The Call of the Wild_第1页
The Call of the Wild_第2页
The Call of the Wild_第3页




The Call of the 口王永强 j: 作者简介 杰克伦敦(Jack London)(18761916),美国作 家。他一生经历坎坷,对资本主义社会的黑暗和下层人 民的生活有深刻认识。他的作品揭露性强,有一股不可 制服的虎虎生气,而且具有鲜明的民族色彩。其重要作 品有野陛的呼唤、白牙、海狼、马丁伊登等。 l :,故事梗概 野性的呼唤是杰克伦敦最负盛名的小说。故 事主要叙述一只强壮勇猛的狼狗巴克从人类文明卒十 会回到狼群原始生活的过程。巴克本来在一个大法 官家里过着优裕的生活,后来被法官的园丁偷走,辗 转卖给邮局,又被送到阿拉斯加严寒地区去拉运送 邮件的雪橇,受到了人类冷酷的虐待。他先后换过几 个主人,最后被约翰索顿收留。在巴克被残暴的主 人哈尔打得遍体鳞伤、奄奄一息时,索顿救了他,并 悉心为他疗伤,由此他们之间产生了真挚的感情。巴 克对索顿非常忠诚,他两次不顾生命危险救了索顿。 不幸的是,在淘金的过程中,索顿被印第安人杀死。 狂怒之下,巴克咬死了几个印第安人,为主人报了 仇。但恩主已死,巴克觉得对人类社会已无所留恋。 况且,一段时期以来,荒野中总回荡着神秘的呼唤 声。这个声音吸引着他。最终,他回应着这个声音,进 入森林,从此与狼为伍,过着原始动物的生活。但他 不忘旧谊,仍然定期到主人的葬身之处去凭吊。 。 l精选段落 本段落描述了巴克在被转卖到北方的途中,与 狗贩 现了 英语咽謦 分表 与冷 酷。通过较量,巴克认识到必须听命于一个手拿棍棒 的人,虽然此人并非朋友。 For two days and nights the train travelled noah,and for two days and nights Buck neither ate nor drankMen on the train laughed at him and pushed sticks at him through the holes in the box For two days and nights Buck got angrier,hungrier and thirstierHis eyes grew red and he bit anything that moved In Seattle(西雅图)four men took Buck to a small, highwalled back garden,where a fat man in an old red coat was waitingBuck was nOW very angry indeed and he jumped and bit at the sides of his boxThe fat man smiled and went to get an axe (斧头)and a club(棍棒) “Are you going to take him out now?”asked one of the men “Of course”answered the fat mail,and he began to break the box with his axe Immediately the four other men climbed up onto the wall to watch from a safe place As the fat man hit the box with his axe,Buck jumped at the sides,growling(咆哮着)and biting, pulling with his teeth at the pieces of broken wood After a few minutes there was a hole big enough for Buck to get out of“Now,come here,red eyes, said the fat man,dropping his axe and taking the 57 58 语阅读冲浓 club in his right hand Buck jumped at the man,sixty kilos of anger, his mouth wide open ready to bite the mans neck Just before his teeth touched the skin,the man hit him with the clubBuck fell to the groundIt was the first time anyone had hit him with a club and he did not understandHe stood up,and jumped againAgain the club hit him and he crashed to the groundTen times he jumped at the man,and ten times the club hit himSlowly he got to his feet,now only just able to standThere was blood on his nose,mouth and earsThen the fat man walked up and hit him again,very hard,on the noseThe pain was terribleAgain,Buck jumped at the man and again he was hit to the groundA last time he jumped,and this time,when the man knocked him down,Buck did not move “He knows how to teach a dog a lesson,”said one of the men on the wal1Then the foat men jumped down and went back to the station “His name is Buck,”said the fat man to himself, reading the letter that had come with the box “Well,Buck,my boy,”he said in a friendly voice, “weve argued a little,and I think the best thing to do now is to stopBe a good dog and we11 be friendsBut if youre a bad dog,Ill have to use my club againUnderstand?” As he spoke,he touched Bucks head,and although Buck was angry inside,he did not move When the mall brought him water and meat, Buck drank and then ate the meat,piece by piece,from the mans hand Buck was beaten(he knew that)but he was not brokenHe had learnt that a man with a club was stronger than himEvery day he saw more dogs arrive,and each dog was beaten by the fat manBuck understood that a man with a club must be obeyed,although he did not have to be a friend 重要短语 1take sthdsb 饭、看电影等) He took a book 一本书看了起来。 out拿出;带(某人)出去(吃 out and began to read他拿出 Were taking my friends out for a meal next week下周我们将带朋友出去吃饭。 2get to ones feet站起来 Mike got to his feet and ran towards the window 迈克站起来,向窗口跑去。 3knock sbdown击倒,撞倒 He knocked his opponent down with one blow in the 手。 competition比赛中他一拳就打倒了他的对 4teach sba lesson 给某人一个教训 Next time he comes home drunk,lock him out,thatII teach him a lesson下次他再醉醺醺地 回家,就把他关在门外,那会给他一个教训。 5in a(friendly。low)voice (友好地低声 地)说 He spoke in a pleasantly low voice他说话低 沉,非常好听。 6piece by piece一片一片地,一点一点地 The bridge was moved piece by piece to a new site那桥是一段一段地被运到了新址。 。重点句型 1For two days and nights the train trav elled north,and for two days and nights Buck neither ate nor drank两天两夜。火车向北疾驶; 两天两夜。巴克既没吃也没喝。 neithernor用作并列连词,可以连接两个并 列的主语、谓语、宾语、表语等,表示“既不也 不”。在连接两个主语时,谓语动词和主语保持 一致。例如: (1)连接两个主语:Neither the teacher nor the students are to blame 0n the matter老师和学生在 这件事上都不必受到责备。 (2)连接两个谓语:He neither knows nor cafes about it他既不知道,也不关心这件事。 (3)连接两个宾语:He knoWS neither French nor German他既不懂法语,也不懂德语。 (4)连接两个表语:The equipment is neither accurate nor safe这种设备既不精准也不安全。 2For two days and nights Buck got angri er。hungrier and thirstier两天两夜里,巴克变得 越发愤怒。也越发饥渴。 连系动词getbecomegrow等与形容词的比较级 连用可以用来表示“变得越来越”。例如: China is getting more and more powerfu1中国 正变得越来越强大。 3After a few minutes there was a hole big enough for Buck to get out of不久。箱子上 的洞已足够大,巴克可以出来了。 “for sb+不定式”是英语中一个十分有用的结 构,在句子中可以作主语、宾语、定语或状语等。 (1)作主语:For you to ask Joe would be a big mistake你要是去问乔,那将是一大错误。 注意:这类结构通常会借助形式主语来表达, 即在句首使用形式主语,而将真正用作主语的“for+ 宾语+不定式”结构移至句末。例如: ItS too difficult for me to finish the work in two hours要我在两小时内完成这项工作太难了。 (2)作表语:It is for you to decide该由你来 决定。 (3)作宾语:I think it necessary for him to ask his fatherS advice我认为他有必要征求他父亲的意见。 (4)作定语:Now that he has retired from his job,there is nothing for him to do in the company 既然他已经退休,那公司里就不需要他做事了。 (5)作状语:He had waited for everybody to calm down before he spoke again他等到所有人都 镇定下来才又开始说话。 4Just before his teeth touched the skin。 the man hit him with the club他的牙齿还没能 碰到那人的皮肤。那人就用棍棒猛击了他。 before用作连词,其基本含义是“在-之前”, 廿语瑚谤 但在实际翻译时,可以根据不同语境灵活译成“才”、 “还没来得及就”、“趁”、“就”等。例如: (1)在之前 Go and say goodbye to her before you leave 在你离开前去与她道别。 (2)还没来得及就 Before I could get in a word,he had left the r0om我还没来得及插句话,他就离开了房间。 (3)趁 Id better put the number down before I forget it趁着还没忘记,我最好把号码记下来。 (4)在之后才 He had waited for three years before he met her once again等了三年,他才再次见到她。 5It Was the fh-st tinle anyone had hit him with a club and he did not understand在他一 生中。这是第一次有人用棍棒猛击他,而他并不了解


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