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1、合肥市瑶海区九年级第二学期(二模)英语试卷及参考答案 合肥市瑶海区九年级第二学期(二模)英语试卷 满分150分 考试时间120分钟 第一部分 听力 略 第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分) .单项选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31.Do you like reading magazines Of course.Magazines not only make us relaxed but also give us new sometimes.A.progress B.knowledge C.pract

2、ice D.experience 32.I feel excited because this is my first visit Africa.A.in B.on C.of D.to 33.What do people do here .From March to October they swim.From November to February they ski.A.It depends B.I dont know C.Thats fine D.I mean it 34.Luckily, most people will be able to housing under the new

3、 government rules.A.manage B.repair C.afford D.share 35.Could you please the music My father is sleeping. Sorry.I will do it right away.A.turn up B.turn down C.turn on D.turn to 36.You will find it useful to learn to study by yourself you go to college.A.while B.until C.since D.when 37.We can do wer

4、e really good at only in this way.A.what B.which C.that D.whether 38.If more trees and flowers , our city will be more beautiful.A.planted B.are planted C.will be planted D.have planted 39.Did you go to the cinema last night No, I go to the cinema.The tickets are expensive.A.only B.hardly C.still D.

5、nearly 40.Did Tina and Jim attend the Music Festival I had invited them, but of them showed up. A.either B.both C.neither D.none 41.The telephone is widely used all over the world.Do you know who it No, but I know it was invented in the 1860s.A.invents B.will invent C.invented D.has invented 42.Are

6、you in a hurry No, I ve got plenty of time.I wait.A.can B.can t C.could D.couldnt 43.Ask Mr.Lee for advice when you get there, will show you how to do it.A.and B.so C.or D.but 44.I hear Nick has got into trouble in managing his business.But he never gives up. Yeah.Its of him to face such a difficult

7、 situation.A.valuable B.clear C.useful D.brave 45.Would you please help me with this maths problem A.My pleasure B.With pleasure C.Thats right D.You are welcome .完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A Mr.White needed a portrait (画像)of himself to put on his stores wall, so he

8、 wanted to ask a famous painter to draw one for him.The great painter 46 and asked Mr.White to come back for it the next month.When Mr.White 47 , he couldnt have the portrait, until half a 48 passed.Finally, at Mr.Whites repeated requests (要求),the painter 49 a brush, and drew Mr.Whites portrait in a

9、 50 and easy way the 51 picture in Mr.Whites eyes.Mr.White was very surprised, and then he grew 52 .“ That excellent drawing took you only ten minutes! Why did you make me 53 half a year“ he asked.Without a word, the painter opened his drawer(抽屉),and 54 fell hundreds of drawings. 55 takes practice a

10、nd time.Those who make it look easy have worked hard over and over again. 46.A.agreed B.received C.jumped D.compared 47.A.laughed B.sang C.returned D.answered 48.A.day B.week C.month D.year 49.A.gave up B.took out C.handed in D.passed on 50.A.difficult B.smooth C.bad D.big 51.A.largest B.ugliest C.c

11、heapest D.greatest 52.A.bored B.sad C.angry D.friendly 53.A.wait B.talk C.draw D.try 54.A.up B.back C.out D.in 55.A.Money B.Progress C.Doubt D.Happiness B David Beckham was born in London in 1975.He showed great interest in football at an early age and his parents both 56 Manchester United.So he joi

12、ned Manchester United on his sixteenth 57 .Soon he became a member of the national team of 58 .He helped the youth team win several prizes and 59 greater success.Beckham also led his club successfully.He has been chosen twice as the best football 60 But he was sent off (罚下场)in a match 61 Argentina i

13、n the 1998 FIFA World Cup.In 2003, Beckham 62 a prize from Britains government.He is often in the newspapers.He has many interests besides 63 .In 2007, he 64 to the Los Angeles Galaxy.Since then he has spent much time making football more 65 with American people.He is also a United Nations Goodwill

14、Ambassador(大使).56.A.supported B.hated C.understood D.suggested 57.A.month B.season C.birthday D.day 58.A.America B.Australia C.England D.Asia 59.A.catch B.take C.steal D.achieve 60.A.fan B.player C.actor D.husband 61.A.with B.for C.against D.to 62.A.received B.brought C.gave D.sent 63.A.basketball B

15、.football C.volleyball D.baseball 64.A.wanted B.travelled C.left D.moved 65.A.angry B.popular C.happy D.safe 第三部分阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分) .补全对话(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话内容。从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两个为多余选项。 A : Your face is pale. 66 . B : I lost my job today, but I dont know why.A: 67 .What went wrong B: 68 .I g

16、uess my manager thinks I9m not working hard or something.A: 69 .Im sure hell come to regret his decision. B: Maybe.But now I have nothing to do.A: Dont worry about it too much.Keep studying and do better in your field. 70 . B: Thanks for your support.Ill do my best.A.I hate the job I am doing.B.Forg

17、et about it.C.But I think you did a good job.D.Have a nice day! E.I think you can get another job easily.F.Whats the matter with you G.I have no idea.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A I teach at the community college in Henderson, about 17 miles from where I live.One day

18、a few weeks ago I drove to Henderson.But my car died when I had to drive only another quarter mile down the road to the college.I couldnt start it again.So I left my car and walked down the road to the college just in time.The secretary in the office asked me what had happened.“This is my lucky day,

19、“ I replied, smiling.“Your car broke down and today is your lucky day“ She couldnt understand.“ What do you mean“ “I live 17 miles from here,“ I replied,“ and my car could have broken down anywhere along the way.But it didnt.Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: within walking distance (距离)of

20、 here.I9m still able to teach my class and I will also be able to have my car sent to a garage after class.Isnt it my lucky day“ The secretarys eyes opened wide, and then she smiled.I smiled back and walked for class.Every morning when you get up, you have a choice of how you want your life to be th

21、at day, and I choose to be happy.71.The writer drove to Henderson .A.to teach his students B.to practise driving C.to call for a repairman D.to visit the secretary 72.How far should the writer walk to his college after his car didnt work A.1 mile. B.0.75 mile. C.0.5 mile. D.0.25 mile.73.What did the

22、 writer do after his car broke down A.He stayed there waiting.B.He called a repairman.C.He walked to the college.D.He didnt know what to do.74.The underlined word “ garage“ probably means . A.加油站 B.制造厂 C.修理广 D.销售商 75.Which of the following best title for the passage A.On the Way to Work B.Choose to

23、Be Happy C.A Smiling Secretary D.My Car Broke Down B Silk the word itself is beautiful.The story of silk started in China over 4,000 years ago.It is said that a cocoon(茧)fell into a womans teacup.It then opened into a single thread (线).This was an important discovery.The Chinese learned they could u

24、se the cocoons of silkworms(蚕)to make clothes, both beautiful to look a and soft to touch.Making silk was a secret in China for many years.In other countries, silk was hardly seen and valuable.Often it was worth more than gold.By the year 1 A.D., silk was sold as far west as Rome, and all along the

25、Silk Road.It connected China with places in the Middle East and Europe.Thanks to the Silk Road, the communication between China and the West was greatly improved.Centuries later, in 1522, the Spanish brought silkworms to Mexico.Now people around the world still make many beautiful things from silk.B

26、ut silk isnt only beautiful.It looks delicate, but its very strong.For example, it has been used to make bicycle tires (轮月台).Silk is also light and warm.This makes it great for clothes like winter jackets.All of this comes from a little silkworm.That is the wonder of silk.76.What was the important d

27、iscovery about a silkworms cocoon A.It could become a thread.B.It could be made into teacups.C.It was beautiful to look at.D.It was very soft to touch.77.What can we learn about silk from Paragraph 2 A.It was carried to Mexico by Chinese businessmen.B.It was commonly seen in many other countries.C.I

28、t was sold to Rome through the Silk Road.D.It was used as money along the Silk Road.78.The underlined word “ delicate“ in Paragraph 3 probably means “ “.A.漂亮的 B.脆弱的 C.牢固的 D.平静的 79.The topic of the passage is .A.a single thread B.the secret of the Silk Road C.a beautiful teacup D.the wonder of silk C

29、 In China, students love the summer vacation a lot.They often do volunteer work at the community center or in the nursing home.They also take part in the activities, such as travelling, climbing, and playing ball games together, which are used to build team spirit and help the students develop thems

30、elves.Students in Russia have discussion with their parents about the best way to spend their vacations.Every summer, many kinds of summer camps will be held in villages or on hills, such as foreign languages, different kinds of music, physical exercise or business.For rich families, going abroad is

31、 a nice choice.In America, the summer vacation is often very long and it may be from a month to three months according to the students9 living places.They have little homework to do, so most of the time they just play and rest.But most of them often use the time to learn some skills or work.And taki

32、ng a part-time job will be the most traditional choice.Australian students can enjoy four vacations in a year.Generally, the 8-week vacation (from the start of December to the end of January is what they like most.Parents of middle school students will ask for leave at this time to celebrate New Yea

33、r on the beach with them.The vacation in spring or fall or winter is much shorter.There are only about two weeks.80.During the summer vacation Chinese students often .A.learn some skills B.study at school C.go abroad D.do volunteer work 81.Russian students from rich families usually to spend their v

34、acation. A.foreign countries B.the countryside C.nursing homes D.the beach 82.In , how long the summer vacation is depends on the living places.A.China B.Russia C.America D.Australia 83.Which vacation is the longest in Australia A.The vacation in spring.B.The vacation in summer.C.The vacation in aut

35、umn.D.The vacation in winter.D Enzo Ferrari was born in Italy in 1898.He made his name known all over the world for fast cars and car racing.Ferrari was a car driver and businessman.He was in the Italian army during World War I.After he returned home, he tried to find a job at FIAT, but without luck

36、.He joined a smaller car company called CMN and took up car racing in 1919 but was not so successful.In 1920, Ferrari joined Alfa Romeo and did well as a racer in the 1920s.He managed a team of 40 drivers and worked for the development of Alfas cars.Ferrari left Alfa and set up his own company in 19

37、47.He took part in the first FIA Formula 1 World Championship(世界一级方程式锦标赛)in 1950.Ferraris first victory came in 1951.His first championship came in 1953.Ferrari started making sports cars in order to make money for his racing car team.Ferrari led the company until he left in 1971.He died in his home

38、town in 1988.84.How old was Enzo Ferrari when he died A.60 years old.B.70 years old.C.80 years old.D.90 years old.85.Enzo Ferrari is most famous for .A.fast cars and car racing B.being in the army in World War I C.starting his own car company D.his different ways to make money 86.Ferrari got his fir

39、st championship in .A.1920 B.1947 C.1951 D.1953 87.Which is the correct order of the things that happened during Ferraris life a.Ferrari left his own company.b.Ferrari joined the Italian army.c.Ferrari started his own company.d.Ferrari found a job in CMN company.e.Ferrari won his first victory in ca

40、r racing.A.adbce B.bcdea C.bdcea D.ebdac 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的字数要求)。 E We all know that we need water to live.Up to 75% of our body is water and we need to drink water every day to be healthy! So what will happen to the Earths water if global warming(全球变暖)gets worse About 71% of the Earths surfa

41、ce is covered with water.When the temperature of the Earth rises, the temperature of the water rises, too.Higher water temperatures will kill the underwater plants and tiny fish.But its not just the fish! Higher temperatures also have an influence on animals on land.Some scientists think that becaus

42、e of global warming, two thirds of the worlds polar bears (北极熊)will never be seen on our planet by 2050.Global warming makes the weather change, too.In some places, there will be less rain.This will cause deserts(沙漠) to be larger.In other places, the rain will become very strong and heavy, so we wil

43、l have less farmland and not enough food for humans.Global warming is a big problem.But we can help by making small changes like turning off the taps, lights, and TV when we arent using them! 88.How much of the Earths surface is covered with water (不超过10个词) _ 89.What will happen to the underwater pl

44、ants and tiny fish when water temperatures get higher(不超过10个词) _ 90.What small changes can we make to help solve the problem of global warming(不超过 15 个词) _ 第四部分 书面表达(共两大题,满分30分) X.单词拼写(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分) 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 91.Students are encouraged to develop a good h (习惯)of long-life l

45、earning.92.He should always t (相信)in his own musical ability.93.Mary has o (提出)some useful advice for this project.94.She felt a little t (疲劳)after hard work.95.Reading these famous n (小说)can help us learn about traditional Chinese society and history.书面表达(共1小题:满分25分) 假定你是李华,在校学生会工作。即将来你校的交换生David对中国文化非常感兴趣,他向你询问关于学校象棋俱乐部的情况及学习象棋的技巧,请你根据下列提示用英语给他回一封信。 可以于每周五下午在象棋俱乐部上课; 需要学习游戏规则,并多多练习; 从输掉的棋局中汲取经验,提高能力。 参考词汇:strategies ( n.策略)chess pieces ( n.棋子) 注意.词数80100; 请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥; 文中不能岀现真实的校名和人名; 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dea


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