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2张CAD图纸和说明书 重型 卸车 设计 底盘 cad 图纸 以及 说明书 仿单
大学毕业设计(论文)开题报告(学生填表)学院: 车辆与动力工程学院 2013年 4 月10 日课题名称重型自卸汽车设计(底盘设计)学生姓名专业班级课题类型工程设计指导教师职称课题来源结合生产1. 设计(或研究)的依据与意义 从我国重型汽车发展来看,20世纪60年代至80年代是非常缓慢的。改革开放以后,通过走引进和自主研发相结合的道路,我国汽车工业“缺重”的局面逐步得到改观。但由于各方面因素的影响,重型汽车市场一直处于低迷徘徊的态势。直至1998年之后,在中、轻型货车市场一路下滑时,重型销量却有了可喜的回升。此后,在国家连续几年加大投资,实行积极的财政政策等一系列宏观调控措施的带动下,重货市场呈逐年走高态势,并进入全面发展时期,全局性增长成为目前重货市场的显著特性。从分车型的销售态势上看,重货继续保持去年以来的超高速增长,当月销量已经超过中型载货车,成为一个历史的转折点。随着国内基础设施建设需要的不断增加,自卸车产量近年来一直保持较高产销量,在专用车综合产量中保持第一位置,但在种类、型式、材料运用方面与国外还有一定的差距。自卸车的快速增长主要原因是固定资产投资强劲增长,巨大的投资规模奠定了自卸车市场需求基础;自卸车品种增加,不仅适应和满足施工需求,同时向运输市场发展;国家经济的快速发展,带动了相关行业的快速发展,巨大的资源消耗,成为我国重型车和重型专用车发展的原动力。我国重型汽车市场继续保持着高速发展的状态,重型汽车市场发展速度大大超过其他车型的增长速度。目前,市场强劲的增长势头尚未减弱迹象。促进重型汽车市场的主要原因;1. 积极的财政政策继续为国民经济发展提供了宽松的财政金融环境,融资和信贷更加便利,扩大了人们的资金来源。2. 国民经济保持了较高的发展速度,去年前6个月达到9.6%,公路运输业快速发展,西部大开发,基础设施建设,房产业的繁荣进一步扩大了对重型汽车的需求。3. 治理超限超载运输和严厉打击走私,取缔非法拼装车的政策措施促进了重型汽车市场的健康发展。4. 主要重型汽车生产企业以市为导向,开发出一批适销对路的产品,带动了重型汽车市场的快速发展。综上:大力发展重型自卸车产业,抢先发展重型自卸汽车能为公司及行业发展赢得好的效益和发展先机。 2. 国内外同类设计(或同类研究)的概况综述底盘作用是支承、安装汽车及其各部件、总成,形成汽车的整体造型,并接受发动机的动力,是汽车产生运动,保证其正常行驶。重型自卸汽车的技术含量主要体现在底盘的技术上,车辆的动力性能、操纵性能、安全性以至于可靠性等技术性能的优劣,都毫无例外地取决于其底盘各总成、各主要结构要素的性能及其合理的配置选择。底盘设计得好坏对汽车的整车性能有着至关重要的影响。国外的重型自卸汽车底盘技术走在了行业的前沿,无论是四个系统的总体布置,还是具体到每个总成设计都有一个成熟的开发,以及如何降低底盘的重量和耗材和功能实现最大化方面等都有一套先进的理论。国外重型自卸汽车几乎全部用柴油发动机作为动力,近年来天然气、液化石油气等清洁燃料发动机也取得了较快的发展。国外重型自卸汽车大多采用手动变速器 (由液力耦合器、变扭器与行星齿轮组成,或采用电脑程控的自动变速器),主要是为了减轻驾驶员的劳动强度,增强汽车启动和变速时的平顺性。底盘制动系统多为前后鼓式,除了采用双管路制动外,ABS、涡流缓速器、制动蹄自动调隙装置等均属于标准配置。国内的重型自卸汽车底盘总布置则比较落后,基本上是借鉴国外已有的技术。目前国内生产的各类重型自卸汽车中,80%以上是在普通载货车底盘的基础上改装而成的。国内基本上没有一家专业生产专用汽车底盘的企业,这一现状已经极大地制约了我国重型自卸汽车的发展。因此国内重型自卸汽车厂对于这一现象应给予充分重视,要专门开发适应市场需求的重型自卸汽车底盘。如何研制满足用户及市场需求的重型自卸车底盘,应从以下几方面考虑: 第一,与重型自卸车厂家进行改装方面的技术交流,了解上装部分的专用性能要求、技术要求,开发满足专用要求的底盘。 第二,充分了解重型自卸车使用环境及工况,对某些部件进行相应改进,以适应特定的环境及工况。 第三,召集行业内有影响力的重型自卸车企业及用户进行技术交流,广泛听取各方面的意见及要求,开发或不断改进重型自卸车底盘。 第四,密切关注发达国家重型自卸车的发展动向,结合国际、国内市场的需求趋势,开发高技术、高附加值重型自卸汽车底盘,填补国内空白并抢占国际市场。3. 课题设计(或研究)的内容1. 重型自卸汽车总体布置设计,全组确定总体方案,并进行讨论,分析方案的可行性,(设计计算)绘制装配图以及主要的零部件工作图。2. 根据之前的计算进行校核,并结合所绘制的图纸,参阅相关文献资料,撰写设计说明书。3. 完成外文翻译4. 设计(或研究)方法1. 调研,搜集、分析资料,确立并论证方案;2. 类比法,参照同类车型,初选总体布置设计基本参数;3. 实物参观,测量;4. 对可行性方案进行理论计算。校核设计零件,使设计满足使用要求;5. 计算机辅助设计,绘制主要零部件图纸设计。5. 实施计划 2周 调研,搜集、分析资料,明确具体任务,制定方案,撰写开题报告。 2周 完成整车动力性和经济性计算,底盘布置总图。 4周 完成底盘总图及零、部件图设计。 2周 编写设计说明书和翻译。星期五最后交卷。 1周 审核、互审评阅。 1周 答辩,评定成绩。指导教师意见指导教师签字: 年 月 日教研室意见教研室主任签字: 年 月 日车辆与动力工程学院毕业设计说明书重型自卸车设计(底盘设计)摘要此次设计的非公路自卸车适应于多种特定用途,是土方运输和各种露天矿剥岩、沙土运输的经济、高效、低耗的运输设备。该车具有为适应重载工况而特殊设计的悬挂系统、加强型宽体驱动桥、14.00-24型宽大工程轮胎,使该车具有超强承载能力,同时提供了超强的附着能力,保证了车辆的制动稳定性和良好的通过性,采用了大速比工程驱动桥,其输出转矩比同功率公路车大30%以上,爬坡能力强劲,重载起步顺畅。本说明书主要是对KD6400整车总体布置做了一个详细的说明,其中包括整车主要尺寸(长*宽*高),前后轴距,轮距,轴荷分配的选择和计算以及各总成(发动机,传动系)的主要参数的选择。特别对整车的动力性和经济性做了比较全面而细致的分析和计算,对动力性分析时,分别作出了驱动力行驶阻力平衡图,动力特性图,功率平衡图。求出汽车的最大速度,另外也对汽车在不同的路面上行驶时,分别计算出了其最大爬坡度,并根据加速度倒数曲线求出汽车的加速时间,估算了该车的加速性能。在计算汽车的经济性时,根据发动机万有特性曲线,作出了9挡时的燃油消耗曲线,同时计算得整车的百公里燃油消耗量。通过计算结果显示,此汽车在动力性和经济性方面满足了设计任务书的要求。另外本文也对汽车的稳定性和最小转弯半径做了计算和分析,并根据经验估算出了空载和满载时汽车的质心位置以及轴荷分配。关键词:承载能力,附着能力,制动稳定性,通过性,动力性,经济性VDESIGN OF HEAVE DUTY DUMP (CHASSIS DESIGN)ABSTRACThe non highway heavy-duty dump truck of this design can adapt many kinds of given purpose.It is an economical,efficient and low useful conveyance for hillock transport,sand transport and all kind of outdoor mineral.It has especially desingned suspension system,strengthen widen project driving axle and 14-24type big wide project tales,this cause the truck possess preeminent bearing,at the same time ,this kind of tale can cause big climbing force,assuring the truck has brake stability and good transition.It is counted high rate riving axle,its output torque is 30 point bigger than the road vehicle which are at the same power.This book mainly give an expatiation about the vehicle general layout of the heavy dumper KD6400,including the vehicle dimensions(long*wide*high),the distribution of axle load in front and back ,the choice and calculation about the main parameter of the vehicles main components(engine,transmission)and so on.Especially in the dynamic property and economic performance,we give an overall and meticulo us analysis and calculation .In the dynamic property ,we made the driving force-road resistance equilibrium diagram,the dynamic factor diagram and the power balance diagram.From those diagram,we can get the maximum speed.We also calculated the maximum grade ability at different road ,according the acceleration curve:we can get the accelerating ability.According to the engine-cross sectional characteristic diagram,we made the fule consumption of 100km. In fact,the vehicles main parameters all come to the misson book request.Morever ,we made an anlysis and calculation of the stability and minimum turning radius and estimated the distribution of axle load when there is no load and full load and the position of the vehicles center of mass.Key words:carrying capacity, adhesive ability, braking stability, trafficability characteristic, power performance, economical efficiency.目 录第一章 前言.1第二章 参考车型技术数据.3第三章 汽车主要技术参数的确定.43.1 汽车主要尺寸的确定.43.2 汽车质量参数的确定.53.3 发动机主要参数.63.4 轮胎的选择.73.5 传动比的选取.73.6 最大传动比的选取.83.7 变速器各挡传动比.9第四章 轴荷分配及质心位置的计算.104.1 水平静止时的轴荷分配及质心位置的计算.104.2 汽车行驶时的轴荷分配的计算.124.3 汽车制动时的轴荷分配的计算.13第五章 稳定性计算.145.1 纵向稳定性.145.2 横向稳定性.145.3 最小转弯半径的计算.145.4 在横向坡上转向时的稳定性.15第六章 汽车动力性计算.166.1 汽车各挡速度的计算166.2 汽车各挡驱动力的计算166.3 汽车空气阻力的计算176.4 滚动阻力系数的计算186.5 汽车行驶时动力因数D的计算.196.6 各挡牵引功率Pe的计算.196.7 阻力功率的计算206.8 汽车加速度的计算216.9 加速度倒数的计算226.10 汽车爬坡度的计算22第七章 汽车的燃油经济性.24第八章 结论26参考文献.27致谢.28 The English InstructionDump TruckA dump truck or production truck is a truck used for transporting loose material(such as sand,gravel or dirt)for construction.A typical dump truck is equipped with a hydraulically operated open-box bed hinged at the rear,the front of which can be lifted up to allow the contents to be deposited on the ground behind the truck at the site of delivery.In the UK the term applies to off-road construction plant only and the road vehicle is known as a tipper.A standard dump truck is a full truck chassis with a dump body mounted to the frame.The dump body is raised by a hydraulic ram mounted forward of the front bulkhead,between the truck cab(traction unit)and the dump body (semi-trailer).The tailgate can be configured to swing on hinges or it can be configured in the “High Lift Tailgate” format where in pneumatic rams lift the gate open and up above the dump body.A standard dump truck has one front axle and one or more rear axles which typically have dual wheels on each side.Common configuration for a standard dump truck include the six wheeler which has one rear axle,the ten wheeler with two rear axles and the tri-axle with three rear axles.These are mainly found in inner cities and in the Deep South. The short wheelbase of a standard dump truck makes it more maneuverable than the higher capacity semi-trailer dump trucks.Off-road dump trucks more closely resemble heavy construction equipment or engineering vehicles than they do highway dump trucks.They are used strictly off-road for mining and heavy dirt hauling jobs.The term DumpTruck is not generally used by the mining industry or by the manufactures that build these machines.The more appropriate US term for this strictly off road vehicle is Haultruck.The classification bottom and side for example,describing how the loaded material is discharged once loaded.In the case of the Haul truck illustrated,a Liebherr T 282B the load is discharged to the rear,designing this particular vehicle as an end dump.Bottom dump normally describes a trailer that discharges its load by opening two clam shell doors under the load space,in some examples several trailers(road train)are pulled by one truck mainly these are on road machines.The only remaining example of what is described as a unitized bottom dump coal hauler is manufactured by Kress Corporation.This large capacity truck is used for the transportation of coal from a loading device directly to a power station or bulk storage area.Many winter service vehicle units are based on dump trucks to allow the placement of ballast to weigh the truck down or to hold salt for spreading on the road.A semi end dump is a tractor-trailer combination where in the trailer itself contains the hydraulic hoist.A typical semi end dump has a 3-axle tractor pulling a 2-axle semi-trailer.The key advantage of a semi end dump is rapid unloading.A key disadvantage is that they are very unstable when raised in the dumping position limiting their use in many applications where the dumping location is uneven or off level.Both the tractor and the automobile are complex self-propelled machines consisting of separate interacting machanisms and units that can be combined into certain groups.The arrangement of the main component parts of the tractor is shown in Fig.2.Irrespective of particular design features,all tractors consist of engine,drive line,running gear,steering mechanism,working attachments and auxiliary equipment.The drive line comprise a set of mechanisms which transmit the torque developed by the engine to the driving wheels or tracks and change the driving torque both in magnitude and direction,The drive line includes the cluth,flexible coupling,transmission and rear axle.The cluth serves to disconnect the engine shaft from the transmission for a short period of time while the drivers is shifting gears and also to connect smoothly the flow of power from the engine to the driving wheels or tracks when starting the tractor from rest.The flexible coupling incorporates elastic elements allowing connecting the cluth shaft and the transmission drive shaft with a slight misalignmentThe transmission makes it possible to change the tractor by engaging different pairs of gears.With the direction of rotation of the engine shaft remaining the same,the transmission enables the tractor to be put in reverse.The rear-axle mechanisms increase the driving torque and transmit it to the driving wheel or tracks at right angles to the drive shaft.In most tractors,the rear also comprises brakes.In the wheeled tractor,as distinct from its crawler counterpart,the drive line includes the differential which enzbles the wheels to revolve with different speeds when making turns or running over ragged terrain at which time the lefthand and righthand wheels must travel different distance during one and the same time.The steering mechanism serves to change the direction of movement of the tractor by turing its front wheels of by varying the speed of one of the tracks.The working attachment of the tractor are used to utilize the useful power of the tractor engine for various farm tasks.They include the power take off shaft,drawbar,implement-attaching system and belt pulley.The tractor auxiliaries include the drivers cab with a spring-mounted seat and heating and ventilation equipment,hood,lighting equipment,tell tales horns etc.The arrangement and purpose of the main component parts of the automobile are in principle the same as those of the wheeled tractor.In the automobile,the drive line,running gear,steering mechanism and brakeing system are referred to collectively as the chasis.The steering mechanism serves to change the direction of traveled the braking system to slow down the running speed of the automobile or to stop it.The auxiliaries of the automobile include winch,cab heating and ventilation equipment,hitch bar,etc.The automobile and its engine are controlled and the operation of their mechanisms monitored by means of controls and instrucments located in the cab fort of the drivers seat.To start the engine and control its operation,use is made of throttle pedal,radiator shutter control handle,choke button,ignition/starter switch and throttle hand lever.The ignition/start switch is operated by a key which may be placed in one of the following four positions:central position-all current consumers are switched off:first position clockwise-ignition is switched on;first position counter clock wise it is possible to actuate the horn,windshield wiper and heater blower with the ignition circuit switched off.Before starting the engine,it is necessary to check the radiator coolant level,the engine crankcase oil level and the fule level in the fuel tank.To start a warm engine,place gear shift lever in neutral and switch on ignition and the starter motor by turning the ignition key clockwise as far as it will go.To start a cold engine,it is recommended to do the following.Pump up gasoline by using the fule pump hand primer,Close the carburetor choke by pulling chock button outward full distance,Place the gear shift lever in neutral.Disengage the floor,which will decrease drag on the engine and thus ease the operation of the starter motor for in this case the transmission gears will not revolve in thickensed oil during starting.Switch on ignition and the starter motor by turning the ignition key fully clockwise;limit the time the start motor is energized to 5 second.Once the engine has started,switch off the starter motor by releasing the ignition key,open the chock by pushing its button inward one-half its full stroke,increase some what the speed by slightly depressing accelerator pedal and then engage the clutch by releasing its pedal.An engine in good rapair usually can be easily started,if the engine has first or second attempt.In the case of a false start,wait at least 30 second before attempting another start.If the engine has failed to start after the third attempt,check the ignition and fule systems.If the trouble is with the start motor or if the battery is discharged,the engine can be cranked up by your hand.When cranking up ,dont grasp the crank handle,but keep your fingers on its one side only,so that the hand may not get hurt if the wngine kicks back.Before starting the engine in low-temperature conditions,shut off the oil cooler,fill the cooling system with hot water and the engine crankcase with hot oil or use the starting preheated.Prior to turning on the ignition switch,close the radiator shutter by pulling handle out ward full distance and crank the engine three to five revolutions with the crank handle.Then perform all the rest operations as recommended for starting the cold engine.Automobile controls include clutch pedal,brake pedal,throttle pedal,steering wheel,gear shift lever and parking brake lever.Before starting to drive,warm up the engine at a moderate speed until the coolant temperature reachs 60.As the engine gets warmer,gradually open the choke and decrease the engine speed with the choke fully open.Read the dashboard instruments to check on the operation of the engine.To monitor the operation of engine and the automobile itself,use is made of the following instruments and indicator mounted on the instrument panel in front of the drivers seat:temperature gauge and temperature warning lamp and oil pressure gauge.Signaling is effected by means of horn button and turn signal switch handle downwards causes the left-hand side of the steering column.Turning the directional signal switch handle downwards causes the left-hand side and tail lights to flash,thus gibing indication of a left turn and turning it upwards actuates the right-hand side and tail lights to indicate a right turns.Whenever either of the turn signal light is switch on turn signal indicator lamp on the instrucment panel starts flashing.The turn signal lights are switched off automatically when the automobile is straightened after turning.On the left-hand side of the cab floor there is dimmer switch which is used to switch over the head lights from high to low beam and vice versa.Main light switch has three position:1.all lights are off;2.side lights,license plate light,tail maker lights and instrument panel light are switched on;3.side lights,head lights,tail mark lights,instrument panel light and license plate light and license plate lights are switched on.Mounted on the instrument panel are windshield wiper and heater blower switches blower are switched on by turning their respective switches clockwise.The wiper switch has three positions;off,slow and fast.That of the heater blower also has three position:off ,low air delivery and high air delivery.Mounted under the instrucment panel are radiation shutter control handle and hood catch handle.Pulling back on handle will close the radiator shutter and pulling back on handle will release the hood catch.There are also two circuits.Breaker button,cowl ventilator handle and ventilator air intake control handle.With handle in the extreme left-hand position,the cowl ventilator is fully open and with the handle in the extreme right-hand position,the air intake door is fully open and when the handle is in the extreme right-hand position,it is fully closed.1The last component in the drive train is the axle in a rear wheel drive car axle is in the rear.Engine power is transmitted from the transmission to the axle via the drive shaft.The drive shaft is basically a metal tuber with joints on each end called universal joints.These joints allow the tube to move in relation to the suspension and keep powers flowing to the real.In front wheel drive cars the axle is integrated into the transmission thus the term transaxle.2. The drive shaft or propeller shaft,connects the transmission output shaft to the differential pinion shaft.Since all roads are not perfectly smooth and the transmission is fixed,the drive shaft has to be flexible to absorb the shock of bumps on the road.Universal or “U-joints”allow the drive shaft to flex(and stop it from breaking)when the drive angle changes.3. Drive shafts are usually hollow in order to weigh less,but of a large diameter so that they are strong.High quality steel and sometimes aluminum are used in the manufacture of the drive shaft.The shaft must be quite straight and balanced to avoid vibrating.Since it usually turns at engine speeds,a lot of damage can be caused if the shaft is unbalanaced or bent.Damage can also be caused if the U-joints are worn out.Most power steering systems work by using a hydraulic system to rotate the vehicles wheel.The hydraulic pressure is usually provided by a gerotor or rotary vane pump driven by the vehicles engine.A double-acting hydraulic cylinder applies a force to the steering mechanism,which in turn applies a torque to the wheels.The flow to the cylinder is countrolled by valves by the steering wheel.There are several common valve.This is done so that the position of the steering wheel corresponds to the position of the vehicles wheels.As the pumps employed are of the positive displacement type,the flow rate they deliver is directly proportional to the speed of the engine. This means that at high engine speeds the steering would naturally operate faster than at low engine speeds .Because this would be undersirable,a restricting orifice and flow control valve are used to direct some of the pumps output back to the hydraulic reservoir at high engine speeds.A pressure when the hydraulic cylinders piston reaches the end of the cylinder.Some modern implementations also include an electronic pressure relief valve which can reduce the hydraulic pressure in the power steering lines as the vehicles speed increase(this is known as variable assist power steering). 英文翻译自卸汽车一辆自卸车或者生产用自卸车是用来运输建筑用的散料(例如:沙、砾石和垃圾)的汽车。专用自卸车要求后面有液压倾斜的货箱,它的前部可以被举起让货物堆放在送货的汽车后面。在英国,这种汽车只允许在非公路场地用,并且公路车被认为是自卸车。标准自卸车是在车架上安装了自卸车箱的整车底盘。车厢被安装在舱壁前面的液压缸举起,液压缸位于驾驶室(牵引单元)和车厢(挂车)之间。标准的自卸车有一个前桥、一个或者更多每边都有双后轮的典型后桥,两个后桥十个车轮,并且四车轴有三个后桥。这些主要在中部城市和南方见到。短轴距的标准自卸车比更高的储存容量半挂车自卸车更具机动性。非公路自卸车比公路用车更接近与建设设备或工程汽车。它们被严格要求运用于采矿和非公路的重型场合。自卸车并不经常被用于采矿业和建筑业。在大部分的美国,这种严格意义上的非公路汽车是转运卡车,例如它典型的地步和侧面,介绍了当被装上后的材料是如何被卸载的。在转运卡车的车厢的说明里,利勃海尔T282b货车货物时卸载到后方的,指定这个特别的车辆作为年转运卡车。有一些例子,几个拖车(公路列车)是由一辆在道路上行走的卡车牵引。剩下的唯一的例子是被形容为组合煤车hauler是由kress公司制造的。这个大容量的卡车是用来从一个加载装置直接向电力站或散装储存区运输煤炭的。许多冬季服务车辆单位的基础是自卸卡车,通过布置压载物来增加卡车的重量或将盐散布在道路上。一个半挂自卸车是一个拖拉机与挂车的组合,其中拖车本身包含液压启闭机。一个典型的半挂自卸车有一个3轴拖拉机牵引2轴半挂车。关键的优势是一个半挂自卸车可快速的卸载。一个关键的缺点是它们在倾卸货物时很不稳定,这限制了它在许多场合的应用,如倾卸的场地是不平的。拖拉机和汽车都是复杂的自动行走机器,它由不同的相互作用的机械装置和设备组成,从而形成一定的组合,拖拉机主要由以下部分组成,不考虑专门的设计特征,所有的拖拉机是由发动机,驱动机构,汽车传动,转向和悬架装置机构,转向装置,工作附件,辅助设备。发动机使热能转变为机械能。驱动机构由一套机械装置组成,它们能传递由发动机曲轴输出的扭矩并能在大小和方向上改变转动扭矩。驱动机构包括离合器、柔性连机器、变速器和后轮轴。离合器的作用是使当司机换挡时使发动机曲轴短时间内脱离变速器,同时也是在启动拖拉机是自如的将能量从发动机传到驱动轮上。柔性联轴节把弹性元件离合器轴和功率传动轴连接在一起,并允许它们有轻微的同轴度。变速器通过啮合多对齿轮来改变驱动扭矩和拖拉机的行驶速度,为了发动机曲轴方向自动保持一致,变速器能帮助拖拉机倒车。后轮装置可以提高行驶扭矩并能以合适的角度改变扭矩,在大多数的拖拉机中,后驱动桥由制动器组成,高速拖拉机与低速拖拉机的区别是驱动机构,包括差速器,能使车轮在转弯时或崎岖的山路上以不同的角速度转动。在一定的时间或相同的时间内左右车轮可以行驶不同的距离。汽车的运转,转向和悬架机构是拖拉机行走的需要,车轮的转动与地面有关。转向装置用于通过转变前轮或改变速度从而改变拖拉机的转动方向。工作附件是利用拖拉机的发动机的可用能量来完成不同的农业工作,它们包括动力输出轴、拉杆、推动装置和皮带轮。拖拉机的辅助系统包括驾驶室的弹性座椅
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