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History And Anthology Of English Literature,I. Course Description II. What is Literature III. How to Learn Literature IV. Requirements for the Course V. Brief Outline of British Literature VI. Anglo-Saxon Literature,I. Course Description The course is a survey of English literature from the introduction of Old English by the Anglo- Saxons in the 5th century to the present.,II. What is Literature?,Literature refers to the practice and profession of writing. It comes from human interest in telling a story, in arranging words in artistic forms, in describing in words some aspects of human experiences.,back,Love,Why study literature,1. To benefit from the insight of others. 2. To open our minds to ambiguities of meaning. 3. To explore other cultures and beliefs. 4. To appreciate why individuals are the way they are 5. To teach us to see individual bias. 6. To encourage us to question “accepted“ knowledge. 7. To help us see ourselves as others do. 8. To explore ethical complexities,III. How to Learn Literature?,1. analytical approach ,nlitikl The elements of fiction include plot, character, setting, point of view, theme, symbol, allegory, style, and tone. 2. thematic approach What is the story, the poem, the play, or the essay about?,back,IV. Requirements for the Course,Try to remember the points learnt in class.,2. writers name,4. name of representative works,3. writing features,5.discussion activities,1. literary terms,Read more,Reading lists,Classical Works: 1. Hamlet / King Lear- William Shakespeare 2. Gullivers Travels - Jonathan Swift 3. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 4. A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens 5. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte 6. Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte 7. Sons and Lovers - D. H. Lawrence 8. Mrs. Warrens Profession - George Bernard Shaw,back,comment on the novels,1.Preview and look for the references. 2. Attend class on time. 3. Participate the discussion activively. 4. Finish the assignments on time.,V. Brief Outline of British Literature,1. Early and Medieval English Literature 1) The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066) National epic: The Song of Beowulf 2) The Anglo-Norman Period (1066-1350) Arthurian Romance: Sir Gawain and Green Knight 3) Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales,2. The English Renaissance (16 century) Thomas More Christopher Marlowe William Shakespeare Ben Johnson 3. The Period of The English Bourgeois Revolution (17 century) John Milton John Bunyan John Donne,4. The Age of Enlightenment (18 century) Alexander Pope Joseph Addison and Richard Steel the first period Daniel Defoe Jonathan Swift Samuel Richardson Henry Fielding the second period Tobias Smollet Thomas Gray - sentimentalism William Blake the third period Robert Burns- pre-romanticism Richard Brinsley Sheridan,5. Romanticism in England (19 century) Poetry William Wordsworth S. T. Coleridge George Gordon Byron Percy Bysshe Shelley John Keats Prose fiction Walter Scott Novel Jane Austen Romantic essay William Hazlitt Charles Lamb Thomas De Quincey,6. The Victorian Age - Critical Realism in England (19 century) Novel Charles Dickens William Makepeace Thackery Charlotte Bronte Emily Bronte Mrs Gaskell Prose Thomas Carlyle Mattew Arnold John Ruskin Poetry Alfred Tennyson Robert Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning,7. Twentieth Century Literature Poetry W. B. Yeats T. S. Eliot Fiction Thomas Hardy John Galsworthy D. H. Lawrence James Joyce Virginia Woolf Drama George Bernard Shaw Oscar Wilde,back,Part I The Anglo-Saxon Period,The Historical Background What is Anglo-Saxon religious belief? Anglo-Saxon Literature Beowulf,I. The Historical Background,1. The English people are not one origin but a mixed blood.,Early Inhabitants,Britons,a tribe of Celts,primitive people clustering of huts,Britain,the land of Britons,the tribal society,2. The Roman Conquest,In 55 B. C. Julius Caesar, the Roman conqueror,Britons,fought fiercely,43 A. D. a Roman province,Britain was under complete control by the Roman Empire in 78 A. D.,In 410 A. D. Romans withdrew.,400 years of occupation,Britons, trodden (trampled) down as slaves or cultivators of the land,Buildings of Roman style for Roman conquerors,Highways or Roman roads for military purposes,Towns built, as London,Christianity introduced,Influence,3.The English Conquest,During the Roman Conquest, swarms (crowds, a number of ) of pirates (海盗) came from Northern Europe .,Angles,Saxons,Jutes,7th. C United into One Kingdom,7 small kingdoms,people: English,Land: Angle-land,Language: Anglo-Saxon Old English,盎格 鲁人,撒克 逊人,朱特人,England,back,II. What is Anglo-Saxon religious belief?,1)The Anglo-Saxons were heathen (异教徒) people, believing in old mythology of Northern Europe. 2) English language was influenced by the Northern mythology. 3) The Anglo-Saxons were Christianized in the 7th century.,back,III. Anglo-Saxon Literature,2 divisions pagan oral sagas Beowulf Christian,Caedmon Cynewulf,the writings developed under teaching of the monks,萨迦 ,传说,冒险故事,英雄事迹,Pagan poetry Beowulf: a. Beowulf is a folk legend brought to England by the Anglo-Saxons from their primitive Northern Europe. b. Beowulf was passed down from mouth to mouth. c. Beowulf was written down in the 10th century.,Its characters Beowulf: nephew of Hygelac Hygelac: king of Geats in Jutland Hrothgar: king of the Danes Grendel: a monster She-monster:Grendels mother Wiglaf Beowulfs loyal retainer. He is the only warrior to stay and help Beowulf fight against the dragon. He is Beowulfs successor.,2. The plot: 1) Beowulfs fight with the monster Grendel in Hrothgars hall 2) Beowulfs slaying of Grendels mother in her lair 3) Beowulfs return in glory to his uncle, and his succession to the throne 4) Beowulfs victory in death, fifty years later, over the fire dragon,Hrothgar, king of the Danes,Heorot ( The mead hall),Grendel, the monster,Beowulf, nephew of Hygelac, king of Geats in Jutland.,Beowulf tore off the monsters arm and shoulder,A runaway slave stole the treasure,Beowulf went to fight with the Fire Dragon,Wiglaf helped him,They killed the dragon and got the treasure,3 Plot summary and theme: plot summary: It is set in Scandinavian /,skndnevin/ and tells of his three major adventures-how the hero defeats the monster Grendel and Grendels mother, the sea monster and a fire-breathing dragon , but eventually receives his own death. The theme (1) Goodness conquers evil. (2) Men against nature.,Minor ones,Actions (Beowulfs) speak louder than words (Unferths). Judge the greatness of a human being by the greatness of his deeds and his noble ancestry. the heroic spirits and bravery of human. Help thy neighbor. Life is a continuing struggle. Consciousness of savior,4. Analysis of the poem: Battle is a way of life. Strength, courage and loyalty are basic virtues for both kings and warriors. It shows how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader. But, the forces of wyrd (fate) seem to control mans destiny with mysterious omnipotence-fatalism.,5. The writing features of Beowulf 1). The most important is in alliterative(头韵的) verse and in artistic form. Example: Thus made their mourning the men of Geatland, For their heros passing, his hearth-companions,Three accents show alliteration.,Alliteration alliteration is the repetition of a particular sound in the


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