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三年级英语第一册MODULE5-6复习提纲,龙口西小学 陈丽君,Numbers:每个都要会听说读写,One two three four five six seven eight nine ten Eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen,比较一些数字写法上的区别: four-fourteen six-sixteen seven-seventeen nine-nineteen 但是: one-eleven two-twelve three- thirteen five-fifteen,图形Shapes,triangle circle rectangle square,其他名词,Cake apple Ball picture The sun rainbow boy girl,What is this ? Its a car.,(近或者远),(远),(近),1.,2.,3.,It isnt a ball.,(不是),4.,What is that ? Its a bus.,What is it ? Its a bike.,Module 5:怎样问某个东西是什么,当你想知道这/那/它是什么,你用英语这样问: 1.单数时 A:Whats this/that/it ( in English)? B: Its a bird/book/pen/car/ship. 2.复数时(两个或两个以上) A:What are these/ they? B:Theyre birds/books/pens/cars/ ships.,A:Is it a ship? B: No, it isnt a ship.,当你不确定是某种东西时,用一般疑问句,A:Is it a/an B:Yes, it is.(肯定) No, it isnt.(否定),?,It isnt a bus. It isnt a car. It isnt a bird. It isnt a boat. It isnt truck. It isnt a ball. It isnt a pencil.,它不是(公共汽车/小车/鸟/小船/卡车/球/铅笔),Module 6:,下面的句子区别是什么?,(1)What is it? What are they?,(2)What shape is it? What shapes are they?,(3)There is an apple. There are two apples.,Module 6:,下面的句子区别是什么?,(1)What is it? What are they?,(2)What shape is it? What shapes are they?,(3)There is an apple. There are two apples.,Module 6:,下面的句子区别是什么?,(1)What is it? What are they?,(2)What shape is it? What shapes are they?,(3)There is an apple. There are two apples.,A:What shape is this? B:Its a rectangle/triangle /circle/square. A:What shapes are they/these? B:Theyre rectangles/ triangles/circles/squares.,当你想询问形状时: 1)单数时,2)复数时,当你想知道某种东西的数量时,请用How many,记住后面的东西一定要加 “s” 哦,因为你不知道究竟有多少哦. A:How many cars/ bikes/ planes/ships/boats/ trucks are there? B:There is one. There are two/ three(回答按实际情况回答),有些名词后面需要加 “es”表示复数 如 buses boxes,A:Whats three and nine? B:Its Twelve. 2+7= 7+8= 5+6=,你会用英语出加法题吗? 出题考考大家.,penpens rubberrubbers,What colour 问形状 Whe


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