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1,四川高考英语科考试说明解读及二轮复习策略,2,解读考试说明 二轮复习的意义及主要安排 历年高考试题分析及专项复习建议 二轮复习中的讲评课 教学中的七多七少,3,The only difference between good and better is a little more effort!,4,互动1(思考):,估计每年高考英语科平均分; 你目前最大的困惑是什么?,5,解读考试说明,一、考试说明的结构,1、关于考试要求的说明 2、关于考试形式与试卷结构的说明 3、参考样卷(通常为往年的高考题) 4、附录:词汇表,6,关于考试要求的说明,1、 语言知识:词汇表在遵循全日制高级中学英语教学大纲(试验修订版)的基础上,增加了若干单词,并以*号表明,仅要求考生知道其汉语意思。,7,It only serves to increase the discomfort of the situation. (10年四川卷完形29题) This accident serves to show the foolishness of not being prepared.,8,关于考试要求的说明,2、语言运用: 阅读理解:本部分要求考生读懂公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。考生应能:理解主旨大意和要义;理解文中具体信息;根据上下文推断生词的词义;作出简单判断和推理;理解文章的基本结构;理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 写作:写作是四项语言技能中不可分割的一个重要部分,更是语言生成能力的重要表现形式。要求学生根据提示进行书面表达,考生应能: 准确使用语法和词汇; 使用一定的句型和词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的思想。,9,二、如何运用考试说明,了解英语高考的试卷结构,明确考试题型及命题的原则和思路; 理解基本内容和要求,保证复习的针对性和实效性; 科学合理地使用参考样题,理解其中所体现的高考信息; 将高考说明、高考试卷和试卷分析结合使用,提高备考的有效性。,10,二轮复习的意义及安排,意义:在一轮复习的基础上建立完整的知识体系,使学生在单项选择、完形填空、阅读及写作等题型中实现由语言知识到语言应用能力的转化,全面提高学生英语综合素质,把握解题方法和技巧,最终提高学生运用英语的正确率和熟练程度。二轮复习中能否抓住机会成功实现能力转化,将直接决定高考英语的成败。,11,二轮复习时学生需要什么?,对知识点的精辟解读; 对重点的提炼和归纳; 对高分韬略的精心指导; 对思维方法与应试能力的有效训练。,12,教师需要做什么?,第一层次要研究高考可能考什么?我们应该准备什么? 第二层次要研究高考可能怎样考?我们应该怎样准备? 第三层次要研究高考为什么考查这个点而不是那个点?为什么这样考而不是那样考?,13,二轮复习我们需要 什么样的英语教学?,理性、精确、高效,14,理性、精确、高效,理性。讲究科学、有度,计划性强,制定切实可行的复习计划,有的放矢地突破薄弱环节。 精确。就是要回答高考考什么,怎样应考和为什么这样复习。 高效。指的是单位时间内的效率问题。,15,二轮复习的安排,时间 2月4月中旬 安排:专题(题型)板块训练(视各学校而定) 具体操作:1、分别对各种题型进行训练; 2、各种题型穿插进行。,16,历年高考试题分析及专项复习建议,总体特点: 1、注重语言基础的考查,强调语言知识运用; 2、定位语篇,突出能力考查; 3、内容贴近学生生活,材料时代感强且信息量大; 4、试题结构合理,难度系数较为理想; 5、瞄准课改方向。,17,、单项选择,立足语境; 考点全面而综合,重点突出动词时态及词组、非谓语动词和从句这三大方面 。,18,11年四川卷(语境考查):, Im sorry I didnt finish it on time. - _. Fine, thanks B. No, thanks C. Thanks a lot D. Thanks anyway 5. How could you be so rude as to walk in here in the middle of my class? - _. Nothing much B. Nothing serious. C. Never again D. Never mind,19,12. How was your recent trip to Sichuan? - Ive never had _ one before. a pleasant B. a more pleasant C. a most pleasant D. the most pleasant 19. What a mistake! - Yes. I _ his doing it another way, but without success. was suggesting B. will suggest C. would suggest D. had suggested,20,近三年高考试卷单选题考点分布,21,非谓语动词考查(09年),2. He told us whether _ a picnic was still under discussion. A. to have B. having C. have D. had 4. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain _ until the plane has come to a complete stop. seated B. seating C. to seat D. seat 10. _ many times, he finally understood it. Told B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told,22,非谓语动词考查(10年),4. A great number of students _ said they were forced to practise the piano. to question B. to be questioned C. questioned D. questioning 11. In many peoples opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant _. to deal with B. dealing with C. to be dealt with D. dealt with 17. The lawyer listened with full attention, _ to miss any point. not trying B. trying not C. to try not D. not to try,23,非谓语动词考查(11年),2. Lydia doesnt feel like _ abroad. Her parents are old. study B. studying C. studied D. to study 11. Simon made a big bamboo box _ the little sick bird till it could fly. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep 16. _ an important role in a new movie, Andy has got a chance to become famous. A. Offer B. Offering C. Offered D. To offer,24,单选复习建议:,熟悉高考试题,明确考点、重点、难点; 做好考点细目表的统计,提高复习效率; 限时训练。,25,. 完形填空,重点考查快速领悟文章主旨的能力; 侧重考查对文章的整体把握能力; 刻意考查把握文章内在逻辑关系的能力 ; 考查深层感悟能力; 侧重考查排除干扰完形词义的能力 ; 短文多选材于英美国家近期报刊杂志上原汁原味的文章,语言地道,文章具有知识性和教育性 ; 以实词为主,虚词为辅,突出词汇语境化。实词中偏重于对动词的考查,试题考查以情景意义选择为主,充分突出了词汇语境化特点。,26,近三年高考试卷完形题统计:,27,完形训练策略:,坚持每天一篇完形填空; 先通读全文,把握文章的整体意思; 移情; 学会瞻前顾后; 积累完形中的常考词,特别注意一词多义、熟词生义的现象。,28,Well, that few minutes turned into about forty-five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster 26 by comparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt 27 and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess, thats not a good thing to have happen in a(n) 28 space because it only 29 to increase the discomfort of the situation. (10年) 26. A. light B. pale C. easy D. quick 27. A. sick B. nervous C. angry D. afraid 28. A. empty B. narrow C. secret D. open 29. A. happens B. continues C. fails D. serves,29,Having understood this, I took a deep breath and 38 back into my seat, pretending I was 39 on a roller coaster. (10年) 38. A. sat B. lay C. went D. rode 39. A. nearly B. finally C. really D. suddenly,30,For six weeks, I was in a very 27 place, I wandered around my house like a zombie. I could 28 things needed doing, but would not do anything. My beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive in everything 29 me. (09年) 27. A. secret B. quiet C. lonely D. dark 28. A. see B. get C. suggest D. understand 29. A. defended B. directed C. deserted D. disturbed,31,存在/消失 come into being;exist; appear; survive; live;show;turn up;disappear;die;die out; pass away; be out of sight 成功/失败 make it;succeed;make progress; come true;realize ones dream;win;lose;fail to do;failure; defeat; suffer, loss; beat; turn sth. into reality,32,一词多义、熟词生义,Hearing how Id nursed Mum for six monthsbefore her death, he said (11年) I kept travelling between London and her and felt lighter than I had in months. (11年) Paul understood that and never pushed me but, by summer, we got married. (11年) He said that we would be circling the city for a few minutes waiting to land. (10年),33,.阅读理解,阅读理解题型为:主旨大意题;分析推理题;细节理解题;猜测词义题。以细节判断试题为主,通过捕捉细节、 分析细节、 归纳正确答案,并加大了深层次理解试题和篇章结构试题的考查力度。 阅读材料的选择尽量作到体裁分布均匀,题材多样,语言地道,涉及内容广,有科普类、人物传记、故事类、历史文化类、广告和新闻报道类、社会热点和地理类等,材料多为最近几年国内外报刊、杂志上具有时代性的原汁原味的文章,有很强的时代气息。 阅读理解试题体裁广泛,一般有记叙文,议论文,说明文和应用文。 试题难度适中,包括难、中、易各个等级。中等为主,体现了大纲的要求。 阅读速度要求每分钟60个单词,词汇量2100字。,34,09-11年阅读理解数据统计,35,阅读训练策略:,坚持每天阅读; 限时阅读; 审题; 了解命题和解题规律; 关注热点信息(如前沿科技)。,36,09年四川卷阅读理解E篇,57. What might directly cause the loss of the forest according to the text? The growing demand for energy to make ethanol. The increasing carbon dioxide in the air. The greater need for farmland. The big chance in weather.,37,58. The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “_”. the energy benefit the forest loss climate change burning ethanol,38,59. The author thinks that replacing gas with corn ethanol is _. impractical B. acceptable C. admirable D. useless 60. What does the author mainly discuss in the text? Technology B. Sustainability C. Ethanol energy D. Environmental protection,39,. 书面表达,半开放式; 学生熟悉的社会生活和社会热点。常考的话题有:志愿者、旅游介绍、学生生活、社会热点(如环保、社会发展)、查询、投诉与反映情况等; 体裁:应用文、记叙文、说明文和议论文。通常首尾给出,对格式不做要求; 词数100左右; 不得提及真实的人名、校名及地名。,40,10年高考题:,假定你校将举行一个成人仪式,你将作为代表在仪式上发言。请你按以下内容要点准备一篇英文发言稿。 1、过去对成年的向往; 2、现在的感受和认识; 3、将来的目标及措施。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3. 发言稿的开头与结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。,41,如何评分:,1. 原则上应按照考生所表达的要点数归档。如语言错误较多,可降一档;如语言表达好,可打该档最高分。 2. 如考生写出全部五个要点错误数量不足以降到第四档,但语言连贯性欠佳,缺乏亮点,可以打第五档的低线。,42,要点:,1、过去对成年的向往; 2、现在的感受; 3、现在的认识; 4、将来的目标; 5、要采取的措施。,43,要点认定:,考生必须用比较完整的句子表达出要点。如只写出关键词而无主谓结构,不可视为表达出该要点。 在表达要点的句子中,如果考生写出主谓结构及关键信息,但主谓结构有严重语言错误,(时态、语态、系表结构中无系动词,只写出情态动词而无主动词)可视为表达出半个要点。 考生如果用主从句表达要点,要点信息出现在从句中,只要主句或者从句部分的主谓结构严重错误,都只视为表达出半个要点。 涉及到要点的句子中,如果不认可该要点,便不再扣该句的语言分。重复出现的同一语言错误只扣一次分。,44,在表达半个要点的句子中,此时不划出该要点的语法错误 ;围绕要点的发挥,如出现语言错误,要扣语言分。谓语动词拼写错误算半个要点。单词拼写和单复数的错误不重复划。 用20或30个单词完成5个要点,只得22-23分。 给33分及以上分值须慎重,给满分需经指导委员复核。 字数少于80或多于120个单词,扣2分。,45,互动2(试改书面表达),46,Sample 1,When I was child, I wanted to grow up very much. Because in my mind adult can do many things that child couldnt do. But now, I has became a grow-up. I realized that growing up not as easy as I think. I should do many things that I not want to do. With growing up, I should shoulder much responsibility. In the future, I will try my best to contribute to the society and become a good grown-up.,22/23分,47,Sample 2:,In the past we desire to be an adult, And now, we are adults, I feel very excited now, on the one hand, Ive realized that we have responsibility for the society. On the other hand, we can do what we wanted to do. We are fear. And in the future, well devote to our society and study hard. Well be useful people. So well try our best to do everything well. Finally I hope that everyone will succeed.,29/30分,48,Sample 3,Im glad to be a representative to express my feelings. In the past, I always dreamt of growing up and then I would do whatever I loved. However, today standing on the stage, I dont feel that easy because of heavier responsibilities and more pressure. We must obey some rules to set a good example to those younger people. Last but not least, when to create a future world in my mind, my heart is full of confidence. I hope to become a charming and independent person. So in the future, Ill try my best to require myself seriously and keep a clear mind.,33-34分,49,书面表达得分要素:,卷面 要点 准确度 语言 层次感,50,书面表达训练策略,定时训练; 提供写作模板或关键词; 教师及时批改或学生互批互改; 梳理学生的易错点; 多背范文;,51,常见错误:,词汇错误 语法错误,I ran into Maria yesterday morning. She looked healthily. She treated my very friendly.,The building like a match box. English are more conservative than Fren


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