



课时提能练(十七).阅读理解A(2019太原模拟)Located in Los Angeles,University of Southern California is in the heart of a leading city.Although LA ranks highly in The Economists Safe Cities Index,navigating any city calls for certain safety precautions(预防措施) along with practicing common sense.Mobile Safety App Powered by LiveSafeThe Mobile Safety App powered by LiveSafe,managed by the USC Department of Public Safety and the USC Department of Emergency Planning,is a free downloadable app that mobile users can use to initiate contact with emergency responders around the campus.Features include:immediate“push button” calls to DPS,easy reporting for suspicious activity or crimes in progress,and location services to notify friends of your route through campus.Blue Light Phone LocationsThe University Park has multiple blue light phones that are strategically placed throughout campus.Take note of where the closest ones are on your route.They come in handy in case you lose your phone or in an emergency.These phones are directly connected to USC Department of Public Safetys 24hour communications center.Besides emergency needs,it can also be used to report suspicious activity,request for an escort(护卫者) if you feel unsafe and to report a crime.TrojansAlertTrojansAlert is an emergency notification system that allows university officials to contact you during an emergency by sending messages via text messages or email. When an emergency occurs,authorized USC senders will instantly notify you of realtime updates,instructions on where to go,what to do(or what not to do),whom to contact and other important information.All members of the USC community,as well as parents and regular visitors to campus,are strongly encouraged to sign up for TrojansAlert.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了洛杉矶南加利福尼亚大学在校园里采取的一系列安全预防措施,包括在手机中免费下载安全应用软件、在校园内安装蓝光电话等。1What do blue light phones do for students?AGuide students through campus.BAlert students to crime activities.CLight up the way if students feel unsafe.DConnect them with the safety department.D细节理解题。根据第三段第四句“These phones are directly connected to USC Department of Public Safetys 24hour communications center”可知,这些蓝光电话和南加利福尼亚大学公共安全部24小时保持联系,故D项正确。2How does USC send out instructions during an emergency?AWith blue light phones.BVia text messages or email.CThrough Mobile Safety App.DBy calling all USC members.B细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“TrojansAlert is an emergency notification system that allows university officials to contact you during an emergency by sending messages via text messages or email”并结合第二句内容可知,当发生紧急情况时,大学官员将通过发送电子邮件或短信来联系你,故B项正确。3What is the purpose of the text?ATo encourage students to fight crime.BTo introduce USCs safety department.CTo provide safety services for USC students.DTo inform parents of safety risks on campus.C写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了洛杉矶南加利福尼亚大学在校园里采取的一系列安全预防措施,包括在手机中免费下载安全应用软件、在校园内安装蓝光电话等,故C项正确。B(2019洛阳市第一次统考)I left England for Sydney in September.It was a career move for my husband,and our 20yearold daughter was feeling adventurous and decided to come,too.However,just before leaving England,my 79yearold mother suffered a stroke(中风)Being strong and independent,she continues to live at home with the help of social services.But she couldnt look after the garden.I thought how wonderful it would be if there was an organization offering volunteer help.Friends asked me what I planned to do in Australia,and I told them I would be looking for a volunteer position with a gardening charitable organization.Imagine my surprise when I found just the organization I had been looking forEasy Care Gardening(ECG)!There are several reasons why I volunteer for ECG.Firstly,as a newcomer to Australia I meet many great people who,like me,volunteer some of their time.We cover a large age range,but all love gardens and helping others.Secondly,through working with ECG I have been lucky enough to explore Sydneys North Shore that I might not have had the opportunity to visit otherwise.Finally,there are all those wonderful people who we call“clients(客户)”,but are more like friends when we visit them often and tend their gardens.What great people I have met,and stories they have to tellthe family histories,where they come from and the reasons for immigrating to Australia.I find it a privilege to have access to private gardens which,in many cases,have been the joy of their owners for many years.Each one is individual and reflects the character,needs and the history of each family.Indeed,the gardens reflect the multicultural and historical background of Sydney.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了作者移居悉尼后加入了Easy Care Gardening组织,成了一名园艺志愿者的故事,以及作者加入这个组织的原因。4Why did the author move to Sydney?AShe planned to volunteer there.BHer husband would work there.CShe was very keen on adventures.DShe had to look after her sick mother.B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“It was a career move for my husband”可知,作者移居悉尼是因为她丈夫的工作变动,故选B项。5What made the author choose to be a gardening volunteer?AHer own experience.BThe tips of her friends.CThe popularity of ECG.DHer gardening skills.A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“However,just before leaving England,my 79yearold mother suffered a stroke(中风).But she couldnt look after the garden.I thought how wonderful it would be if there was an organization offering volunteer help”可知,作者的母亲因为中风无法照料花园,因此作者希望有一个能提供园艺志愿服务的组织。所以,作者选择成为一名园艺志愿者是因为她自己的经历。故选A项。6What do the volunteers at ECG have in common?AThey make friends with their clients.BThey like to explore Sydneys North Shore.CThey are of similar age and background.DThey are kindhearted with the same interest.D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“We cover a large age range,but all love gardens and helping others”可知,ECG的志愿者虽然年龄跨度很大,但是都热爱花园和帮助他人。D项“他们都很热心肠,有着同样的爱好”符合文意,故选D项。7What does the underlined word“one”in Paragraph 4 refer to?AClient. BReason. CGarden. DJoy.C代词指代题。根据画线词所在句的前一句“I find it a privilege to have access to private gardens which,in many cases,have been the joy of their owners for many years”可知,作者觉得能够进入私人花园是一种特权,在许多情况下,私人花园都是花园主人的乐趣所在。根据语境和画线词所在句的前后句子中的“gardens”可知,“one”指的就是“garden”,故选C项。.阅读七选五(2019沈阳质量检测)As a senior year student,you may have so many pressures coming from so many directions that you cant figure out what to do first. 1 When you have many things to do and a lot of demands on your time,you can lose sight of whats important.One of the best ways to see the big picturewhat you want out of lifeis to lay out your goals.Pressure points and how to deal with themConfused or overwhelmed 2 .Discuss your concerns with a friend,parent or teacher.They may help you find solutions to your problems and worries.Dont be too hard on yourselfease up,take a break and do something you enjoy,daydream,read a book,go out with friendsanything that helps you relax.Problems,problems,problemsrecognize your limits.Its too stressful to try to deal with all your problems at once. 3 .Goalsetting tipsIts important to remember that goals belong to younot to your parents,your teachers,or your friends.After youve set your goals,identify the skills you have to achieve those goals. 4 ,do some research.Try the library,your guidance adviser and teachers,and other people who could help you. 5 .If your goal is something you no longer want,change it.Identify the barriers to getting your goals.Consider ways to overcome them.Dont get depressed by a big,longterm goalsee what steps you can take to achieve it and set those steps down as shortterm,“doable”goals.AToo much to doBBalancing goals in lifeCGoals exist to serve youDTalk to someone you trustEIf youre not sure what skill


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