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非 谓 语 动 词,一、动词不定式,不定式,动名词,过去分词,一般式,一般式,完成式,完成式,进行式,被 动,主 动,to do,doing,to be doing,to have done,having done,to be done,being done,to have been done,having been done,done,现在分词,表1: 非谓语动词的时态、语态,不定式,动名词,现在 分词,过去 分词,1. 主语,2. 宾语,4. 表语,3. 定语,7.状 语,5. 宾补,6. 主补,(),表2: 非谓语动词句法功能,时间,原因,条件,伴随,目的,结果,1.不定式作主语: to 不定式句中作主语, 多数情 况下用 it 作形式主语,将不定式后置。例如: To tell a lie is wrong. = It is wrong to tell a lie说谎是错误的。 应邀到这儿来很荣幸。 To be invited here is an honor. = It is an honor to be invited here 动词take, cost, require, make等也可用上述结构。 步行到那儿要20分钟。 It takes twenty minutes to walk there 坐飞机去日本花费大约500元。 It costs about five hundred dollars to fly to Japan,掌握一门语言需要下功夫。 It requires efforts _ It requires efforts to master a language 找到一份好工作他很高兴。(It delighted him) It delighted him to find a good job 在疑问和感叹句中, 只能用 it 作先行词的结构。 和他们一起工作多么令人高兴!(What a pleasure) What a pleasure it is to work with them! 假日去钓鱼多么令人放松! (How relaxing ) How relaxing it is to go fishing in a holiday! 演一部短剧不是个好主意吗? (Isnt it a good idea) Isnt it a good idea to put on a short play?,在 it 作形式主语的结构中, 常用 for + 名词 / 代词 作不定式的逻辑主语。例如: 对于他掌握演说艺术是不可能的. It is impossible for him to master the art of speaking It is not right for them to stop halfway 他们半途而废是不对的。 It + be + 形容词 + of + 名词或代词 + to不定式, 常用形容词表示不定式逻辑主语的特征: foolish, clever, stupid, nice, kind, rude, careless 等。 你这么说太好了。 You are kind to say so. = It is kind of you to say so. 她真勇敢,救了学生。 (brave save) It was brave of her to save the pupils. = She was brave to save the pupils.,2.不定式作宾语: 分为 5 种结构 1) 动词 + to不定式, 常用动词有 promise, decide, want, refuse, pretend, agree, long, choose, try, demand, expect, hope, learn, manage, afford 我渴望成为一个足球明星。 I longed to become a football star 他同意保密。 He agreed to keep it secret 2) 动词 + 疑问词 + to不定式, 常用动词有 know, decide, wonder, learn, remember, see, understand, think, find out 等。例如: 我不知道说什么安慰她。 I dont know what to say to calm her 他们在学习如何修汽车。 They are learning how to repair cars,3) 动词 + 间接宾语 + 疑问词 + to 不定式 常用动词有show,teach,advise,tell, inform等。例如: The farmer showed us how to milk the cow 那个农夫教我们如何挤奶。 Mr. Crook taught them how to type 克罗克先生教他们怎样打字。 4) 动词 + 形式宾语 it + 宾补 + to不定式 (真宾语) 常用动词有:find, think, consider, make, feel等。 我觉得学第二外语很重要。 ( I find it) I find it important to learn a second foreign language 我们认为最好早点出发。 (We think it better) We think it better to start off early,5)介词 but / except + (to)不定式 (作宾语) 注意,若句中谓语或非谓语部分含有 do, 那么 不定式可省去to。例如: Seeing the room crowded, I had no choice but to standcould do nothing but stand in the back 看到房间里很挤,我只好站在后面。 As there was a power cut, we had nothing to do butexcept go to bed early 那晚停电,我们只好早早睡觉。,3. 不定式作定语: 不定式作后置定语与先行词间 多为动宾关系或介宾关系, 少数为主谓关系 I have something to say我有话要说。 Tom is a pleasant man to talk to 与汤姆说话很令人高兴。 I want a bookcase to put my books in 我想要个书柜放书。/ 那是个居住的好地方。 Thats a nice place to live. (room to live in. ) He is the right person to do that job 他是做那项工作的合适人选。 Her wish to be an air hostess has come true 她当空中小姐的愿望实现了。 修饰名词的不定式 + 介词也可以转换成: 介词 + 关系代词 (which 或 whom) + 不定式。 I want a bookcase in which to put my books Tom is a pleasant man to whom to talk,4.不定式作表语: 说明主语的内容, 主语多为名词: 我的目的是给他们一个教训。 My purpose is to teach them a lesson. 他的错误是不听我的意见。 His mistake was not to take my advice 有时句子主语也可以是不定式或名词性从句: To be strict with him is to be responsible to him 对他严格就是对他负责。 What 1 want is to have more outdoor sports 我想要的是做更多的户外运动。 作表语的不定式可省去 to。例如: 如果主语部分的谓语动词或非谓语动词中含有 do: The only thing he could do was (to) tell the truth 他只有说真话。 What you have to do is (to) press this button 你必须做的事就是按一下这个钮。,5. 不定式作宾补:可以有以下几种情况 1) 动词 + 宾语 + to 不定式, 常用动词有 except, wish, ask, beg, force, invite, cause, encourage, urge, remind, persuade, enable, warn, assign, allow, permit, want, order, intend 等。 医生劝我验血。 The doctor advised me to have a blood test 我让他们参加我们的讨论。 I got them to join us in the discussion 2) 动词词组 + 宾语 + to不定式, 常用动词词组有 arrange for, wait for, long for, prepare for, ask for, wish for, rely on, depend on, call on等 Ill arrange for the guests to tour the towns. 我将安排客人游玩那几个小镇。/ 他们在等校车来。 They are waiting for the school bus to come.,3) 动词 + 宾语 + (to be) + 名词或形容词 常用动词:consider, believe, think, find, judge, know,suppose, prove 等。 大家都认为迪克是个聪明的孩子。 Everyone thought Dick (to be) a clever boy 我们相信它是真的。 We believe it (to be) a true story 4) 动词 + 宾语 + 不带 to 不定式 常用动词: see, hear, feel, watch, observe, look at, listen to, notice, let, make, have, (help)等。 我看见那位女士锁上了门。 I saw the lady lock the door 我们没让任何人进来。 We didnt let anyone come in,6. 不定式作主补:与句子主语是主谓关系。 有人看见他进了大厅。 He was seen to enter the hall 那个房间被发现是空的。 The room was found to be empty 据说他是新西兰人。 He is said to be from New Zealand 他未被允许做那事。 He was not allowed to do it. = They didnt allow him to do it 那男孩被迫早睡。 The boy was made to go to bed early.= They made the boy go to bed early.,7. 不定式作状语 1) 表示原因:不少形容词(包括已变成形容词的 分词)可后接不定式表示原因或某个方面。 (1)I am very glad to see you (2)We are sorry to leave.我们为离去而难过。 (3)He was lucky to pass the examination (4)You are free to go home你可以回家了。 上述句子中的不定式与句子主语都是主谓关系。 但有时不定式和主语却是动宾关系: (5)Volleyball is very interesting to watch (6)This problem is difficult to solve 打排球看起来很有意思。这个问题难解决。 (7)Is the food fit to eat? 这食品能吃吗? 如不定式为不及物动词,须加一个结构和意义上合适的介词。 (8) The pet cat is nice to look at. (9) The ice is smooth to skate on. 冰面很滑,能在上面滑冰。,2) 表示目的 他靠近是为了看清楚些。 He got nearer to see clearly. To write novels quickly, the writer bought a computer.为加快写小说的速度, 作家买了台电脑。 不定式前也可以加上 in order 或 so as 表示目的, 但 so as to 不可位于句首。 The blind men felt the elephant in order to so as to find out what it looked like 瞎子们摸象以便了解象是什么样子的。 注意不可将 for + 动词 ing 形式用作目的状语。 ( )The pupil observed the spider for finding out its living habits. ( )The pupil to find out its living habits 学生观察蜘蛛以发现它的生活习性。,3) 表示结果 我说了什么使你那么担心? (What have I said to) What have I said to make you so worried? She returned only to be disappointed at her sons school report. 她回来, 对儿子的学业报告单很失望。 请问花园饭店怎么走?(Would you be so kind as to) Would you be so kind as to tell me the way to the Garden Hotel ? 病人身体好了,可以下床走动了(strong enough to ) The patient is strong enough to get out of bed and walk about. 他说得太快, 我跟不上。 (He spoke too quickly) He spoke too quickly for me to follow,若 too 后接不定式否定结构, 表示“太不会不”、 “很必定能”。例如: I was too angry at that not to say about it 对那事我气得不能不说。 He is too careful not to notice spelling mistakes. 他很仔细, 不会注意不到拼写错误。 glad, ready, pleased, willing, anxious, happy, satisfied等形容词用于 tooto 结构时却表示肯定 意义。too 前面还可以有 only 修饰。例如: Im too glad to meet you. She is (only) too pleased to go home 她回家很高兴。 The two men were too anxious to leave 那两个人急于离开。,8.不定式的逻辑主语 1) 句子主语同时又是不定式的逻辑主语。 他们很高兴回到学校。 They were happy to be back at school. The students hoped to do business after graduation学生们希望毕业后做生意。 2) 句子宾语作不定式的逻辑主语。 他们允许我们坐在隔壁办公室。 They allowed us to sit in the next office 雇主让工人们长时间工作。 The boss made the workers work long hours. 3) 有时不定式的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致, 通常逻辑主语可以用for + 名词或代词表示。,The table is too heavy for the girls to move 桌子太重,姑娘们搬不动。 I opened the windows for the sunlight to come in. 我开窗让阳光进来。 4)不定式作状语, 其逻辑主语一般与句子主语一致。 To master English well, one must have constant practice. 为了很好地掌握英语,必须经常练习.,( )To observe the stars, a telescope is needed To observe the stars, one must have a telescope 为了观察星星, 必须有望远镜。,有时不定式可以带有自己的逻辑主语构成独立结构, 表现将要发生的动作。例如: With a lot of people to help, he is sure of his success in the contest 有许多人帮忙,他对比赛成功很有把握。,5) 不定式还可在句中作独立成分, 表示说话人的态 度或看法, 此时不定式逻辑主语和句子主语不一致: To tell the truth, Sam is the right person for the post说实话,山姆是这个职位的合适人选。 To be frank, I dont agree with you 坦率地讲,我不同意你的看法。 To be honest, your plan is not practical 老实说, 你的计划不实用。 To begin with, Id like to talk about our development plan 首先, 我想谈谈我们的发展计划。 To conclude, I hope you will do well in the new term.最后,我希望你们在新学期学习好。,9.不定式的被动式 1) 不定式被动式的意义。 如果不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者,不定式需 用被动语态 to be + 过去分词。 他不喜欢当众被表扬。 He dislikes to be praised in public 沙漠中惟一可以看到的动物是骆驼。 The only animal to be seen in the desert was the camel 记者提了几个问题有待回答。(由别人回答) The news reporter raised a few questions to be answered. They had a lot of goods to be shipped to the flooded area 他们有许多货物要运往水灾地区。(由别人运输),2) 主动的形式表示被动的意义。 下列情况常用不定式的主动语态表示被动的意义: (1)句中存在名词或代词可作为不定式的逻辑主语, 构成逻辑上的主谓关系。 伯德太太给了狗几块骨头吃。 Mrs. Bird gave the dog a few bones to eat 警察指给我看要乘的车。 The policeman showed me the right bus to take. (2) “形容词 + 不定式”结构中, 如不定式与句子主语 结构成逻辑上的动宾关 系, 不定式多用主动语态: 这架飞机开起来很危险。 The plane is dangerous to fly 这台机器不好控制。 The machine is hard to control,(3) 在 there be 的结构中和 have 之后, 倾向于用 不定式主动语态表示被动意义, 尤其在口语中: 今晚有什么事要干吗? Is there anything to do tonight? 此刻我有许多功课要做。 I have a lot of homework to do right now 但上述句子也可以用不定式的被动式, 这样语气较强。例如: Is there anything to be done tonight? I have a lot of homework to be done right now,(4) 下列句子中惯用不定式主动语态: The house is to let. 这房子待出租。 He is not to blame 他不该受责备。 但在 be + to 不定式以及 be likely 后接不定式 结构中,如主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者, 不定式仍须用被动语态: The collection of poems is to be published within a year 这本诗集一年内出版。 The results of the exams remain to be seen 考试结果尚不清楚。 He is likely to be made monitor of the class 他有可能被选为班长。,10.不定式的进行式和完成式 1) seem, appear, happen, pretend 等动词后用 不定式的进行式 to be + 现在分词, 表示后面的动 作正在进行: He happened to be telephoning when I went in. 我进去时他恰好在打电话。 The girl pretended to be listening when the teacher looked at her 老师看她时,这个姑娘装着在听讲。 2) 不定式表示的动作或状态先于谓语动词表示的 动作或状态时, 不定式用 完成时 to have + 过去分词。例如:,我似乎以前在什么地方见过他。 I seem to have met him somewhere before 收到那么多精美礼物,他很高兴。 He was happy to have received many nice gifts. 这部小说据说已被译成好几种外语。 The novel is said to have been translated into several foreign languages 比较下列两个意义不同的句子: I must be off now. I am pleased to have met you all 我得走了, 很高兴见到了你们大家。(分手告别时说) Pleased to meet you,Mr. Cook 很高兴认识你, 库克先生。(刚见面时说),11.不定式的省略: 省略动词原形而保留符号 to 1)不定式在 care, want, hope, wish , expect, try, prefer, refuse, mean, promise, love, want, would like, like, would 等动词后作宾语时, 如: -Are you interested in going to university ? -Yes, I would like to (go to university). 2)不定式在 ask, warn, advise, tell, force, wish, expect, allow, permit 后作宾补或主补时,如: Dont touch anything unless your teacher tells you to (touch them). As it is very hot, she wants to go swimming in the lake, but her mother doesnt allow her to (go swimming).,3)不定式在 happy, glad, eager, anxious, ready, willing 等形容词后作状语时, 动词原形可省略。 -Will you join us in the game ? -Thank


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