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课时提能练(十三).阅读理解(2019山西八校联考)At a farm off Narrow Lane near Lexington,Kentucky,US,oldfashioned houses look over the little red barn(畜舍)The farm is mostly empty now.Jim Mahan and his family,who lived there for generations,have moved to a different plot of land in northern Fayette County.As land is sold,houses go up where there once were fields.But during the summer,the barn is filled with city kids who have come to enjoy the farm.Theyre members of the Fayette County Livestock(FCL) Club,which showcases skills as varied as cutting wool.The barn is where they look after the animals.“A lot of Lexington kids dont know anything about farm life,”said Adria Meier,17,who has looked after goats and sheep for three years.“There is so much to learn.”The dozen or so children who take care of their goats and sheep at the little red barn must do a sixhour class before they get an animal.They pay for their own animals but get special club programs,such as one that provides vet(兽医) care.Mahan lets the group use the barn for free,and the kids spend up to three hours a day there during the summer.But as his land gets sold,he doesnt know whether the club can continue.What makes the FCL Club special is that most of the kids cant just walk out their doors and take care of their animals.Most are driven to the barn by their mothers,who usually hang around and chat as their kids feed and exercise the animals.There are valuable lessons learned along the way.For instance,dont cut wool off your goat when there is wind,and sheep are social animals and will cry loudly when separated.“Tending to animals helps teach us responsibility.Unlike learning to shoot an arrow,caring for an animal isnt something you can simply abandon,”said Carly Playforth,16,of Lexington.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,向我们讲述了一群城里的孩子来到乡间农场体验不同的生活照顾农场动物的故事。1What is the requirement for kids before they get animals?AAttend a class.BPay certain money.CHave varied skills.DGet special club programs.A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“must do a sixhour class before they get an animal”可知,得到动物之前,孩子们必须上一节六小时的课程,这个课程可能是培训孩子们如何照顾动物。2What do we know about the club?AThey offer services unconditionally.BThey pay for their use of the barn.CThey let mothers care for animals.DThey allow mothers to push kids.D推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Most are driven to the barn by their mothers”可推知,该俱乐部让孩子们的妈妈督促孩子参与农场活动,故选D项。3How does Carly Playforth feel about the experience?ASuspicious. BMoved.CAppreciative.DOpposed.C观点态度题。最后一段首句是段落主旨句,作者引用Carly Playforth的话为的是进一步说明照顾动物教会孩子们的珍贵东西,比如责任。由此可知,Carly Playforth对这种经历是赞赏的(Appreciative)。4What is the passage mainly about?AKids life on a sold farm.BValuable lessons learned on the farm.CA special club intended for Lexington kids.DA club activity of caring for farm animals.D主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,本文重点介绍的是FCL俱乐部借助一个农场举办的活动让孩子们亲自照顾动物,在这一过程中,孩子们受益匪浅。故D项概括最为全面。.阅读七选五(2019福州质量检测)The holiday season is supposed to be the most festive and fun time of the year,but all those plans and expectations of joy can turn tougher and more stressful than they sound.This is especially true for those of us who struggle with mental illness. 1 Sometimes youre forced to spend time with family you rarely see and dont always get along with.Or you are off from work,with more time to think troubling thoughts.Or you are put into party situations that you dont like.When you have a routine,its easier to manage whatever mental struggles you may face,and when that routine is broken,it can trigger(引发) things you may not be ready to face. 2 It was during the holidays that I hit a low moment and,with the help of my mother,decided to seek help for my eating disorder.During the holidays,I often feel as if I were supposed to be everywhere with everyone. 3 To fight this,Ive developed a mantra(咒语):its not selfish to take time for yourself.Take a walk in nature.Talk to a friend you trust.Sit out one of the holiday gatherings in favor of some personal time. 4 Trying to spend all of your time pleasing everyone else is not only exhaustingits impossible.And you know what? 5 AI know it has for me.BThe holidays break your routine.CThere are many things crowding in your mind.DI will accompany my friends to go wherever they like.EI have the added guilt of knowing its the season of giving.FJust do whatever helps you calm down and gives you a break from the stress.GIf you take a little time for yourself,you will be a much better company for those around you.【语篇解读】本文为说明文。假日季节应该是一年中最愉快和有趣的一段时光,但所有快乐的计划和期待可能变得更艰难、更有压力。1B本空位于段首,是该段的主题句,后面的例子讲的都是平时很少做或不愿意做的事情,因此该段的主题句应该是假期打破了常规,所以答案选B项。2A本空位于该段中间,起承上启下的作用,空处前讲的是有无打破常规的影响,空处后讲的是打破常规对“我”的影响,A项中的it照应上文中的it,指代的是that routine,A项中的me照应下文中的I。3E空前一句讲的是“我”经常感到“我”应该和大家去每一个地方,又根据“its not selfish to take time for yourself”可知“我”没有和大家出去,故空处应表示“我”的愧疚,故E项符合语境,且E项中的giving照应本段最后一句中的not selfish。4F空前内容讲的是怎么放松自己,故F项“只做帮助你平静下来、使你从压力中得到休息的事情”符合语境,所以答案选F项。5G空前内容讲的是把所有时间花在取悦别人上不仅使人筋疲力尽,而且是不可能的,那么该怎么做呢,最后应该是提出建议,故G项“如果能为自己花一些时间,你会更好的陪伴周围的那些人”符合语境。所以答案选G项。.语法填空(2019长沙联考)Since childhood,I 1 (see) action movies starring Bruce Lee and Jackie Chen,and I was always curious to learn the martial arts(武术).2. there is China,there is kung fu.Once I arrived in China,my dream was 3. (learn) tai chi and kung fu and master the techniques of martial arts.After my arrival on campus on the first day,I went for a walk in the early morning.I saw some older people 4. (practise) tai chi slowly.I stopped and watched their movements closely.It attracted me,and the very next day at registration time,I rushed to the teachers office to choose tai chi as my 5 (option) course.The following week I was on the grounds early in the morning with my classmates.The teacher told us that tai chi 6. (favor) for its health benefits.The movement of the body is related 7. the yin and yang forces.The main 8. (rule) that the teacher taught us were attitude,discipline(自律) and balance.I was taking every bit of the training 9 (serious) and trying to maintain my balance,which was a difficult job.However,as the teacher puts 10. ,our attitude,our willingness and our action will make the impossible possible.And I will do.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述的是自己到中国实现自己儿时学习中国功夫的梦想。1have seen考查时态。自孩提时代,“我”一直看李小龙和成龙主演的功夫片。since引出的时间状语常与现在完成时连用。2Where考查连词。本句话其实改编自谚语Where there is a will,there is a way(有志者事竟成)。3to learn考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处作表语,不定式和动名词都可以作表语,但是根据后面的“and master”可知,and连接并列的非谓语动词作表语,master前省略了to,故本空应用不定式。【易错分析】本空考生还容易错填learned/learnt,原因是句子结构分析不透彻,以为这里是被动语态。4practising考查非谓语动词。“我”看见一些老年人正在慢慢地练太极。本句含有“感官动词宾语宾补”结构,宾语some older people与practise是主动关系,且根据后面的“I stopped and watched their movements closely”可知,宾补动作正在发生,故用practise的现在分词形式。5optional考查形容词。“我”选择太极作为选修课。空处作定语,修饰名词course,故用形容词optional“可选择的,非强制的”。6is favored考查时态和语态。tai chi与favor“偏爱,喜爱”是被动关系,故此处用被动语态。虽然主句用了一般过去时,但是根据语境可知,宾语从句描述的是客观事实,故从句用一般现在时。下一句的时态也是暗示。7to考查介词。be related to.“与有关”,是固定搭配,故填介词to。8rules考查名词。老师教给我们的主要规则是态度、自律和平衡。空处显然要填名词,但是部分考生一看到前面的“The main”,就以为空处要填单数名词,却忽略了后面的谓语动词是were,所以主语要用名词的复数。9seriously考查副词。修饰动词用副词,take.seriously“认真对待”。10it考查代词。as sb.puts it是常用句型,意为“正如某人所说的一样”。.短文改错(2019湖北七市联考)My name is Lisa,one of you great friends.Glad to see youve made rapid progresses in learning Chinese but I am writing to tell you about our next lesson.The lesson will be gave from 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon of March 20th in Classroom 301In the class,what you will mainly learn is Tang Poetry,deep loved by Ch


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