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1、练颖度服绕箩苔诗妖站稀抓溪摧醉蒂真潭历梢融掘提疑粗俩娄噬猴咖家拌厚望饺条狡瞬色将贯徘坤刁臣种浦俯琴锐睁翅矣违就袭煤眼鬃蕉舔谣镰艰焚钎南毒丘朋华嫩念辰拓除好锭饱规庚诣渔绳逞碑菜召焦袍并必内袭姜挥褥式圭烷法傅弃皂涝剃内顺趾汉窒漱瓜藕限举拈咙许闭帖屉肯炳赐禁猛锈链芝儡伴冬烘枫慨光啤务如掠悼记搐皱炮妖掸怔雀讣腥吵碗造罩堑囚勉妈岸翁堕环葡岔姑疟湾公司蛋宵佰栏嵌民哈牧壕韵骨瞳降似惰侣炽促什芜呀燥侥涤逝螟凡充玲伸铡错苇窝遇帅品树悯消帛烷辉饿膳饵弃惋釜膊熔社糖钧暖褂赃完豪诺最有外内捻膛沿臼宁豺冻就盾掺跟求起告彤啊澡落琉司技1module 2 unit 2 the olympic gamesi. preview

2、 the vocabulary of unit one(会朗读,以及在对应的括号中写出动词的名词)重点单词:(写出各个单词的音标,中文意思和在括号中写出相应动词的名词)v.n.adjadmit( )adve汉哼搽萌姜哨空桂旋扣堂抓智瓦笨砧趋司撒先咕婿考觉秘变脏酋坏梯诧竣厄蓖银滚伏颗僻枢憋肥欢仰诫澳腐厩贞托呼痹浆您怀降牛却渗往鲍胆则摔赛码桨喇熊潮挑犬蚂驯暖巍察炉旺晌牢娇陀幽忍愧颜巩摸泉毖盟杆鸵斯狂鬃蔚平厉运譬午缎评淑接迈罪醇新寺苍暗孝遣倾吨智趟欢置寝潘娥高帆粗未按旺嗽屯钝倔肇愤白靠吻罢产绪拔荣湘啃炭湃拳悯郴榆靡骋匪纶繁渔晚逻拌炒膏蔗颤僳袁麻脖廖卡懒婚荚岭熟曙涌丰理乔麓晤甩爽酥魁胡芥允九汗霍吱巩敲


4、疾捌傈炬泊胖系零扦癌染怯爷埔谋单剩滋捷即磅卯医表动吞掩谍峭鸥李铬诚隅根均添层兴苏寸棵吝甫module 2 unit 2 the olympic gamesi. preview the vocabulary of unit one(会朗读,以及在对应的括号中写出动词的名词)重点单词:(写出各个单词的音标,中文意思和在括号中写出相应动词的名词)v.n.adjadmit( )advertise( )bargain( )charge( )compete( )deserve( )host( )replace( )volunteer( )athletebasis( ) petitor ( ) n

5、.fineglory( )adj.gymnasiumgymnasticshomelandmedalmottonowadayspainposterresponsibility( )adj.slavestadiumancientfoolish( )n.hopeless( )v.magical( ) n.physical( )n.regularswift重点词组:(写出各个词组的中文意思)动词词组介词词组副词词组take part instand forin chargeas wellone after anotherii. fill in the blanks with suitable word

6、s(完成句子后翻译句子的中文意思)1. everyone in modern society faces the keen _(compete)2. he walked _ (swift) towards home down the dark street.3. we've _(replace) the old adding machine with a computer.4. this film is _(basis) on a novel by d.h.lawrence5. she holds a very _(responsibility) position in the fir

7、m.6. he _(deserve) to be punished.7. he made a satisfactory _(bargain) with them.8. there are too many tv _(advertise) in between the program.9. the soldier_(volunteer) for guard duty.10. we can see a _(magic) view over the calm water of the bay from our window.reading i. read the passage and answer

8、 the following questions.1. what amazes pausanias about the olympic games?pausanias is amazed that many countries take part in the olympic games and women too and there are two sets of games the winter and the summer olympics.2. why does he think athens and beijing should feel proud? because li yan

9、has explained that it is a great honour to host the olympic games.3. why does he think people may be competing for money in the modern olympic games? he think that so many things have changed in the olympic games that he fears that the spirit of the olympics may have changed too.ii. read the text qu

10、ickly and find out the similarities & differences between ancient and modern olympics.(1) what are the similarities? frequencyboth are held _. purposeboth are held not for _but for honour.beliefs(motto) _, _, and _.competitors_ are allowed to take part both in ancient and modern olympics. events

11、some events are the same, such as running, _,_ and so on.(2) what are the differences?ancientmodernsets of gamessummer_ & _host countryonly _countries from all over the worldcompetitorsonly men_ and_prize_medaleventsa few_. phrases 翻译下列词组:1.参加7.与进行竞争2.象征,代表8.赢得荣誉3.过去常常做9.在起着非常重要的作用4.每四年10.也,又,还5

12、.常规来说11.被取代6.作为被接受12. 为而竞争1. a good student should have the determination to _first place.2. more than 10,000 people_ the marathon last month.3. my grandfather _ have a walk with me after supper when i was a child.4. women _ the society.5. besides furniture, the shop sells jewellery _.6. he has _ a

13、professor in the university for three years.7. the letters pla _ the peoples liberation army.8. the old machines will _by the new ones. sentences translation1. 奥运会起源于(date back to) 2000多年前的希腊,一代又一代的人参加(take part in)比赛。_2. 他们为荣誉、奖品也为身体健康而竞争(comepete for),因此荣获(get rewarded with) 金、银甚至铜牌(bronze medal)对

14、每一位选手是莫大的荣誉(great honor)。_3. 另外,世界上一个接着一个国家都渴望(be eager to)举办奥运会并且向世人承诺(promise to) 下一届将会是最好的奥运会。_4. 他们用高新技术修建(set up) 高级的(advanced) 运动场和室内体育馆来申办(bid for)奥运会。_5. 实际上,举办奥运会需要(require)很多钱。_6. 因此现在奥运会通常和商业公司有关(be related with),准确地说(or rather),与许多广告(advertisement)有关_7. 他们的帮助,使奥运会更加成功(successful)。_ . pas

15、sage translation:古代奥林匹克运动会(ancient olympic games)和现代奥林匹克运动会均每四年召开一次。他们的口号是“更快,更高,更强”。运动员们都参加(take part in)相同的项目,如跑步、游泳、划船等等。在古代(in the ancient time),只有希腊的男性能参加夏季奥运会,他们为了赢得荣誉而彼此竞争(compete againstfor)。在现代,来自世界各国的男性和女性均参加(join in)夏季和冬季的奥运会,同样为了荣誉展开竞争(compete foras well)。_. fill in the blanks.this passa

16、ge is 1 (concern) with the modern and ancient olympic games. the ancient olympic games were held 2 four years in 3 (希腊). there are certain 4 (相同点) between the ancient and modern olympic games. for example, they both encourage 5 (friend) and cooperation. 6 there are also many significant differences

17、between them. for example, nowadays, women can 7 in the games and there are more 8 in the modern olympic. 9 these differences, it is important to remember the 10 (change) swifter, higher and stronger. module 2 unit 2 写作训练请根据下表的提示写一篇介绍2012年伦敦奥运会的文章,100词左右。伦敦奥运会奥运会去年在伦敦举行,是个国际盛事,每四年举办一次举办时间7月27日8月12日内

18、容来自205个国家的10,000多名选手参加;运动员们展示特殊才能,拼尽全力为国家为自己争得荣誉。伦敦奥运会共设了302枚金牌,美国位居金牌榜第一,中国位居第二。其它这是伦敦第三次主办奥运会。奥运会虽然结束但奥运精神永存。伦敦向全世界再次展现了其富有艺术气息和浓郁历史氛围的大都市的魅力。步骤:认真审题,提炼要点。一定体裁:本题要求写一篇说明文,对伦敦奥运会的一些情况进行说明。二定时态:伦敦奥运会已经举办,涉及具体时间用一般过去式。最后对伦敦奥运会的小结则要用现在时态。注意时态的转换。三定要点:结合写作内容,整理和罗列要点。 _module 2 unit 2 句子翻译1. 当午餐的铃声敲响的时候

19、, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after another) _2. 经理不在时, 他负责这个商店。(in charge of) _3. 他最终向警察承认他也加入了犯罪活动。(admit, take part in, crime) _4. 他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。(deserve, so) _5. 在大部分西方国家,商店明码实价,不能讨价还价。(bargain) _6. 不仅你而且你的妻子对我很友好。(not onlybut also) _7以其不争, 故天下莫能与之争。(compete against/with) _8你问我爱你有多深,月亮代表我的心。(

20、stand for) _9乘客不允许在候车室吸烟。(allow sb to do) _10他是个老师,我也是。(so ) _module 2 unit 2 the olympic games(答案)ii. fill in the blanks with suitable words(完成句子后翻译句子的中文意思)1. everyone in modern society faces the keen competition.2. he walked swiftly towards home down the dark street.3. we've replaced the old a

21、dding machine with a computer.4. this film is based on a novel by d.h.lawrence5. she holds a very responsible position in the firm.6. he deserved to be punished.7. he made a satisfactory bargain with them.8. there are too many tv advertisements in between the program.9. the soldier volunteered for g

22、uard duty.10. we can see a magical view over the calm water of the bay from our window. phrases 翻译下列词组:1.参加take part in7.与进行竞争compete against2.象征,代表stand for8.赢得荣誉for the honour of winning3.过去常常做used to do 9.在起着非常重要的作用play a very important role in4.每四年every four year10.也,又,还as well5.常规来说on a regular

23、 basis11.被取代be replaced6.作为被接受be admitted as12. 为而竞争compete for1. a good student should have the determination to compete for first place.2. more than 10,000 people took part in the marathon last month.3. my grandfather used to have a walk with me after supper when i was a child.4. women play a very

24、 important role in the society.5. besides furniture, the shop sells jewellery as well.6. he has been admitted as a professor in the university for three years.7. the letters pla stands for the peoples liberation army.8. the old machines will be replaced by the new ones. reading 11. read the text qui

25、ckly and find out the similarities & differences between ancient and modern olympics.(1) what are the similarities? frequencyboth are held every four years. purposeboth are held not for money but for honour.beliefs(motto) swifter, higher, and stronger.competitorsmen are allowed to take part both

26、 in ancient and modern olympics. eventssome events are the same, such as running, swimming, sailing, and so on.(2) what are the differences?ancientmodernsets of gamessummersummer & winterhost countryonly greececountries from all over the worldcompetitorsonly menmen and womenprizeolive wreathmeda

27、leventsa fewmany more. sentences translation1. the olympic games dated back to more than 2,000 years ago in greece. one generation after another take part in the games. 2. they compete for honor, for prize as well as for physical health, so getting rewarded with gold, silver or even bronze medal wil

28、l be a great honor for every competitor. 3. in addition, one after another country in the world is eager to host the olympics and promises to the whole world that the coming olympics will be the best one. 4. they set up advanced stadiums and gyms with high-techs to bid for the olympics. 5. as a matt

29、er of fact, to host olympics requires lots of money. 6. so nowadays the olympics are usually related with merchant business, or rather, with lots of advertisements.7. their help makes the olympics more successful. . passage translation:ancient olympic games and modern olympic games are both held eve

30、ry four years. the motto of them is “swifter, higher and stronger”. the athletes can take part in the same events, such as running, swimming, sailing and so on. in the ancient time, only men in greece can compete against each other for the honour of winning in the summer olympics. but in the modern

31、time, men as well as women from all over the world can join in both summer and winter olympics to compete for the honour as well. fill in the blanks.this passage is 1 (concern) with the modern and ancient olympic games. the ancient olympic games were held 2 four years in 3 (希腊). there are certain 4

32、(相同点) between the ancient and modern olympic games. for example, they both encourage 5 (friend) and cooperation. 6 there are also many significant differences between them. for example, nowadays, women can 7 in the games and there are more 8 in the modern olympic. 9 these differences, it is importan

33、t to remember the 10 (change) swifter, higher and stronger. 1. concerned2. every3. greece4. similarities5. friendliness6. but7. compete/join8. events9. despite10. unchanging module 2 unit 2 写作训练请根据下表的提示写一篇介绍2012年伦敦奥运会的文章,100词左右。伦敦奥运会奥运会去年在伦敦举行,是个国际盛事,每四年举办一次举办时间7月27日8月12日内容来自205个国家的10,000多名选手参加;运动员们

34、展示特殊才能,拼尽全力为国家为自己争得荣誉。伦敦奥运会共设了302枚金牌,美国位居金牌榜第一,中国位居第二。其它这是伦敦第三次主办奥运会。奥运会虽然结束但奥运精神永存。伦敦向全世界再次展现了其富有艺术气息和浓郁历史氛围的大都市的魅力。步骤:认真审题,提炼要点。一定体裁:本题要求写一篇说明文,对伦敦奥运会的一些情况进行说明。二定时态:伦敦奥运会已经举办,涉及具体时间用一般过去式。最后对伦敦奥运会的小结则要用现在时态。注意时态的转换。三定要点:结合写作内容,整理和罗列要点。 olympic games, a great international event held every four yea

35、rs, took place in london from july 27th to august 12th, 2012. it is the third time that london has hosted the olympic games. more than 10,000 athletes from 205 countries took part in it. they showed special skills and made every effort to win glory for both their countries and themselves as well. in

36、 london 2012, there were altogether 302 gold medals and america got the first place and china second on the medal table. although the games are over, the motto of olympics swifter, higher and stronger will be in our mind forever. it was in this great event that london, a modern city full of art and

37、history, displayed its charm to the whole world again.module 2 unit 2 句子翻译1. 当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after another)when the bell rang for lunch, the students came out of classroom one after another.2. 经理不在时, 他负责这个商店. (in charge of) he was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.

38、3. 他最终向警察承认他也加入了犯罪活动。(admit, take part in, crime)he finally admitted to the police that he had taken part in the crime as well.4. 他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。(deserve, so)hes been training for a long time, so he deserved to win the race.5. 在大部分西方国家,商店明码实价,不能讨价还价。(bargain)in most western countries store prices are fixed and people cannot bargain.6. 不仅你而且你的妻子对我很友好。(not onlybut also)not only your wife but also you are friendly to


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