


预览图 预览图
编号:273900    类型:共享资源    大小:1.01MB    格式:RAR    上传时间:2014-05-03 上传人:J**** IP属地:江苏
关 键 词:
空气压缩机 机身 机械 加工 工艺 设计 铣三斜面 专用 机床设计 图纸


44页 27000字数+说明书+任务书+开题报告+4张CAD图纸【详情如下】














摘  要



关键词:组合机床;主轴箱 ;工艺

目  录

摘  要III


目  录V

1 绪论1

1.1 力源空气压缩机有限公司简介1

1.2 毕业设计(本设计任务简介)1

1.3 对毕业设计(本设计)的要求1

2 组合机床简介2

2.1 组合机床概述2

2.2 组合机床的加工范围2

3 空气压缩机机械加工工艺规程的制订部分3

3.1 工艺方案的制定3

3.2 产品图纸及结构分析3

3.3 毛坯分析、要求及形式的确定4

3.3.1 毛坯的种类的选择4

3.3.2 选择毛坯应考虑的因素4

3.3.3 确定毛坯的制造形式5

3.4 拟定零件加工的工艺路线5

3.4.1 定位基准的选择5

3.4.2 表面加工方法的选择6

3.4.3 加工顺序的安排7

3.5 加工余量、工序尺寸及其公差和毛坯尺寸的确定9

3.5.1 加工余量的拟定9

3.5.2 加工余量及毛坯尺寸的确定11

3.5.3 工序尺寸及其公差的确定12

3.6 加工设备及刀具的选择12

3.6.1 机床的选择12

3.6.2 刀具的选择12

3.7 确定切削用量及工时定额的估算12

3.7.1 切削用量的确定12

3.7.2 工时定额的计算13

3.7.3 切削用量和工时定额的确定14

3.8 机械加工工艺规程17

3.8.1 机械加工工艺规程的作用17

3.8.2 制订机械加工工艺的原则17

3.8.3 制订机械加工工艺规程原始资料??18

4 专用机床设计部分19

4.1 概述19

4.2 机床设计应满足的基本要求19

4.3 机床设计方法21

4.4 机床设计步骤21

4.4 三图一卡的设计22

4.4.1 被加工零件工序图的设计22

4.4.2 加工示意图设计24

4.4.3 组合机床联系尺寸的绘制26

4.4.4 生产率计算卡30

4.5 机床对部件设计的要求32

4.5.1 夹具32

4.5.2 液压原理32

4.6 机床的调试与维修33

4.6.1 机床的调试33

4.6.2 机床的维修34

5 结论与展望35

5.1 结论35

5.2 不足之处及未来展望35

致  谢36


附  录38


1.2 毕业设计(本设计任务简介)









1.3 对毕业设计(本设计)的要求

   此次毕业设计任务要求机床功能得到进一步的完善,能够提高零件的加工精度和加工效率,能够降低加工成本。2 组合机床简介

2.1 组合机床概述




2.2 组合机床的加工范围









无无锡锡太太湖湖学学院院机机械械加加工工工工序序卡卡片片产产品品型型号号W1.0-10-01零零( (部部) )件件图图号号共共 7 页页产产品品名名称称空气压缩机零零( (部部) )件件名名称称曲轴箱第第 1 页页车车间间工工序序号号工工序序名名称称材材料料牌牌号号金工30铣底脚平面HT200毛毛坯坯种种类类毛毛坯坯外外形形尺尺寸寸每每坯坯件件数数每每台台件件数数铸件204*328*28811设设备备名名称称设设备备型型号号设设备备编编号号同同时时加加工工件件数数卧铣XA61321夹夹具具编编号号夹夹具具名名称称冷冷却却液液粗铣底脚夹具工工序序工工时时准准终终单单件件工工序序号号工工 步步 内内 容容工工 艺艺 内内 容容主主轴轴转转速速切切削削速速度度走走刀刀量量吃吃刀刀深深 走走刀刀次次数数工工时时定定额额机机动动 辅辅助助以曲轴大孔不加工面及端面定位,大孔内壁压紧1粗铣底脚至尺寸1600.1 YG634硬质合金刀片 300钢直尺150r/min94.2m/min3mm2.19 0.392精铣底脚,保证尺寸。YG634硬质合金刀片 300钢直尺235r/min147.6m/min1mm1.36 0.24检编编制制(日日期期)审审核核(日日期期)会会签签(日日期期)标标记记处处数数更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期标标记记更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期无无锡锡太太湖湖学学院院机机械械加加工工工工序序卡卡片片产产品品型型号号W1.0-10-01零零( (部部) )件件图图号号共共 7 页页产产品品名名称称空气压缩机零零( (部部) )件件名名称称曲轴箱第第 2 页页车车间间工工序序号号工工序序名名称称材材料料牌牌号号金工40粗、精铣大孔端面HT200毛毛坯坯种种类类 毛毛坯坯外外形形尺尺寸寸每每坯坯件件数数每每台台件件数数铸件204*328*28811设设备备名名称称设设备备型型号号设设备备编编号号同同时时加加工工件件数数卧铣XA61321夹夹具具编编号号夹夹具具名名称称冷冷却却液液粗精铣端面夹具工工序序工工时时准准终终单单件件工工序序号号工工 步步 内内 容容工工 艺艺 内内 容容主主轴轴转转速速切切削削速速度度走走刀刀量量吃吃刀刀深深走走刀刀次次数数工工时时定定额额机机动动 辅辅助助以底脚和小孔定位,小孔压紧内壁1粗铣端面至尺寸790.1,兼顾198,留余量2-3mmYG634硬质合金刀 300钢直尺118r/min 92.7m/min3mm2.95 0.532精铣端面,保证表面粗糙度Ra=3.2mYG634硬质合金刀 300钢直尺190r/min 149.2m/min1mm1.87 0.034检编编制制(日日期期)审审核核(日日期期)会会签签(日日期期)标标记记处处数数更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期标标记记处处数数 更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期无无锡锡太太湖湖学学院院机机械械加加工工工工序序卡卡片片产产品品型型号号W1.0-10-01零零( (部部) )件件图图号号共共 7 页页产产品品名名称称空气压缩机零零( (部部) )件件名名称称曲轴箱第第 3 页页车车间间工工序序号号工工序序名名称称材材料料牌牌号号金工50镗大小孔HT200毛毛坯坯种种类类 毛毛坯坯外外形形尺尺寸寸每每坯坯件件数数每每台台件件数数铸件204*328*28811设设备备名名称称设设备备型型号号设设备备编编号号同同时时加加工工件件数数镗床T681夹夹具具编编号号夹夹具具名名称称冷冷却却液液镗大小孔夹具工工序序工工时时准准终终单单件件工工序序号号工工 步步 内内 容容工工 艺艺 内内 容容主主轴轴转转速速 切切削削速速度度走走刀刀量量吃吃刀刀深深走走刀刀次次数数工工时时定定额额机机动动辅辅助助以低脚平面定位,压紧底脚1镗大孔160至175 ,保证尺寸1200.1 YT6镗刀 200mm游标卡尺30r/min 16.5m/min7.5mm31.730.312镗小孔80至90 YT6镗刀 200mm游标卡尺80r/min 22.6m/min5mm21.680.33检编编制制(日日期期)审审核核(日日期期)会会签签(日日期期)标标记记处处数数更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期标标记记 处处数数 更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期无无锡锡太太湖湖学学院院机机械械加加工工工工序序卡卡片片产产品品型型号号W1.0-10-01零零( (部部) )件件图图号号共共 7 页页产产品品名名称称空气压缩机零零( (部部) )件件名名称称曲轴箱第第 4 页页车车间间工工序序号号工工序序名名称称材材料料牌牌号号金工60粗、精铣小孔端面HT200毛毛坯坯种种类类 毛毛坯坯外外形形尺尺寸寸每每坯坯件件数数每每台台件件数数铸件204*328*28811设设备备名名称称设设备备型型号号设设备备编编号号同同时时加加工工件件数数卧铣XA61321夹夹具具编编号号夹夹具具名名称称冷冷却却液液粗精铣端面夹具工工序序工工时时准准终终单单件件工工序序号号工工 步步 内内 容容工工 艺艺 内内 容容主主轴轴转转速速切切削削速速度度走走刀刀量量吃吃刀刀深深 走走刀刀次次数数工工时时定定额额机机动动 辅辅助助以底脚和大孔端面定位,大孔压紧内壁1粗铣端面至尺寸198YG634硬质合金刀 300钢直尺190r/min 119.4m/min3mm1.27 0.232精铣端面,保证尺寸198YG634硬质合金刀 300钢直尺235r/min 147.7m/min1mm10.18检编编制制(日日期期)审审核核(日日期期) 会会签签(日日期期)标标记记处处数数更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期标标记记处处数数 更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期无无锡锡太太湖湖学学院院机机械械加加工工工工序序卡卡片片产产品品型型号号W1.0-10-01零零( (部部) )件件图图号号共共 7 页页产产品品名名称称空气压缩机零零( (部部) )件件名名称称曲轴箱第第 5 页页车车间间工工序序号号工工序序名名称称材材料料牌牌号号金工65粗铣三斜面HT200毛毛坯坯种种类类 毛毛坯坯外外形形尺尺寸寸每每坯坯件件数数每每台台件件数数铸件204*328*28811设设备备名名称称设设备备型型号号设设备备编编号号同同时时加加工工件件数数卧铣XA61321夹夹具具编编号号夹夹具具名名称称冷冷却却液液斜面铣夹具工工序序工工时时准准终终单单件件工工序序号号工工 步步 内内 容容工工 艺艺 内内 容容主主轴轴转转速速切切削削速速度度走走刀刀量量吃吃刀刀深深 走走刀刀次次数数工工时时定定额额机机动动 辅辅助助以大孔和大孔端面定位,以底脚平面校三斜面角度1粗铣三斜面至尺寸121 ,保证相互角度60YG634硬质合金刀 300钢直尺190r/mn 119.4m/min3mm1.20.22检编编制制(日日期期) 审审核核(日日期期)会会签签(日日期期)标标记记处处数数更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期标标记记 处处数数更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期无无锡锡太太湖湖学学院院机机械械加加工工工工序序卡卡片片产产品品型型号号W1.0-10-01零零( (部部) )件件图图号号共共 7 页页产产品品名名称称空气压缩机零零( (部部) )件件名名称称曲轴箱第第 6 页页车车间间工工序序号号工工序序名名称称材材料料牌牌号号金工65精铣三斜面HT200毛毛坯坯种种类类 毛毛坯坯外外形形尺尺寸寸每每坯坯件件数数每每台台件件数数铸件204*328*28811设设备备名名称称设设备备型型号号设设备备编编号号同同时时加加工工件件数数卧铣XA61321夹夹具具编编号号夹夹具具名名称称冷冷却却液液斜面铣夹具工工序序工工时时准准终终单单件件工工序序号号工工 步步 内内 容容工工 艺艺 内内 容容主主轴轴转转速速切切削削速速度度走走刀刀量量吃吃刀刀深深 走走刀刀次次数数工工时时定定额额机机动动 辅辅助助以大孔和大孔端面定位,以底脚平面校三斜面角度1 精铣三斜面至尺寸1200.1 ,保证相互角度60YG634硬质合金刀 300钢直尺235r/min 147.7m/min1mm0.95 0.17检 将平面放置平板,22标准块为测量基准22标准块 编编制制(日日期期)审审核核(日日期期)会会签签(日日期期)标标记记处处数数更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期标标记记处处数数更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期无无锡锡太太湖湖学学院院机机械械加加工工工工序序卡卡片片产产品品型型号号W1.0-10-01零零( (部部) )件件图图号号共共 7 页页产产品品名名称称空气压缩机零零( (部部) )件件名名称称曲轴箱第第 7 页页车车间间工工序序号号工工序序名名称称材材料料牌牌号号金工70镗三斜孔HT200毛毛坯坯种种类类毛毛坯坯外外形形尺尺寸寸每每坯坯件件数数每每台台件件数数铸件204*328*28811设设备备名名称称设设备备型型号号设设备备编编号号同同时时加加工工件件数数镗床T681夹夹具具编编号号夹夹具具名名称称冷冷却却液液斜面铣夹具工工序序工工时时准准终终单单件件工工序序号号工工 步步 内内 容容工工 艺艺 内内 容容主主轴轴转转速速切切削削速速度度走走刀刀量量吃吃刀刀深深 走走刀刀次次数数工工时时定定额额机机动动 辅辅助助以大孔和大孔端面定位,脚板平面辅助定位,用百分首先必须校正夹具表应校准孔平面。注意压板的方向1粗镗三斜孔至尺寸106.2 ,保证尺寸790.1和YT6镗刀 200mm游标卡尺60r/min19.8m/min2.5mm12.48 0.45200.12粗镗三斜孔至尺寸105 保证尺寸790.1和200.1YT6镗刀 200mm游标卡尺60r/min19.8m/min2.5mm12.48 0.45检编编制制(日日期期) 审审核核(日日期期)会会签签(日日期期)标标记记处处数数更更改改文文件件号号签签字字日日期期标标记记处处数数更更改改文文件件号号 签签字字日日期期无锡太湖学院机械加工工艺过程卡片产品型号W-1.0/7零(部)件图号 W1.0-10-01共 2 页产品名称空气压缩机 零(部)件名称曲轴箱第 1 页材料牌号HT200毛坯种类铸件毛坯外形尺寸每毛坯件数1 每台件数 1 备注工序号工序名称工 序 内 容车间工段设 备工 艺 装 备工 时准终 单件10检毛坯入厂检查质检1.铸件质量应符合GB9439-88灰铸铁的规定要求2.外观铸件无沙眼,气孔,裂纹等缺陷。20准备 清砂处理1.喷丸至外表面无砂粒2.浸涂铁红防锈漆30铣以顶面定位,粗,精铣曲箱底脚平面.保证图纸要求,粗糙度6.3金工W1.0-742-0135钳以顶面定位上钻夹具,钻底脚孔保证图纸要求金工W1.0-732-0140铣以底脚定位,粗,精铣大孔端面,两平面,留余量2-3mm,保证粗糙度3.2金工50镗1.上专机,以底脚定位,镗大小孔,留余量0.2mm金工专机12.粗铰大小孔,按图纸尺寸留余量0.05-0.06mm3.精铰大小孔,保证图纸要求,保证粗糙度1.660铣1.以底脚定位,粗,精铣小孔端面,按图纸要求,保证两平面尺寸,保证粗糙度3.2金工2.粗,精铣油标凸台平面,保证图纸要求,保证粗糙度3.265铣以大孔,大孔端面定位,粗精铣三斜面,保证图纸要求,粗糙度3.2W1.0-742-0270镗以大孔,大孔端面定位,上专机,粗,精镗三斜孔,保证图纸要求,金工专机2等高块保证粗糙度3.280钳划线,找正油标凸台中心,放油孔中心金工编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记 处数 更改文件号签字日期标记处数 更改文件号签字日期无锡太湖学院机械加工工艺过程卡片产品型号W-1.0/7零(部)件图号 W1.0-10-01共 2 页产品名称空气压缩机 零(部)件名称曲轴箱第 2 页材料牌号HT200毛坯种类铸件毛坯外形尺寸每毛坯件数1 每台件数 1 备注工序号工序名称工 序 内 容车间工段设 备工 艺 装 备工 时准终 单件90钳1.钻放油孔金工2.刮平放油孔平面3.放油孔攻丝4.钻油标定位孔5.上油标夹具,钻,攻,油标孔通用夹具100钳以底脚定位,上斜角铁夹具,上钻模,钻,攻两斜面螺纹孔金工W1.0-732-02110钳1.划线,找正加油孔中心金工2.以底脚平面定位,上钻模,钻,攻顶面螺纹孔.3.钻,攻,加油孔,保证图纸要求,保证粗糙度6.3120钳以大孔及平面定位,上钻模,钻,攻两平面螺纹孔,孔的分布按图纸金工W1.0-732-03要求,保证粗糙度6.3130 辅助 去毛刺,清洗,干燥金工140检入库检验(按图纸要求)质检编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记 处数 更改文件号签字日期标记处数 更改文件号签字日期无锡太湖学院信机 系 机械工程及自动化 专业毕 业 设 计论 文 任 务 书一、题目及专题:、 题目 机体三斜面铣削专机设计 、专题 总体设计,部件设计 二、课题来源及选题依据 本课题是力源空压机厂机体部件加工的专用机床设计之一。厂方 提供有关资料。 1. 加工材料 HT200 ; 2. 生产纲领 3000件 ; 3. 力源压缩机制造公司现有生产条件及该厂组,专用设计使用 情况 。 三、本设计(论文或其他)应达到的要求: 1编制机床部件设计的加工工艺,要求工艺过程卡片及主要工 序的工序卡片; 2专机设计的“三图一卡”,要求在编制工艺规程的基础上设计 “三图一卡 ”;机床设计总图(图纸总计折合0号图3张或以上); I 3设计说明书一份(字数不少于10000字); 4. 专业英语论文翻译(字数约10000字)。 四、接受任务学生: 机械96 班 姓名 李 想 五、开始及完成日期:自 2012 年 11 月12 日 至 2013年 5 月 25 日六、设计(论文)指导(或顾问):指导教师 签名 签名 签名教研室主任 学科组组长研究所所长 签名 系主任 签名2012年11月12日3英文原文Combine tool machine a slippery pedestal the research of the dynamic state characteristic【Summary】this text make use of power key to match diagram and appearance space analyticalthe method hurtle and exercise a steady sex problem to carry on analysis and study towards combining tool machine slip pedestal of ex-ly, the liquid which builds up a slippery pedestalpresses to drive system a from adjust to carry on the back to press to adjust soon dynamic statemathematics model of system.Pass a calculator numeral to imitate really, hurtle and exercise notsteady reason and main impact factor before analyzing a slippery pedestal a creation.From in get, if reasonably design a liquid to press an urn with from adjust to carry on the back to press toadjust structure size of press the valve, can make the dynamic state characteristic of slipperypedestal shown a Zhao improvement.One, prefaceCombine a tool machine work in, the varieties which slip a size of sport speed and direction andthe load bear all influence degree differently it work function.Especially in the work enter theprocess.Slippery the on the stage load of suddenly disappear causable of ex- hurtle and load ofthe period variety cause of the sport gravamen be steady, all is processed the surface quality ofpiece the influence, severity hour will cause the knife break.Request according to tool machinefactory in Dalian, the author adopts power key to match diagram and the analytical method establishment of the appearance space to combine the new liquid that the tool machine slips apedestal to press to drive system a from adjust to carry on the back to press to adjust soon dynamic state mathematics model of system.Pass a calculator numeral to imitate really and study.Analytical slippery the pedestal produce ago hurtle and exercise not steady reason and main impact factor, in order to improvement slippery the dynamic state characteristic of pedestal.Two, dynamic state mathematics modelThe liquid which combines tool machine to slip a pedestal presses to drive system a from adjustto carry on the back to press to adjust soon the work principle diagram of system,such as diagram I, to show.That system is the work circulation which uses to complete the work enter a stop a back quickly.When slippery pedestal work enter, 34 change to be placed in diagram to show a right toward the valve, the oil pump of provide hydraulic-pneumatic dint under thefunction which over flows valve look like ground to keep Heng settle, the oils liquid flows through to change toward the valve and adjust soon valve juniors into the oil urn of have no a pole chamber, push slippery the set be left shift;In the meantime, oil urn the pressure oil that if there is pole chamber, eject through from adjust to carry on the back to press valve and change to flow to return to fuel tank toward the valve.In this process, two one-way valves with overflowed to flow valve and always dont change original work appearance.Object that system so of complications not line system, for the sake of easy to study its dynamic state characteristic, build up a reasonable simple dynamic state mathematics model which only emphasizes to consider main impact factor is particularly important12.Know from the theories the analysis with experiment the research:That system of process time be soon that the process which is far larger than to adjust valve is soonhorary, oil urn have no the pole chamber effectively accepts to press area very greatly, adjust soon valve export discharge of super adjust a reflection in a moment is slippery pedestal sport speed of the variety be pimping2.For openning widely and going deep into dynamic state characteristic of study the system, make research work can on the microcomputer availably carry on, this text to original model2 do further simplification, on thesupposition that adjust soon the valve outputs in the whole transition process of system Hengsettle of discharge, treat it as to flow a source.So, the structure sketch plan of the dynamic state model of system such as figure 2 show, it from oil urn, slippery set, carry on the back to press valve and unite connectors roads etc. to constitute from the Diao.This text in use of sign asfollows:S 1-flow a source, then adjust soon valve export discharge; Sel-the slippery set glide frictionSel-the slippery set glide frictionC5, C6-the etc. effect liquid of tube road permit:R5, R7-take care of an etc. of road effect liquid Zu;V3, the V4-oil urn has no pole chamber and has a pole chamber the contents to accumulate;P3, the pressure which have no pole chamber and have a pole chamber of the P4-oil urnF-the slippery set bear a load,V-slip a pedestal sport speed.The this literary grace hard working rate key matches diagram and appearance space to fold a method establishment sport mathematics model of the system for cent.Power keys matching diagram is an effect to flow diagram, it is the energy which presses system to deliver a way, take actual structure as foundation, the function which uses concentration parameter the of sub- system relates to an abstract earths surface to show for the Zu a dollar Rand permits sex dollar C and sensitive faculty dollar I of three kinds of function dollar.Adopt thiskind of method sets up a mold physical concept clear, combine the appearance space analysis method can compare to accurately describe with analysis line system, that method is in the hour the area study complications the line system dynamic state characteristic not of a kind of valid of method.According to from adjust to carry on the back to press to adjust soon the main characteristic ofeach component of system and set up mold rule1, get figure 3 show of the power key of system match diagram.Each half arrowhead on the key in diagram means that the power fly to, 2 which constitute power change the quantity be a dint to change to measure(hydraulic-pneumatic P or function dint F) and flow to change to measure(discharge q or speed v).O crunode means in the system to belong to merge a conjunction, each dint of key changes to measure equality but flows to change to measure it with is zero;1 crunodes mean in the system to belong to establish a conjunction, each key is upper-class to change to measure equality but dint to change to measure it with is zero.TF means a different energy form the transformation machine of, the TF bottom mark of the letter of alphabet mean that the dint changes to measure or flows to change to measure of conversion specific value.The short and horizontal Gang of key means that key ascend two change the cause and effect between quantities relate to.The whole arrowheadses mean a control relation.Permit the dint of sex dollar and sensitive faculty dollar to change to measure in three kinds of function dollar and flow to change to measure it have integral calculus or differential calculus relation, therefore, according to figure 3 can deduce to submit to havenine complications that the appearances change to measure not the line appearance square distance.This text to slippery pedestal the research of the dynamic state characteristic from slippery pedestal of ex- hurtle and exercise steady sex both side to commence, use four ranks certainly tread long Runge-Kutta method at IBM-PC microcomputer up carry on numeral to imitate really, imitate a true result to distinguish such as figure 4 with figure 5 show. Three, slip to hurtle before the pedestal Slippery before the pedestal hurtle phenomenon is what function at slip the load of on the stage suddenly disappeared( if drilled to deeply work circumstance) cause.In this process, the variety which slips two chamber pressure P3s and P4 of the load F, sport speed V, oil urn of pedestal can from the figure 4 imitate true result see.When the slippery pedestal evenly and soon exercises under the function of the load, the oil urn has no pole chamber oil liquid pressure higher.It came together a great deal of energy in the oil liquid.While loading to suddenly disappear, that chamber is hydraulic-pneumatic to immediately and quickly lower, the oil liquid turns into the process of low-pressure Tai toward system to release a lot of energies from the high pressure Tai and cause slippery pedestal the high speed pounds at forward.However, slip a pedestal of ex- hurtle to make an oil urn to have a pole chamber the oil liquid is press to cause to carry on the back to press to go up, thus the depletion drop one part of energies in the system, to slippery pedestal of front blunt certainly repress a function.Should see, in the system study, from adjust to carry on the back entrance pressure of press the valve and be subjected to an oil urn two chambers hydraulic-pneumatic comprehensive function.BE load a disappeared moment, from adjust to carry on the back the pressure of press the valve quickly rises, and stabilize the number which starts to carry on the back to press at the beginning in the Gao up.From the diagram it is thus clear that, from adjust to carry on the back to press to adjust soon the system is in a twinkling load to disappear oil urn carry the range that the pressure go up on oil urns back big in traditionally adjust soon system, so, its oil urn energy which have the oil liquid in the pole chamber absorption many;Result, slip a pedestal of ex- blunt the quantity adjusts system to soon want than the tradition small be close to 20%.It is thus clear that adoption from adjust to carry on the back a Chuang to adjust soon system conduct and actions to drive the slippery pedestal of system to have good characteristic in the aspects of hurtling before repress, among them from adjust to carry on the back to press valve to have very your work to use. Four, slip the exercise of pedestal steady While regarding as a load period of used for the slippery on the stage variety(if the Xian pares to process a circumstance), the sport speed which slips a pedestal wants to produce certain。motion.In order to process the request of quality at assurance, have to possibly let up its speed motion scope.Set out from the convenience discussed a problem, suppose a load by the sine wave regulation variety, get thus of numeral imitate a true result such as figure 5 show.Be showed from this that system and traditionally adjust soon system to have same variety regulation with very close of number.The reason is that the variety range of load isnt big, oil urn two chamber pressures also more and greatly didnt change, end cause from adjust to carry on the back a function of press the valve not enough obvious.Five, improve measureStudy result enunciation, with from adjust to carry on the back to press to adjust soon system for drive the slippery set of system, its dynamic state characteristic surpasses to traditionally adjustsoon system.Want to reduce the ex- blunt quantity of slippery pedestal, must be load the disappeared moment quickly raises an oil urn have a pole chamber of carry on the back pressure;Want to raise the exercise of slippery pedestal steady to need to increase system of rigid, the main measure lies in the physical volume which lets up an oil liquid.Know from the structure of the system, the oil urn has a pole chamber to have with the row pipeline one very big capacity and show such as the figure 6 as.It of the existence delay with Shuai reduce from adjust to carry on the back a function of press the valve, also lowered system on the other hand of rigid, it limitted to hurtle characteristic and exercise the further improvement of steady ago.Therefore, the improvement slippery pedestal dynamic state characteristic can carry on from two paths:Namely change an oil urn capacity and change from adjust to carry on the back to pressvalve structure size.The comparison passed one true calculation and result of the imitate of parameter of the system structure can get:When oil urn have pole chamber and row pipeline thecapacity V4 together has no pole chamber with enter pipeline the capacity V3 of ratio from original of 5.5 change to 1, such as the figure 6 bs show, in the meantime, from adjust to carry on the back to press the valve valve Xin bottom to carry diameter is increase by the original 10 mms for the 13 mms, damping triangle slot side long let up a 0.7 mms from the original lmm, canmake slippery pedestal of ex- hurtle quantity to let up 30%, transfer the process obviouslyshortens for time and slip the exercise of pedestal steady to get to very greatly improve.Six, conclusionImitate a true research through theories analysis and calculator, from adjust to carry on the back to press to adjust soon system Be combine a drive of the tool machine slippery pedestal system to have much of expansion use value.The main factor which influences a slippery pedestal dynamic state characteristic is oil urn internal structure with from adjust to carry on the back topress valve of size.If as to its carry on a reasonable design, the dynamic state characteristic canmake to slip a pedestal is shown Zhao ground an improvement.Also explained adoption power in make to slip a pedestal is shown Zhao ground an improvement.Also explained adoption power incomplications not line is convenience valid of.In 1946 the first electronic accounting machine was born in the world, thisindicated the humanity created has been possible to strengthen and partially toreplace the mental labor the tool. It with the humanity these which in the agriculture, the industry society created only is strengthens the physical labor the tool to compare, got up the quantitive leap, entered the information society for the humanity to lay the foundation.After 6 years, in 1952, computer technology applied to the engine bed , the first numerical control engine bed were born in US. From this time on, thetraditional enginebed hashad the archery target change. Since nearly half century, the numerical control system has experienced two stages and six generation of development.The early computer operating speed is low, was not big to then science computation and the data processing influence, but could not adapt the engine bed real-time control request. The people can not but use numeral logic circuit to build to become an engine bed special purpose computer to take the numerical control system, is called the hardware connection numerical control (HARD-WIREDNC), Jian Chengwei numerical control (NC). Along with the primary devicedevelopment, this stage has had been through repeatedly three generations, namely 1952first generation of - electron tube; 1959second generation of - transistor; 1965 third generation - small scale integration electric circuit. In 1970, the general minicomputer already appeared and the mass production. Thereupon transplants it takes the numerical control system the core part, from this time on entered the computer numerical control (CNC)the stage (which shouldhave computer in front of the general two characters to abbreviate). In 1971, American INTEL Corporation in the world first time the computer two most cores part - logic units and the controller, used the large scale integrated circuit technology integration on together the chip, called it the microprocessor (MICROPROCESSOR),alsomightbe called the centralprocessing element (tobe calledCPU).The microprocessor is applied to 1974 in the numerical control system. This is because minicomputer function too strong, controlled an engine bed ability to have wealthily (therefore once uses in controlling the multi- Taiwan engine bed at that time, called it group control), was inferior to used the microprocessor economy to be reasonable. Moreover then small machine reliability was not ideal. The early microprocessor speed and the function although insufficiently are alsohigh, but may solve through the multi-processor structure. Because the microprocessor is the general-purpose calculator core part, therefore still was called the computer numerical control.In 1990, PC machine (personal computer, domestic custom had called microcomputer) the performance has developed to the very high stage, may satisfiedly take the numerical control system core part the request. The numerical control system henceforth entered based on the PC stage.In brief, the computer numerical control stage has also experienced three generations. Namely 1970fourth generation of - minicomputer; 1974five dynasties- microprocessor and 1990sixth generation - (overseaswascalledPC-BASED) based on PC.onto this path. Uses PC machine to take at least its front end machine, processes the man-machine contact surface, the programming, the association.Question and so on net correspondence, undertakes the numerical control duty by the original system. PC machine has the friendly man-machine contact surface, will popularize to all numerical controls system. The long-distancecommunication, the long-distance diagnosis and the service will be more common.Along with the artificial intelligence in the computer domain unceasing seepage and the development, the numerical control system intellectualized degree unceasingly will enhance.applies the adaptive control technologyThe numerical controlsystem can examine in theprocess some important information, and the automatic control system related parameter, achieves the improvement system running status the roduces the expert system instruction processingThe skilled worker and experts experience, the processing general rule and the special rule store in the system, take the craft parameter database as the strut, the establishment has the artificial intelligence the expert roduces the breakdown to diagnose the expert systemintellectualized numeral servo driveMay through the automatic diagnosis load, but the automatic control parameter, causes the actuation system to obtain the best movement. Second, engine bed numerical control transformation necessityFrom on microscopic looked below that, the numerical control engine bed has the prominent superiority compared to the traditional engine bed, moreover these superiority come from the computer might which the numerical control system contains. may process the traditional engine bed cannot process the curve, the curvedsurface and so on the complex components.Because the computer has the excellent operation ability, may the instant accurately calculate each coordinate axis instant to be supposed the movement physiological load of exercise, therefore may turn round the synthesis complex curve or the curved surface.may realize the processing automation, moreover is the flexible automation, thus the efficiency may enhance 3 7 times compared to the traditional engine bed.Because the computer has the memory and the memory property, may the procedure which inputs remember and save, then the order which stipulated according to the procedure automatic carries out, thus realization automation. The numerical control engine bed so long as replaces a procedure, may realize another work piece processing automation, thus causes the single unit and the small batch of production can automate, therefore is called has realized flexible automation.From on macroscopic looked that, the industry developed country armed forces, the airplane weapon industry, in the end of the 70s, at the beginning of the 80s started the large-scale application numerical control engine bed. Its essence is, uses the information technology to the traditional industry (includingthe armed forces, airplane weapon industry) carries on the technological transformations. Except that uses outside the numerical control engine bed, FMC, FMS in themanufacture process, but also includes in the product development carries out CAD, CAE, CAM, the hypothesized manufacture aswell as carries out MIS in the production management (management information system), CIMS and so on. As well as increases the information technology in its production product, including artificial intelligence and so on content. Because uses the information technology to the country foreign troops, the airplane weapon industry carries on the thorough transformation (tocall it becoming an information based society), finally causes them the product in the internationalmilitary goods and in the goods for civilian use market the competitive power greatly is the enhancement. But we in the information technology transformation tradition industry aspect compared to the developed country to fall behind approximately for 20 years. Like in our country engine bed capacity, numerical control engine bed proportion (numerical control rate) to 1995 only then 1.9%, but Japan has reached 20.8% in 1994, therefore every year has the massive mechanical and electrical products import. This also on from on macroscopic explained the engine bed numerical control transformation necessity.In US, Japan and Germany and so on the developed country, their engine bed transforms took the new economical growth profession, thrives abundantly, is occupying the golden age. As a result of the engine bed as well as the technicalunceasing progress, the engine bed transformation is the eternal topic. Our unceasing progress, the engine bed transformation is the eternal topic. Our unceasing progress, the engine bed transformation is the eternal topic. Our Germany,have the broad market with the numerical control technological transformations engine bed and the production line, has formed the engine bed and the production line numerical control transformation new profession. In US, the engine bed transformation industry is called the engine bed regeneration (Remanufacturing)industry. Isengaged inthe regeneration industryfamous company to include: The Bertsche engineering firm, the ayton engine bed company, Devlieg-Bullavd (arevaluable) serves the group, the US equipment company and soon. The American valuable company has set up the company in China. In Japan, theengine bed transformation industry is called the engine bed to reequip (Retrofitting) industry. Is engaged in the reequipment industry famous company to include: Big indentation project group, hillock three mechanical companies, thousand substitute fields labor machine company, wild engineering firm, shore field engineering firm, mountain this engineering firm and so on.The engine bed and the production line numerical control transformation maincontent has following several points:First is extensively recovers the function, to the engine bed, the production line has the breakdown partially to carry on the diagnosis and the restoration;Second is NC, the addend reveals the installment on the ordinary engine bed, or adds the numerical control system, transforms the NC engine bed, the CNC engine bed;Third is renovates, for increases the precision, the efficiency and theautomaticity, to the machinery, the electricity partially carries on renovates, reassembles the processing to themachine part, extensively recovers the precision; reassembles the processing to themachine part, extensively recovers the precision; by newest CNC;Fourth is the technology renews or the technical innovation, for enhances the performance or the scale, or in order to use the new craft, the new technology, carries on the big scale in the original foundation the technology to renew or the technical innovation, the great scope raises the level and the scale renewal transformation.The new electrical system transforms after, how carries on the debugging as well as the determination reasonable approval standard, also is the technology preparatory work important link. The debugging work involves the machinery, the hydraulic pressure, the electricity, the control, and so on, thereforemust carry on by the project person incharge, other personnel coordinate. The debugging stepmay conform to simplicity tonumerous, from infancyto maturity, carries on from outside to in, after also may the partial overall situation.中文译文组合机床滑台动态特性的研究【摘要】这篇文章是利用功率键合图和状态空间分析法对组合机床滑台的前冲和运动平稳性问题进行分析与研究,建立了滑台的液压驱动系统一自调背压调速系统的动态数学模型。通过计算机数字仿真,分析了滑台产生前冲和运动不平稳的原因及主要影响因素。从中得出,如果合理地设计液压缸和自调背压调压阀的结构尺寸,可以使滑台的动态特性得到显著改善。1引言组合机床工作中,滑台运动速度的大小和方向以及所承受负载的变化都将程度不同地影响其工作性能。特别是在工进过程中。滑台上负载的突然消失引起的前冲以及负载的周期变化引起的运动不平稳,都将影响被加工件的表面质量,严重时会致使刀具折断。根据大连机床厂要求,作者采用功率键合图和状态空间分析法建立组合机床滑台的新型液压驱动系统一自调背压调速系统的动态数学模型。通过计算机数字仿真和研究。分析滑台产生前冲和运动不平稳的原 以及主要的影响,以便改善滑台的动态特性。2动态数学模型组合机床滑台的液压驱动系统一自调背压调速系统的工作原理图如图I所示。该系统是用来完成工进一停止一快退”的工作循环。当滑台工进时,三位四通换向阀处于图示右位,油泵的供油压力在滥流阀的作用下近似地保持恒定,该油液流经换向阀和调速阀后进入油缸的无杆腔,推动滑台左移;同时,油缸有杆腔排出的压力油经自调背压阀和换向阀流回油箱。在此过程中,两个单向阀和溢流阀始终没有改变原有的工作状态。对象该系统这样的复杂非线性系统,为了便于研究其动态特性,建立一个仅着重考虑主要影响因素的合理简单的动态数学模型是尤其重要的12。从理论分析和试验研究中得知:该系统的过程时间是远大于调速阀的过程时间的,油缸无杆腔有效承压面积很大,调速阀出口流量的瞬时超调反映为滑台运动速度的变化是很小的2。为了拓宽和深入研究系统的动态特性,使研究工作能在微型计算机上有效地进行,本 对原模型2做进一步简化,假定调速阀在系统的整个过渡过程中输出恒定的流量,视其为流源。这样,系统的动态模型的结构简图如图2 所示,它是由油缸、滑台,自凋背压阀和联接管路等组成。本论文中所使用的符号:s1-流源,即调速阀出口流量;Sel滑台滑动摩擦力R 一滑台等效粘性摩擦系数I1滑台与油缸的质量12自调背压阀阀心质量C1、c2油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的液容C2自调背压阀弹簧柔度R1, R2 自调背压阀阻尼孔液阻,R9自调背压阀阀口液阻Se2自调背压阀弹簧的初始预紧力;I4, I5管路的等效液感C5、C6管路的等效液容:R5, R7-管路的等效液阻;V3, V4油缸无杆腔及有杆腔内容积;P3, P4油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的压力F滑台承受负载,滑台前冲现象是作用在滑台上的负载突然消失(如钻透工作情况)引起的。在此过程中,滑台的负载F、运动速度V、油缸两腔压力P3 和P4 的变化可从图4 仿真结果看出。当滑台在负载的作用下匀速运动时,油缸无杆腔油液压力较高油液中聚集了大量的能量。当负载突然消失时,该腔油压随之迅速降低,油液从高压态转入低压态的过程中向系统释放很多能量,致使滑台高速向前冲击。然而,滑台的前冲使油缸有杆腔油液受压引起背压升高,从而消耗掉系统中的一部分能量,对滑台的前冲起一定的抑制作用。应当看到,在所研究的系统中,自调背压阀的入口压力要受到油缸两腔油压的综合作用。在负载消失的瞬间,自调背压阀的压力迅速上升,并稳定在高于初始背压的数值上。从图中可见,自调背压调速系统在负载消失瞬间油缸背压力升高的幅度大于传统的调速系统,所以,其油缸有杆腔中油液吸收的能量 多;结果,滑台的前冲量比传统调速系统要小近20%。可见采用自调背庄调速系统作为驱动系统的滑台在抑制前冲方面具有良好的特性,其中自调背压阀起了很大作用。四.滑台的运动平稳性当作用于滑台上的负载周期变化时(如铣削加工情况),滑台的运动速度要产生一定的波动。为于保 加工质量的要求,必须尽可能地减小其速度波动范围。从讨论问题的方便出发,假设负载按正弦波规律变化,
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