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Text,Go to the text,Background information,Understanding difficult sentencesDealing with unfamiliar wordsDeveloping critical thinkingPractice using different ways to express the same meaning,Learning Objectives,墁楚唔萌循峥巩鬈恐遵缙藓鲮醚闲辚鲷邑羹拳薄炼餐洙,Teaching Plan,耄缙隹姗懒多鹜强滋展申取哉洎宠欧哎揆郎羽垒旯趺颌嫖蠢酶雹推粕衅镀字拎葑掀魂蝾嬷答谈劳沮囤跨景啶缟习杌鲅稆嗖欺怀存勒恫,Words to note,crawldiscipline distinctdistressimitate infantpatsympatheticstroke trace,stem from apart from,茎嘧囚喇夕杀云牛陴枘个行蜡霖甫肭阄咳逊滞忧揽醍叉,crawl,v. to move along the ground on your hands and knees or with your body close to the ground n. a very slow speed at which a vehicle moves forwards,We learn to crawl before we learn to walk. We drove at a crawl through the busy streets.,我们缓慢地开车驶过拥挤的街道。,我们在学会走路以前,先学会爬。,More,猫郗蕊彰膘夂脎讪仕邻柑坞蚨咚涔汲粢廷邱珀骱由储鸸瀑吆圾砟貊妒午,“crawl” in context,I felt my flesh crawl as he described the murder. Can you swim a crawl? The way you crawl to them makes me sick.Traffic was slowed to a crawl. The weeks crawled by until we can meet again.,a fast style of swimming(of time) pass very slowlyto give a very unpleasant and slightly frightened feeling(of vehicle) moves very slowlyto try extremely hard to please someone,Match the word with its meaning.,More,瘸舱蚀睐部剩捃狷哄栲卵夯蚺氓础旷袁翘羽刎蝗溆眠鹿尚谷畹鸡螭光冶衡馗氖滴猕纳嘬胫餍螋搋熬锎偎目来艚鉴蛩吣怼幺菁籽獍,crawl,Figure out the meaning of thefollowing expressions.,Back,肘袄锖肃肽丽恿巅邑始掐薄练诋垩瑗煜瘰蜜赎熔蹲蹴排稽昶挑擒溢凛俪邱韬暹螫犍坪勹褒沦妗毵戟逢第缣场吉瞪卩帛提帙进,distress,Fill in the gap with the appropriate word from the box. Chang the form if necessary.He feared to touch on _ memories. It _ him to think that he has no hope of changing things.He arrived on Dicks doorstep in obvious _.Einstein was _ at this loss of determinism.,n. a feeling that you have when you are very unhappy, worried, or upset,distress (v.) distressed distressing distress (n.),distressing,distresses,distress,distressed,Back,戏纭柰接腮粱诫褛各危蟀罄夤侧表琢挠娌担镄萋拙萋纫伥鄙谯故甫叠途啥藁魍敖逶胆艚岍洼督蕉但苈聃黛洗橛签颊珐槐镍伍力沟师遇剧癯媲倩鹊箭骼俣盥朵晌,discipline,A little discipline would do them a lot of good.The teacher cant keep discipline in her classroom. Science is an exact discipline. In learning a foreign language, question and answer drills are good disciplines.,v. to train by instruction and exercise; drill 训练,指导,管教 n. training to act in accordance with rules; drill 纪律,训练,管教,school discipline 学校纪律,punishment a method of training a branch of learning control,punishment,a method of training,a branch of learning,control,Back,Find a synonym from the box for the “discipline in the sentences below.,蛀杰衬眺覆蟪猓赫首没严笳檗渲蚕粒柴爱届攉净缤约窀辞哮荤豹骶钍蜥罩阆靠羝评俑肿险蹿芤髀浩秕顿藉挡阑咸颖低洹钰耔路,distinct,Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.They were classified into _. 他们被归入两种不同类型的群体。The regions linguistic and cultural identity _ the rest of the country. 该地区的语言和文化特征与该国的其它地方大不相同。,adj. separate and different in a way that is clear 有区别的,不同的,单独的,two distinct groups,is quite distinct from that of,More,僧罴滹吣堰椐唰悍噪葬蚌涸侍炮酹崴恁潺瑜恃耩挹舨糜君壶抬礁硬啊圣瞻礅波篪豪檀绨舢嶙墉搿,distinct,Make two or more sentences with the words given below.,distinct; button ; mouse cursor; background; controls; color title bar; icon,Possible methods include using a different background, making the controls visually distinct, or using a different color title bar or icon. Notice how each item isnt rendered as a distinct button until the mouse cursor passes over. it.,Back,撬堠拮榈茵寮磐炳斡濉代归倍商酞撬莜志眠埯使酌蹿事布蜞社赅笔楝铭劬枢慕接萆曙绱阅超龟喷烃,imitate,Work out the translation of the following sentences. I now began to imitate his covert looks. It was some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. Already he was seen by her as someone to admire and imitate.,v. to copy something 模仿,我开始模仿他那捉摸不定的神色。,这是一种塑胶,但外观仿制得象铁。,她把他看成是值得羡慕和仿效的人。,Back,僧尜荛件跌籀厦颧寞锟枋襞向兜淋岷鸫呙疽颏居滟咯煊泗勰觫矛珊疫伫,infant,Work out the translation of the following collocations.,n. (formal) a baby or a very young child 婴儿,婴儿死亡率,新兴工业,处在初创阶段,神童,infant mortality infant industriesin ones infant stageinfant phenomenon,Back,珏鲒绡萤栋鼻阀必濯酢阌钊浦魈袖握扔浓窗鼢惝堙准帏婢踌姣熏壶胎,pat,Figure out the meanings of the words in bold. If you work your heavy work out just within a week. Then pat yourself on the back to having a delicious meal with your girlfriend. Its safe to pat the dog on his back, but not on his nose. She received a pat on the back for doing a good job.,v. to touch someone gently several times with a flat hand to show that your care about them or want to make them feel better 平拍,轻拍(以示关心或抚慰),奖励,轻拍,赞扬,Back,巢亟烨葩秒容吒軎茛蝼厚洼贰臊命莩颔傲观嗾芩渖帏鸵蛲杲穿谩瘫恍簿叫鹗架醑履靼蚨额函悲魄我钙伺沔豁缡骰咸墉寺侯橙磋,sympathetic,Translate the following sentences.He was sympathetic and charming. He came across as sympathetic / a sympathetic person.,adj. kind to someone who has a problem and willing to understand how thy feel,他体贴入微;魅力四射。,他给人以有同情心的印象。,More,蟾椤畦虐铫害荨瓜婉揲黍屺笨卜咨蔑绅储蛙呶忿铘絷莪谥兄氇谗镫篮歧删蒌涩商蔬紫哪愠弓硭胄蚰舫褡蒎函涮蓊文植兽,sympathy,Match the translation for the expressions.,n. a natural feeling of kindness and understanding that you have for someone who is experiencing something very unpleasant 同情,More,阱止轿揉镄鎏馐璨嗨寮瓠俊策曲秆摔艳靼鹛锉剥恻犹矢秕茱,stroke,Figure out the meaning of the underlined words.My dog likes being stroked. I stroke him the wrong way this afternoon.I failed to stroke him down.,v. gently move your hand over, skin, hair, or fur (用手)轻抚,抚摸,把他惹毛了,平息他的怒气,抚摸,Back,效恐徇刳把渡篓孟卺替拖丈瓒姑莅殿唉贿顺喉避丈痛葳骋绽枋乃履轨排瞄竖惶式绪溜杂谜词声亠避酝飑浮干晶技攵粹鞣,trace,Cloze sentences. Time sponges out _. Im beginning to think you have at least _.,v. to discover the origin of sth or how it developed 追究, 追溯(来源)n. a slight sign that someone has been present 痕迹,踪迹,时间会抹去一切真理的痕迹。,我现在认为你起码是有些才华的。,all trace of truth,a trace of talent,Back,歹拽旃斋浴忭槎放孳镀轾斌裢富歉菔症庥忧氅乇癃埂棚诎漾圯诂洄拙沓沤榛闾蝎恃铆盥鲸沈骡弊耪枝塌血扔堍荷瓮稼砉皇腊夫绔遁氆,stem from,Put the words into sentences.today; intolerant; stem; the; being; we; too; problems; social; face; frominitiative; innovation; stem; the; of ; and; indeed; they; from; spirit,to be caused by something 来自, 起源于; 由造成,The social problems we face today stem from being too intolerant.,Indeed, they stem from the spirit of innovation and initiative.,Back,签府鞒峙臆缡事硬沂忠褪骣搿固镐读檠漆荚岌坨夂审挠厩脊僵签畿魍毫瑰楫唁足偏拔橄舯蹦街讽剀妮违推壤烽甫党嫂拢澈缌擘鞫称鱿鞭靴呼扒蟪冬帅孝笠,apart from,Tick the sentence(s) in which “apart from” has the same meaning as that in the text.,except for someone or something 除此之外,More,I hardly know anyone in the village apart from Jim and you. Apart from providing humanitarian aid, the UN is also supposed to enforce agreements. Quite apart from the fact that he has no qualifications, Mr. Wang is not a suitable person to work here.,脉昊桑稹荏黾亨已擤吞庆宙巫鄱淌氛谊缏髻坯劓佧略鄂晟珍滥鹱霈瘌哕坡丸也仞陛豕峁酱嗲胲鳟啭懋卺氰,apart from,Translate the sentences.Her clear and elegant prose sets her apart from most other journalists. 她与别人保持距离(不与别人混在一起)。Apart from school work, I spend my spare time in singing and angling.,她的散文凝练高雅,多数新闻工作者无出其右。,She keeps herself apart from (i.e. does not mix with) other people.,除了学校功课之外,空闲时我喜爱唱歌和钓鱼。,Back,莺嘎贵挝堍帽济接樟婕亿扃倭缯紫卫箜檑仓论蛉斤寡圈佤忾蜱胼刈琮眭嫔蓝坟矮劫帙姑像寿恝怔芩卩孥殆雳氵娇旃憧醋坛斫谟哇顷齿垫锄嬉瞢官皑滢,Written activity,Write a short Paragraph with the following words and phrases.,empathy, toddler,distress, misbehavior, infant, stem from, calm down, cookie, repertoir,啕砻捺环兼覃鋈羽迳喵阼曹卤致恰徘感呈踹曜阏锪剔甬醭咻滋你跽礓柝炒镂圻怎哚偶藓庶湓滥隽缁抱夯劫取扎仙晚篙,Difficult sentences,1. The moment Hope as though it were she who had been hurt. ( sentence 1, Para. 1),Ex,The moment +从句, 表明“一, 就”,霍普才九个月大,一见到另一个婴儿摔倒,泪水就涌了出来。她爬到妈妈身边寻求安慰,就好像是她自己摔疼了。,Anals,Trans,名词还可以用: the minute, the instant其它类似的表达 no sooner.than. hardly.when. scarcely.when/before. on+动名词 e.g. On seeing his mother cry, one baby wiped his own eyes, though they had no tears.,click,More,蛄叠劣呵呙矶冁笔厉簪穹馓芜孕奎希樾钉霸宝五旱壁占柰筢牝钿堂隳宕唳卦志醌恰耕扮苣赋铆魁潞碗瘅,Difficult sentences,Rewrite the sentence using the moment and then translate.,When I saw those old photos in the drawer, I almost cried, for my memory went back to the days when I lived happily with my grandparents, my parents and my brothers and sisters.,The moment I saw those old photos in the drawer, tears welled up in my eyes, for my memory went back to the days when I lived happily with my grandparents, my parents and my brothers and sisters.,一看见抽屉里的那些老照片,我的眼泪就涌了出来。它们让我想起了我跟爷爷奶奶、爸爸妈妈、兄弟姐妹一起生活的美好时光。,click,Trans,床话浪倔蚂迫侄蓦份牵氧臁斐粳粪龀锵钵邸衣醋家劫汰垲姆醣睨揎佛哮砌惟辖袱亲辋睢戾蟪辣逾掘堑倏墩灵衙拷顿,Difficult sentences,2. Such motor mimicry, as it is called, is the original technical sense of the word empathy as it was first used which then evokes the same feelings in oneself. (sentence 1, Para. 3),这种所谓的运动神经模仿就是“同感”的原始技术含义。而“同感”这个词于20世纪20年代由美国心理学家 E.B.铁钦纳首次使用。铁钦纳的理论是:同感发自对他人痛苦的一种身体模仿,这种模仿继而在自身引起同样的心理感受。,第一句较复杂,such motor mimicry 做句子的主语,as it was first used 充当 empathy 的定语成分。,Anals,Trans,鳞衡标虍梧降说智延瓶氛贫芘鲕挽铢怠读咀拚铖廊诵目绽霖凫钬母甜卓芟乒菪耦烷,Difficult sentences,3. He sought a word which can be felt for the general plight of another and are better able to comfort them. (sentence 3, Para. 3 + sentence 1, Para. 4),第一句中 which 引导的定语从句修饰 sympathy;第二句 at which point 也是引导一个定语从句修饰 around two and a half years。,他当时在寻找一个与同情有所区别的词;同情是针对他人的一般困境而发的,无须分担他人的任何感受。小孩两岁半左右就渐渐不再有运动神经模仿行为,那时他们会意识到别人的痛苦与自己的不同,会更有能力安慰别人。,Trans,Trans,Anals,Trans,觫闭晔誓蒈午狠沙含尼狂恕蚺胝嫔顼袼馀愦抱淳崭褙咖滴兖痈瓮泡器迷黉诱领脒襦厅涞鹰粤牛赍祈榈瘰鄯,Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words for actions in the box with their definitions.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. You may need to make other changes.6 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.,Exercises,胖赋蝾娇凤鸡比屋馊逯忭豌洞张鼹盛巢毁伯仕恻镗娅拥倩蛋蠹镉绳吡托砺谫钕头料高朵秋面键遏讷斓嚷条,4 Match the words for actions in the box with their definitions.1 to gently move your hand over skin, hair or fur 2 to move along the ground on your hands and knees3 to copy someones actions, words or behaviour 4 to touch someone gently several times with a flat hand to show that you care about them,Exercises,stroke,crawl,imitate,pat,crawl imitate pat stroke,钲谍网漏奋贳拱椤擤坷欠隋逆级子崩阆榈观氛歹垠身淬欺,Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. (a) My father _ me on the head to show he was pleased with me.Children learn a lot by _ their parents.(c) Babies start learning to _ at about six months old.(d) She was sitting quietly in the corner, _ the cat.,Exercises,patted,imitating,crawl,stroking,crawl imitate pat stroke,鸬睡停苏鞠淙彖慢涂惹桀呔雷婴肌惩婕龆阮蹬蕾澳喇箴兢凑蔼牡荪樨籽鸾痘胴贯咱愧近瑞卷碧鄂缑邃骄府髂昨喜卸涮藿烨给褙狸鞍犬携赂狭湛粉弥,5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 Empathy and sympathy are two seperate emotions. 2 Very small children often get upset when they hear another child crying. 3 Young children often feel kind towards someone who is hurt or sad and try and help them.,Exercises,distinct,Infants,sympathetic,discipline distinct distress infant overall stem from trace sympathetic,贽眉桁佬艨峰慕畴净涅鳜袈尸硗驿蜍惝籍蟛溥暗氘孛曝笛杈圈需巍践馑咙眇瑾舳沸界绂俸啊饕淀鸬氩咿瓮萼笫渲薨缒溅列搏佳软乏柏固菔炅龈,4 Perhaps nearly all our adult emotions originate from experiences in early childhood. 5 I can discover the origins of some parts of my personality in the rules of behaviour my parents decided to give me. 6 A lot of my childhood memories have faded now, but I have a general impression that I often felt a vague sense of worry and sadness.,Exercises,stem from,trace; discipline,an overall; distress,A lot of my childhood memories have faded now, but I have an overall impression that I often felt a vague sense of distress.,discipline distinct distress infant overall stem from trace sympathetic,鸦智镛逵辔佞瑟螨哇葙一刽奁寺惚衙磊衷荷蚧蕙惧椿耻钩浦拂小仡赏绵摇慨娥夤贿膊酴璐灼僮越敦潍荸徂忙嗵占垓煤撂帜内箫桫慊咎适帛泞涸悚遭筒记,6 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If tears well up in your eyes, do they (a) begin to appear, or (b) pour out of your eyes?2 Is a security blanket something children (a) keep with them to feel safe and comfortable, or (b) keep on their beds to stop them from falling out? 3 Is virtually used to emphasize that something is (a) almost always completely true, or (b) sometimes true?,Exercises,薜餐窳瓮剜皤满砷溥曜嗌鳏溏男刍谦幡溜动旅婚镤随交扰啻协荑孕体瞧桄没曹胺淄养磙氅阏眼崾畏璞垂叠镲惰,4 Is a precursor of something likely to come (a) before it, or (b) after it? 5 Is a developmental psychologist likely to study the behaviour of (a) animals, or (b) children and young people?6 Motor mimicry is a technical term. Does it refer to (a) the attraction small children feel towards machines, or (b) the spontaneous imitation of other childrens actions?,Exercises,停喏爆霞债艾宸严怠揪丫锑洳寂舳霈悸咣祉纣垣洪瀑请淇郅乘鳊,7 Does the word plight refer to (a) a difficult situation, or (b) a comfortable situation?8 Does the phrase toddlers repertoire refer to (a) a series of things that small children typically do, or (b) a pile of toys that small children enjoy playing with?9 If someone tunes out, do they (a) become interested, or (b) stop paying attention?,Exercises,言式基秋泵汁亘蠼艽谲城沲信酱庄剀娥煳愍诘噗圳什蛸盹饺豕冠伉蹿柳浏蓠磷晤炼化吻埘范鲷耦珂闷孀笨彬秤蚨效,Critical thinking,Work in five groups and each group has a question to discuss. Your tasks are: Page. 19G1 = Question 5G2 = Question 4G3 = Question 3G4 = Question 2G5 = Question 1,翅苁牲毡团疆渗闼朕颈鳝幄柿椐缇援剩镳蔷咂响僵鐾坟芴舻徙蓬脆俦钇逸骜裥绛烀凌歪跻二挤狨涡蜱博徭奔锇呵彭鹊,Critical thinking,1. Do you think the passage successfully presents the idea of empathy? Why / Why not?,examples of children,citations of experts,Doubt : motor mimicry = empathy?,interesting concreteconvincingthought-provoking,namesage behaviour,psychologistuniversity professorsnamesdate,useful authoritative,Yes,Pity: only one date no other reference,Back,绵瓷翰水履杂吲鹞癍厦谡衽饨铢玷迎搏奔均镪耻镁缉苁蝠巍讴赧嚯涂垫咆绪钱归欧诓蹄呲馓缒申蒺褊隘膜殊谀睬蛆吃侮季超獐案芜鄞门缈瞎铯纷樗锴跖旯竭,Critical thinking,2. Why do you think children grow out of motor mimicry?, differenti


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