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1、北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院锰基正极材料的应用与高容量锰基材料的发展Application of Mn-based Cathode Materialand Recent Progress of High Capacity Mn-based series连 芳Fang LianSchool of Materials Science and Engineering University of Science and Technology Beijing2012 年5月26日北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院OutlinePart 锂离子电池正极材料的应用需求Part 尖晶石锰基材料的应用Part

2、 高容量锰基正极材料的发展1.锂离子电池正极材料的应用需求正极材料的市场占有情况- 3 -资料来源于中国 电子信息 产业发展研究院北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院锂离子电池的性能有待进一步提高成本(车车用用:2:2元元/WhWh储储能能11元元/WhWh)安全比功率(2000W/Kg2000W/Kg)10080比能量(200Wh/Kg200Wh/Kg)604020现现状状水水平平0今今后后目目标标国国际际水水平平 工作温度范围(-3030-6060CC)寿命(10151015年年)- 4 -北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院正极材料原料成本分析302520151050 Metal 99%min

3、MSO4 SaltsNiCoMnNi 126,000-144,000元/吨NiSO4 29,000-32,000元/吨Co 263,000-290,000元/吨CoSO4 42,000-46,000元/吨Mn 14,800-15,000元/吨MnSO4 2750-3600元/吨2012年5月25日最新数据 来源于亚洲金属网- 5 -北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院锰基正极材料的工艺成本分析 EMD掺杂改性困难非电解制备技术的制备的 高活性MnO2、Mn3O4(a)球形 (b) 纳微结构四氧化三锰前期纯度和形貌是关键、掺杂改性和高密度化困难 MnSO4 、MnCO3 、Mn(NO3) 2适合多组

4、元体系、掺杂改性离子分布均匀,工艺较复杂- 6 -北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院高容量、高能量材料的设计原则 Spec. Capacity Ah/kg = n F /S Mi Ah/kgnnumber of electrons transferred per mole of reactantsFFARADAY constant = 96487 C/mol = 26,8 Ah/molS Misum of molecular masses of all reactants in kg Spec. Energy Wh/kg =_n 26,8 U0Ah VS Mikg Use reactants w

5、ith low molecular masses S Mi Use reactions with high Gibbs free energy DG- 7 -Major types of charge discharge reactionsInsertion reactione-Dischargee- ChargeCLi+Li+Change in composition of solid phaseA + BX ABXX Li + C LixCPhase grow and other disappear A + BX AX + BOften irreversible, primary batt

6、eriesMetal platingDisplacement reactione- Dischargee-ChargeDischargee-Chargee-ChargeDischargeLiLi+LiLi+Li+Li2OCoLi+CoOLi2OLi+CoLi+- 8 -北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院OCV of electrode determined by composition at electrochemical interface Gibbs phase rule F = C P +2 (p,T)Random solid solution/ V/ VTwo phase behavio

7、rPotential f(x)Electrode potentialElectrode potentialPotential independent of xX X Potential of electrodesVSolid solutionV/ElectrodepotentialTwo phaseElectrodepotentialstaging- 9 -X X 北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院Potential vs. Li/Li+5V4V3V锰基正极材料5V LiMn1.5(Co,Fe, Cr)0,5O4LiCoPO4Spinel and its highvoltage derivate

8、sLi2MnO3/1-xMO2LiNi1/2Mn1/2O2LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4LiCo1/3Ni1/3Mn1/3O2LayerLiMnPO4multicomponentsLiMn2O4 LiCoOLi(Ni,Co)O2and Li-rich series2LiFePO4Doped MnO2Olivine high voltageMnO2 V2O5systemOxide150200250300Spec. capacity Ah/kg北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院2.尖晶石锰基材料的应用LiMn2O4Changes at low state of charge Structural ch

9、anges due to Jahn-Teller distortion of Mn3+ Decomposition reaction and dissolution of Mn2+ in the electrolyteChanges at high state of charge Thermodynamic instability ofdelithiated lithium manganese spinel Electrolyte oxidation Formation of an oxygen-rich spinel Site exchange between Li and Mn Volum

10、e change and lithium ordering during cycling- 11 -北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院掺杂是抑制尖晶石结构转变的有效措施 partial substitution of manganese ions by trivalent or divalent cations like Co, Cr, Al, Ni and Mg partial substitution of manganese by excess lithium decrease of Mn(III) content improved stability in the discharged

11、state fixing of lithium in the host lattice improved stability in the charged state decrease of volume changes during cycling improved cycling stability prevention of formation of superstructures improved cycling stability- 12 -北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院严格控制干燥度是解决尖晶石材料化学稳定性问题的关键之一disproportionation (low poten

12、tial):LiMn O LiLi MnO4+ Mn2+2 4x2-xHF evolution in electrolyte:acid dissolution by HF:LiPF6 + 4H2OLi1-xMn2O4 +HF l-Mn2O4 + LiF + Mn2+ + H2O 5HF + LiF + H3PO4re-precipitation of e.g:MnxOy, MnF2, MnCO3Mn(2+)migration of Mn(2+) to thenegative electrode anddeposition thereof- 13 -北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院选用不会产生H

13、F的新型电解液是解决尖晶石材料化学稳定性问题的关键之一mg Mn / kg400300200100LiPF6 / EC-DMCLiBOB/EC-PC-DMC (1:1:3)4 weeks at 40C4 weeks at 40C0,30,2mg Mn / kg0,10011北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院尖晶石LiMn2O4 的应用 Development of surface treated LiMn2O4 Development of HF free electrolytes blends with LiCoO2 , Li(NiCo)O2Development of additives-

14、15 - Use of non graphitic anodes北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院Alternative anode materials- 16 -北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院Potential gegen Li/Li+ in mV450040003500300025002000150010005000020406080100120140160180200220240spez. Ladung in mAh/gLead free 2 V high power battery北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院3.高容量锰基正极材料的发展4.45-4.5V4.4V2.0-4.4V:固

15、态氧化还原4.4-4.8V: 锂氧共脱嵌,利于固态氧化还原和电极表面可逆氧化还原反应的提高4.8-2.0V :(低于3.0V) 部分氧电化学还原和形成活性超氧化物,并进一步化学反应形成Li2CO3等非活性物质。Naoaki Yabuuchi et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 4404 4419北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院在高电压下获取高容量(mV)6000300.245000 4000 3000 Voltage(V)

16、02.82.6050100150200250300capacity (mAh/g)2.4050100150200250300Specific capacity(mAh/g)4.6V截止电压容量也可达到230mAh/g北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院Accumulation%10025振实密度 2.0 g/cm3Sample20801560%40Area10205000.11101001000Particle Diameter(mm)前躯体和样品的粒度分析SamplesD10(um)D50(um)D100(um)BET(m2/cm3)precursor7.75711.50117.1470.643

17、USTB_T17.27610.83116.1160.684北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院具有高的放电比容量和优异的循环稳定性Capacity(mAhg-1)3002502001501005000(a)110250100(b)20090)Effiency(%)-140mAg-150Capacity/(mAhg80150702.5-4.7VCharge100100mAhg-1Discharge602.5-4.7V504001002003004005000100200300400500Cycle numberCycle numberxLi2MnO3yLiNi1/2Mn1/2O2半电池循环性能图(a

18、):40mAg-1, (b): 100mAg-1北京科技大学 材料科学与工程学院提高倍率性能ResearchTargeted materialsReversiblegroupscapacity0.1C250 mAhg-1Manthiram et al. 1LiLi 0.2 Mn 0.54 Ni 0.13 Co 0.13 O 20.5C200mAhg-12C170 mAhg-1LiLi 0.2 Mn 0.54 Ni 0.13 Co 0.13 O 20.1C250 mAhg-1Kang et al. 20.5C200 mAhg-11C170 mAhg-10.1C250 mAhg-1Martha e

19、t al. 3Li 1.2 Mn 0.525 Ni 0.175 Co 0.1 O 20.5C200 mAhg-11C140 mAhg-1Gary M. Koenig, Jr4Li 1.2 (Mn 0.62 Ni0.38 ) 0.8 O 20.1C193 mAhg-11C144 mAhg-1Ali Abouimrane, 5Li 1.12 Mn 0.55 Ni0.145 Co0.1O 20.1C270 mAhg-13C180 mAhg-11 Manthiram, J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 496549724 Gary M. Koenig, Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 1954 19632Kang, Electrochemistry Communications 2009, 11, 748751. 5. Ali Abouimrane, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,3Martha, J. of Power Sources 2012, 199 220226.2011, 14


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