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中文 4160 字 改变信息技术 要 从管理开始 作者: James D.McKeen and Heather A.Smith 起止页码: 266-275 出版日期(期刊号): 2003 出版单位: John Wiley & Sons Ltd 第四部分 人和生产力 信息技术( IT),其本身,并不创造价值,是由人让它来创造价值的。我们坚信,有效的部署,加上人们拥有的技能和能力,从而可以使他们更有效率。最主要的是有效的部署。面临的挑战是要配合技术人员建立有效的组织(在操作 方面),(在产品和服务的创造)起作用,并响应客户 /供应商的市场。因此,有效的 IT部署的结果应以人为本,效率第一,技术第二。 IT组织 没有什么比这更明显的了 。 本书的这一部分集锦了人和生产率之间四个关键的方面 -补充,发展,成熟的做法,和结果的评估。 18章探讨了补充的问题, “ 保持和留住最好的 ” 。本章概述了选择,补充和保留的关键作用,当它涉及到保护内部的热门候选人。最关键的两个技能无疑是项目管理和领导。这些技能的发展,是分别在 19章介绍, “ 制定有效的 IT项目经理 ” ,在 20章中, “ 发展有效的领导者 ” 。 熟练的技 术人员一定能安排高功能的单位组织,最大限度地发挥他们的贡献(支持)其业务。 21章, “ 它 ” 的最佳实践,概述了成功背后的基本原理关于有效组织和确定了一些行之有效的做法,。 22章, “ 管理虚拟劳动力 ” ,重点是一个新兴的组织形式来突出关键的管理问题,在一般的组织。最后一章, “ 它的测量矩阵 ” ,对组织贡献的评估方法和手段。有句老话说, “ 如果它是不可评估的,它就不能被管理 ” 。战略的实施程序,吸收,发展,和成熟的做法,将未经证实的(可能是无效的)直到可能的测量结果。 18 招聘和保留 最好的 IT 招聘和留住优秀的人等于生存。 信息技术( IT)组织也不例外。优秀的项目经理和熟练的程序员很有价值。生产率的差异最好的和最贫穷的程序员之间在一个单一的组织可以是十或更大的因素( Marco和 Lister, 1987)。因此,它的安排与上级人员出示明显竞争对手。随着对它越来越依赖生产战略的产品和服务,长期组织的活力将越来越受 IT组织的能力确定。它已经可以识别组织的经济价值和其它的能力。例如,开发团队,去除,从任何软件组织将失去其自身价值 。 实现员工的价值是不是新组织或新部门。什么是新,当然,是一个不断变化的环境是今天的组织所面临的。似乎是一个增 长的 IT技能,在技能结合产生的熟练的 IT专业人员严重短缺的增长需求。面对一个在 IT专业人员和新的应用需求的组织不断激烈的市场,它的管理者都在努力寻找他们的编制问题以满足业务需求的解决方案。接近很多组织的危机情况。 本章介绍了军队内的工作从招聘机构观点的行业以及个人的 IT人才。它认为,虽然好的人才需要保持,招聘和保留人才的潜在力量的有效策略必须反映在人才市场中,充分利用这样的机遇建设一流的 IT组织。 这里列举了一些行之有效的策略,高级 IT经理特别小组的建议 。 评估技术环境。第一步是分析当前的技术环境。下一步 是分析你的未来的技术环境。这些评估需要同时进行,因为从你目前开看未来环境的迁移路径将显示为 “ 持有 ” 技术的需要,对新技术的需要,以及过渡时间,这是最关键的因素。例如,一组成员,组织的当前环境,描述了他作为一个主机 MVS事务处理器,主机虚拟机的应用,许多部门的局域网( LAN),一些中档设备,和一个新兴的企业局域网服务。这是在他们未来的环境,用主机主要作为数据服务器, VM应用 Lotus Notes,交易处理器和 AIX,在工作站的应用集成。从目前的技术环境对其期望的未来环境将在所需的技能以及所需技能的数量型转变。 评估企业环境。这对于评估企业环境很重要因为它将决定许多未来所需要的关键技能。不这样做会导致一些意料之外的事。在一个公司,业务规划的一些广泛的流程再造移动到高度的基质环境与跨职能的客户。这只可能是高度集成化的数据支持,并能够提供这是当前不可用的。这组时间建立必要的资源并没有意识到这种情况,作为一个结果,被迫延期计划。它和商业之间的关系是什么?是企业寻求它的技术领导或可行的选择?会有在它与企业的关系性质的显著变化?期待什么样的变化?在大多数组织中,它与企业的关系变得更加复杂。此驱动器要求额外的领导和人际关系技 巧。这些评估,除了技术方面的考虑,将要获得的技能的需要。 评估工作环境。因为大多数组织已经完成年度预算的运动为它支出,实际的系统将在未来两年的评估可以以合理的精度创造了。这种评估应在技术和商业环境的评估调光(如上所述)。分析必须由技术工作环境的分类(即,不同的平台),估计工作量,并确定必要的角色(项目经理,业务分析师,程序员,等)和每个职位所需的数。这将在短期内必要的技能基础。工作评估的第二个方面是创造一个常驻技能。它的组织内的每个职位,技能配置文件可以建立。此外,每个人在组织内,一个技能考核应进行。有很 多包方便这种类型的管理技能。最后,进行差距分析;这是比较必要的技能,为居民的技能清单。两种情况应该突出的地方有大量的有技能的缺乏技能和地区。以下策略可选择性地应用于这两种情况下。重要的是要强调需要评估必须仔细,因为所有的招聘 /保留策略将根据这些结果。所以建议组织这些活动的人员评估一个强制性的至少 6个月的更新。 2使组织内的开发技能优先考虑 根据和盖伦邓肯,首席执行官交流的, “IT 行业中一直认为自己是一个典型的启动子是终身学习和持续改进。而这也许是真实的,我们不满足于期望,我们的许多员工( ITAC,2002) 。这是需要解决的问题。众所周知,留住员工是获取一个新员工的总成本的一小部分成本。仅仅出于这个原因,它是在一个组织的利益来发展必要的技能,在其现有的 IT人员,如果在所有可能的。采用 “ 技能需求评估 ” 过程为期两年的窗口,组织应该设计一个系统的过程来发展必要的技能。 在这样的一个过程中成功的关键是组织建立框架与员工个体所有权的过程。这种方法,如果做得有效,将会导致一个 “ 双赢 ” 的局面。组织,做了一个彻底的技能需求评估,它需要建立在不久的将来知道什么样的技能。个人需要知道这些信息,他或她可以掌握这些必要的技能。在本质上 ,组织创建的过程,使员工在组织内进行自己的未来规划。根据沃特曼等人。( 1994),有一个新的约定,其中 “ 雇主可维持甚至提高个人的就业能力,公司内部和外部的员工都有责任。 ” 这个过程如何工作的?首先,技能需求评估必须公开。这允许组织的每个员工比较技能需要根据其年度技能考核自己的技能(如上所述)。通过这样的对比,每个员工的发展(并拥有)个人技能计划。每个计划应包含个性化教育和培养目标,通过工作轮换制曝光,技能掌握(认证),获得经验的机会来加强新技能,组织内的一份声明的职业目标和里程碑。一些组织包括的指标来衡量的 成就和成功。其他人配合这年度绩效考核活动。 关于个人所有权,组织有必须提供必要支持的责任。一个组织应该制定相应的指导方案。这是一个正式的导师,但自愿计划和 “mentorees” 。时间是按小时收费对于师徒奖励。这个程序帮助每个员工建立他或她的个人技能计划。另一个组织已经采用了源中心的方法,帮助员工的个人技能发展计划和管理,确保员工技能比赛的组织需要的技能,无论是现在和将来。如果指定负责员工个人是在连续的一端和发展资源中心的方法是在另一端,一个有趣的方式方法中员工发展管理技能的团队。通过这种方法,团队承担发展的 关键技能计划促进和支持员工技能的责任。球队可以围绕技术平台或业务线。在每一种不同的方法,最常见的是技能规划的形式化;差异是由于用于个人的技能和组织的技能集之间的对应力的具体方法 。 同样重要的是不要对目前 IT人员限制其技能发展。在大多数组织中,有一批 “ 专家级用户 ” 工作的人,在业务方面,拥有先进的系统技术。这种组合的 IT技能业务的理解和视觉让他们进入它的总理候选人。这些人往往是非常有效的衔接和业务之间的差距,主要是因为他们带来的信誉。努力应该用在识别这些人,也鼓励他们的关系。 3是创造性的招聘方式 IT组织总是 需要雇佣新兵,如果没有其他的理由来填补因退休的空缺。招聘也时空很有必要的,由于迫切的商业机会,无法预料的问题的需要,或通过意外离职。招聘就提供了一个机会,新朋友会因为不同背景将为组织带来的新的思想和观点。谨慎的管理应该能够利用这种天赋和能量的涌入来使组织受益。 鉴于本章前面描述的市场情况,非常明确的是新的招聘方法是必要的。这是基于观察的事实,那些机构最好的招聘方式使用的是一些非常有创意的方法。一些由研究组成员提供的建议如下: 你的最大化招聘渠道工作应在报纸广告,在互联网上,在校园里,并在专业 /行业杂志。检 查媒体如电视和广播,在社会中是普遍的,但是却很少用于招聘。参加招聘会。利用猎头机构和猎头公司。似乎也并没有一个最好的解决方案。打造尽可能广泛的净推荐。一家机构应与当地市政府配合工作,其任务是鼓励他们的地区新业务的发展,表示愿意与他们联合营销来吸引新员工。 大多数 IT部门为了增加他们的固定员工和兼职人员会雇佣一些临时人员。临时工通常占约 15-20%的总人数。这些人,可能是承包商,外包商,程序员,工作学期的学生,或顾问,都是一些永久的新成员。其优点是, 机构 与这些新员工能相互评估。因此,双方都更好的了解比在一个 典型的招聘情况。如果这些人具备必要的技能,应努力追求上进(这是没有任何合同规定的蔑视)。 雇员推荐制度的开始无疑让员工意识到其他的行业或专业的正式与非正式的联系。如果他们带来一个新的成员招募到您的机构,为他们提供一个中介费。这是一个一次性的奖励,如果你真的雇佣个人,也可以是一个系统的结算奖励,在招聘过程中增加多少新人都是有其比例的。 高校仍然是主要的 IT专业人士供应地。校园招聘提供了一定程度的知名度的组织,但也有其他方式能增加很多成员。大的教室为客座讲师提供了一个机会,给学生展示你的公司。赞助一个实习项 目是另外一种获得方式,能给你在实习的第一谈判权。参加工作的日子。赞助赛事。扬声器提供校园论坛和小组会议。与院校建立长期的一定数量合作项目能够带来稳定的收益 。 一些公司在招聘学生的工作上非常有创意,值得一提。例如, EDS会提供北美国顶尖的商学院每年一度的竞争机会。就会有一批来自不同学校的学生选择去 EDS分析现实世界的公司情况。基本上, EDS分析发现了从最好的大学获得优秀学生只用花三天时间,在他们总部的访问期间发现, EDS会给这些实习学生一些独特的机会,来从中选拔优秀的人才。显然这比校园招聘更有效果,有 EDS的人员访问美国北部所有的顶级学校。除了一些其他工作岗位, 在有 EDS设立竞争机会的校园招聘线场很少有机会吸引到优秀的学生 。这是一个聪明的办法来吸引优秀的成员加入他们的公司。 原文 : Part D People and Productivity Information technology (IT), in and of itself, does not create value value is created by people. It is our belief that IT, when deployed effectively, leverages peoples skills and abilities thus allowing them to be more productive. The key words are when deployed effectively. The challenge is to match people with technology to create organizations that are efficient (in operational aspects), effective (in the creation of products and services), and responsive to customers/ suppliers within the marketplace. Thus, effective IT deployment results from focusing on people and productivity first and technology second. Nowhere is this more apparent than within the IT organization. This part of the book highlights the four key aspects of people and productivity that is, recruitment, development, proven practices, and the measurement of results. Recruitment issues are explored in Chapter 18, Recruiting and Retaining the Best in IT. This chapter outlines the critical roles of selection, recruitment, and retention when it comes to securing top candidates within the ranks of IT. The two most critical skills within IT are undoubtedly project management and leadership. The development of these skills is discussed in Chapter 19, Developing Effective IT Project-managers, and in Chapter 20, Developing Effective IT Leaders, respectively. Skilled individuals must be organized into highly functioning units within organizations in order to maximize their contribution to (and support of) the business. Chapter 21, Best Practices in IT, outlines the rationale behind effective organization and identifies a number of proven practices that contribute to IT success. Chapter 22, Managing the Virtual Workforce, focuses on an emerging organizational form to highlight the key management issues for IT and for organizations in general. The final chapter, The IT Measurement Matrix, explores the ways and means to assess the organizational contribution of IT. The old adage that if it cant be measured, it cant be managed applies. Strategies to implement procedures for recruitment, development, and proven practices will be unproven (perhaps ineffectual) until the measurement of results is made possible. 18 Recruiting and Retaining the Best in IT Recruiting and retaining outstanding people is tantamount to survival. The information technology (IT) organization is no exception. Talented project managers and skilled programmers are worth their weight in gold. The difference in productivity between the best and the poorest programmer within a single organization can be a factor of ten or greater (De Marco and Lister, 1987). As a result, IT organizations with superior personnel out-produce their competitors significantly. With the growing reliance on IT to produce strategic products and services, long-term organizational vitality will increasingly be determined by the prowess of the IT organization. It is already possible to identify many organizations whose economic value resides with its IT competencies. The removal of the development teams, for example, from any software organization would leave little net worth. The realization of the value of employees is not new to organizations or to IT departments. What is new, however, is a changing landscape faced by todays organizations. There appears to be both a growth in demand for IT skills and a demand for growth in IT skills combining to produce a critical shortage of skilled IT professionals. Faced with an over-heated market for IT professionals and the constant organizational demand for new IT applications, IT managers are struggling to find solutions to their staffing problems in order to meet the needs of business. The situation is nearing crisis in many organizations. This chapter describes the forces at work within the industry from the point of view of the hiring organizations as well as individual IT personnel. It argues that, although the need for good people has unchanged, effective strategies for hiring and retaining IT personnel must reflect the underlying forces at work within the marketplace in order to take full advantage of the opportunities to build a top IT organization. The chapter lists a number of proven strategies suggested by the focus groups of senior IT managers. UNDERLYING FACTORS It is important to understand the forces that are causing the present situation in order to separate the causes from the symptoms. This allows solutions to address root causes. Some of the causes are certainly market effects and, to a large degree, beyond the influence of individual organizations. Added to these market effects, however, are certain organizational factors, which, in some circumstances, magnify the market effects. Many of these are certainly within managements prerogative. Finally, peoples needs are changing, and this plays importantly into the equation of acquiring and retaining top performers in IT. Market Effects There continues to be a shortage of qualified IT people in the marketplace. Industry statistics demonstrate a persistent inability for the supply of trained IT professionals to keep pace with the demand (ITAC, 2002; McGee, 1996; Williamson, 1997). Many, who have seen gaps in the market before, believe this situation to be different in a number of significant ways. As pointed out earlier, there is both a growth in demand for IT skills and a demand for growth in IT skills due to the changing skill set. What explains this growth? The focus group outlined a number of possible explanations. First, every company seems to have discovered that IT has the ability to enhance productivity. Until recently, the really heavy use of IT was concentrated within a small number of industry sectors particularly the financial industry. Now, organizations regardless of industry see IT as the facilitator of productivity Improvements, the means to link buyers and suppliers end-to-end, the way to get intimate with customers, and the means of satisfying the customer demand for self-service (i.e., Web-servicing). Flush with this new religion, these organizations have entered the market for IT skills in force creating a virtual bidding war for scarce resources. It is estimated that one-quarter of new IT jobs will go unfilled (ITAC, 2002). Second, there has been a significant shift toward the services market, which has undoubtedly heightened the stress within the marketplace and resulted in increased levels of competition. Faced with dwindling profitability in hardware and software markets, vendors such as IBM have realigned themselves so that a much greater share of their revenue is derived from services such as consulting and services management. In order to address the demands of this service industry, they have had to recruit many new IT people people who would otherwise be working for their clients. According to McGee (1996), competition for IT resources now comes from computer vendors, systems integrators, outsourcers, and consulting firms who raid each others workforce a practice typically unheard of previously. Third, changing technologies and customer expectations continue to pressure IT skill sets. The widespread adoption of Web services has resulted in heightened demands for IT professionals with related experience including Internet-based languages (e.g., JAVA), middleware (to bridge legacy systems with Internet frontends), and large enterprise systems (e.g., enterprise resource planning ERP systems). The study commissioned by ITAC (2002) identified the top five IT skills as SQL Server/SQL Windows, security skills, Windows NT Server, Microsoft Exchange, and wide area networks (WAN). Where you can find these skills, you can expect to pay a premium to acquire them. Fourth, at the same time as new skills are emerging, most organizations are faced with declining expertise in older mainframe skills (such as COBOL and MVS). These skills have suddenly become in short supply since many of the individuals with these skills are reaching (or have reached) retirement age and are leaving the workplace. Despite plans to simply replace legacy systems with newer systems, many organizations have found new life for their legacy systems by interfacing them with Internet applications. Rather than replacing them, they are now retrofitting them. By extending their working lives, these organizations have also committed themselves to continuing a least some level of expertise in older technologies. These skill demands co-exist with mainstream skills such as project-manager, IT business analyst/consultant, and database administrator skills that have the greatest forecast shortages in the IT marketplace (ITAC, 2002). Finally, many point their fingers to colleges and universities for their failure to meet the demand for more graduates trained in IT. The failure, however, is the inability to interest students in IT careers, and this is not the sole responsibility of colleges and universities. Furthermore, as recently as a few years ago, there was a surplus of IT professionals on the market. There is a larger issue here, which we will return to later in this chapter. For all the above reasons (and perhaps others), it is apparent that the supply of IT professionals falls significantly short of the demand, and there is no evidence that this trend will be short-lived. As a pessimist, one could argue that this shortage is a market effect about which individual organizations appear to be able to do little. As an optimist, however, one can see opportunities for proactive strategies to counter some of these effects effectively. Organizational Factors Within the constraints of these market forces, there are a number of organizational factors that also affect our ability to hire and retain top people in IT. For example, not all organizations are equally attractive to IT professionals. Some people in IT may not find the packaging firm as appealing as an investment house. Geography plays a role too. Some may not find a large urban center as inviting as a more attractive setting. Another organizational factor cited by the focus group is the inseparability of IT and the business. While there are still demands for pure technology expertise, more often the top IT professionals are those who are able to combine technical skills with an understanding of the business. Bridging the gap between the business and IT enhances the ability to recognize solutions that otherwise might elude the organization. This need suggests there should be strategies for balancing business training with technical training, which would enhance employee skills, benefit the organization, and engender employee loyalty. The final organizational factor that appears to impact the hiring and retention of valued IT employees is the policies of the human resource (HR) department. For example, it is not uncommon for compensation policies to be in place that make it very difficult to hire/retain the IT people an organization needs. In some cases, pay scales are tied to promotion, the company is unable to offer attractive investment options, childcare facilities are non-existent, and/or flexible work arrangements are unavailable, etc. Certainly, strategies for hiring/retaining the best people in IT will involve a level of cooperation between HR and IT. Personal Factors In addition to the market and organizational factors cited above, there appear to be a number of individual factors that affect hiring/retaining strategies. The reasons why IT people seek employment are as varied as these individuals. This suggests that organizations need to invest in their employees, to understand them and their desires, and to be in tune with their needs. Over the past few years, organizations have removed themselves from the business of assuming responsibility for managing the careers of their employees. This duty has now been passed over to the employee. Lifetime jobs are not offered by organizations today. This has a direct impact on employee loyalty. After a round of downsizing, organizations have difficulty impressing employees with slogans such as our people are our most precious asset. Not surprisingly, employees feel decreasing levels of loyalty and, by assuming ownership of their careers, take on a renewed interest in their own well-being above and beyond that offered by their employer. A proponent of equity theory would suggest that employees are simply balancing the loyalty equation as the organization lowers its loyalty to the employee, the employee lowers his or her loyalty to the organization. Making the hard choices and looking out for oneself appear to be the mottos of todays employers and employees, respectively. With the lifetime employment guarantee gone, it is now expected that the majority of people will experience multiple career changes throughout their working lives. With these career changes, employees seek to balance personal aspects of their lives with working aspects. With two working parents the rule rather than the exception, family life often takes precedent over working life, and tradeoff decisions are made to maximize career and home life. Recently, an organization decided to relocate part of its IT operations and found that no employees were willing to make the move! This suggests that the most succ


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