



2019年外研版九年级下册英语教案Module 8My future life Unit 1Heres to our friendship!课题Unit 1Heres to our friendship!教学目标知识目标Key words:handbag,beat,pardon,intend,fetch,pancakeKey phrases:Heres to.,a bit,make sb.do sth.,a great beat,intend to do sth.,even if,make a speechKey sentences:(1)I dont know when well be back in this hall together again.(2)Do you intend to stay in China for long, Tony?能力目标能够听懂谈话,能转述具体信息并判断说话人的情感态度;能够谈论自己的感受,发表感言;能够介绍自己的未来计划。情感目标通过学习,了解不同国家的人在分别时的不同表现;培养感恩之心,学会表达对他人的谢意。教学重难点重点:掌握本单元的重点词汇、短语、句型和语法难点:训练学生的听说能力教学过程Step 1Leading in1.Look at the picture and answer the questions.(1)What is the special event?(2)What is everybody doing?S1: .S2: .2.Listen and answer the questions.(1)Where is Betty going tonight?(2)What are Betty and Tony going to do?(3)Why does Betty refuse to eat before she leaves?设计意图导入新课话题,同时训练学生获取细节信息的能力,为学习Activity 3做准备。Step 2ListeningClose the book,listen carefully and answer some questions.1.听第一遍录音完成下面问题Will they leave each other soon?2.听第二遍录音填空Now complete the notes.Their feelings enjoyed the party; a bit sadThe hallThe music Their plans The food and drink 教学过程3.听第三遍录音补全句子(1)Lingling is the party, but she feels a bit .(2)Tony has international flags on the walls.The flags make the hall look .(3)Betty will finish her high school here.设计意图通过设计不同层次的听力问题,使学生更好地把握对话,理解对话,同时训练了学生的听力。Step 3 Reading and saying1.Read the dialogue by yourselves and act out the dialogue in pairs.2.Remember some important sentences.(1)I dont know when well be back in this hall together again.(2)Do you intend to stay in China for long, Tony?3.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.(1)What are your plans and hopes for the future?(2)Are you going to have a school-leavers party?(3)What will you do on your holiday?(4)Will you miss your friends and classmates? Why or why not?设计意图阅读对话,同时找出重点句,并记住这些重点句;最后要进行对话练习,利用学习的句型和重点语法组织语言。Step 4Blackboard designUnit 1Heres to our friendship!(1)I dont know when well be back in this hall together again.(2)Do you intend to stay in China for long, Tony?Step 5Practice.根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示,完成下列句子1.I like listening to the music that has got a great b.2.I beg your p?3.Im hungry.Lets f something to eat.4.On my birthday, my sister gave me a new (小提包).5.She (打算) to do A levels and go to university.单项选择( )1.We the strongest team in the football match this time. A.wonB.beatC.beatenD.win( )2. Could you tell me the meeting?Next Friday.A.where we are going to haveB.when we are going to haveC.where are we going to haveD.when are we going to have( )3.I feel hungry,but there is only food.A.a bit;a bit ofB.a bit of;a bitC.a bit;a bitD.a bit of;a bit of教学过程( )4.I dont know or not.Neither do I.You may ask his teacher. A.whether he is at schoolB.if he is at schoolC.that he is at schoolD.whether is he at school( )5. We have no idea . Its said that he is Mr.Greens son.A.where he comes fromB.if he lives hereC.who he isD.who is he答案:.1.beat2


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