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关 键 词:
打印机 齿轮 注塑模 设计 图纸


57页 22000字数+说明书+任务书+开题报告+13张CAD图纸【详情如下】




















摘  要





目  录

摘  要II


目  录IV

1 绪 论1

1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义1

1.2 国内外塑料成型模具发展概况1


1.4 本课题应达到的要求3

2 打印机齿轮成型工艺性分析4

2.1 打印机齿轮分析4

2.2 注射成型过程及工艺参数5

2.3  PA66的性能分析6


3.1 分型面位置的确定7

3.2 确定型腔数量及排列方式8

3.3 模具结构形式的确定8

4 注射机的选用10

4.1 所需注射量的计算10

4.2 注射机型号的选定10

4.3 型腔数量及注射机有关工艺参数的校核11

4.3.1 型腔数量的校核11

4.3.2 注射机工艺参数的校核12

4.3.3 安装尺寸校核12

4.4 开模行程和推出机构的校核13

4.4.1 开模行程校核13

4.4.2 推出机构校核13

4.5 模架尺寸与注射机拉杆内间距校核13

5 浇注系统设计14

5.1 主流道的设计14

5.2 冷料穴的设计15

5.3 分流道的设计15

5.4 浇口的设计18

5.5 浇注系统凝料体积计算19

5.6 浇注系统各截面流过熔体的体积计算20

5.7 普通浇注系统截面尺寸的计算与校核20

6 模具成型零件的设计23

6.1 定模部分的型芯23

6.2 动模部分的型芯与型腔24

6.2.1 齿轮型腔24

6.2.2 圆柱型芯Ⅱ25

6.3 斜滑块(瓣合模型腔)25

6.3.1 成型打印机齿轮的上半部分26

6.3.2 成型打印机齿轮的下半部分26

6. 4 型腔零件强度、刚度的校核26

6.4.1 齿根部分距整体型腔边沿的距离校核26

6.4.2 型腔底板厚度的校核27

7 模架的选用29

7.1 定模座板29

7.2 定模板29

7.3 支承板29

7.4 垫块29

7.5 动模座板30

7.6 模套30

7.7 推板30

7.8 推杆固定板30


8.1 脱模推出机构的设计原则31

8.2 打印机齿轮推出的基本方式31

8.3 打印机齿轮的推出机构31

8.4 斜滑块推出机构32

8.5 脱模力的计算33

9 侧向分型抽芯机构设计37

9.1 侧向分型与抽芯机构类型的确定37

9.2 斜滑块(瓣合模块)的几种方案对比37

9.3 斜滑块的组合形式37

9.4 斜滑块的导滑形式38

9.5 设计要点38

9.6 各项尺寸的计算与校核39

10 排气与温度调节系统设计43

10.1 排气系统设计43

10.2 温度调节系统设计43

10.2.1 加热系统43

10.2.2 冷却系统43

10.3 冷却装置的布置44

11 结论与展望45

11.1 结论45

11.2 不足之处及未来展望45

致  谢47


1 绪 论

1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义



1.2 国内外塑料成型模具发展概况




  (1) 初创阶段

  (2) 发展阶段。


  (3) 飞跃发展阶段。


  (4) 稳定增长阶段 我国塑料模工业从起步到现在,历经半个多世纪,有了很大发展,模具水平有了较大提高。在大型模具方面已能生产48英寸大屏幕彩电塑壳注射模具、6.5Kg大容量洗衣机全套塑料模具以及汽车保险杠和整体仪表盘等塑料模具,精密塑料模具方面,已能生产照相机塑料件模具、多型腔小模数齿轮模具及塑封模具。如天津津荣天和机电有限公司和烟台北极星模具有限公司制造多腔VCD和DVD齿轮模具,所生产的这类齿轮打印机齿轮的尺寸精度、同轴度、跳动等要求都达到了国外同类产品的水平,而且还采用最新的齿轮设计软件,纠正了由于成型收缩造成齿形误差,达到了标准渐开线齿形要求。还能生产厚度仅为0.08mm的一模两腔的航空杯模具和难度较高的塑料门窗挤出模等等。注塑模型腔制造精度可达0.02mm~0.05mm,表面粗糙度Ra0.2μm,模具质量、寿命明显提高了,非淬火钢模寿命可达10~30万次,淬火钢模达50~1000万次,交货期较以前缩短,但和国外相比仍有较大差距,具体数据见表1-1。

 表1-1 国内外塑料模具技术比较表











在制造技术方面,CAD/CAM/CAE技术的应用水平上了一个新台阶,以生产家用电器的企业为代表,陆续引进了相当数量的CAD/CAM系统,如美国EDS的UGⅡ、美国Parametric Technology公司的Pro/Engineer、美国CV公司的CADS5、英国Deltacam公司的DOCT5、日本HZS公司的CRADE、以色列公司的Cimatron、美国AC-Tech公司的C-Mold及澳大利亚Moldflow公司的MPA塑模分析软件等等。这些系统和软件的引进,虽花费了大量资金,但在我国模具行业中,实现了CAD/CAM的集成,并能支持CAE技术对成型过程,如充模和冷却等进行计算机模拟,取得了一定的技术经济效益,促进和推动了我国模具CAD/CAM技术的发展。近年来,我国自主开发的塑料模CAD/CAM系统有了很大发展,主要有北航华正软件工程研究所开发的CAXA系统、华中科技开发的注塑模HSC5.0系统及CAE软件等,这些软件具有适应国内模具的具体情况、能在微机上应用且价格低等特点,为进一步普及模具CAD/CAM技术创造了良好条件。近年来,国内已较广泛地采用一些新的塑料模具钢,如:P20,3Gr2Mo、PMS、SMⅠ、SMⅡ等,对模具的质量和使用寿命有着直接的重大影响,但总体使用量仍较少。塑料模具标准模架、标准推杆和弹簧等越来越广泛得到应用,并且出现了一些国产的商品化的热流道系统元件。但目前我国模具标准化程度的商品化程度一般在30%以下,和国外先进工业国家已达到70%~80%相比,仍有差距。

打印机齿轮注塑模设计无锡太湖学院信 机系 机械工程及自动化 专业毕 业 设 计论 文 任 务 书一、题目及专题:1、题目 打印机齿轮注塑模设计 2、专题 二、课题来源及选题依据 课题来源于生产实际。 近年来,随着塑料工业的飞速发展和通用工程塑料在强度和精度等方面的不断提高,塑料制品的应用范围也在不断扩大,如:家用电器、仪器仪表,建筑器材,汽车工业、日用五金等众多领域,塑料制品所占的比例正迅猛增加,一个设计合理的塑料件能代替多个传统金属件,工业产品和日用产品塑料化的趋势不断上升。 采用模具生产制件具有生产效率高,质量好,切削少,节约能源和原材料,成本低等一系列优点,模具成型已经成为当代工业生产的重要手段,成为多种成型工艺中最具有潜力的发展方向。 三、本设计(论文或其他)应达到的要求: 1.掌握塑料模具设计的方法和技巧。 2.完成打印机齿轮成型工艺和主要部件的参数计算。 3.完成打印机齿轮模具标准件的选用。 3 4.完成打印机齿轮模具零、部件图10张以上。 5.完成打印机齿轮模具总装图1张。 6.撰写毕业说明书一份。 计算正确完整,文字简洁通顺,书写整齐清晰。 论文中所引用的公式和数据应注明出处。 论文字数不少于1.5万字。 四、接受任务学生: 机械96 班 姓名 纪明治 五、开始及完成日期:自 2012 年 11 月 12 日 至 2013 年 5 月 25 日六、设计(论文)指导(或顾问):指导教师签名签名 签名教研室主任学科组组长研究所所长 签名 系主任 签名 2012 年 11月 7 日英文原文1 Die position in industrial productionMold is a high-volume products with the shape tool, is the main process of industrial production equipment. 采用模具生产零部件,具有生产效率高、质量好、成本低、节约能源和原材料等一系列优点,用模具生产制件所具备的高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比 With mold components, with high efficiency, good quality, low cost, saving energy and raw materials and a series of advantages, with the mold workpieces possess high accuracy, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption , other manufacturing methods can not match. 已成为当代工业生产的重要手段和工艺发展方向。 Have already become an important means of industrial production and technological development. 现代经济的基础工The basis of the modern industrial economy. 现代工业品的发展和技术水平的提高,很大程度上取决于模具工业的发展水平,因此模具工业对国民经济和社会发展将起越来越大的作用。The development of modern industrial and technological level depends largely on the level of industrial development die, so die industry to national economic and social development will play an increasing role. 1989 年 3 月国务院颁布的关于当前产业政策要点的决定中,把模具列为机械工业技术改造序列的第一位、生产和基本建设序列的第二位 ( 仅次于大型发电设备及相应的输变电设备 ) ,确立模具工业在国民经济中的重要地位。 March 1989 the State Council promulgated on the current industrial policy decision points in the mold as the machinery industry transformation sequence of the first, production and capital construction of the second sequence (after the large-scale power generation equipment and the corresponding power transmission equipment), establish tooling industry in an important position in the national economy. 1997 年以来,又相继把模具及其加工技术和设备列入了当前国家重点鼓励发展的产业、产品和技术目录和鼓励外商投资产业目录。 Since 1997, they have to mold and its processing technology and equipment included in the current national focus on encouraging the development of industries, products and technologies catalog and to encourage foreign investment industry directory. 经国务院批准,从 1997 年到 2000 年,对 80 多家国有专业模具厂实行增值税返还 70% 的优惠政策,以扶植模具工业的发展。 Approved by the State Council, from 1997 to 2000, more than 80 professional mold factory owned 70% VAT refund of preferential policies to support mold industry. 所有这些,都充分体现了国务院和国家有关部门对发展模具工业的重视和支持。 All these have fully demonstrated the development of the State Council and state departments tooling industry attention and support. 目前全世界模具年产值约为 600 亿美元,日、美等工业发达国家的模具工业产值已超过机床工业,从 1997 年开始,我国模具工业产值也超过了机床工业产值。 Mold around the world about the current annual output of 60 billion U.S. dollars, Japan, the United States and other industrialized countries die of industrial output value of more than machine tool industry, beginning in 1997, Chinas industrial output value has exceeded the mold machine tool industry output.据统计,在家电、玩具等轻工行业,近 90 的零件是综筷具生产的;在飞机、汽车、农机和无线电行业,这个比例也超过 60 。 According to statistics, home appliances, toys and other light industries, nearly 90% of the parts are integrated with production of chopsticks; in aircraft, automobiles, agricultural machinery and radio industries, the proportion exceeded 60%. 例如飞机制造业,某型战斗机模具使用量超过三万套,其中主机八千套、发动机二千套、辅机二万套。 Such as aircraft manufacturing, the use of a certain type of fighter dies more than 30,000 units, of which the host 8000 sets, 2000 sets of engines, auxiliary 20 000 sets. 从产值看, 80 年代以来,美、日等工业发达国家模具行业的产值已超过机床行业,并又有继续增长的趋势。 From the output of view, since the 80s, the United States, Japan and other industrialized countries die industry output value has exceeded the machine tool industry, and there are still rising. 据国际生产技术协会预测,到 2000 年,产品尽件粗加工的 75% 、精加工的 50 将由模具完成;金属、塑料、陶瓷、橡胶、建材等工业制品大部分将由模具完成, 50 以上的金属板材、 80 以上的塑料都特通过模具转化成制品。 Production technology, according to the International Association predicts that in 2000, the product best pieces of rough 75%, 50% will be finished mold completed; metals, plastics, ceramics, rubber, building materials and other industrial products, most of the mold will be completed in more than 50% metal plates, more than 80% of all plastic products, especially through the mold into.模具的历史发展2 The historical development of mold模具的出现可以追溯到几千年前的陶器和青铜器铸造,但其大规模使用却是随着现代工业的掘起而发展起来的。 The emergence of mold can be traced back thousands of years ago, pottery and bronze foundry, but the large-scale use is with the rise of modern industry and developed.19 世纪,随着军火工业 ( 枪炮的弹壳 ) 、钟表工业、无线电工业的发展,冲模得到广泛使用。 The 19th century, with the arms industry (guns shell), watch industry, radio industry, dies are widely used. 二次大战后,随着世界经济的飞速发展,它又成了大量生产家用电器、汽车、电子仪器、照相机、钟表等零件的最佳方式。 After World War II, with the rapid development of world economy, it became a mass production of household appliances, automobiles, electronic equipment, cameras, watches and other parts the best way. 从世界范围看,当时美国的冲压技术走在前列许多模具先进技术,如简易模具、高效率模具、高寿命模具和冲压自动化技术,大多起源于美国;而瑞士的精冲、德国的冷挤压技术,苏联对塑性加工的研究也处于世界先进行列。 From a global perspective, when the United States in the forefront of stamping technology - many die of advanced technologies, such as simple mold, high efficiency, mold, die and stamping the high life automation, mostly originated in the United States; and Switzerland, fine blanking, cold in Germany extrusion technology, plastic processing of the Soviet Union are at the world advanced. 50 年代,模具行业工作重点是根据订户的要求,制作能满足产品要求的模具。 50s, mold industry focus is based on subscriber demand, production can meet the product requirements of the mold. 模具设计多凭经验,参考已有图纸和感性认识,对所设计模具零件的机能缺乏真切了解。 Multi-die design rule of thumb, reference has been drawing and perceptual knowledge, on the design of mold parts of a lack of real understanding of function. 从 1955 年到 1965 年,是压力加工的探索和开发时代对模具主要零部件的机能和受力状态进行了数学分桥,并把这些知识不断应用于现场实际,使得冲压技术在各方面有飞跃的发展。 From 1955 to 1965, is the pressure processing of exploration and development of the times - the main components of the mold and the stress state of the function of a mathematical sub-bridge, and to continue to apply to on-site practical knowledge to make stamping technology in all aspects of a leap in development. 其结果是归纳出模具设计原则,并使得压力机械、冲压材料、加工方法、梅具结构、模具材料、模具制造方法、自动化装置等领域面貌一新,并向实用化的方向推进,从而使冲压加工从仪能生产优良产品的第一阶段。 The result is summarized mold design principles, and makes the pressure machine, stamping materials, processing methods, plum with a structure, mold materials, mold manufacturing method, the field of automation devices, a new look to the practical direction of advance, so that pressing processing apparatus capable of producing quality products from the first stage.进入 70 年代向高速化、启动化、精密化、安全化发展的第二阶段。 Into the 70s to high speed, launch technology, precision, security, development of the second stage. 在这个过程中不断涌现各种高效率、商寿命、高精度助多功能自动校具。 Continue to emerge in this process a variety of high efficiency, business life, high-precision multi-functional automatic school to help with. 其代表是多达别多个工位的级进模和十几个工位的多工位传递模。 Represented by the number of working places as much as other progressive die and dozens of multi-station transfer station module. 在此基础上又发展出既有连续冲压工位又有多滑块成形工位的压力机弯曲机。 On this basis, has developed both a continuous pressing station there are more slide forming station of the press - bending machine. 在此期间,日本站到了世界最前列其模具加工精度进入了微米级,模具寿命,合金工具钢制造的模具达到了几千万次,硬质合金钢制造的模具达到了几亿次 p 每分钟冲压次数,小型压力机通常为 200 至 300 次,最高为 1200 次至 1500 次。 In the meantime, the Japanese stand to the worlds largest - the mold into the micron-level precision, die life, alloy tool steel mold has reached tens of millions of times, carbide steel mold to each of hundreds of millions of times p minutes for stamping the number of small presses usually 200 to 300, up to 1200 times to 1500 times. 在此期间,为了适应产品更新快、用期短 ( 如汽车改型、玩具翻新等 ) 的需要,各种经济型模具,如锌落合金模具、聚氨酯橡胶模具、钢皮冲模等也得到了很大发展。 In the meantime, in order to meet product updates quickly, with the short duration (such as cars modified, refurbished toys, etc.) need a variety of economic-type mold, such as zinc alloy die down, polyurethane rubber mold, die steel skin, also has been very great development.从 70 年代中期至今可以说是计算机辅助设计、辅助制造技术不断发展的时代。 From the mid-70s so far can be said that computer-aided design, supporting the continuous development of manufacturing technology of the times. 随着模具加工精度与复杂性不断提高,生产周期不断加快,模具业对设备和人员素质的要求也不断提高。 With the precision and complexity of mold rising, accelerating the production cycle, the mold industry, the quality of equipment and personnel are required to improve. 依靠普通加工设备,凭经验和手艺越来越不能满足模具生产的需要。 Rely on common processing equipment, their experience and skills can not meet the needs of mold. 90 年代以来,机械技术和电子技术紧密结合,发展了 NC 机床,如数控线切割机床、数控电火花机床、数控铣床、数控坐标磨床等。 Since the 90s, mechanical and electronic technologies in close connection with the development of NC machine tools, such as CNC wire cutting machine, CNC EDM, CNC milling, CNC coordinate grinding machine and so on. 而采用电子计算机自动编程、控制的 cNc 机床提高了数控机床的使用效率和范围。 The use of computer automatic programming, control CNC machine tools to improve the efficiency in the use and scope. 近年来又发展出由一台计算机以分时的方式直接管理和控制一群数控机床的 nNc 系统。 In recent years, has developed a computer to time-sharing by the way a group of direct management and control of CNC machine tools NNC system.随着计算机技术的发展,计算机也逐步进入模具生产的各个领域,包括设计、制造、管理等。 With the development of computer technology, computers have gradually into the mold in all areas, including design, manufacturing and management. 国际生产研究协会预测,到 2000 年,作为设计和制造之间联系手段的图纸将失去其主要作用。 International Association for the Study of production forecasts to 2000, as a means of links between design and manufacturing drawings will lose its primary role. 模具自动设计的最根本点是必须确立模具零件标准及设计标准。 Automatic Design of die most fundamental point is to establish the mold standard and design standards. 要摆脱过去以人的思考判断和实际经验为中心所组成的设计方法,就必须把过去的经验和思考方法,进行系列化、数值化、数式化,作为设计准则储存到计算机中。 To get rid of the people of the past, and practical experience to judge the composition of the design center, we must take past experiences and ways of thinking, for series, numerical value, the number of type-based, as the design criteria to the computer store. 因为模具构成元件也干差万别,要搞出一个能适应各种零件的设计软件几乎不可能。 Components are dry because of mold constitutes a million other differences, to come up with a can adapt to various parts of the design software almost impossible. 但是有些产品的零件形状变化不大,模具结构有一定的规律,放可总结归纳,为自动设计提供软件。 But some products do not change the shape of parts, mold structure has certain rules, can be summed up for the automatic design of software. 如日本某公司的 CDM 系统用于级进模设计与制造,其中包括零件图形输入、毛坯展开、条料排样、确定模板尺寸和标准、绘制装配图和零件图、输出 NC 程序 ( 为数控加工中心和线切割编程 ) 等,所用时间由手工的 20% 、工时减少到 35 小时;从 80 年代初日本就将三维的 cad cam 系统用于汽车覆盖件模具。 If a Japanese companys CDM system for progressive die design and manufacturing, including the importation of parts of the figure, rough start, strip layout, determine the size and standard templates, assembly drawing and parts, the output NC program (for CNC machining Center and line cutting program), etc., used in 20% of the time by hand, reduce their working hours to 35 hours; from Japan in the early 80s will be three-dimensional cad / cam system for automotive panel die. 目前,在实体件的扫描输入,图线和数据输入,几何造形、显示、绘图、标注以及对数据的自动编程,产生效控机床控制系统的后置处理文件等方面已达到较高水平;计算机仿真 (CAE) 技术也取得了一定成果。 Currently, the physical parts scanning input, map lines and data input, geometric form, display, graphics, annotations and the data is automatically programmed, resulting in effective control machine tool control system of post-processing documents have reached a high level; computer Simulation (CAE) technology has made some achievements. 在高层次上, CAD CAM CAE 集成的,即数据是统一的,可以互相直接传输信息 At high levels, CAD / CAM / CAE integration, that data is integrated, can transmit information directly with each other. 实现网络化。 Achieve network. 目前 Present. 国外仅有少数厂家能够做到。 Only a few foreign manufacturers can do it.3 Chinas mold industry and its development trend模具工业现状 Die & Mould Industry Status由于历史原因形成的封闭式、“ 大 而全” 的 企业特征,我国大部分企业均设有模具车间,处于本厂的配套地位,自 70 年代末才有了模具工业化和生产专业化这个概念。 Due to historical reasons for the formation of closed, big and complete enterprise features, most enterprises in China are equipped with mold workshop, in factory matching status since the late 70s have a mold the concept of industrialization and specialization of production. 生产效率不高,经济效益较差。 Production efficiency is not high, poor economic returns. 模具行业的生产小而散乱,跨行业、投资密集,专业化、商品化和技术管理水平都比较低。 Mold production industry is small and scattered, cross-industry, capital-intensive, professional, commercial and technical management level are relatively low.据不完全统计,全国现有模具专业生产厂、产品厂配套的模具车间(分厂)近17000家,约60万从业人员,年模具总产值达200亿元人民币。 According to incomplete statistics, there are now specialized in manufacturing mold, the product supporting mold factory workshop (factory) near 17 000, about 600 000 employees, annual output value reached 20 billion yuan mold. 但是,我国模具工业现有能力只能满足需求量的60左右,还不能适应国民经济发展的需要。 However, the existing capacity of the mold and die industry can only meet the demand of 60%, still can not meet the needs of national economic development. 目前,国内需要的大型、精密、复杂和长寿命的模具还主要依靠进口。 At present, the domestic needs of large, sophisticated, complex and long life of the mold also rely mainly on imports. 据海关统计,1997年进口模具价值6.3亿美元,这还不包括随设备一起进口的模具;1997年出口模具仅为7800万美元。 According to customs statistics, in 1997 630 million U.S. dollars worth of imports mold, not including the import of mold together with the equipment; in 1997 only 78 million U.S. dollars export mold. 目前我国模具工业的技术水平和制造能力,是我国国民经济建设中的薄弱环节和制约经济持续发展的瓶颈。 At present the technological level of China Die & Mould Industry and manufacturing capacity, Chinas national economy in the weak links and bottlenecks constraining sustainable economic development.1、模具工业产品结构的现状 3.1 Research on the Structure of industrial products mold按照中国模具工业协会的划分,我国模具基本分为10大类,其中,冲压模和塑料成型模两大类占主要部分。 In accordance with the division of China Mould Industry Association, China mold is divided into 10 basic categories, which, stamping die and plastic molding two categories accounted for the main part. 按产值计算,目前我国冲压模占50左右,塑料成形模约占20,拉丝模(工具)约占10,而世界上发达工业国家和地区的塑料成形模比例一般占全部模具产值的40以上。 Calculated by output, present, China accounts for about 50% die stamping, plastic molding die about 20%, Wire Drawing Die (Tool) about 10% of the worlds advanced industrial countries and regions, the proportion of plastic forming die die general of the total output value 40%.我国冲压模大多为简单模、单工序模和符合模等,精冲模,精密多工位级进模还为数不多,模具平均寿命不足100万次,模具最高寿命达到1亿次以上,精度达到35um,有50个以上的级进工位,与国际上最高模具寿命6亿次,平均模具寿命5000万次相比,处于80年代中期国际先进水平。 Most of our stamping die mold for the simple, single-process mode and meet the molds, precision die, precision multi-position progressive die is also one of the few, die less than 100 million times the average life of the mold reached 100 million times the maximum life of more than accuracy 3 5um, more than 50 progressive station, and the international life of the die 600 million times the highest average life of the die 50 million times compared to the mid 80s at the international advanced level.我国的塑料成形模具设计,制作技术起步较晚,整体水平还较低。 Chinas plastic molding mold design, production technology started relatively late, the overall level of low. 目前单型腔,简单型腔的模具达70以上,仍占主导地位。 Currently a single cavity, a simple mold cavity 70%, and still dominant. 一模多腔精密复杂的塑料注射模,多色塑料注射模已经能初步设计和制造。A sophisticated multi-cavity mold plastic injection mold, plastic injection mold has been able to multi-color preliminary design and manufacturing. 模具平均寿命约为80万次左右,主要差距是模具零件变形大、溢边毛刺大、表面质量差、模具型腔冲蚀和腐蚀严重、模具排气不畅和型腔易损等,注射模精度已达到5um以下,最高寿命已突破2000万次,型腔数量已超过100腔,达到了80年代中期至90年代初期的国际先进水平。 Mould is about 80 million times the average life span is about, the main difference is the large deformation of mold components, excess burr side of a large, poor surface quality, erosion and corrosion serious mold cavity, the mold cavity exhaust poor and vulnerable such as, injection mold 5um accuracy has reached below the highest life expectancy has exceeded 20 million times, the number has more than 100 chamber cavity, reaching the mid 80s to early 90s the international advanced level.2、模具工业技术结构现状 3.2 mold Present Status of Technology我国模具工业目前技术水平参差不齐,悬殊较大。 Technical level of Chinas mold industry currently uneven, with wide disparities. 从总体上来讲,与发达工业国家及港台地区先进水平相比,还有较大的差距。 Generally speaking, with the developed industrial countries, Hong Kong and Taiwan advanced level, there is a large gap. 在采用CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP等技术设计与制造模具方面,无论是应用的广泛性,还是技术水平上都存在很大的差距。 The use of CAD / CAM / CAE / CAPP and other technical design and manufacture molds, both wide application, or technical level, there is a big gap between both. 在应用CAD技术设计模具方面,仅有约10%的模具在设计中采用了CAD,距抛开绘图板还有漫长的一段路要走;在应用CAE进行模具方案设计和分析计算方面,也才刚刚起步,大多还处于试用和动画游戏阶段;在应用CAM技术制造模具方面,一是缺乏先进适用的制造装备,二是现有的工艺设备(包括近10多年来引进的先进设备)或因计算机制式(IBM微机及其兼容机、HP工作站等)不同,或因字节差异、运算速度差异、抗电磁干扰能力差异等,联网率较低,只有5%左右的模具制造设备近年来才开展这项工作;在应用CAPP技术进行工艺规划方面,基本上处于空白状态,需要进行大量的标准化基础工作;在模具共性工艺技术,如模具快速成型技术、抛光技术、电铸成型技术、表面处理技术等方面的CAD/CAM技术应用在我国才刚起步。 In the application of CAD technology design molds, only about 10% of the mold used in the design of CAD, aside from drawing board still has a long way to go; in the application of CAE design and analysis of mold calculation, it was just started, most of the game is still in trial stages and animation; in the application of CAM technology manufacturing molds, first, the lack of advanced manufacturing equipment, and second, the existing process equipment (including the last 10 years the introduction of advanced equipment) or computer standard (IBM PC and compatibles, HP workstations, etc.) different, or because of differences in bytes, processing speed differences, differences in resistance to electromagnetic interference, networking is low, only about 5% of the mold manufacturing equipment of recent work in this task; in the application process planning CAPP technology, basically a blank state, based on the need for a lot of standardization work; in the mold common technology, such as mold rapid prototyping technology, polishing, electroforming technologies, surface treatment technology aspects of CAD / CAM technology in China has just started. 计算机辅助技术的软件开发,尚处于较低水平,需要知识和经验的积累。 Computer-aided technology, software development, is still at low level, the accumulation of knowledge and experience required. 我国大部分模具厂、车间的模具加工设备陈旧,在役期长、精度差、效率低,至今仍在使用普通的锻、车、铣、刨、钻、磨设备加工模具,热处理加工仍在使用盐浴、箱式炉,操作凭工人的经验,设备简陋,能耗高。 Most of our mold factory, mold processing equipment shop old, long in the length of civilian service, accuracy, low efficiency, still use the ordinary forging, turning, milling, planing, drilling, grinding and processing equipment, mold, heat treatment is still in use salt bath, box-type furnace, operating with the experience of workers, poorly equipped, high energy consumption. 设备更新速度缓慢,技术改造,技术进步力度不大。 Renewal of equipment is slow, technological innovation, technological progress is not much intensity. 虽然近年来也引进了不少先进的模具加工设备,但过于分散,或不配套,利用率一般仅有25%左右,设备的一些先进功能也未能得到充分发挥。 Although in recent years introduced many advanced mold processing equipment, but are too scattered, or not complete, only about 25% utilization, equipment, some of the advanced functions are not given full play.缺乏技术素质较高的模具设计、制造工艺技术人员和技术工人,尤其缺乏知识面宽、知识结构层次高的复合型人才。 Lack of technology of high-quality mold design, manufacturing technology and skilled workers, especially the lack of knowledge and breadth, knowledge structure, high levels of compound talents. 中国模具行业中的技术人员,只占从业人员的8%12%左右,且技术人员和技术工人的总体技术水平也较低。 Chinas mold industry and technical personnel, only 8% of employees 12%, and the technical personnel and skilled workers and lower the overall skill level. 1980年以前从业的技术人员和技术工人知识老化,知识结构不能适应现在的需要;而80年代以后从业的人员,专业知识、经验匮乏,动手能力差,不安心,不愿学技术。 Before 1980, practitioners of technical personnel and skilled workers, the aging of knowledge, knowledge structure can not meet the current needs; and staff employed after 80 years, expertise, experience lack of hands-on ability, not ease, do not want to learn technology. 近年来人才外流不仅造成人才数量与素质水平下降,而且人才结构也出现了新的断层,青黄不接,使得模具设计、制造的技术水平难以提高。 In recent years, the brain drain caused by personnel not only decrease the quantity and quality levels, and personnel structure of the emergence of new faults, lean, make mold design, manufacturing difficult to raise the technical level.3、模具工业配套材料,标准件结构现状 3.3 mold industry supporting materials, standard parts of present condition近10多年来,特别是“八五”以来,国家有关部委已多次组织有关材料研究所、大专院校和钢铁企业,研究和开发模具专用系列钢种、模具专用硬质合金及其他模具加工的专用工具、辅助材料等,并有所推广。 Over the past 10 years, especially the Eighth Five-Year, the State organization of the ministries have repeatedly Material Research Institute, universities and steel enterprises, research and development of special series of die steel, molds and other mold-specific carbide special tools, auxiliary materials, and some promotion. 但因材料的质量不够稳定,缺乏必要的试验条件和试验数据,规格品种较少,大型模具和特种模具所需的钢材及规格还有缺口。 However, due to the quality is not stable enough, the lack of the necessary test conditions and test data, specifications and varieties less, large molds and special mold steel and specifications are required for the gap. 在钢材供应上,解决用户的零星用量与钢厂的批量生产的供需矛盾,尚未得到有效的解决。 In the steel supply, settlement amount and sporadic users of mass-produced steel supply and demand contradiction, yet to be effectively addressed. 另外,国外模具钢材近年来相继在国内建立了销售网点,但因渠道不畅、技术服务支撑薄弱及价格偏高、外汇结算制度等因素的影响,目前推广应用不多。 In addition, in recent years have foreign steel mold set up sales outlets in China, but poor channels, technical services support the weak and prices are high, foreign exchange settlement system and other factors, promote the use of much current.模具加工的辅助材料和专用技术近年来虽有所推广应用,但未形成成熟的生产技术,大多仍还处于试验摸索阶段,如模具表面涂层技术、模具表面热处理技术、模具导向副润滑技术、模具型腔传感技术及润滑技术、模具去应力技术、模具抗疲劳及防腐技术等尚未完全形成生产力,走向商品化。 Mold supporting materials and special techniques in recent years despite the popularization and application, but failed to mature production technology, most still also in the exploratory stage tests, such as die coating technology, surface treatment technology mold, mold guide lubrication technology Die sensing technology and lubrication technology, mold to stress technology, mold and other anti-fatigue and anti-corrosion technology productivity has not yet fully formed, towards commercialization. 一些关键、重要的技术也还缺少知识产权的保护。 Some key, important technologies also lack the protection of intellectual property.我国的模具标准件生产,80年代初才形成小规模生产,模具标准化程度及标准件的使用覆盖面约占20%,从市场上能配到的也只有约30个品种,且仅限于中小规格。 Chinas mold standard parts production, the formation of the early 80s only small-scale production, standardization and standard mold parts using the coverage of about 20%, from the market can be assigned to, is just about 30 varieties, and limited to small and medium size. 标准凸凹模、热流道元件等刚刚开始供应,模架及零件生产供应渠道不畅,精度和质量也较差。 Standard punch, hot runner components and other supplies just the beginning, mold and parts production and supply channels for poor, poor accuracy and quality.3.4 Die & Mould Industry Structure in Industrial Organization我国的模具工业相对较落后,至今仍不能称其为一个独立的行业。 Chinas mold industry is relatively backward and still could not be called an independent industry. 我国目前的模具生产企业可划分为四大类:专业模具厂,专业生产外供模具;产品厂的模具分厂或车间,以供给本产品厂所需的模具为主要任务;三资企业的模具分厂,其组织模式与专业模具厂相类似,以小而专为主;乡镇模具企业,与专业模具厂相类似。 Mold manufacturer in China currently can be divided into four categories: professional mold factory, professional production outside for mold; products factory mold factory or workshop, in order to supply the product works as the main tasks needed to die; die-funded enterprises branch, the organizational model and professional mold factory is similar to small but the main; township mold business, and professional mold factory is similar. 其中以第一类数量最多,模具产量约占总产量的70%以上。 Of which the largest number of first-class, mold production accounts for about 70% of total output. 我国的模具行业管理体制分散。 Chinas mold industry, decentralized management system. 目前有19个大行业部门制造和使用模具,没有统一管理的部门。 There are 19 major industry sectors manufacture and use of mold, there is no unified management of the department. 仅靠中国模具工业协会统筹规划,集中攻关,跨行业,跨部门管理困难很多。 Only by China Die & Mould Industry Association, overall planning, focus on research, cross-sectoral, inter-departmental management difficulties are many.模具适宜于中小型企业组织生产,而我国技术改造投资向大中型企业倾斜时,中小型模具企业的投资得不到保证。 Mold is suitable for small and medium enterprises organize production, and our technical transformation investment tilted to large and medium enterprises, small and medium enterprise investment mold can not be guaranteed. 包括产品厂的模具车间、分厂在内,技术改造后不能很快收回其投资,甚至负债累累,影响发展。 Including product factory mold shop, factory, including, after the transformation can not quickly recover its investment, or debt-laden, affecting development.虽然大多数产品厂的模具车间、分厂技术力量强,设备条件较好,生产的模具水平也较高,但设备利用率低。 Although most products factory mold shop, factory technical force is strong, good equipment conditions, the production of mold levels higher, but equipment utilization rate.我国模具价格长期以来同其价值不协调,造成模具行业“自身经济效益小,社会效益大”的现象。 Price has long been Chinas mold inconsistent with their value, resulting in mold industry own little economic benefit, social benefit big phenomenon. “干模具的不如干模具标准件的,干标准件的不如干模具带件生产的。干带件生产的不如用模具加工产品的”之类不正常现象存在。 Dry as dry mold mold standard parts, standard parts dry as dry mold with pieces of production. Dry with parts manufactured products than with the mold of the class of anomalies exist.模具的发展趋势4 Die trend1、模具CAD/CAE/CAM正向集成化、三维化、智能化和网络化方向发展 4.1 mold CAD / CAE / CAM being integrated, three-dimensional, intelligent and network direction(1)模具软件功能集成化 (1) mold software features integrated模具软件功能的集成化要求软件的功能模块比较齐全,同时各功能模块采用同一数据模型,以实现信息的综合管理与共享,从而支持模具设计、制造、装配、检验、测试及生产管理的全过程,达到实现最佳效益的目的。 Die software features of integrated software modules required relatively complete, while the function module using the same data model, in order to achieve Syndicated news management and sharing of information to support the mold design, manufacture, assembly, inspection, testing and production management of the entire process to achieve optimal benefits. 如英国Delcam公司的系列化软件就包括了曲面/实体几何造型、复杂形体工程制图、工业设计高级渲染、塑料模设计专家系统、复杂形体CAM、艺术造型及雕刻自动编程系统、逆向工程系统及复杂形体在线测量系统等。 Series such as the UK Delcams software will include a surface / solid geometric modeling, engineering drawing complex geometry, advanced rendering industrial design, plastic mold design expert system, complex physical CAM, artistic design and sculpture automatic programming system, reverse engineering and complex systems physical line measurement systems. 集成化程度较高的软件还包括:Pro/ENGINEER、UG和CATIA等。 A higher degree of integration of the software includes: Pro / ENGINEER, UG and CATIA, etc. 国内有上海交通大学金属塑性成型有限元分析系统和冲裁模CAD/CAM系统;北京北航海尔软件有限公司的CAXA系列软件;吉林金网格模具工程研究中心的冲压模CAD/CAE/CAM系统等。 Shanghai Jiaotong University, China with finite element analysis of metal plastic forming systems and Die CAD / CAM systems; Beijing Beihang Haier Software Ltd. CAXA Series software; Jilin Gold Grid Engineering Research Center of the stamping die mold CAD / CAE / CAM systems .(2)模具设计、分析及制造的三维化 (2) mold design, analysis and manufacture of three-dimensional传统的二维模具结构设计已越来越不适应现代化生产和集成化技术要求。 Two-dimensional mold of traditional structural design can no longer meet modern technical requirements of production and integration. 模具设计、分析、制造的三维化、无纸化要求新一代模具软件以立体的、直观的感觉来设计模具,所采用的三维数字化模型能方便地用于产品结构的CAE分析、模具可制造性评价和数控加工、成形过程模拟及信息的管理与共享。 Mold design, analysis, manufacturing three-dimensional technology, paperless software required to mold a new generation of three-dimensional, intuitive sense to design the mold, using three-dimensional digital model can be easily used in the product structure of CAE analysis, tooling manufacturability evaluation and CNC machining, forming process simulation and information management and sharing. 如Pro/ENGINEER、UG和CATIA等软件具备参数化、基于特征、全相关等特点,从而使模具并行工程成为可能。 Such as Pro / ENGINEER, UG and CATIA software such as with parametric, feature-based, all relevant characteristics, so that mold concurrent engineering possible. 另外,Cimatran公司的Moldexpert,Delcam公司的Ps-mold及日立造船的Space-E/mold均是3D专业注塑模设计软件,可进行交互式3D型腔、型芯设计、模架配置及典型结构设计。 In addition, Cimatran company Moldexpert, Delcams Ps-mold and Hitachi Shipbuilding of Space-E/mold are professional injection mold 3D design software, interactive 3D cavity, core design, mold base design configuration and typical structure . 澳大利亚Moldflow公司的三维真实感流动模拟软件MoldflowAdvisers已经受到用户广泛的好评和应用。 Australian company Moldflow realistic three-dimensional flow simulation software MoldflowAdvisers been widely praised by users and applications. 国内有华中理工大学研制的同类软件HSC3D4.5F及郑州工业大学的Z-mold软件。 China Huazhong University of Science have developed similar software HSC3D4.5F and Zhengzhou University, Z-mold software. 面向制造、基于知识的智能化功能是衡量模具软件先进性和实用性的重要标志之一。 For manufacturing, knowledge-based intelligent software function is a measure of die important sign of advanced and practical one. 如Cimatron公司的注塑模专家软件能根据脱模方向自动产生分型线和分型面,生成与制品相对应的型芯和型腔,实现模架零件的全相关,自动产生材料明细表和供NC加工的钻孔表格,并能进行智能化加工参数设定、加工结果校验等。 Such as injection molding experts Cimatrons software can automatically generate parting direction based parting line and parting surface, generate products corresponding to the core and cavity, implementation of all relevant parts mold, and for automatically generated BOM Form NC drilling process, and can intelligently process parameter setting, calibration and other processing results.(3)模具软件应用的网络化趋势 (3) mold software applications, networking trend随着模具在企业竞争、合作、生产和管理等方面的全球化、国际化,以及计算机软硬件技术的迅速发展,网络使得在模具行业应用虚拟设计、敏捷制造技术既有必要,也有可能。 With the mold in the enterprise competition, cooperation, production and management, globalization, internationalization, and the rapid development of computer hardware and software technology, the Internet has made in the mold industry, virtual design, agile manufacturing technology both necessary and possible. 美国在其21世纪制造企业战略中指出,到2006年要实现汽车工业敏捷生产/虚拟工程方案,使汽车开发周期从40个月缩短到4个月。 The United States in its 21st Century Manufacturing Enterprise Strategy that the auto industry by 2006 to achieve agile manufacturing / virtual engineering solutions to automotive development cycle shortened from 40 months to 4 months.2、模具检测、加工设备向精密、高效和多功能方向发展 4.2 mold testing, processing equipment to the precise, efficient, and multi-direction(1)模具检测设备的日益精密、高效 (1) mold testing equipment more sophisticated, efficient精密、复杂、大型模具的发展,对检测设备的要求越来越高。 Sophisticated, complex, large-scale mold development, testing equipment have become increasingly demanding. 现在精密模具的精度已达23m,目前国内厂家使用较多的有意大利、美国、日本等国的高精度三坐标测量机,并具有数字化扫描功能。 Precision Mould precision now reached 2 3m, more domestic manufacturers have to use Italy, the United States, Japan and other countries in the high-precision coordinate measuring machine, and with digital scanning. 如东风汽车模具厂不仅拥有意大利产3250mm3250mm三坐标测量机,还拥有数码摄影光学扫描仪,率先在国内采用数码摄影、光学扫描作为空间三维信息的获得手段,从而实现了从测量实物建立数学模型输出工程图纸模具制造全过程,成功实现了逆向工程技术的开发和应用。 Such as Dongfeng Motor Mould Factory not only has the capacity 3250mm 3250mm Italian coordinate measuring machine, also has a digital photography optical scanner, the first in the domestic use of digital photography, optical scanning as a means of spatial three-dimensional access to information, enabling the establishment from the measurement of physical model output of engineering drawings the whole process of mold making, reverse engineering a successful technology development and applications. 这方面的设备还包括:英国雷尼绍公司第二代高速扫描仪(CYCLON SERIES2)可实现激光测头和接触式测头优势互补,激光扫描精度为0.05mm,接触式测头扫描精度达0.02mm。 This equipment include: second-generation British Renishaw high-speed scanners (CYCLON SERIES2) can be realized and contact laser probe complementary probe, laser scanner accuracy of 0.05mm, scanning probe contact accuracy of 0.02 mm. 另外德国GOM公司的ATOS便携式扫描仪,日本罗兰公司的PIX-30、PIX-4台式扫描仪和英国泰勒霍普森公司的TALYSCAN150多传感三维扫描仪分别具有高速化、廉价化和功能复合化等特点。 Another German company GOM ATOS portable scanners, Japan Rolands PIX-30, PIX-4 desktop scanner and the United Kingdom Taylor Hopsons TALYSCAN150 multi-sensor, respectively Three-dimensional scanner with high speed, low-cost and functional composite and so on.(2)数控电火花加工机床 (2) CNC EDM日本沙迪克公司采用直线电机伺服驱动的AQ325L、AQ550LLS-WEDM具有驱动反应快、传动及定位精度高、热变形小等优点。 Japan Sodick linear motor servo drive using the companys AQ325L, AQ550LLS-WEDM have driven fast response, transmission and high positioning accuracy, the advantages of small thermal deformation. 瑞士夏米尔公司的NCEDM具有P-E3自适应控制、PCE能量控制及自动编程专家系统。Switzerland Chanmier company NCEDM with P-E3 adaptive control, PCE energy control and automatic programming expert systems. 另外有些EDM还采用了混粉加工工艺、微精加工脉冲电源及模糊控制(FC)等技术。 Others also used the powder mixed EDM machining technology, micro-finishing pulse power and fuzzy control (FC) technologies.(3)高速铣削机床(HSM) (3) high-speed milling machine (HSM)铣削加工是型腔模具加工的重要手段。 Milling is an important means of cavity mold. 而高速铣削具有工件温升低、切削力小、加工平稳、加工质量好、加工效率高(为普通铣削加工的510倍)及可加工硬材料(60HRC)等诸多优点。 The low-temperature high-speed milling with the workpiece, cutting force is small, smooth processing, processing quality, processing efficiency (for the general milling process 5 to 10 times) and can process hard materials (60HRC) and many other advantages. 因而在模具加工中日益受到重视。 Thus in the mold processing more and more attention. 瑞士克朗公司UCP710型五轴联动加工中心,其机床定位精度可达8m,自制的具有矢量闭环控制电主轴,最大转速为42000r/min。 Ruishikelang company UCP710-type five-axis machining center, machine tool positioning accuracy up to 8m, home-made closed-loop vector control spindle with a maximum speed 42000r/min. 意大利RAMBAUDI公司的高速铣床,其加工范围达2500mm5000mm1800mm,转速达20500r/min,切削进给速度达20m/min。 Italy RAMBAUDIs high-speed milling, the processing range of up to 2500mm 5000mm 1800mm, speed up 20500r/min, cutting feed speed of 20m/min. HSM一般主要用于大、中型模具加工,如汽车覆盖件模具、压铸模、大型塑料等曲面加工,其曲面加工精度可达0.01mm。 HSM generally used large, medium-sized mold, such as motor cover mold, die casting mold, large plastic surface machining, the surface precision up to 0.01mm.4.3、快速经济制模技术 3 rapid economic modeling techniques缩短产品开发周期是赢得市场竞争的有效手段之一。 Shorten the product development cycle is an effective means of market competition to win one. 与传统模具加工技术相比,快速经济制模技术具有制模周期短、成本较低的特点,精度和寿命又能满足生产需求,是综合经济效益比较显著的模具制造技术,具体主要有以下一些技术。 Compared with the traditional mold process, fast economic modeling technology is a short molding cycle, the characteristics of low cost, precision, and life can meet the production needs, overall economic efficiency is more significant in the mold manufacturing technology, specifically the following main technology.(1)快速原型制造技术(RPM)。 (1) rapid prototyping and manufacturing (RPM). 它包括激光立体光刻技术(SLA) ;叠层轮廓制造技术(LOM) ;激光粉末选区烧结成形技术(SLS) ;熔融沉积成形技术(FDM) 和三维印刷成形技术(3D-P)等。 It consists of three-dimensional laser lithography (SLA); laminated profile manufacturing (LOM); laser powder sintering prototyping (SLS); Fused Deposition Molding (FDM) and three-dimensional printing forming technology (3D-P) and so on. (2)表面成形制模技术。 (2) the surface forming tooling. 它是指利用喷涂、电铸和化学腐蚀等新的工艺方法形成型腔表面及精细花纹的一种工艺技术。 It refers to the use of spray, chemical corrosion, electroforming and new method for the formation of the cavity surface and a fine pattern technology. (3)浇铸成形制模技术。 (3) Casting forming tooling. 主要有铋锡合金制模技术、锌基合金制模技术、树脂复合成形模具技术及硅橡胶制模技术等。 There are bismuth tin alloy tooling, zinc alloy tooling, resin composite forming technology and silicon rubber mold molding technology. (4)冷挤压及超塑成形制模技术。 (4) cold extrusion mold technology and ultra-molded shapes. (5)无模多点成形技术。 (5) multi-point forming technology. (6)KEVRON钢带冲裁落料制模技术。 (6) KEVRON steel blanking blanking tooling. (7)模具毛坯快速制造技术。 (7) mold blank rapid manufacturing technology. 主要有干砂实型铸造、负压实型铸造、树脂砂实型铸造及失蜡精铸等技术。 Mainly dry sand Mold Casting, Vacuum Mold Casting, Resin Sand Mold Casting Lost Wax Casting, and other technologies. (8)其他方面技术。 (8) Other aspects of technology. 如采用氮气弹簧压边、卸料、快速换模技术、冲压单元组合技术、刃口堆焊技术及实型铸造冲模刃口镶块技术等。 Such as the use of nitrogen gas spring pressure side, discharge, quick die technology, stamping unit technology, and cutting edge technology and solid surfacing edge inserts die casting technology.4.4、模具材料及表面处理技术发展迅速4 mold materials and surface treatment technology developed rapidly模具工业要上水平,材料应用是关键。 Industry to the level of mold, material application is the key. 因选材和用材不当,致使模具过早失效,大约占失效模具的45%以上。 Due to improper selection and use of materials, causing premature die failure, which accounts for more than 45% failure die. 在模具材料方面,常用冷作模具钢有CrWMn、Cr12、Cr12MoV和W6Mo5Cr4V2,火焰淬火钢(如日本的AUX2、SX105V(7CrSiMnMoV)等;常用新型热作模具钢有美国H13、瑞典QRO80M、QRO90SUPREME等;常用塑料模具用钢有预硬钢(如美国P20)、时效硬化型钢(如美国P21、日本NAK55等)、热处理硬化型钢(如美国D2,日本PD613、PD555、瑞典一胜白136等)、粉末模具钢(如日本KAD18和KAS440)等;覆盖件拉延模常用HT300、QT60-2、Mo-Cr、Mo-V铸铁等,大型模架用HT250。多工位精密冲模常采用钢结硬质合金及硬质合金YG20等。在模具表面处理方面,其主要趋势是:由渗入单一元素向多元素共渗、复合渗(如TD法)发展;由一般扩散向CVD、PVD、PCVD、离子渗入、离子注入等方向发展;可采用的镀膜有:TiC、TiN、TiCN、TiAlN、CrN、Cr7C3、W2C等,同时热处理手段由大气热处理向真空热处理发展。另外,目前对激光强化、辉光离子氮化技术及电镀(刷镀)防腐强化等技术也日益受到重视。 In the mold material, commonly used cold work tool steel with CrWMn, Cr12, Cr12MoV and W6Mo5Cr4V2, flame hardened steel (such as Japan, AUX2, SX105V (7CrSiMnMoV), etc.; used a new type of hot work die steel American H13, Sweden QRO80M, QRO90SUPREME, etc.; used a pre-hardened plastic mold steel (such as the U.S. P20), age-hardening steel (such as the U.S. P21, Japan NAK55, etc.), heat treatment hardened steel (such as the United States, D2, Japan, PD613, PD555, Sweden wins the White 136, etc.), powder die steel (such as Japan KAD18 and KAS440), etc.; panel drawing die used HT300, QT60-2, Mo-Cr, Mo-V cast iron, large-scale mold with HT250. more regular use of Precision Die Hard Steel Results YG20 and other alloys and carbide. in the mold surface treatment, the main trends are: the infiltration of a single element to the multi-element penetration, complex permeability (such as TD method) development; by the general diffusion to the CVD, PVD, PCVD, ion penetration , the direction of ion implantation, etc.; can use the coating are: TiC, TiN, TiCN, TiAlN, CrN, Cr7C3, W2C, etc., while heat from the air treatment means to the development of vacuum heat treatment. In addition, the current strengthening of the laser, glow plasma Nitriding and electroplating (plating) enhanced anti-corrosion technologies are also more and more attention.5、模具工业新工艺、新理念和新模式逐步得到了认同 4.5 mold industry new techniques, new ideas and new models have been gradually recognized在成形工艺方面,主要有冲压模具功能复合化、超塑性成形、塑性精密成形技术、塑料模气体辅助注射技术及热流道技术、高压注射成形技术等。 In the forming process, the main function of composite stamping die, superplastic forming, plastic precision molding technology, plastic mold gas-assisted injection technology and hot runner technology, high-pressure injection molding technology. 另一方面,随着先进制造技术的不断发展和模具行业整体水平的提高,在模具行业出现了一些新的设计、生产、管理理念与模式。 On the other hand, with the continuous development of advanced manufacturing technology and raise the level of mold industry as a whole, in the mold industry, there are some new design, production, management ideas and models. 具体主要有:适应模具单件生产特点的柔性制造技术;创造最佳管理和效益的团队精神,精益生产;提高快速应变能力的并行工程、虚拟制造及全球敏捷制造、网络制造等新的生产哲理;广泛采用标准件通用件的分工协作生产模式;适应可持续发展和环保要求的绿色设计与制造等。 Concrete are: to adapt to the characteristics of mold-piece production flexible manufacturing technologies; to create the best management and effective teamwork, lean production; to enhance rapid response capabilities of Concurrent Engineering, Virtual Manufacturing and global agile manufacturing, manufacturing of new production networks philosophy; extensive use of standard parts common parts of the division of work mode of production; meet the environmental requirements of sustainable development and green design and manufacturing. 总结 Summary进入21世纪,在经济全球化的新形势下,随着资本、技术和劳动力市场的重新整合,我国装备制造业在加入WTO以后,将成为世界装备制造业的基地。 The 21st century, in the new situation of economic globalization, with capital, technology and labor market re-integration of equipment manufacturing in China after joining the WTO will become the worlds equipment manufacturing base. 而在现代制造业中,无论哪一行业的工程装备,都越来越多地采用由模具工业提供的产品。 In the modern manufacturing industry, no matter which industry, engineering equipment, are increasingly used to provide the products from the mold industry. 为了适应用户对模具制造的高精度、短交货期、低成本的迫切要求,模具工业正广泛应用现代先进制造技术来加速模具工业的技术进步,满足各行各业对模具这一基础工艺装备的迫切需求。 In order to meet the users high-precision mold manufacturing, short delivery time, the urgent demand low-cost, mold industry is extensive application of modern advanced manufacturing technology to speed up the mold industry, technological progress, to meet the basic sectors of the mold process equipment urgent needs. 中文翻译1模具在工业生产中的地位模具是大批量生产同形产品的工具,是工业生产的主要工艺装备。采用模具生产零部件,具有生产效率高、质量好、成本低、节约能源和原材料等一系列优点,用模具生产制件所具备的高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比拟的。已成为当代工业生产的重要手段和工艺发展方向。现代经济的基础工业。现代工业品的发展和技术水平的提高,很大程度上取决于模具工业的发展水平,因此模具工业对国民经济和社会发展将起越来越大的作用。1989年3月国务院颁布的关于当前产业政策要点的决定中,把模具列为机械工业技术改造序列的第一位、生产和基本建设序列的第二位(仅次于大型发电设备及相应的输变电设备),确立模具工业在国民经济中的重要地位。1997年以来,又相继把模具及其加工技术和设备列入了当前国家重点鼓励发展的产业、产品和技术目录和鼓励外商投资产业目录。经国务院批准,从1997年到2000年,对80多家国有专业模具厂实行增值税返还70%的优惠政策,以扶植模具工业的发展。所有这些,都充分体现了国务院和国家有关部门对发展模具工业的重视和支持。目前全世界模具年产值约为600亿美元,日、美等工业发达国家的模具工业产值已超过机床工业,从1997年开始,我国模具工业产值也超过了机床工业产值。据统计,在家电、玩具等轻工行业,近90的零件是综筷具生产的;在飞机、汽车、农机和无线电行业,这个比例也超过60。例如飞机制造业,某型战斗机模具使用量超过三万套,其中主机八千套、发动机二千套、辅机二万套。从产值看,80年代以来,美、日等工业发达国家模具行业的产值已超过机床行业,并又有继续增长的趋势。据国际生产技术协会预测,到2000年,产品尽件粗加工的75%、精加工的50将由模具完成;金属、塑料、陶瓷、橡胶、建材等工业制品大部分将由模具完成,50以上的金属板材、80以上的塑料都特通过模具转化成制品。 2模具的历史发展模具的出现可以追溯到几千年前的陶器和青铜器铸造,但其大规模使用却是随着现代工业的掘起而发展起来的。19世纪,随着军火工业(枪炮的弹壳)、钟表工业、无线电工业的发展,冲模得到广泛使用。二次大战后,随着世界经济的飞速发展,它又成了大量生产家用电器、汽车、电子仪器、照相机、钟表等零件的最佳方式。从世界范围看,当时美国的冲压技术走在前列许多模具先进技术,如简易模具、高效率模具、高寿命模具和冲压自动化技术,大多起源于美国;而瑞士的精冲、德国的冷挤压技术,苏联对塑性加工的研究也处于世界先进行列。50年代,模具行业工作重点是根据订户的要求,制作能满足产品要求的模具。模具设计多凭经验,参考已有图纸和感性认识,对所设计模具零件的机能缺乏真切了解。从1955年到1965年,是压力加工的探索和开发时代对模具主要零部件的机能和受力状态进行了数学分桥,并把这些知识不断应用于现场实际,使得冲压技术在各方面有飞跃的发展。其结果是归纳出模具设计原则,并使得压力机械、冲压材料、加工方法、梅具结构、模具材料、模具制造方法、自动化装置等领域面貌一新,并向实用化的方向推进,从而使冲压加工从仪能生产优良产品的第一阶段。进入70年代向高速化、启动化、精密化、安全化发展的第二阶段。在这个过程中不断涌现各种高效率、商寿命、高精度助多功能自动校具。其代表是多达别多个工位的级进模和十几个工位的多工位传递模。在此基础上又发展出既有连续冲压工位又有多滑块成形工位的压力机弯曲机。在此期间,日本站到了世界最前列其模具加工精度进入了微米级,模具寿命,合金工具钢制造的模具达到了几千万次,硬质合金钢制造的模具达到了几亿次p每分钟冲压次数,小型压力机通常为200至300次,最高为1200次至1500次。在此期间,为了适应产品更新快、用期短(如汽车改型、玩具翻新等)的需要,各种经济型模具,如锌落合金模具、聚氨酯橡胶模具、钢皮冲模等也得到了很大发展。从70年代中期至今可以说是计算机辅助设计、辅助制造技术不断发展的时代。随着模具加工精度与复杂性不断提高,生产周期不断加快,模具业对设备和人员素质的要求也不断提高。依靠普通加工设备,凭经验和手艺越来越不能满足模具生产的需要。90年代以来,机械技术和电子技术紧密结合,发展了NC机床,如数控线切割机床、数控电火花机床、数控铣床、数控坐标磨床等。而采用电子计算机自动编程、控制的CNC机床提高了数控机床的使用效率和范围。近年来又发展出由一台计算机以分时的方式直接管理和控制一群数控机床的NNC系统。随着计算机技术的发展,计算机也逐步进入模具生产的各个领域,包括设计、制造、管理等。国际生产研究协会预测,到2000年,作为设计和制造之间联系手段的图纸将失去其主要作用。模具自动设计的最根本点是必须确立模具零件标准及设计标准。要摆脱过去以人的思考判断和实际经验为中心所组成的设计方法,就必须把过去的经验和思考方法,进行系列化、数值化、数式化,作为设计准则储存到计算机中。因为模具构成元件也干差万别,要搞出一个能适应各种零件的设计软件几乎不可能。但是有些产品的零件形状变化不大,模具结构有一定的规律,放可总结归纳,为自动设计提供软件。如日本某公司的CDM系统用于级进模设计与制造,其中包括零件图形输入、毛坯展开、条料排样、确定模板尺寸和标准、绘制装配图和零件图、输出NC程序(为数控加工中心和线切割编程)等,所用时间由手工的20%、工时减少到35小时;从80年代初日本就将三维的CADCAM系统用于汽车覆盖件模具。目前,在实体件的扫描输入,图线和数据输入,几何造形、显示、绘图、标注以及对数据的自动编程,产生效控机床控制系统的后置处理文件等方面已达到较高水平;计算机仿真(CAE)技术也取得了一定成果。在高层次上,CADCAMCAE集成的,即数据是统一的,可以互相直接传输信息实现网络化。目前国外仅有少数厂家能够做到。3我国模具工业现状及发展趋势由于历史原因形成的封闭式、“大而全”的企业特征,我国大部分企业均设有模具车间,处于本厂的配套地位,自70年代末才有了模具工业化和生产专业化这个概念。生产效率不高,经济效益较差。模具行业的生产小而散乱,跨行业、投资密集,专业化、商品化和技术管理水平都比较低。据不完全统计,全国现有模具专业生产厂、产品厂配套的模具车间(分厂)近17000家,约60万从业人员,年模具总产值达200亿元人民币。但是,我国模具工业现有能力只能满足需求量的60左右,还不能适应国民经济发展的需要。目前,国内需要的大型、精密、复杂和长寿命的模具还主要依靠进口。据海关统计,1997年进口模具价值6.3亿美元,这还不包括随设备一起进口的模具;1997年出口模具仅为7800万美元。目前我国模具工业的技术水平和制造能力,是我国国民经济建设中的薄弱环节和制约经济持续发展的瓶颈。3.1 模具工业产品结构的现状 按照中国模具工业协会的划分,我国模具基本分为10大类,其中,冲压模和塑料成型模两大类占主要部分。按产值计算,目前我国冲压模占50左右,塑料成形模约占20,拉丝模(工具)约占10,而世界上发达工业国家和地区的塑料成形模比例一般占全部模具产值的40以上。 我国冲压模大多为简单模、单工序模和符合模等,精冲模,精密多工位级进模还为数不多,模具平均寿命不足100万次,模具最高寿命达到1亿次以上,精度达到35um,有50个以上的级进工位,与国际上最高模具寿命6亿次,平均模具寿命5000万次相比,处于80年代中期国际先进水平。 我国的塑料成形模具设计,制作技术起步较晚,整体水平还较低。目前单型腔,简单型腔的模具达70以上,仍占主导地位。一模多腔精密复杂的塑料注射模,多色塑料注射模已经能初步设计和制造。模具平均寿命约为80万次左右,主要差距是模具零件变形大、溢边毛刺大、表面质量差、模具型腔冲蚀和腐蚀严重、模具排气不畅和型腔易损等,注射模精度已达到5um以下,最高寿命已突破2000万次,型腔数量已超过100腔,达到了80年代中期至90年代初期的国际先进水平。3.2 模具工业技术结构现状 我国模具工业目前技术水平参差不齐,悬殊较大。从总体上来讲,与发达工业国家及港台地区先进水平相比,还有较大的差距。 在采用CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP等技术设计与制造模具方面,无论是应用的广泛性,还是技术水平上都存在很大的差距。在应用CAD技术设计模具方面,仅有约10%的模具在设计中采用了CAD,距抛开绘图板还有漫长的一段路要走;在应用CAE进行模具方案设计和分析计算方面,也才刚刚起步,大多还处于试用和动画游戏阶段;在应用CAM技术制造模具方面,一是缺乏先进适用的制造装备,二是现有的工艺设备(包括近10多年来引进的先进设备)或因计算机制式(IBM微机及其兼容机、HP工作站等)不同,或因字节差异、运算速度差异、抗电磁干扰能力差异等,联网率较低,只有5%左右的模具制造设备近年来才开展这项工作;在应用CAPP技术进行工艺规划方面,基本上处于空白状态,需要进行大量的标准化基础工作;在模具共性工艺技术,如模具快速成型技术、抛光技术、电铸成型技术、表面处理技术等方面的CAD/CAM技术应用在我国才刚起步。计算机辅助技术的软件开发,尚处于较低水平,需要知识和经验的积累。我国大部分模具厂、车间的模具加工设备陈旧,在役期长、精度差、效率低,至今仍在使用普通的锻、车、铣、刨、钻、磨设备加工模具,热处理
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