source language text.,12345, ,3,英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义。一词多义就是说同一个词在同一个词类中,又往往有几个不同的词义。在英汉翻译过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后就要善于选择和确定原句中关键词的词义。选择和确定词义通常从以下几个方面着手:,4,总体说来,在英汉翻译中要真正准确地理解英语词语的意义,往往要从以下四个方面入手: (1)Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of its part of speech (2)Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of context (3)Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of collocation (4)Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of syntax (5) Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of field of speciality,5,1. Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of its part of speech Eg. Like 1) He likes mathematics more than physics. 他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理学。(动词) 2) In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold. 在射入窗内的阳光里,细微的尘埃象金子一般在闪闪发光。(前置词) 3)He has so many likes and dislikes that its impossible to please him. 他好恶爱憎这么多,要讨他欢心是不可能的。(名词) 4)Like charges repel; unlike charges attract 相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸。(形容词) 5)No one sings the blues like she did . 常布鲁斯歌谁也比不上她。(连词),6,1) Its my right of way, so that lorry must stop or slow down until Ive passed it. 我有优先通行权,所以那货车必须停驶或 减慢 车速直 到我走过去为止。 2) The fault will right itself if you give it time. 只要过一些时候,这个毛病就能自行更正了。 3) Your account of what happened is not quite right. 你对于发生的事情的叙述不太正确。 4) I fell right to the bottom of the stairs. 我从楼梯上一直摔倒楼梯下面。,7,2. Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of context,12345, ,8,This war is becoming the most important story of his generation. 这场战争将成为这一代人的最重大的事件。 It is quite another story now. 现在的情况完全不同了。 Some reporters who were not included in the sessions broke the story. 有些没有参加那次会议的记者把内情捅出去了。 Hell be very happy if that story holds up. 如果这一说法当真,那他就太高兴了。 The Rita Haywoth story is one of the saddest. 丽泰海华丝的遭遇算最惨的了。,9,A young man came to the polices office with a story. 一个年轻人来到警察办公室报案。 The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV. 对他的报道越来越少了,不久他就从美国电视上销声匿迹了。 Tell me the story of what happened to you. 告诉我发生在你身上的一切事情。 The story of the opera was printed in the program. 这曲戏的故事情节印在了节目单上。 Last December, the Post first reported that probes were being made in each of those cities, but officials refused to confirm the story. 去年12月,邮报首先报道侦察工作已在那些城市里进行,但官员们拒绝证实这条消息。,10,George passed. We passed another town before daylight. 我们在天亮前经过了另一个镇。 I used to pass the whole evening that way. 以前我总是这样消磨整个黄昏。 Now the opportunity has passed. 现在已经错过机会了。 If I kept on reading, that feeling would pass. 如果我继续这样读下去,这种感觉就会消失。 That vessel will soon be passing us. 那只船就要和我们相遇了。 We know what was passing in his mind. 我们知道他心理在想什么。,12345, ,11,3. Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of collocation,12,a fast car the fast growth fast music a fast journey fast color a fast film a fast oven fast asleep break ones fast by drinking some milk stick fast in the mud,速度很快的车 迅速发展 节奏快的音乐 行程紧凑的一次旅行 不易褪掉的颜色 快速感光胶卷 烤箱 熟睡的 开斋喝了点牛奶 牢牢地陷在泥巴里,13,raise fears 引起恐惧 raise vegetables 种植蔬菜 raise a family 养家糊口 raise the dead 使死者回生 raise a fleet 集结一支舰队 raise a monument 树一座丰碑 raise an embargo 解除禁运,14,4Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of syntax agreement 同意 an agreement 协定 people 人民 a people 民族 hostility 敌意 hostilities 战争 use 使用 uses 用途,15,work 工作 works 工厂、著作 time 时间 times 时代 letter 字母、信 letters 文学 force 力量 forces 军队 paper 纸 papers 文件、证件,16,5. Distinguish the original meaning of an English word by means of field of speciality 同一个名词在不同的专业中往外具有不同的词义。 Carrier: 在日常用语中意为“搬运者” 在医学上指“带菌者”,或“传播者” 在化学上指“载体” 在交通运输上指飞机、公共汽车等“交通工具” 在机械方面指“承载器”或“托架” 在海军中指“航空母舰” 在通信技术上指“载波” 在半导体技术上指“载流子”,17,II. Meaning extension (词义的引伸),翻译时,有时会遇到某些词在辞典上找不到合适的词义.这时就要根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词的基本含义出发,进一步加以引伸,选择恰当的词来表达.词义引伸时,往往从以下四个方面来考虑.,12345, ,18,1抽象词义具体化 A sofa is a compromise between a chair and a bed. 沙发是介于椅子和床之间的东西。,19,Vietnam was his entree to the new Administration, his third incarnation as a foreign policy consultant. 越南战争成了他进入新政府的敲门砖.他担任政府的对外政策顾问,那是第三次了. The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green. 我前头的那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯.,20,2具体词义抽象化 Every life has its roses and thorns 每个人的生活都有苦有甜。 There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists. 帝国主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾。,21,See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous ,the news for the next four weeks was never distinct. 在那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗化。,22,3 词义转译 The energy of the sun comes to the earth mainly as light and heat. 太阳能主要以光和热的形式传到地球 . The theory doesnt under analysis. 通过分析,这种理论不能成立 . The golden sunlight falls on the ground. 金色的阳光照在大地上.,23,4 词的搭配 Fishes were caught not only with nets, but with baskets. 那时,鱼不但用网捕获,而且用筐提捞. In every Chinese city, we got into the streets, shops, parks, theatres, and restaurants. 在中国,我们每到一个城市,就逛大街,逛商店,逛公园,上剧场,下饭馆.,24,III. Commendatory or Derogatory Sense of Words (词义的褒贬) 翻译时必须正确理解原作者的基本立场和观点,然后是用适当的语言手段来加以表达.,25,1. 英语中有些词本身就有褒贬意义,汉译时就应相应地表达出来,e.g. 1)He was a man of high renown (fame). 他是位有名望的人。(褒) 2) His notoriety as a rake did not come until his death . 他作为流氓的恶名是他死后才传开的。(贬) 3) The tasks carried out by them are praiseworthy. 他们进行的事业是值得赞扬的。(褒) 4) Henry keeps boasting that he has talked to the President. 亨利总是吹嘘说他曾同总统谈过话。(贬) 5) “He was polite and always gave advice willingly,“ she recalled. 她回忆说,“他彬彬有礼,总是诲人不倦。”(褒) 6) We were shocked by his coarse manners. 我们对他的粗暴态度感到震惊。(贬),26,2. 英语中有些词义是中立的,本身不表示褒义或贬义,但在一定的上下文中可能有褒贬的意味,汉译时就应该用具有褒贬意味的相应的词来表达 The enem


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