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2019版高考英语一轮复习Unit16Stories单元检测B-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练北师大版选修6(2018东北育才学校模拟)On Sunday, Samuel Flores noticed a dog standing on the pavement carefully watching over the _1_ body of another dog. He called the local animal rescue association for _2_ and was soon joined by the organizations founder Julie Fennell. Fennell _3_ approached the dog. _4_ he initially resisted, the dog appeared to _5_ they were trying to help and finally agreed to get into Fennells car. _6_, even as Fennell was taking him to the _7_, he kept looking through the window toward where his companion had been _8_. The poor dog, of course, had no idea that the team had _9_ his dead friend as well.Since the dog did not have a collar or planted microchip, it took some time for the rescue shelter to locate its _10_. At the same time, though, _11_ the moving picture of the dog _12_ his friend that Flores posted on his social media pages, the animal shelter was flooded with _13_ from people wishing to adopt the _14_ dog.Fortunately, they were able to locate its _15_ owners who had been searching for these two dogs, Brian and Marley. Fennell says that _16_ the trail of blood on the road, Marley had most likely been hit by a car. She believes that Brian had not only dragged his friend to the _17_, but also, patiently stood guard for almost six hours.Though Brian has been _18_ with his owners, the shelter has many dogs that are _19_ looking for good homes. The shelters officials hope that this story will _20_ more people to adopt these animals.1A.relaxedBlifelessCdisabled Dpowerful解析:选B根据本段末尾的“dead friend”可知这只小狗的同伴已经去世,故它在认真守护着的是一具“无生命的(lifeless)”尸体。2A.help BadviceCadoption Dinformation解析:选A根据该空后的“joined by the organizations founder”可知,Samuel给动物收容所打电话是为了寻求“帮助(help)”。3A.eagerly BbravelyCcautiously Dnervously解析:选C接近不熟悉的动物时要“谨慎(cautiously)”,这是常识,专业人员当然不会不知道。4A.If BWhenCBecause DThough解析:选D最初的“反抗”和最后的“同意上车”之间是转折关系,故此处填转折连词Though。5A.expect BrealizeCwonder Dimagine解析:选B根据该空后面的“finally agreed to get into Fennells car”可以推知,小狗好像“意识到(realize)”他们在尽力帮它。6A.However BThereforeCMoreover DOtherwise解析:选A小狗最后同意上车了,“然而(However)”,当汽车离去时,它一直透过窗户看同伴所在的地方。7A.car BhomeCshelter Dhospital解析:选C根据下文中的“it took some time for the rescue shelter to locate its .”可知小狗被送到了动物“收容所(shelter)”。8A.lying BwatchingCsleeping Dstanding解析:选A小狗的同伴已经去世了,所以应该是“躺(lying)”在那里。9A.picked up Bgone afterCsent away Dthrown away解析:选A根据本句最后的“as well”可知,死去的小狗也被“捡起来了(picked up)”。10A.buyers BfriendsCowners Dfounders解析:选C因为没有项圈和植入的微芯片,找到小狗的“主人(owners)”花了不少时间。下文中的“owners who had been searching for these two dogs”也给出了提示。11A.as to Bthanks toCexcept for Dregardless of解析:选B“因为(thanks to)”小狗的照片被贴到了社交网站上,所以许多人才能看到并希望领养这只小狗。12A.pulling BfollowingCsaving Dguarding解析:选D根据上文的“a dog standing on the pavement carefully watching over the _ body of another dog”可知,这是一张关于小狗“守护(guarding)”朋友的照片。13A.food BmoneyCcalls Dcomments解析:选CFlores把小狗守护同伴的照片贴到社交网站后,动物收容所接到无数想要领养小狗的人们打来的“电话(calls)”。14A.sick BloyalCinjured Dlucky解析:选B由上文的“carefully watching over”以及下一段末尾的“patiently stood guard for almost six hours”可知这是一只“忠诚的(loyal)”小狗。15A.busy BangryCtired Dworried解析:选D根据该空后面的“had been searching for these two dogs”可推知,小狗的主人很“着急(worried)”。16A.relying on Blooking forCjudging from Ddiscussing about解析:选CMarley可能是被一辆车撞了的事实是通过路面上的血迹“判断(judging from)”出来的。17A.side BgroundCgate Droad解析:选A根据上文中的“a dog standing on the pavement”可推知,小狗Brian把朋友拖到了“路边(side)”并耐心守护近六个小时。18A.connected BtrainedCcompared Dreunited解析:选D解析见下题。19A.never BstillCeven Dever解析:选B尽管Brian已经和他的主人“团聚(reunited)”了,但收容所还有许多狗“仍然(still)”在寻找好的归宿。20A.allow BadviseCforce Dencourage解析:选D动物收容所的官员希望这则故事能“鼓励(encourage)”更多人领养这些可爱的动物。失分题型强化练.语法填空You may have difficulty holding back your negative emotions if you are hurt by someone deeply. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly _1_ (benefit) to your physical and mental health. So far, research _2_ (show) that people who forgive can have more energy, better appetite and better sleep. In addition, they tend to show _3_ (little) anger and more hopefulness. As a result, it makes it possible for them _4_ (reduce) the tiredness out of the immune system and allows people to feel more energetic.Calm down first if you feel hurt. Take a couple of _5_ (breath) and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love. Dont wait for an _6_ (apologize). Many times the person _7_ has hurt you may never think of apologizing. They may just see things in different ways. So if you wait for people to say sorry, you could be waiting for _8_ very long time.Next keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean _9_ (accept) the action of the person who has upset you. Mentally going over your hurt gives power to the person who brought you pain. Instead, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Finally, try to see things _10_ the other persons point of view.语篇解读:如果有人伤害了你,不要等待别人来主动道歉,而学会原谅别人,这样不仅可以改善人际关系,而且对自己的身心健康也有好处。1beneficial考查词性转换。句意:然而,原谅是可能的,并且原谅会对你的身心健康出奇地有益。设空处作be的表语,且有副词surprisingly修饰,应用形容词,故填beneficial。2has shown考查动词的时态。句意:到目前为止,研究显示原谅别人的人会有更多的精力、更好的胃口和更好的睡眠。根据时间状语So far可知,此处强调对现在的影响,应用现在完成时。故填has shown。3less考查形容词比较级。句意:另外,他们倾向于表现出更少的愤怒和更多的希望。and连接两个并列成分,根据空后的more可知,此处应用比较级。little的比较级为less。4to reduce考查非谓语动词。句意:因此,它使他们减少免疫系统的劳累成为可能,并让人们感到精力更加充沛。此处为“makeitadj.不定式”结构,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语。故填to reduce。5breaths考查名词单复数。句意:吸几口气,想想带给你快乐的事情:大自然中的美景或是你爱的某个人。take a breath为固定搭配,意为“吸一口气”,其中breath作“吸气量;一口气”讲时,为可数名词,空前有a couple of修饰,因此此处应用复数形式。故填breaths。6apology考查词性转换。句意:不要等待道歉。设空处前有不定冠词an修饰,应用名词形式。故填apology。7who/that考查定语从句。句意:多次伤害你的人可能永远不会考虑道歉。设空处引导定语从句,先行词为the person,且在从句中作主语,指人,故用who或that引导定语从句。8a考查冠词。句意:因此,如果你等待人们来道歉,你可能要等很长一段时间。此处泛指“很长一段时间”,应填不定冠词a。9accepting考查非谓语动词。句意:接下来要记住原谅并不一定意味着要接受使你心烦意乱的那个人的行为。根据句意,mean在此意为“意味着”,其后应接动名词作宾语。故填accepting。10from考查介词。句意:最后,尽量从别人的角度看待事情。from ones point of view为固定搭配,意为“从某人的观点来说”,故填from。.短文改错(2018南昌调研)Ehongbao is actual a kind of lucky money from and to relatives or friends during festivals or


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