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硕士 专业 学位论文 论 文 题 目 肺炎支原体在苏州地区儿童大叶 肺部炎症中的地位 研究生姓名 陆 敏 指导教师姓名 季 伟 专 业 名 称 儿科学 研 究 方 向 小儿呼吸 论文提交日期 2013 年 4 月 肺炎支原体在苏州地区儿童大叶肺部炎症中的地位 中文摘要 I 肺炎支原体在苏州地区儿童大叶肺部炎症中的地位 中文摘要 目的: 了解苏州地区大叶肺部炎症患儿的病原学特点,探讨肺炎支原体( Mycoplasma pneumoniae, MP)在儿童大叶肺部炎症中的流行病学特点及其临床和实验室特征。 方法: 选取苏州大学附属儿童医院呼吸科 、吴中人 民医院小儿呼吸科 2009 年 1月 2012 年 12 月间收治的 苏州本地籍符合社区获得性肺炎诊断标准、影像学检查呈肺部大片实变阴影或节段性改变的 425 例住院患儿 。 采用无菌负压吸引法采集新鲜痰液,运用 PCR 检测 MP-DNA,逆转录聚合酶链反应法( RT-PCR) 检测 hMPV 基因 ,实时 PCR 检测 HBoV,直接免疫荧光法检测呼吸道 7 种常见病毒呼吸道合胞病毒、腺病毒、流感病毒 A、 B 型、副流感病毒 1、 2、 3 型 及痰培养 细菌学检查,同时运用定量 ELISA 检测双份血清抗体 MP-IgM 和 IgG。痰液 MP-DNA 和 /或 血清 MP双份抗 体阳性定义为 MP 感染。根据病原学检测结果分为单纯 MP 感染组( 263 例),非 MP 感染组( 93 例), MP 混合其他病原体感染组( 20 例)和不明病原体组( 49例)。通过回顾性统计方法收集临床和实验室检查资料并加以分析比较。 结果: ( 1)流行病学特征: 2009-2012 年间 MP 感染在苏州地区儿童大叶肺部炎症中的检出率为 66.59%( 283/425),且呈逐年增加趋势。 MP 在每个月均可检出,冬春季检出率较夏秋季高( P0.001)。 除 MP 外,其他病原体依次为 肺炎链球菌( 5.88%),金黄色葡萄球菌( 4.00%),流感 嗜血杆菌( 2.82%),卡他布兰汉菌( 2.82%),副流感病毒( 1.65%),腺病毒( 0.94%),鲍曼不动杆菌( 0.47%)。 ( 2)临床特征:单纯 MP 感染组的平均年龄为 5.92( 3.00-7.67)岁 ,高于非 MP感染组( P5 岁 年龄 组 的 MP 检出率高达 90.76%( 167/184) 。MP 男女检出率比较无差异。单纯 MP 感染组 在咳嗽时间 30d( 22.81%)、发热 10d( 23.19%)、喘息( 22.05)、胸腔积液( 12.93)的表现上多于非 MP 感染 组。中文摘要 肺炎支原体在苏州地区儿童大叶肺部炎症中的地位 II MP 混合感染组在发热( 90.00%)、 气促 ( 15.00%)、发绀( 15.00%)、肺不张( 35.00%)、胸腔积液( 35.00%)、肺功能异常( 60.00%)、肺部湿啰音( 95.00%)、重症病例( 30.00%)的表现上多于单纯 MP 感染组。 ( 3)实验室检查: MP 感染组、非 MP 感染组及 MP 混合感染组的血常规白细胞计数正常 , 细胞免疫及 体液免疫正常范围; CRP 偏高,且 MP 混合感染组 CRP 增高程度高于 单纯 MP 感染组及非 MP 感染组 ; MP 感染 部分可伴有 ALT 增高,与非 MP感染比较无差异。 胸部影像学检查 ,右下肺野的 MP 阳性检出 率 最高 85.19%( 92/108)。 结论: ( 1) MP 是苏州地区儿童大叶肺部炎症中重要的病原之一,多病原学检测检出率占首位。( 2) MP 感染的大叶肺部炎症全年都有,冬春季感染率高于夏秋季。单纯 MP 感染的平均年龄高于非 MP 感染患儿,且以 5 岁以上年龄组 MP 检出率最多。( 3) MP 感染会导致 咳嗽迁延、持续发热、喘息增加、胸腔积液比例增高 。( 4) 各肺野 MP 的 检出率以 右下肺野 最高 。( 5) MP 混合感染的临床症状重于单纯MP 感染,并发症多、治疗难度大,需引起临床重视。 关键词: 儿童; 肺炎支原体 ; 临床特点;大叶肺部炎症。 作 者 : 陆 敏 指导老师 :季 伟 The role of mycoplasma pneumoniae in children with lobar pneumonia in Sochow area Abstract III The role of mycoplasma pneumoniae in children with lobar pneumonia in Soochow area Abstract Objective: We aimed to investigate the etiological feature of the children with lobar pneumonia in Soochow area and to explore the epidemiological characteristic and its clinical and laboratory features of mycoplasma pneumoniae(MP) infection in those children. Methods: 425 Children diagnosed with community acquired pneumonia were enrolled in this investigation.All the subjects were hospitalized in respiratory department in Childrens Hosptital of Soochow University and Soochow Wuzhong Peoples Hospital during January 2009 to December 2012,and their X-rays all showed lung blockbuster consolidation shadows or segmental change.We collected their fresh sputum by sterile suction method.The MP-DNA level was detected by polymerase chain reaction(PCR),the hMPV level was detected by reverse-transcription polymerse chain reaction(RT-PCR),and the HBoV level was detected by real-time PCR.The level of respiratory syncytial virus,influenza virus A and B,parainfluenza viruses 1 to3,and adenovirus were detected by fluorescent antibody test.And all the specimens were taken culture bacteriological examination.MP-IgM and IgG were detected by quant ELISA in paired serum specimens. Subjects with double positive of MP antibody and/or serum MP-DNA by PCR were defined as MP infection.According to the etiological results,the subjects were divided into single MP infection group(263 cases),non-MP infection group(93 cases),MP coinfection with other pathogens group(20 cases),and unknown pathogens group(49 cases).We collected all the clinical and laboratory data and analyzed them by retrospective statistical methods. Results: (1) Epidemiological characteristics: 66.59%(283/425) children with lobar pneumonia had evidence of MP infection in Soochow area during 2009-2012 and there was an increasing trend.MP could be detected in every month.We detected more cases with MP infection in winter and spring than those in summer and autumn(P0.001).Apart from MP, Abstract The role of mycoplasma pneumoniae in children with lobar pneumonia in Sochow area IV other pathogens detected were Streptococcus pneumonia(5.88%),Staphylococcus aureus (4.00%),Haemophilus influenza (2.82%),Moraxelle catarrhalis(2.82%),Parinfluenza viruses(1.65%),Adenovirus (0.94%) and Acinetobacter baumannii(0.47%). (2) The clinical features:The average age of single MP infection group was 5.92(3.00-7.67)years,and it was higher than that of non-MP infection group (P0.01).MP detection rate in over-5-year-old age group was up to 90.76%(167/184) in each age group.There was no difference in MP detection rate betweeen boys and girls.Compared with non-MP infection group,single MP infection group had more symptoms like coughing more than 30 days (22.81%),having fever for more than 10 days(23.19%), wheezing (22.05%) and pleural effusion(12.93%).MP coinfection group had more chance to have symptom like fever(90.00%),shortness of breath (30.00%), cyanosis(15.00%), atelectasis (35.00%),pleural effusion(35.00%),pulmonary function abnormalities(60.00%), moist rales(95.00%) and severe cases(30.00%) than simple MP infection group. (3) Laboratory findings:The white blood cell count、 cellular immunity and humoral immunity were normal in single MP infection group、 non-MP infection group and MP coinfection group.But their CRP levels were high.The increase of CRP in MP coinfection group was higher than that of single MP infection group and non-MP infection group.MP infection could cause elevated ALT,but there was no significant difference compare to non-MP infection group.X-ray results showed MP detection rate in right lower lung field is the highest in each field,accounting for 85.19%(92/108). Conculsion: (1) MP was one of the most important pathogen in children with lobar pneumonia in Soochow area and had the highest detection rate in multi-pathogen detection.(2) MP infection could be seen through the whole year in lobar pneumonia.The infection rate was higher in winter and spring than that in summer and autumn.The average age of single MP infection group was higher than that of non-MP infection group and the MP detection rate was the highest in over-5-years-old group.(3) MP infection may cause prolonged cough,persistent fever, increased wheezing and increased proportion of pleural effusion.(4) MP detection rate in right lower lung field was the highest in each field. (5) The clinical symptoms were severer in MP coinfection group than that in single MP infection group.There were many complications and difficulties during the treatment.More attention should be paid to that. Keywords: Children; Mycoplasma pneumortiae; Clinical characteristics; Lobar The role of mycoplasma pneumoniae in children with lobar pneumonia in Sochow area Abstract V pneumonia Written by: Lu Min Supervised by: Ji Wei 目 录 前 言 . 1 材料与方法 . 4 结 果 . 11 讨 论 . 23 结 论 . 28 参考文献 . 29 综 述 . 32 主要英汉双解缩略词表 . 46 攻读学位期间公开发表的论文 . 47 致 谢 . 48 肺炎支原体在苏州地区儿童大叶肺部炎症 中的地位 前 言 1 前 言 在全球范围内,肺炎( Pneumonia)是儿童 时期最常见的疾病之一,根据世界卫生组织( World Health Organization, WHO)的统计,发展中国家每年约有 400 万 5岁以下儿童死于肺炎,占该年龄组儿童死亡总数的 30左右 1。我国小儿肺炎死亡总数占世界的 7%2,呼吸道感染依然是威胁儿童健康和生命的主要疾病。 积极采取措施、降低患儿发病率和死亡率是本世纪医疗工作者的重要任务。 根据解剖学分类,肺炎可分为大叶性肺炎、小叶性肺炎(支气管肺炎)、间质性肺炎 及混合性肺炎。 本文所指的大叶肺部炎症,等同于广义上的大叶性肺炎 ,是指由各种病原体感染所引起的急性肺组织炎症,病变分布多局限于一个肺段 及 以上的肺组织,可为大叶性,也可为节段性 3-5,通常根据胸 部 X线 片检查及 /或胸部 CT结果 诊断。本文定义的大叶肺部炎症是 为 了 与狭义的大叶性肺炎 1( 即以往所认为的链球菌感染引起的大叶性肺炎)相区别,它是儿童时期常见的社区获得性肺炎( community- acquired pneumonia, CAP)之一 6-7,也是肺炎中病情偏重、病程偏长、易引发并发症、后遗症的一种。 既往认为儿科常见的肺炎为小叶性肺炎,又称支气管肺炎,儿童大叶肺部炎症较少见到,但近年来,儿童大叶肺部炎症的发病率呈现出逐渐增加的趋势 8。 大叶肺部炎症 以往认为 典型致病菌为肺炎链球菌,好发于青少年,临床上多表现为发热、咳嗽、咯铁锈色痰、 胸痛及肺部实变体征 。 近年来,由于病原体的变迁 、 实验室技术的进步、抗生素的广泛应用以及病原体对抗生素耐药率上升等原因,大叶肺部炎症在流行病学、病原学、临床表现及治疗等方面面临许多新问题, 由肺炎链球菌感染引发的大叶肺部炎症已逐渐减少,其它细菌及病毒等,特别是 肺炎支原体( Mycoplasma pneumoniae, MP) 等不典型病原菌的检出率逐年增多, 代替肺炎链球菌成为大叶肺部炎症的一大致病菌 9-12, 已逐渐受到 WHO 和联合国儿童发展基金会 的重视 13-14 。 寻找降低 大叶 肺 部 炎 症 发病率及死亡率的有效办法 , 明确病原是首要问题。病原学资料可以为临床诊断和治疗提供可靠的依据。 MP是迄今为止发现的有活性的最小的能自我复制 的病原微生物, 是小儿呼吸道感染的重要病原体之一 , MP与呼吸道上前 言 肺炎支原体在苏州地区儿童大叶肺部炎症中的地位 2 皮细胞的受体结合,通过产生氨、过氧化氢、蛋白酶及神经毒素造成上皮细胞破坏。人体感染 MP可刺激 B淋巴 细胞 产生特异性 IgG、 IgM、 IgE、 IgA等抗体,并可导致细胞膜抗原结构改变,产生 相应的免疫炎症反应 。


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