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AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD A SME Y14.47-2019 Model Organization Practices Eng ineering Product Definition and R elat ed Document ation Practices ASME Y14.47 ADOPTION NOTICE ASME Y14.47, Model Orga n iza t ion Pr a ctices, w as a dopt ed on 23 Jan u a ry 2019 for u se by t h e Depart ment of Defense (DoD). Pr oposed ch a nges by DoD a ct ivit ies m ust be su bmit t ed t o t h e DoD A dopt ing Act ivit y: Com m ander, U.S. A rm y AR DEC, A TTN: R DAR -EIQ-SA , Pica t inny A rsena l, NJ 07806-5000 or emailed t o u sa rm y.pica t inny.a rdec.list .a rdec-st dzn-br a nchmail.m il. Copies of t his document m ay be pu r ch a sed fr om Th e American Societ y of Mechanica l Engineers (A SME), 150 Clove R oa d, 6 t h Floor, Lit t le Fa lls, NJ 07424-2139; h t tp:/www.asm . Cust odia ns: A dopt ing A ctivit y: A rmy A R A rm y A R Na vy SA (Pr oject DR PR -2019-003) A ir F orce 16 DLA DH R eview Act ivit ies: A rmy A V, CR , MI, PT, TE, TM Na vy A S, CG, CH, MC A ir F orce 04, 11, 24 DLA IS OSD SE Ot h er DC2, NS NOTE: Th e a ct ivit ies listed a bove were int er est ed in t h is document as of t he da t e of t h is document. Since or ganiza t ions a nd responsibilit ies ca n ch a nge, you sh ou ld verify t h e cu r rency of t h e inform a t ion a bove u sing t h e ASSIST Online da t a base a t h ttps:/ a ssist .dla .m il. AR EA DR PR A SMEY14.4 7-2019 ModelOr ganization Pr actices Engineer ingPr oductDefinitionand RelatedDocumentationPractices A NA MERICA NNA TIONA LSTA NDA RD x Date of Issuance: February 18, 2019 ThenexteditionofthisStandardisscheduledforpublicationin2023. PeriodicallycertainactionsoftheASMEY14CommitteemaybepublishedasCases.CasesarepublishedontheASMEwebsite undertheY14CommitteePageathttp:/ /Y14committeeastheyareissued. ErratatocodesandstandardsmaybepostedontheASMEwebsiteundertheCommitt eePagestoprovidecorrectionsto incorrectlypublisheditems,ortocorrecttypographicalorgrammaticalerr orsincodesandstandards.Sucherratashallbeused onthedateposted. TheY14Committ eePagecanbefoundathttp:/ // Y14committee.Thereisanoptionavailabletoautomatically receiveane-mailnotif icationwhenerrataarepostedtoaparticularcodeorstandard.Thisoptioncanbef oundonthe appr opriateCommitt eePageafterselecting“ Errata”inthe“ PublicationInformation”section. ASMEistheregisteredtrademarkofT heAmericanSocietyofMechanicalEngineers. T hiscodeorstandardwasdevelopedunderproceduresaccreditedasmeetingthecriteriaforAmericanNationalStandards.T heStandards Committeethatapprovedthecodeorstandardwasbalancedtoassurethatindividualsfromcompetentandconcernedinterestshavehadan opportunitytoparticipate.T heproposedcodeorstandardwasmadeavailableforpublicreviewandcommentthatprovidesanopportunity foradditionalpublicinputfromindustry,academia,regulatoryagencies,andthepublic-at-large. ASMEdoesnot“approve,”“rate,”or“endorse”anyitem,construction,proprietarydevice,oractivity. ASMEdoesnottakeanypositionwithrespecttothevalidityofanypatentrightsassertedinconnectionwithanyitemsmentionedinthis document,anddoesnotundertaketoinsureanyoneutilizingastandardagainstliabilityforinfringementofanyapplicableletterspatent,nor assumeanysuchliability.Usersofacodeorstandardareexpresslyadvisedthatdeterminationofthevalidityofanysuchpatentrights,andthe riskofinfringementofsuchrights,isentirelytheirownresponsibility. 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CONTENTS Forewordv Commit t eeRost ervi CorrespondenceWitht heY 14Commit t ee.vii 1General1 1.1Scope1 1.2Int roduct ion.1 1.3ASMEY 14SeriesConvent ions1 1.4Referencet oThisSt andard2 1.5Symbols3 2References3 3TermsandDefinitions.3 3.1Annotat edModel3 3.2Annotat ion3 3.3Annotat ionandAtt ributeSt ate3 3.4Annotat ionPlane3 3.5Associat edGroup3 3.6At t ribut e3 3.7Feat ure.3 3.8Geomet ryStat e.4 3.9Maturit yStat e4 3.10Model-BasedDefinit ion(MBD)4 3.11Model-BasedEnt erprise(MBE)4 3.12ModelGeomet ry4 3.13Not es4 3.14Organizat ionalElement.4 3.15Present at ion.4 3.16Present at ionSt at e.4 3.17Represent at ion.4 3.18SavedV iew4 3.19Acronyms.4 4SchemaFramew orkOverv iew.5 4.1General.5 4.2DefiningaDat aSetUsingMBD5 4.3MappingBet weenSchemas.5 5DataSetCompletenessStates.6 5.1General.6 5.2Maturit yStat e6 5.3Geomet ryStat e.6 iii 5.4Annotat ionandAt t ributeSt ate6 6OrganizationalFramew orkR equirements10 6.1NamingConvent ions.10 6.2Associat edGroups.10 6.3Present at ionSt at es11 6.4ProductDefinit ionElement s17 6.5Met adat a17 NonmandatoryAppendix AApplicat ion Examples of Dat a Set Complet eness St at es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Figures 4-1ExampleofanAnnotat edModelUsedinMBD.5 5-1ExamplesofMaturit yStat es7 5-2ExamplesofGeomet ryStat es.8 5-3ExamplesofAnnot at ionandAt tribut eSt at es9 6-1Associat edGroupofFast eners10 6-2Charact erist icsExample.12 6-3Dat umsExample12 6-4DefaultNot iceExample.13 6-5ManagementDat aExample.13 6-6Model-OnlyExample.14 6-7Not esExample.15 6-8Propert iesExample15 6-9Sit eMapExample.16 6-10User-DefinedExampleRunoutValues.17 Tables 6-1ExamplesofTypesofAssociat edGroupsThatCanBeUsedinaPartorAssembly.10 6-2ExampleNamingConv ent ionsforPresent ationSt ates.11 6-3Met adat aElement s18 A-1Applicat ion Examples of Dat a Set St ates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 iv FOREWORD TheU.S.DepartmentofDefenserequest edt hatASMEadaptAppendixBofMIL-STD-31000A,TechnicalDat aPack ages (TDP),asanat ionalst andardt osupportbroaderusageofit sconcept s.MIL-STD-31000A,AppendixBprovidesamet h- odologyfororganizingt hevariouselement sofaproductdefinit iondat aset .ThepurposeofMIL-STD-31000A,AppendixB istoproposeamechanismforut ilizingannotat edmodelsinaTDPinawaysuchthatat radit ionaldraw ingisnotneeded. Toaddresst hisneedforanat ionalst andard,t hesubjectofAppendixB,MIL-STD-31000Aandt heprinciplesdefinedby t heASMEY 14seriesofst andardsformedabasisforthecreationofamodelorg anizationalschemaasout linedint his St andard.Themodelorganizat ionalschemaw illenablet heuseoft heproductdefinit iondatabybot hhumansand machines.Thiscapabilityisalsorequiredtosupportamodel-basedenterprise(MBE).BysupportinganMBE,the productdefinit iondat acanbereadilyreusedbydownst reamuserst hroughoutt heproductlifecy cle. Fut ureedit ionsoft hisSt andardwillrefineandexpandtheschemaandexpandsupportforbot hTDPandMBE. This St andard is available for public review on a cont inuing basis. This prov ides an opport unit y for addit ional public rev iew input from indust ry, academia, regulatory agencies, and t he public-at -large. ThisSt andardw asapprovedbyt heAmericanNat ionalSt andardsInst it ut eonJanuary11,2019. v A SMEY14COMMITT EE EngineeringPr oductDefinitionandRelatedDocumentation Pr actices (Thefollow ingistherosteroftheCommitteeatthetimeofapprov alofthisStandard.) STA NDA RDSCOMMIT TEEOFFICERS W .A.Kaba,Chai r J.I.Miles,Sr.,Vi c eChair F.Constantino,Secretary STA NDA RDSCOMMIT TEEPERSONNEL A.R .Anderson,DimensionalDy namics,LLC F.Bakos,Jr.,Consultant J.V .Burleig h,Unaffiliated F.Const antino,TheA mericanSocietyofMechanicalEng ineers D.O.Coon,BellHelicopter R.Courson,SA EInternational K.Dobert,SiemensPLMSoftware,Inc. S.Haug er,DeereandCo. J.Hoskins,TheBoeingCo. J.Houck,Woodw ard,Inc. R.C.Jensen,Hex ag onManufacturingIntelligence W.A.Kaba,SpiritA eroSy stems,Inc. A.Krulikow ski,Krulik owsk iConsulting ,LLC S.Leg e,U.S.A rmy E.F.McCarthy ,E.F.McCarthyConsulting ,Inc. P.J.McCuistion,Multimac J.D.Meadow s,JamesD.Meadow s how ev er,allelement soft hedifferingschemashallbemappedtoschemaelement sdefinedbyt hisSt andard.Aseparate documentdefiningt heserelat ionshipsandanydifferencesshallbeprov idedtotherecipientoft hedat aset.Eachelement shallhav eaone-t o-one,one-t o-many,ormany-to-onerelat ionshipwit hanequiv alentelementdefinedbyt hisSt andard.If Figure4-1ExampleofanAnnotatedModelUsedinMBD ASMEY 14.47-2019 5 t hedat at ype(e.g.,numeric,string)isdifferent ,t hatshallalsobedocument edsorecipient soft hedat aareclearlynot ified oft hedifference.Furt hermore,ifanyelementisnotusedorifnewelementsareincluded,itshallbedocumented. 5DA TASETCOMPLETENESSSTATES 5.1Gener a l Adat asetmaycont ainamodelorot herit emst hatareatdifferentst at esofcompleteness.Thesest at esofcomplet eness maybedocument edinthedataset. W hent hecomplet enessst at esareincludedint hedataset ,t hedat asetcomplet enessst at esshallbekeptascodesint he crit icalmet adat ait emsfordat aset .Nonmandat oryA ppendixAprovidesapplicat ionexamplesofdat asetcomplet eness st at es. W henused,dat asetcomplet enessst at esshallconsistoft hreecat egories,eachgivenaspecificcodet hatdescribest he st at eofcomplet enessforthatcat egory.Thet hreecat egoriesare:mat urit yst at e,geomet ryst at e,andannot at ionand at tribut est at e.Eachcategoryisdefinedasfollows. 5.2Matur ityState Thematurit yst at edescribest heint endeduseofadat asetfort heproductlifecy cle.Themat urit yst at econsistsoffour complet enesslev els:M1,M2,M3,andM4. M1(conc eptual):adat asett hatisusedwhent hereisaneedt ov erifypreliminarydesignandengineeringandt oconfirm t hatt het echnologyisfeasibleandt hatt hedesignconcepthast hepot ent ialt obeusefulinmeet ingaspecificrequirement . SeeFigure5-1,illust rat ion(a). M2(developmental):adat asett hatisusedfort est ingorexperiment at ionandfort heanalyt icalev aluat ionoft heinherent abilit yoft hedesignapproacht oat taint herequiredperformance.SeeFigure5-1,illust rat ion(b). M3(production):adat asett hatisusedfort hecommission,operat ion,service,anddecommissionofaproduct .SeeFigure 5-1,illust ration(c). M4(archive):adat asett hatisusedt ost oret heproductinformationforpreservat ion. 5.3Geometr yState Thegeomet ryst at edescribest helevelofdet ailoftheit emint hemodel.Thegeomet ryst at econsistsoft hreecomplet e- nesslev els:G1,G2,andG3. G1(none):t hemodelt hatiscreat edw ithnodist inct ionsmadeforindividualfeat ures.SeeFigure5-2,illust rat ions(a)and (b). G2(partial):t hemodelthathasaportionofthefeat uresrepresent ed.SeeFigure5-2,illust rat ion(c). G3(full):t hemodelt hathasallfeat uresrepresented.SeeFigure5-2,illust rat ion(d). 5.4A nnotationa ndA ttr ibuteSta te Theannot at ionandat t ribut est at edescribest hecomplet enesslevelofannot at ionsandat tribut esinadat aset .The annot at ionandat tribut est at econsist soft hreecompletenesslev els:A1,A2,andA3. A1(none):noannotat ionsorat t ributest hatareint hedat asetareint endedt obeusedt odefinet heproduct .SeeFigure5-3, illust ration(a). A2(partial):thedatasetthatcont ainsasubsetofalloft heannot at ionsorat t ribut esint endedt obeusedt odefinet he product .SeeFigure5-3,illustrat ion(b). A3(full):t hedat asett hatcont ainsalloft heannot at ionsorat t ribut esincludingit emssuchasgeneralnot esandot her productandmanufact uringinformat ion(PMI)w ithoutquery ingthemodelgeomet ryint endedt obeusedt odefinet he product .SeeFigure5-3,illustrat ion(c). ASMEY14.47-2019 6 Figure5-1Exa mpl esofMaturityStates ASMEY 14.47-2019 7 Figur e5-2ExamplesofGeometryStates ASMEY14.47-2019 8 Figure5-3ExamplesofA nnotationandAttributeStates ASMEY 14.47-2019 9 6ORGA NIZA TIONA LFRA MEWORKREQUIREMENTS Thissectiondefinest heframeworkfororganizingt henongeomet ricelement swit hint hedat aset . 6.1Na mingConv entions Eachorganizationalelementsuchasfeat ures,savedview s,present at ionst at es,andannot ationshallbenamedconsis- t ent ly .Examplesofaconsist entnamingconv entionmayincludeaprefix,digit s,andadescript iv ename.Theuseof company-specificorsyst em-defaultnamingconvent ionsisacceptable. 6.2A ssociatedGr oups Associat edg roupsareusedt ogroupdigit alelement sforquickselect ion,demonst rat ingcommonalit y,orconveyingan org anizat ionalint ent .Examplesincludebutarenotlimitedt o (a)organizationalelement srelat edt oaspecificproductfeat ure (b)organizationalelement susedinapart iculardownst reamactivit y (c)element susedt odefineapresent at ionstat e (d)annot at iont hatdefinesafunct ionalint erface Eachassociat edgroupshallbenamedinaccordancew it hpara.6.1.SeeTable6-1andFigure6-1forexamples. T able6-1ExamplesofT y pesofAssocia tedGroupsT hatCanBeUsedinaPartorAssembly GroupNamePartAssembly A nnotationsNote(1)XX ReferenceNote(1)XX FastenersNote(1)X CablingX Loftsk etchesX A ssemblycutsX HolepatternsXX NOTE: (1)Organizationsmaychooset orequireacert ainsetofgroupsforeverypartorassembly. Figure6-1Associa tedGroupofFasteners ASMEY14.47-2019 10 6.3Pr esenta tionSta tes Present at ionst at esshallbeusedt oarranget hepresent at ionoft heannot at edmodelforconsumpt ionbyt heuser.An examplesetofelement sinapresent at ionst at emayincludeannot at iondisplay ,assemblycomponentconfigurat ions includingselect ivedisplayofcomponent s,andgeomet rydisplaymet hodsincludingappearance.SeeFigure6-2t hrough Fig ure6-10forexamples.Thefollow ingarepresent at ionst at est hatmaybeusedint hedat aset .Moret hanoneofeach presentat ionst at emaybeincludedasneeded.SeeTable6-2forfourexamplenamingconvent ions. (a)Characteris tics.Cont ainsannot at ionsdenot inganit emscharact erist icforaccountability,e.g.,k eyorcrit icalchar- acterist ics(seeFigure6-2). (b)Datums.Cont ainsannot ationsdefiningallofthedefineddatumscont ainedint heannot at edmodel(seeFigure6-3). (c)DefaultNotice.Containsallrequiredlegalandregulat orynot ices;whenrequired,t hisv iewshallbet hefirstv iew displayeduponopeningt hedat a(seeFig ure6-4). (d)ManagementData.Displaysmanagementdat a(seeFigure6-5andASMEY 14.41). (e)ModelOnly.Displaysonlymodelgeomet ry ,wit houtannot at ion(seeFigure6-6). (f)Notes.Areorganizedinasetforvisibilit yandconsumpt ionw ithint hedat aset(seeFigure6-7). (g)Properties.Cont ainsannot at ionsdepict ingt hesummarypropert iesoft heitemsuchasboundarydimensions,mass propert ies,mat erial,andfinishrequirements(seeFigure6-8). (h)Si te_Map.Support snavigationamongt hepresent at ionst at esorsavedview sint hedat aset(seeFigure6-9). (i)User_Defined.Definespresent at ionst ate(s)t opresentspecificproductinformat ionasneeded(seeFigure6-10). Ta ble6-2Exa mpleNamingConv entionsforPresentationStates Description/ContentsEx ample1Ex ample2Ex ample3Ex ample4 GeometryonlynoannotationsModelOnlyD0_Model0_Model0_MDL Noticessuchasproprietarymark ing s,ITA RMBD0_DefaultD0_Default V isualindicatorstov ariousotherpresentation states MBD1_Site_MapD1_Map1_Map1_MA P Generalproductanddatamanag ementinformationMBD2_TitlesD2_Titles2_Information2_GENL Basicmaterialinformation,units,andenv elope dimensions MBD3_PropertiesD3_Properties3_Properties3_PROP MBD4_NotesD4_Notes4_Notes4_NOTE MBD5_Set_ DatumsD5_Set_Datums5_Datums5_DTM V arioususesdependingonmodelty peMBD6D666 Descriptionsalsoshow nin1_MapMBD7A_v iewdescriptionD7A _v iewdescription7A _v iewdescription7A MBD7B_v iewdescriptionD7B_v iewdescription7B_v iewdescription7B MBD7C_v iewdescriptionD7C_v iewdescription7C_ v iewdescription7C MBD7D_v iewdescriptionD7D_ v iewdescription7D_v iewdescription7D 8_Finish8_Finish8_Finish8_FNSH 9_Test9_Test9_Test9_TEST ASMEY 14.47-2019 11 Figur e6-2CharacteristicsExample Figure6-3DatumsExample ASMEY14.47-2019 12 Figure6-4DefaultNoticeExample Figure6-5Mana gementDataEx ampl e ASMEY 14.47-2019 13 Figure6-6Model-OnlyExa mpl e (Note:Thisisanintera ctiv e3Dmodeltha tcanbeutil izedinA dobeAcr obat.) ASMEY14.47-2019 14 Figur e6-7NotesExa mple Figur e6-8Proper tiesEx ampl e ASMEY 14.47-2019 15 Figure6-9SiteMapExample ASMEY14.47-2019 16 Figure6-10User-DefinedExampleR unoutV alues 6.4Pr oductDefinitionEl ements Whent hefollowingproductdefinit ionelement sarerequired,t heyshallbeincludedint hedat asetasannot at ions, at tribut es,orbot hperpara.6.5. bloc k_tolerances:formatt ype,formatunit s,one-placet olerance,tw o-placet olerance,andanglet olerance. d es ign_s ignatures:designername,desig napprovalrecord,engineername,engineerreleaserecord,check ername,and checkdat e. finish:finishspecificat ion,preparat ioncallout ,paintnot e,et c. l egal:compet it ionsensit ive,governmentright s,ordist ribut ionst at ement . materi al:mat erialspecification,coat ing ,heatt reat ing,unitweight ,massunits,andmaterialengineerrecord. notes:originat or-specificnot es. notice:ExportNoticeorotherclassifiedorspecificallyrestrict eddat ainformat ion. proprietary:companypropriet aryinformat ion(asrequired). site_map:not e(s)ident ifyingallavailablecombinat ionviews. ti tle_block:informat ionsuchascompanynameandaddress,revision,dat e,orpartdescription(seeASMEY 14.1). 6.5Metadata Thisparagraphcont ainsrequirement sforrepresent ingmet adat aelement susedbyanorganizat iont odefinet he product .Table6-3list sbot hrequiredandoptionalmet adat aelement s. Themet adat aelement slistedinTable6-3ensureint eroperabilit ybyminimizingt henumberofmappingsrequired w hendat aisexchangedbet weenorganizat ions.Anorganizat ionmaychoosenott odefineitsmet adataperTable6-3. However,t heorganizat ionshallmapitsmet adatat otheelement slist edinTable6-3w henexchangingdat awit hanot her org anization.Seepara.4.3. Thedat asetshallcont ainallelement sfromTable6-3t hatarerequired.Thedat asetmaycont ainopt ionalelement s fromTable6-3.Theopt ionalelement smaybedefinedasrequiredbyt het ermsofacont ractorbusinessrequirement . Theusermaygeneratemet adataelement snotlist edinTable6-3,andt hoseelement sshallbeconsideredCategory3 element s.Cat eg ory3element snotlistedinTable6-3arenotrequiredt obemappedbet weenschemas. ASMEY 14.47-2019 17 T able6-3MetadataEl ements ElementNameNote(1) R equired/ Optional Note(2) D


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