外研社版小学英语第七册 Module2 Unit1Chinatown in America教学设计_第1页
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基本信息课题外研社版新课标六年级英语第七册Module2Unit1 Chinatown in America教材分析This unit is about the Chinatown in America, by learning it, Ss can have got some ideas of its appearance and its internal condition. At the same time, require students master the key words and sentence patterns in this unit,such as: the sentece patterns- “there is”、 “it is”. Its also an important point in the module,and it lays a good foundation for their learning.学情分析Ss in grade 6 have studied English at least more than 3 years and theyve had certain skills in English. They are eager to learn, earger to show. They own the ability to complete tasks by cooperating with each other. But their attention can bu scattered easily. They also cannot commendably link the knowledge they have learnt together. 教学目标1. Knowledge objects: (1). Enable the students to master the following new words and phrases:miss, sometimes, really, besides,. (2). Get the students to be familiar with the sentence patterns: There is/areon/in/under/near2. Ability object: The students can use the new words and sentence patterns to express their thoughts in real situation.3. Emotional objects: (1). Arouse the students interest in learning English while they are playing games or doing activities. (2). Inspire students patriotism (3).The students can have some ideas of “Chinatown”.教学重点和难点1. Key point: The study of new words and the sentences patterns.2. Difficult points: The students can use the words and sentence patterns in the proper scene, and make simple dialogues.教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生行为设计意图Step1. Warm-upStep 2. PresentationShow the students some pictures of the Chinatown in New York, let they guess where it is. Ask them, such as “Do you know what it is?”、 “Do you think it is beautiful?”、 “Where is it ?” And describe the picures in English as possible as they can.Task one: Ss listen to the tape recorder, and circle the new words in the text, learn the words through “taking the train” game.Task two: Listen to the recorder again with the following question, and line under “there is/are ”,the sentence patterns “there is/are”will be learned through the test and sentences. “Whats Daming doing?, “Does he miss China?”, “Where is he going to tomorrow?”, “Where is Chinatown?”, “Whats in Chinatown?”Task three: Role play. Ss listen to the tape recorder and read after it (try his/her best to imitate the intonation and pronouncation). Then ask several groups to act the dialogues out.Ss answerSs look and listen,and answer the questions. And learen the sentence patterns and its usage. And make some sentences with “there is/are.”.arouse the Ss interest of study, and at the same time the topic of this lesson is led naturally.present the new words and sentences patterns through the tasks. make Ss improve their positive attitude of study, and master the konwledge actively. And let Ss get further understanding of the dialogues.Step3. PracticeActivity1: play a “Bomb game” to review the new words in an interesting way.Activity 2: Do a pair work to complete a guessing game. They must use the sentence patterns: There is/areSs review the new words, and use the sentence patterns in supposed situation.push Ss to consolidate the new words and sentences patterns, improve their confidence of study, and make the class active.Step4. ConsolidationDivide the class into 3 groups. Every group choose one picture on the book to describe it with “there is/are”. Which group do a good job can get a star.consolidate the key points, the sentence patterns“there is/are”.Express the theory “the Ss are the master in the class”in the New Curriculum Standard, and test how much Ss have mastered.Step5. HomeworkIntroduce a city you visited before to your classmates.Consolidate the sentences patterns and its usage, and improve the Ss ability of speak.板书设计Module2 Unit1 Chinatown in America Key words:miss, sometimes, really, besides Sentences patterns: There is/are教学反思课是新标准英语第七册第二模块第一单元的内容,重点是让学生了解There is / There are的区别和用法。本篇课文要学习Chinatown(唐人街)。我在教学的过程中并不是一味的讲解课文知识,而是将Chinatown 的背景知识给学生一一做了介绍,并展示出一些真实的Chinatown(唐人街)的图片,让学生们对Chinatown(唐人街)有了真切的感受,明白Chinatown(唐人街)是将中国文化传播到国外的一个途径。有了背景的知识的了解,再巧妙的过渡到今天所要学习的新知难点让学生轻松的过关,运用“There is There are”来进行描述就不成其为难点。在课堂教学渗透人和思想,通过抓住教材与人和教育的切入点,进行教学。通过句子训练,不仅对学生的综合语言运用能力进行了训练,而且很自然地由学生运用引出了本课的重点和难点,为课文的学习和运用做好了准备。我在教课文时由浅入深,突破重难点。我在英语教学中课文的听读通常是这样安排的:听第一遍,了解课文大概内容,找出新单词和重点句子;听第二遍,跟录音读课文;听第三遍,再读课文,理解课文含义,并根据课文回答问题。在学习课文时根据具体内容进行适当的调整,这种由易到难的听读训练,长期坚持下去,学生就能养成良好的学习习惯。学生


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