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工程管理专业英语,Specialized English for Construction Management,Lectured by Yiyi Mo 主讲:莫懿懿 Email:myy_11 Tel本课程学习目的,通过该课程的学习,要求学生完成100,000单词的阅读量, 掌握或熟悉1000个工程管理常用专业词汇, 达到每小时250单词的英译中速度, 具备工程管理科技论文的译/写能力, 初步具备专业英语的对话能力, 为毕业设计的专业阅读和以后从事科学研究及工程打下坚实的基础。,什么是专业英语?,普通英语 (Common or Ordinal English) 通用、普遍的基础词汇以及听说读写 科技英语 (English for Science and Technology) 专业英语 (English for Special Science and Technology) 隶属于科技英语 是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念、理论与事实为主要目的。遵守科技英语的语法体系和翻译方法,特别注意客观事实和真理,表达准确(accuracy)、精炼(conciseness)和正式(formal)。 是结合各自专业的科技英语 有很强的专业性、涉及的面更加狭窄,与专业内容配合更为密切。 专业英语与科技英语既有区别又有联系,专业英语的学习需要有一个良好的科技英语基础,同时也要注意其自身的词汇特点,语法特点、修饰特点和翻译特点等等。,翻译的标准,Let the readers have the same feelings as the natives. 翻译是将一种语言转换成另一种语言,使得两种语言的受众者有同样的感受。 Criterions: 信fidelity 即忠实于原文的内容,包括思想、感情、风格等(第一位) 达intelligibility 即用词正确得体,行文流畅通顺(必须的); 雅elegance 即追求译文的古雅(追求目标)。,Exam: he left angrily. 直译:他愤怒的离去。/他愤然离去。 他拂袖而去。(古译) 音译:Brownie 布朗尼蛋糕 (巧克力蛋糕) 名称 Newport 纽波特 (新港口) 地名 laser 莱塞,镭射 (激光) 术名 音意译混译: acrowax 艾克罗石蜡 (艾克罗地区产的石蜡) 形译: I-bar 工型钢, T-bean T型梁 X-ray X射线,一、科技文章的特点概述,科技文章崇尚严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。 简而言之,科技文章的特点:清晰、准确、精练、严密。,二、科技文体的特点 1、大量使用名词化结构,英语与汉语的一个明显不同点:汉语中动词占优胜,动词使用的范围很广;而英语中名词占优势,名词使用范围很广。 科技文体更是如此。 原因:强调存在的事实,而非某一行为。 Exam. Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid body. 译文:阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理。 Exam. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜变化。 译文1:The earth rotates on its own axis, which causes the change from day to night. 译文2:the rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.,另:科技文体所述的是客观规律,尽量避免使用第一、第二人称。 Exam. 炉壁采用耐火砖可大大降低热耗。 译文1:If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss can be considerably reduced. 译文2:The heat loss can be considerably reduced by the use of firebricks round the walls of the boiler. 译文3:the use of firebricks round the boiler can considerably reduce the heat loss.,2、广泛使用被动句,科技文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确。 使用被动句的情况:不必说出主语、不愿说出主语或说不出主语。科技文体往往是前后两种。 Exam. Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine. You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine. 译文:要注意机器的工作温度。 Exam. 中美之间已经建立了外交关系。 译文:Diplomatic relations have been established between China and the United States of America. Exam. 他提议各班之间开展友谊竞赛。 译文:He proposed that a friendly emulation drive be started among the different classes.,3、常使用非限定动词,非限制性动词:分词短语、分词独立结构、不定式、介词加名词短语。 Exam. A direct current is a current which flows always in the same direction. =A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction. 译文:直流电是一种总是沿同一方向流动的电流。 Exam. Vibrating objects produce sound waves and each vibration produces one sound wave. = Vibrating objects produce sound waves, each vibration producing one sound wave. 译文:振动着的物体产生声波,每一次振动产生一个声波.,4、大量使用后置定语,1、介词短语 The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. 译文:由于摩擦而产生的力叫摩擦力。 A call for paper is now being issued. 译文:征集论文的通知现正陆续发出。 2、形容词或短语 In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light. 3、副词 The air outside pressed the side in. 4、单个分词 The results obtained must be checked. 5、定语从句,5、常用句型,1. It that句型 如:It is believed that /据信; It is proved that /已经证实、有人证实; It is reported that/ 据报道 2.被动句型 Computers may be classified as analog and digital. 3.as结构句型 Microcomputers are very small in size, as is shown in Fig. 5. 4.分词短语句型 The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was low. 5.省略句结构句型 An object, once in motion, will keep on moving because of its inertia.,6、长句较多,7、复合词及缩略词多 复合词:feed-back, on-and-off-the-road, GIS-Based(geographical information system), biotechnology, biochemical 缩略词:maths=mathematics,lab=laboratory ASCE=American Society of Civil Engineering MPM=masters in project management,专业英语翻译基本技巧,常见英语从句的译法 定语从句的译法 (1)译成相互独立的并列分句 对于一般的非限定性定语从句,往往采用分译法。即将主句译成独立的分句,然后重复关系代词所代替的名词做为第二个分句的主语。 The tendons are frequently passed through continuous channels formed by metal or plastic ducts, which are positioned securely in the forms before the concrete is cast. 译文:预应力钢筋束要穿入用金属管货塑胶管制成的连续孔道中,而金属管或塑胶管在混凝土浇筑之前被稳稳的固定在模板之中。,(2)转译成状语从句 很多情况下,英语的定语从句兼有状语从句的功能,在逻辑意义上往往与所限定的词有表示“目的”、“结果”、“原因”、“假设”、“让步”等关系。 Iron, which is not so strong as steel, finds wide application. 译文:虽然铁的强度不如钢,但是它仍有广泛用途(表示让步) This is particular important in fine-grained soils where the water can be sucked up near the surface by capillary attraction. 译文:这一点在细颗粒土壤中尤其重要,因为在这种土壤中,由于毛细引力,水能被吸引到靠近表面的地方。(表示原因),主语从句的译法 在专业英语中,经常使用带形式主语it的主语从句,即以引导词it作形式主语并放在句首,而把从句(真正的主语)放在谓语之后。 (1)译成宾语从句 It is generally accepted that fatigue strength is drastically lower if the concrete is cracked. 译文:人们普遍认为,混凝土若开裂,其疲劳强度就会大大降低。,(2)译成并列分句 It remains to be confirmed that epoxy coating will retain their integrity over long periods of time in alkaline environments. 译文:环氧涂层在碱性环境中能否保持其完整性,这有待进一步证实。 (3)谓语分译 It is a fact that no structural material is perfectly elastic. 译文:事实上,没有一种结构材料是完全的弹性体。,状语从句译法 有些状语从句在翻译时候需要进行从句转译,否则译不出原文所表达的实际意义 (1)由连接词when引导的时间状语从句,在语法形式上一般是时间状语,实际上有连接词if的作用。因此翻译这类时间状语从句时往往可以转译成条件状语从句。 如: On the site when further information becomes available, the engineer can make changes in his sections and layout, but the drawing office work will mot have been lost. 译文:在现场若能获取更多的信息资料,工程师就可以对他所做的断面图和设计图进行修改,但是绘图室的工作并非徒劳。,英语强调句型的译法 英语强调句型“it is (was)that (which, who)”几乎可以强调任何一个陈述句的主语、宾语和状语,以突出其重要性。翻译时,需将其所强调的部分加以突出,例如“正是”,“正因为”, “只有才”等。 It is this kind of steel that the construction worksite needs most urgently. 译文:建筑工地最急需的正是这种钢材。 在强调句型中,有时候被强调的不仅是一个词或词组,而且还可能是一个状语从句。 It is only when piers for long span bridges are built across wide rivers that cellular cofferdams are often used. 译文:只有当在宽阔的河面上修建大跨度桥墩时,才经常使用格型围堰这种方法。,英语被动语态的译法 (1)译成汉语主动句 (2)译成汉语被动句 (3)译成独立结构 It is believed that 有人主张 It is asserted that 有人建议 It is stressed that 有人强调说 It is well known that 众所周知 有时候一些类似的固定句型在翻译时候往往不加主语,如: It is supposed that 据推测 It is said that 据说 It must be pointed out that 必须指出,英语长句翻译 顺译法 当英语长句的句法结构、时间顺序、逻辑关系符合汉语习惯时,一般应尽量采用顺译。 倒译法 当英语长句的句法结构、时间顺序、逻辑关系与汉语的行文表达习惯相反时,可采用倒译。 综合法 很多英语长句进行翻译的时候,往往综合使用顺译和倒译,不同分句分别采用顺译和倒译,以使得各分句都符合汉语表达习惯。,英语学习的方法,a.培养兴趣 :兴趣与好奇心是英语学习的最好的老师! 多看看经典英语电影; 多听听英语歌曲; 多到图书馆或书店走走,借或买一些自己感兴趣的书籍; 经常买些英文报刊看看,如:21st世纪英文报、China daily(中国日报) ; 也可以到学校英语角锻炼口语,提高英语学习兴趣。 b.多听英文录音带,听到不看译本也能完全听懂为止,建立良好“听力条件反射”,打好听力基础; c.多记英语词根、词缀,通过构词法来快速扩大词汇量。构词法对工程管理专业词汇的学习非常重要。 d.不断吸收和丰富各种基础知识,了解有关国家的地理、历史、政治、经济、文化、风土人情等。 e.努力提高汉语与外语水平,对提高翻译质量很有帮助。,学习要求,遵守上课纪律,不要迟到、早退 授课方式:专业词汇朗读、长难句翻译、英文短片观看 考核方式:出勤+随堂练习+期末考试 成绩评定:平时成绩30%+考试成绩70% 相互沟通,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,Words and Expression intersect vi.相交,交叉,横断 take shape 成形,形成,具体化,体现 refinery n.精炼厂,炼制厂 intimately adv.密切地 transcend vt.超过,胜过 in large measure 在很大程度上,大部分 high-rise n.高楼,大厦 condominium n. 共管,共有房产 town house n.市内住宅,城内住宅,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,Field-labor-intensive 现场劳动密集型的 Account for 占,说明 Fiscal 财政的 Skyscraper 摩天大楼 Sophistication 老于世故,老练,复杂 Oligopoly 垄断,求过于供 Footpath 人行道,小路 Pipeline 管道,管线 Earthmover 重型推土机 Crane 起重机 Fossil-fuel 矿物燃料 Smelter 熔炉,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,Warm Up Questions 1. Why is residential construction industry dominated by large numbers of very small firms? 2. Give some examples of project types of that office and commercial building construction may encompass. 3. What are the major distinctions of heavy construction compared to office and commercial building and residential housing construction? 4. What are the major distinctions of industrial construction in contrast with the basic materials characteristic of heavy engineering construction?,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,human endeavor 人类努力 Educational philosophies and practices take shape in the architecture of schools and colleges, while governments and corporation express their “images” with structures that house their offices and production facilities. 教育理念和实践在学校建筑中得以体现,而政府与企业则通过容纳其办公室和生产设备的建筑物来体现他们的“形象”。 It is difficult, if not impossible (= if possible 如果可能的话), to categorize neatly so great a spectrum of project. if not impossible 双重否定表示强烈肯定,否定句型表达肯定句型。 a spectrum of n. 系列,范围 frustrate vt. 阻碍,挫败 arbitrary adj. 武断的,主观的 transcend the boundary 超越边界 outnumber vt. 在数量上超过 parallel vt. 与相似,类似,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,The latter (condominium), in particular, are technologically less closely related to residences than to the following description of nonresidential building construction and are sometimes incorporated as part of multipurpose commercial development. 尤其是后者,即共管式住宅,它们与住宅的技术关联性不如以下描述的非住宅类建筑那样密切相关(be closely related to),有时被合并为多功能商业发展的一部分。 There are a few very large firms, but as a rule the low capital and technology requirements in this sector of the industry means that it is characterized (以为特征) by large quantities of very small firms. 有一些大型企业,但是通常(一般)由于该行业较低的资金和技术要求,占主导地位的还是大量小型企业。 among other things 除此之外,除了别的以外 business failure 经营失败 independent contractor 独立承包商 developer-builder 开发-建造商,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,Whether in single units or in large development, however, there has been a small but growing trend toward industrialization and factory mass production of some major components in recent decade, and even complete modular homes. 最近十年,不论是独立单元住宅还是大型的住宅开发区,住宅产业正呈现一种上升的工业化趋势,尽管规模不大,一些主要部件可以在工厂批量生产,甚至(可以在工厂预制)完全模块化住房。,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,the financing of constructed facilities 兴建设施的融资 general contractor 总承包商 be specialized in 专门从事于 labor-and-material intensive 劳动力与材料密集型 speculative housing 投机性住 oligopoly 垄断,求过于供 interstate adj.【主美】州与州之间的 utilitarian structure 功利性(实用性)的结构 publicly financed 公共资金 under contract with 根据合同与 competitive open bidding 竞争性公开招标,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,dominate vt. 在占主要地位,支配 and typically all phase of the project are handled by the same firm on a negotiated design-construct or “turnkey” contractual arrangement, with considerable overlap between design, procurement, and construction. 通常项目各阶段的工作由同一企业依据谈判的设计建造或交钥匙合同安排来承担,因而设计、采购与施工各工作之间有相当多的重叠。 key patent 核心专利 privately financed 私人融资 hoisting and material-handling equipment 起重和材料处理设备,开心连线,Single-family home Garden apartment Recreational facilities Retail chain stores Multiunit town house Warehouse Light manufacturing plant Skyscraper Condominium High-rise apartment,多单元城内住宅 独户住宅 花园式住宅 仓库 共管式建筑 娱乐场所 摩天大楼 高层公寓 零售连锁店 轻工制造厂房,英汉互译,Earthmover Crane Truck Turnkey contractual arrangement Fossil-fuel Professional consultant Urban rapid transit system Disposal system Power line,土方 岩石 钢材 混凝土 木材 管道 开发建造商 分包商 商业用房建设 业主 设备密集型,Listening Practice: Yours 2012,Vocabulary Curator 管理人员,馆长 Split it up into 裂开,分裂 Archive n.档案馆,资料库,文件 Archaeology 考古学 Vibrant 明亮的,色彩鲜艳的,充满生机的 Perimeter 周围,周边,边界 Spiral 螺旋(形),螺线,Yours 2012,Listen to the video and please answer the questions below How many categories is the exhibition split up into? How much has been spent on removing waste from the site? How many seats are there in the main Olympic Stadium? What material has used to make up the View Tube?,Unit 2 Emerging Role of Management in Civil Engineering 管理对土木工程的重要性,standalone adj. 独立的,单独 A logical question is how are these managers, who requires business skills, developed from a pool of civil engineers who are trained as technical experts? who requires business skills 定语从句修饰 these managers; who are trained as technical experts? 修饰 a pool of civil engineers a pool of 大量的,众多的 On-the-job training 在职训练,岗位训练 Training in-house 机构内部进行的训练,内部训练 This is confirmed by the fact that 这个事实已经被证实(引导同位语从句,补充说明fact的内容) Home office 公司总部 Well-honed 技巧纯熟的,Unit 2 Emerging Role of Management in Civil Engineering 管理对土木工程的重要性,The local manager is frequently required by the client to have power to attorney, to ensure that all agreements made in the field are legally binding. 客户常常要求当地的经理具有代理人的权限,以确保现场签订的所有协议都具有法律约束力。 To illustrate the additional skills required of a project manager, take the case where a company has submitted its qualifications and has been invited to submit a technical and financial proposal for designing a highway before the time stipulated. “to illustrate”引导一个目的状语, 可以举例说明一个项目经理所需要的额外的技能,例如一个公司已经提交了它们的资质合格证,并被邀请在规定时间内提交一份设计一条高速公路的技术与财务计划书。 adversarial relationship n. 敌对关系,不良关系 boring n. 钻孔,Unit 2 Emerging Role of Management in Civil Engineering 管理对土木工程的重要性,When local firms insist that they only participate as a join-venture partner, the project managers problems increase because the local firms normally can not provide a performance bond, liability insurance, or even a meaningful set of accounts that would establish their true salary costs and overhead. 在当地公司坚持它们只能以合资伙伴参与,项目经理面临的问题就增加了,因为当地公司通常不能提供一份履约保证金、责任保险或者甚至是一套有意义的能建立它们真正的工资成本和日常开支的账户。 In summary, the present paper is intended to show总之,本文旨在说明 accelerate vt. 加速,促进,增加 command vt. 赢得,拥有,掌握 appreciably ad.明显的,可觉察到,相当的,Unit 2 Emerging Role of Management in Civil Engineering 管理对土木工程的重要性,Comprehension Exercises Please answer the following questions briefly. Why are managerial skills highly demanded in civil engineering? What are the main subjects one should learn in order to get MPM (Masters in Project Management)? Why is it necessary to provide a local manager? What kind of qualities should he/she possess? Besides the normal civil engineering training, what is a modern civil engineer required to know?,Unit 2 Emerging Role of Management in Civil Engineering 管理对土木工程的重要性,Academic Writing Exercise During the past two decades/ten years, XXX have grown substantially/decreased increasingly/ increased dramatically in . XXX have become more and more important/ less important/ crucial because XXX is extremely crucial/ important to . 在过去的20年/10年里,?大幅度增长/减少,因为?变得越来越重要/不重要由于?变得非常重要,Unite 3 what is Project Management 何为项目管理,While the relevant technology, institutional arrangement or process will differ, the management of such projects has much in common with the management of similar types of projects in other specialty or technology domains such as aerospace, pharmaceutical and energy developments. 尽管相关的技术,组织机构的设置和进程不一样,但是建设项目的管理与其他专业技术领域的项目,例如航天,医药和能源发展,在管理上仍然有许多共同之处。 Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of corporation by the mission-oriented nature of a project. 一般而言,工程项目管理有别于一般企业管理的在于(在于)它是以目标(任务)为导向的本质特征。 Be distinguished from 表示“不同于,与加以区别” 以人为本?以教育为本?以素质教育为本?,Unite 3 what is Project Management 何为项目管理,By contrast, the general management of business and industrial corporations assume a broader outlook with greater continuity of operations. 相比之下,工商企业的一般管理承担着更大的操作连贯性和更广阔的前景。 Working knowledge n. 应用知识 例 She has a working knowledge of French. 她的法语尚可应付工作。 A working knowledge of Spanish. 足够运用的西班牙语的知识。 Indispensable adj. 必不可少的,必须的。 Computer science 计算机科学; decision science 决策科学 管理学? In fact, modern management practices and various special knowledge domains have absorbed various techniques or tools which were once identified only with the supporting disciplines. 事实上,现代管理实践和各种专业知识领域都吸收了许多一度被用于支持性学科的技术和工具.,Unite 3 what is Project Management 何为项目管理,Commonplace 司空见惯的,常用的 Specifically, project management in construction encompasses a set of objectives which may be accomplished by implementing a series of operations subject to resource constrains. Which 引导定语从句,修饰前面的 a set of objectives,翻译时可作为并列句翻译。Subject to 为“使遭受,使服从,受制于” 具体来说,建设项目管理包含一组目标,这些目标通过在资源约束下执行一系列的项目实施行为得以实现。 impose on vt. 把强加于 These conflicts should be resolved at the onset of a project by making the necessary tradeoffs or creating new alternatives. 这些冲突应该在项目启动的时候就通过必要的折中权衡或者制造替代性的方案来解决。 onset n. 开始,启动,Unite 3 what is Project Management 何为项目管理,The Project Management Institute focuses on nine distinct areas requiring project manager knowledge and attention 项目管理协会明确了项目经理需要要了解和关注的9个方面。 focus on 集中注意力于,Listening Practice: Kungfu Panda,Listen to the video and please answer the questions below What are the names of the Furious Five? What Pos father wanted to do when he was young? Whats the name of the place of choosing the Dragon Warrior?,Unit 4 Preparation of Bids 投标文件的编制,The Standard Bidding Documents for Procurement of Works (SBDW) have been prepared by the World Bank to be used for the projects that are financed in whole or in part by the World Bank (which includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD and the International Development Association IDA, hereinafter called “the Bank”. SBDW工程采购标准招标文件; IBRD国际复兴开发银行;IDA 国际开发协会,Unit 4 Preparation of Bids 投标文件的编制,There are mandatory for use in works contracts which are estimated to cost more than US &10million (including contingency allowance) unless the Bank agrees with the use of other Bank Standard Bidding Documents on a case-by-case basis. mandatory adj. 义务的,强制的 ,命令的 contingency allowance 应急准备金,应急费用 对于成本估计超过1000万美元(含应急费用)的工程合同,必须使用该标准文件,除非世行同意在个别情况下使用其他银行的标准文件。 The following provisions that are some abridgement from the first part, bidding procedures, provides relevant information to help bidders prepare their bids, and information is also provided on the submission, opening, and evaluation of bids and on the award of contracts. Abridgement 节选内容,摘要,节本 下列条款为招标程序中的第一部分的节选内容,提供相关信息帮助投标者编制其投标文件,同时还提供关于投标文件文件的提交,开标和评标以及合同授予等方面的内容。,Unit 4 Preparation of Bids 投标文件的编制,The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Employer, shall be written in the language specified in the Bidding Document. exchanged by the Bidder and the Employer为定语修饰名词bid; specified in the Bidding Document 为后置定语修饰language. 投标文件以及投标者和招标人之间来往的与标书有关的信件和文件,均应使用招标文件规定的(指定的)语言。 Supporting documents and printed literature that are parts of the Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the language specified in the Bidding Document, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern(管理,决定,支配). that are parts of the Bid为定语从句修饰主语supporting documents and printed literature ;in which case 引导定语从句。 支持性


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