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Unit 3 Fairness for all,教材课文读写,一、摘要导写 阅读课文P 28,I HAVE A DREAM,以约30个词对文章内容进行概括。 过程方法:对于演讲类的文章,可以从两方面来进行归纳: 1.文章的主题;2.文章的目的。同学们可以通过回答以下两个问题来进行Summary内容的提炼。,1. What is Martin Luther Kings speech all about? The speech I have a dream given by Martin Luther King has expressed his hope that _ _ 2. Why did Martin Luther King give this speech? Martin Luther King gave this speech in order to _ _,people around the world should live in peace despite their races and colors.,arouse peoples awareness of equal right and call on the black to fight for their freedom .,30词摘要:通过整理之后的Summary可以写成:,With a purpose to arouse peoples awareness of equal right and call on the black to fight for their freedom, Martin Luther King made a famous speech I have a dream, where he expressed his hope that people around the world should live in peace despite their races and colors.,二、读写任务 阅读课文P 28,I HAVE A DREAM,按要求完成下面的写作训练。 以约120个词就“梦想”这一主题发表看法,包括如下要点: 1.谈谈梦想在人生当中所起的作用; 2.以自己的亲身经历或者别人的故事来说明梦想的重要性; 3.简单谈谈应该如何实现个人梦想。,There is no denying that dream has been of great significance in ones life. People in our society are in many ways influenced or supported by their dreams. To start with, dreams guarantee people a goal, for which they will try their best to fight. Besides, dreams serve a good tool to provide people with hope, telling them not to give up whatever difficulties they meet with.,There is no shortage of examples informing us of the important role dreams have been playing in our lives. Among them, Michael Phelps, the eight Olympic gold medals winners story serves a typical one. Born in an ordinary family, Phelps had a simple but longstanding dream -to be the greatest swimmer in the world. Bearing this dream in mind, Phelps worked extremely hard during his training.,While his teammates were on holiday, enjoying the beautiful sunshine on the beach, Phelps was still swimming in the pool, making progress bit by bit. Tired though Phelps was,he never had the idea of giving up since he was always motivated by his great dream. With his effort,the day for him to realize his dream finally came when he got eight gold medals in the Beijing Olympic Games.,From Phelpss story, we can see that to make our dreams come true,we should not just wait without doing anything. Instead, we should be self-disciplined and face the challenges with courage. As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. So long as we have a dream and be persistent in realizing it, our dream will surely come true.,语言知识讲练,1. Dr King encourages us to fight against this unfair system which prohibits us blacks from sitting where we like.(P 22)金博士鼓励我们同这个禁止我们黑人随意就坐的不公平的制度作斗争。 prohibit vt. 禁止 搭配:prohibit sb.from .禁止某人做 prohibit sth.禁止做,运用:根据汉语意思,完成下列英文句子。 (1)政府采用新法律来禁止电视上播放烟草广告。 The government introduced a law_ tobacco commercials on TV.,to prohibit,(2)有约在先,我恐怕不能与你共进晚餐。 I fear that a prior engagement will _ joining you in dinner.,prohibit me from,2. The other three submitted but Rosa was unwilling to do so and she was arrested.(P 22)另外三个屈服了,而罗莎不愿意这样做,她拒绝站起来,于是她被捕了。 搭配:submit oneself to sth./ sb.顺从,屈服 submit sth.to sb.提交,呈递,运用:根据汉语意思,完成下列英文句子。 (1)我们不必屈从环境。 No one needs to _ circumstances.,submit to,(2)我们应该向理事会提交计划以求批准。 We should_ the council for approval. (3)士兵应该服从命令。 Soldiers must _orders.,submit to,submit our plans to,3. Theyre hopeful that they can negotiate a fairer situation if all the blacks support them.(P 22)他们满怀信心,如果全体黑人都支持他们,他们可以通过谈判而赢得一个较为公平的局面。 negotiate v. 商议,谈判,交涉 派生:negotiation n. 商议,谈判,交涉,运用:根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。 (1)我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。 Weve decided to _ the employers about our wage claim.,negotiate with,(2)我们对谈判的顺利进行很满意。 We are satisfied with the smoothness of the_(negotiate).,negotiation,4. The whites, on the other hand, shouted abuse at us.(P22)而另一方面,白人们大声咒骂我们。 思考:句中abuse是_(词性),意思是_。,咒骂,动词,运用:请指出下列句中abuse的词性和意义。 (1)The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse. (2)Dont abuse your friends.,(3)Its easy to abuse ones power. (4)Abuse of animals is unusual behavior.,归纳:abuse在第(1)句中是_ (词性),意思是_;在第(2)句中是_(词性),意思是_;在第(3)句中_是(词性),意思是_;在第(4)句中是_(词性),意思是_。,虐待,名词,滥用,动词,辱骂,动词,滥用,名词,原句:It is regarded as an offence if we sit at the front of a bus and if we break this law, we receive a heavy punishment.如果我们坐在公交车前面的座位上,就会被认为是违规了,如果我们不遵守这项法律,我们会遭到严惩。(P 22) 句型:It is regarded as/ that. 人们认为,仿写:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 (1)很多人认为上升的犯罪率与经济不景气有关。 _ there is relation between the rising crime rate and the economic recession.,It is regarded that,(2)英国内战通常被看作是现代世界史的开端。 The British Civil War_ _ the beginning of modern world history.,is generally regarded as,基础知识检测,1. contribute v.捐献;贡献 (1)_n.捐款;捐资;贡献 (2)_n.捐助人,作出贡献者,contributor,contribution,2. civil adj.国民的,国家的 (1)_adv.有礼貌地 (2)_v.使文明;使有教养 (3)_adj.文明的 (4)_n.文明,civilly,civilize,civilized,civilization,3. encourage v.鼓励 (1)_adj.被鼓励的 (2)_adj.给人鼓励的 (3)_adv.给人鼓励地 (4)_n.鼓励;鼓舞,encouraged,encouraging,encouragingly,encouragement,4. offence n.冒犯;罪行 (1)_v.得罪;冒犯 (2)_n.犯罪者;违法者 (3)_adj.烦人的,offending,offend,offender,5. hope n.& v.希望 (1)_adj.抱有希望的 (2)_adv.有希望地 (3)_adj.绝望的 (4)_adv.绝望地,hopelessly,hopeful,hopefully,hopeless,6. negotiate v.谈判;协商 (1)_n.谈判;磋商 (2)_n.谈判代表;协商者 (3)_adj.可协商的,negotiable,negotiation,negotiator,7. punctual adj.准时的;守时的 (1)_adv.准时地;守时地 (2)_n.准时;守时,punctuality,punctually,8. coincidence n.巧合;一致 (1)_adj.同时发生的 (2)_adj.碰巧的,coincidental,coincident,9. fit vi.适合;合身;安装 adj.健康的;适合的 (1)_n.健康 (2)_adj.合身的;订做的 (3)_n.装配工;修理工 (4)_adj.适合的;恰当的,fitting,fitness,fitted,fitter,10. develop v.发展;开发;研制 (1)_n.发展 (2)_n.开发者;研制者 (3)_adj.发展中的 (4)_adj.发达的;高度发展的,development,developer,developing,developed,1. His rudeness has_ many people.(offence) 2. Chinese _ is one of the oldest in the world.(civilize),offended,civilization,3. He runs 3 miles every morning; thats why he is so _.(fit) 4. The doctor said the old mans condition was_.(hope),fit,hopeless,5. Thats the most incredible_ Ive ever heard of! (coincidence) 6. The company has _a new contract with its staff.(negotiate),coincidence,negotiated,7. The company_ rapidly under his administration.(develop) 8. A _ person always finishes everything ahead of time.(punctual),developed,punctual,9. Its _to receive a favourable report on ones work. (encourage) 10. He has made an important _ to the companys success.(contribute),contribution,encouraging,1.成双的;成对的 _ 2.计算出;计划;出现好结果_ 3.为而斗争/战斗 _ 4.构成;编造 _ 5.有道理;有意义;讲得通 _,in pairs,work out,fight for,make up,make sense,6.seize on _ 7.prohibit sb.from (doi


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