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1、1.Do you like watching advertisements when,you are watching TV,2.Will you buy something after watching the,advertisements,Guess some products using the given,brands names,商标,and write down on,the paper,1. McDonalds,2. iPhone,3. Nike,4. Nestle,5. Adidas,6. TOYOTA,7. Colgate,8. OLAY,9. Pepsi,高露洁,必胜客,玉

2、兰油,雀巢,A,B,C,D,The,simplest,advertisement,Ads in,direct competition,Modern,advertisements,Special ads,public,advertisements,para1,Para2,Para3,4,Para5,B,D,A,C,Main idea,Reading strategy,Focus on,the topic sentence,of,each paragraph,Now can you tell the main idea of,the text,A. the advertising,skills,B

3、. the,development,of advertising,C. the,effect,of advertising,Reading for details,1,Why,are,modern techniques of design,not enough,for advertisements,to be,noticed,in modern cities,2,What ideas,do todays advertisers use,to,make you notice their products,3,What,has,the government done,during,the last

4、 decade,1. Because of,the advertising,boom,people are used to seeing,high standards of visual design,2. They use,humour,as well as,new and unusual ideas,to surprise,people. They hope to make people,forget that someone is trying to,sell them something,3. Over the last decade, the,government,has worke

5、d hard at,using advertisements to educate,the public,on fighting AIDS, saving,water, helping the poor, giving up,smoking, etc,Lets play bingo,Work in groups. When your group,get all the information, you just,shout out ”bingo”, and your group,will be the winner,Classic ads,To give information,what th

6、e companies,sell, 1. _ of,the companies and,the brand names,Visually attractive ads,To hold the attention of the,public: using 2. _,the words of experts or,modern techniques of 3,_,Ads about selling products and services,Ads combining high standards of,design with 4. _ linked,to the products,To stan

7、d out: using the 5. _,of freedom, happiness, wealth and,success,Modern ads,To surprise people: using 6,_ , new and unusual,ideas to make people forget,that someone is trying to 7,_,8. _,To benefit society: 9. _ citizens to improve their neighbourhood,protect the environment and help other people; 10

8、. _ the public,on fighting AIDS, saving water, helping the poor, giving up smoking, etc,Ads about making contributions to society,Classic ads,To give information,what the companies,sell, 1. _ of,the companies and,the brand names,Visually attractive ads,To hold the attention of the,public: using 2. _

9、,the words of experts or,modern techniques of 3,_,Ads about selling products and services,Ads combining high standards of,design with 4. _ linked,to the products,To stand out: using the 5. _,of freedom, happiness, wealth and,success,Modern ads,To surprise people: using 6,_ , new and unusual,ideas to

10、 make people forget,that someone is trying to 7,_,locations,pictures,design,ideas,concept,humour,sell them something,8,_,To benefit society: 9. _ citizens to improve their,neighbourhood, protect the environment and help other people; 10,_ the public on fighting AIDS, saving water, helping the poor,g

11、iving up smoking, etc,Ads about making contributions to society,Public ads,encouraging,educating,Classic ads,the brand name,product,company name,location,Visually attractive ads,Ads combining high standards of design,with ideas linked to the products,highest standards of visual design,light,thin,Mod

12、ern ads,humour, surprised and new and unusual idea,the best part,They make people forget that someone is trying,to sell them something,Group 1&2,Group 3&4,Prepare a written,advertisement of your groups product,Write it on the television board,Afterwards, present your,advertisement in class,Group 5&6

13、,Tell,what the public advertisements are persuading,people to do,Fill in the given speech balloon,Make a,collage,拼贴画,by,cutting out advertisements,from,newspapers and magazines,Put them all together on a big paper,1.Our product is called,4.It can help you,2.It is a new type of,3. Its made of/from,5.

14、 It costs,1.Our product is called,4.It can help you,2.It is a new type of,3. Its made of/from,5. It costs,Fujiko 1001 ixo,mini camera,attractive and strong material,take very clear pictures,199,We should,x2,We shouldnt,x2,Its show time,In this class, weve learn a passage about “The,Adverting Game”. We know with the development,


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