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外研版高考英语一轮复习必修26Module6知能演练(附答案)+高三作文:免费的春风语言应用限时练 完形填空(2018湖北高三起点考试)From childhood,Moira loved to write. Throughout school she _1_ writing, but pursuing(追求) it _2_ was never a possibility. Her father was a doctor, her mother a nurse.“Medicine was a fairly _3_ option,” Moira says. “And writing was a career where it wasnt a _4_ that youd have high income.”She became a doctor but still wanted to do some writing. However, being a doctor was so _5_ that she didnt take up writing until her thirties. She _6_ a novela fictionalized version of her travels in China after university. She got excellent _7_. Moira sent it off to as many agents as she could find, and found one who wanted to _8_ her. Suddenly, it seemed she was on her _9_ as an author.“I had one lengthy phone call with the agent where we _10_ all possible areas she thought needed _11_I worked on those and sent it back to her but didnt hear anything.” It was not long _12_ Moira found another agent who was _13_ if she was willing to rewrite it from the first person to the third person. She did the hard work and sent it off again. “I got back a really brief letter:Thank you, Im no longer interested. It was really _14_”A decade went by, and Moira found herself eager to write again, this time _15_ for her own enjoyment. She _16_ herself the challenge of creating a thriller and chose Western Australia as her setting.As she was writing just for herself, something surprising began to happen. “The characters _17_ a life of their own; they started doing things I hadnt thought about. It just _18_ out.” One day, an agent called from Australia. Three weeks later, Moira had a publication deal. Her novel, Cicada, was published in March.“_19_ it hadnt been published I still gained so much from the _20_,” says Moira.【解题导语】本文通过Moira爱好写作并坚持写作的故事告诉我们:每个人都要为实现自己的梦想而去努力尝试,只有经历过才能够有所得,在追求的过程中不要过于担心结果,只有这样才能成功。1A.learntBavoidedCconsidered DenjoyedD解析:根据首句“From childhood,Moira loved to write.”可知,从童年开始,Moira就爱好写作;由此推断,在上学期间,她仍然喜欢(enjoyed)写作。2A.actively BprofessionallyCenergetically DpermanentlyB解析:根据生活常识及该句中的关键词“never a possibility”可知,把写作当作职业来追求几乎是不可能的。actively“积极地”;professionally“作为职业地”;energetically“精力充沛地”;permanently“永久地”。3A.influential BexplicitCterrible DsafeD解析:根据空处前一句“Her father was a doctor,her mother a nurse.”可知,她的父母会给予她医学方面很多的帮助,所以Moira认为医学是一个十分安全的(safe)选择。4A.dream BpurposeCchoice DcertaintyD解析:根据空后的“youd have high income”可知,Moira也认为写作是一个不一定能带来高收入的职业。certainty“确定的事”,符合语境,所以选项D正确。5A.promising BdiscouragingCdemanding DinterestingC解析:根据空后的“she didnt take up writing until her thirties”可知,医生是一个要求很高的职业,因此她直到三十多岁才开始写作。promising“有希望的,有前途的”;discouraging“使人泄气的”;demanding“苛刻的,要求高的”;interesting“有趣的”。所以选项C正确。6A.produced BintroducedCbought DreceivedA解析:根据语境可知,她以大学毕业后在中国的旅游经历为背景创作了一本小说。produce“创作,生产,产生”;introduce“介绍”;buy“买”;receive“收到”。所以选项A正确。7A.rewards BreadersCreviews DpraisesC解析:根据该段最后一句“Suddenly,it seemed she was on her_as an author.”可以判断,这部小说写出来后,她得到了极好的评论。reward“报酬”;reader“读者”;review“评论”;praise“赞扬”。所以选项C正确。8A.employ BrepresentCtrust DguideB解析:根据语境可知,在众多的代理人中有一个人愿意代理出版这本小说。employ“雇用,使用”;represent“代表,代理”;trust“信任”;guide“指导”。所以选项B正确。9A.own BfeetCway DbusinessC解析:根据语境可知,她似乎突然就要成为作家了。on ones way“即将到达或发生”,所以选项C正确。10A.took off Bwent throughCpulled down Dcame overB解析:根据语境可知,Moira在电话中与代理人就小说中所有代理人认为需要润色(polishing)的地方进行了仔细琢磨(went through)。take off“脱下,起飞”;go through“仔细察看,仔细琢磨”;pull down“拆毁,推翻”;come over“过来,来访”。所以选项B正确。11A.deleting BadaptingCpolishing DcoveringC解析:参见上题解析。delete“删除”;adapt“适应,改编”;polish“修改,润色”;cover“覆盖,报道”。所以选项C正确。12A.before BafterCsince DwhenA解析:根据上文中的“sent it back to her but didnt hear anything”可知,Moira重新把小说发给代理人但是没有收到任何回复,不久之后Moira找到了另外一个代理人。句型It wasnt long before.意思是“不久之后”。所以选项A正确。13A.fascinated BinterestedCanxious DamusedB解析:根据下文中的“Im no longer interested”可知,此处指这位代理人对她的书感兴趣。fascinated“入迷的”;interested“感兴趣的”;anxious“焦急的,忧虑的”;amused“逗笑的”。所以选项B正确。14A.common BabsurdCterrifying DdisappointingD解析:从两位代理人的态度可知,Moira这两次都以失败告终,所以这件事情肯定令她感到失望。common“共同的”;absurd“荒谬的”;terrifying“令人恐惧的”;disappointing“令人失望的”。所以选项D正确。15A.purely BwonderfullyCinstantly DsadlyA解析:根据该句中的“found herself eager to write again.own enjoyment”可知,她发现自己渴望再次写作,而这次写作仅仅(purely)是为了个人乐趣。purely“仅仅,纯粹地”;wonderfully“非常好,非常”;instantly“立即”;sadly“悲伤地”。所以选项A正确。16.A.set BfoundCmade DpermittedA解析:根据语境可知,Moira向自己提出(set)了一个挑战,写一部惊险小说。find“发现”;permit“允许,许可”。所以选项A正确。17A.put up Btook onCwent over Dgot downB解析:根据该句“The characters_a life of their own;they started doing things I hadnt thought about.”可知,小说中的人物开始具有(took on)他们自己的生活。put up“建造,张贴”;take on“开始具有(某种特征、面貌等)”;go over“仔细检查”;get down“下来,取下”。所以选项B正确。18A.flew BbroughtCbroke DcarriedA解析:根据下文可知,Moira的书得到了一位澳大利亚代理人的关注并顺利出版;据此可以推断,这部小说成功了。所以选项A正确。19A.Ever since BAs ifCIf only DEven ifD解析:根据语境可推断出,即使(Even if)这部小说没有出版,Moira仍然在这个过程(process)中得到许多。ever since“自从”;as if“好像,似乎”;if only“要是就好了”;even if“即使,尽管”。所以选项D正确。20A.adventure BpracticeCprocess DresultC解析:参见上题解析。adventure“冒险”;practice“实践”;process“过程”;result“结果”。所以选项C正确。 语法填空(2018x北中学大联考)How do native speakers truly feel when speaking with nonnative English speakers? It seems that 1._(break) English annoys them.However, they keep being really nice when speaking with nonnative speakers.I wonder how they really feel when doing so.I think it would depend 2._the native English speakers.Some people are just 3._(easy) annoyed.Personally, I study Spanish.When I hear someone 4._(attempt) English, I am patient with them because I know 5._ difficult it is to talk in a nonnative tongue.I also know English is very difficult 6._(learn), and that increases my respect for their efforts.Im a patient person by nature.The situation matters too.If I were waiting 7._(table) on a super crowded day and really 8._(need) to do about a dozen different things, I might become upset at having to wait for someone to struggle while ordering his meal.There also exists the 9._(possible) that what is considered as annoyance is not true annoyance.I might frown(皱眉) while listening to a nonnative speaker, 10._that would be because I am concentrating and listening hard to understand him.It wouldnt mean Im at all annoyed.【解题导语】当一个母语是英语的人听到一个人说着蹩脚的英语时是什么感受?厌烦还是耐心倾听?本文就此问题进行了讨论。1broken解析:考查词性转换。句意:似乎蹩脚的英语让他们感到厌烦。修饰名词用形容词,故填动词break的形容词形式broken,意为“蹩脚的;不流利的”。2on/upon解析:考查介词。句意:我认为这要取决于英语为母语的人。depend on/upon是固定搭配,意为“依赖;取决于”。故填on/upon。3easily解析:考查词性转换。句意:有些人就是容易生气。设空处修饰动词,要用副词,故填easily。4attempting解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:当我听到有人努力说英语时,我很耐心是因为我知道用非母语交流是多么不容易。此处为“hear宾语宾补”结构,attempt与宾语之间为逻辑上的主动关系,且此处指听到有人正在努力说英语,故用现在分词作宾补。故填attempting。5how解析:考查宾语从句。句意见上一题解析。此处为感叹句用作宾语从句,用于加强语气。设空处修饰形容词difficult,故填how。6to learn解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:我也知道英语很难学,那增加了我对他们的努力的尊重。在“it isadj.to do.”句型中,it是形式主语,动词不定式(短语)作真正的主语,故填to learn。7tables解析:考查名词单复数。句意:如果我正在人超级多的一天招待顾客,且真的需要做很多件不同的事情,我可能会因不得不等待在点餐时纠结不已的人而感到心烦意乱。wait tables是固定短语,意为“招待顾客”。故填tables。8needed解析:考查动词的时态。句意见上一题解析。根据并列连词and可知,前后时态应该一致,故填过去式needed。9possibility解析:考查词性转换。句意:也存在这样的可能性,有些烦恼不是真的烦恼。定冠词the后接名词形式,且根据谓语动词exists可知,应填形容词possible的名词形式possibility。10but/yet解析:考查连词。句意:听非母语的讲话者说话时,我可能紧皱着眉头,但那是因为我在聚精会神地努力去听懂他。根据句意可知,前后文是转折关系。故填but/yet。写作限时练 短文改错(2018贵州普通高等学校适应性考试)Susans family was terrible poor. One Christmas Eve, Susans father saw that Susan had used piece of gold wrapping paper to decorate a shoebox, where was so precious to their family, and she put it under the Christmas tree. The next morning, Susan takes the box to her dad and said, “This is for you, Dad!” But if he opened it, he found it was empty. “Why do you give me an empty boxes? Dont you know the gold wrapping paper is such expensive to us?” Her dad said angrily. Susan cried, said, “Dad, it isnt empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full.” Hearing of this, the dad felt regretful, he held Susan in his arms but said, “Sorry, my dear, I love you!”答案:Susans family was terribleterribly poor. One Christmas Eve, Susans father saw that Susan had used a piece of gold wrapping paper to decorate a shoebox, wherewhich was so precious to their family, and she put it under the Christmas tree. The next morning, Susan takestook the box to her dad and said, “This is for you, Dad!”But ifwhen he opened it, he found it was empty. “Why do you give me an emptyboxesbox? Dont you know the gold wrapping paper is suchso expensive to us?” Her dad said angrily. Susan cried, and/saidsaying, “Dad, it isnt empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full.” Hearing of this, the dad felt regretful, he held Susan in his arms butand said, “Sorry, my dear, I love you!” 书面表达(2018x昌模拟)假定你是李华,美国笔友露西给你写信,表示她对中国的国学(sinology)很感兴趣,希望你给她提一些学习建议。请给她回信,要点如下:1看一些电视节目,如:Chinese Poetry Competition, The Reader等;2读一些历史书籍;3体验一下中国文化。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Lucy,It is nice hearing from you, and knowing that you are quite interested in sinology._ _I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear_Lucy,It_is_nice_hearing_from_you,_and_knowing_that_you_are_quite_interested_in_sinology. It will be my great pleasure if my following suggestions are constructive for you to study it.Recently several hot TV programs have enjoyed great popularity among Chinese, such as Chinese Poetry Competition and The Reader, which will be of great benefit to foreign learners. Besides watching these programs, I also strongly advise you to read some historical books so as to gain a better understanding of China, since China boasts a longstanding history. Moreover, there is no better way to be acquainted with the local culture and customs than accepting my invitation to come to China in person.I_am_looking_forward


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